Ngo Van Long
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Van |
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Long |
Research profile
author of:
- Media, fake news, and debunking (RePEc:acb:cbeeco:2018-659)
by Ngo Van Long & Martin Richardson & Frank Stahler - Non-Gravity Trade (RePEc:acb:cbeeco:2020-673)
by Markus Brueckner & Ngo Van Long & Joaquin Vespignani - The Tragedy of the Commons in a Fishery when Relative Performance Matters (RePEc:adl:wpaper:2010-07)
by Ngo Van Long & Stephanie F. McWhinnie - On the Organization of Rural Markets and the Process of Economic Development: Comment (RePEc:aea:aecrev:v:79:y:1989:i:5:p:1297-98)
by Long, Ngo Van - Set-Up Costs and Theory of Exhaustible Resources, and A Note on Set-Up Costs Facing Consumers (RePEc:ags:queddp:275188)
by Hartwick, John M. & Kemp, Murray C. & Van Long, Ngo - Unknown item RePEc:ags:quedwp:273734 (paper)
- Optimal Piecewise Linear Income Taxation (RePEc:auu:dpaper:655)
by Patricia Apps & Ngo Van Long & Ray Rees - The Theory of the Mining Firm and the Optimal Extraction of a Non-renewable Resource (RePEc:bla:ausecp:v:13:y:1974:i:23:p:293-97)
by Long, Ngo Van - Optimal Inter-Regional Movements of Labour: A Theoretical Model (RePEc:bla:ausecp:v:17:y:1978:i:31:p:290-302)
by Long, Ngo Van - The Interaction of Resource-Poor and Resource-Rich Economies (RePEc:bla:ausecp:v:18:y:1979:i:33:p:258-67)
by Kemp, Murray C & Long, Ngo Van - On Comparing Risks When the Probability Distributions Are not Fully Known (RePEc:bla:ausecp:v:19:y:1980:i:35:p:364-67)
by Long, Ngo Van - Substitutes for Depletable Resource and the Monopolistic Conservationist Presumption (RePEc:bla:ausecp:v:21:y:1982:i:38:p:193-99)
by Hillman, A L & Long, N V - Surprise Price Shifts, Tax Changes and the Supply Behaviour of Resource Extracting Firms (RePEc:bla:ausecp:v:24:y:1985:i:45:p:278-89)
by Long, Ngo Van & Sinn, Hans-Werner - The Curse Of Windfall Gains In A Non Renewable Resource Oligopoly (RePEc:bla:ausecp:v:45:y:2006:i:2:p:99-105)
by Hassan Benchekroun & Ngo Van Long - Endogenous Consumer Participation And The Recycling Problem (RePEc:bla:ausecp:v:48:y:2009:i:4:p:281-295)
by Soham Baksi & Ngo Van Long - Unknown item RePEc:bla:econom:v:69:y:2002:i:274:p:207-21 (article)
- Unknown item RePEc:bla:ecorec:v:49:y:1973:i:127:p:440-46 (article)
- On a Paradox in the Theory of International Capital Movements (RePEc:bla:ecorec:v:49:y:1973:i:3:p:440-446)
by Ngo Van Long - Unknown item RePEc:bla:ecorec:v:51:y:1975:i:134:p:256-62 (article)
- Unknown item RePEc:bla:ecorec:v:51:y:1975:i:134:p:265-66 (article)
- Infant Industry Protection, Dynamic Internal Economies and the Non‐appropriability of Consumers' and Producers' Surpluses (RePEc:bla:ecorec:v:51:y:1975:i:2:p:256-262)
by Ngo Van Long - Infant Industry Protection: A Rejoinder (RePEc:bla:ecorec:v:51:y:1975:i:2:p:265-266)
by Ngo Van Long - Unknown item RePEc:bla:ecorec:v:53:y:1977:i:142&143:p:405-20 (article)
- Optimal Control Problems with Integrands Discontinuous with respect to Time (RePEc:bla:ecorec:v:53:y:1977:i:3:p:405-420)
by Murray C. Kemp & Ngo Van Long - Two Theorems on Generalized Diminishing Returns and their Applications to Economic Analysis (RePEc:bla:ecorec:v:55:y:1979:i:1:p:58-63)
by Ngo Van Long - Unknown item RePEc:bla:ecorec:v:55:y:1979:i:148:p:58-63 (article)
- Unknown item RePEc:bla:ecorec:v:55:y:1979:i:150:p:214-21 (article)
- The Under‐Exploitation of Natural Resources: A Model with Overlapping Generations (RePEc:bla:ecorec:v:55:y:1979:i:3:p:214-221)
by Murray C. Kemp & Ngo Van Long - The Effects of a Booming Export Industry on the Rest of the Economy (RePEc:bla:ecorec:v:59:y:1983:i:1:p:57-60)
by Ngo Van Long - Unknown item RePEc:bla:ecorec:v:59:y:1983:i:164:p:57-60 (article)
- Unknown item RePEc:bla:ecorec:v:65:y:1989:i:190:p:234-39 (article)
- Trade Unions in an Open Economy: A General Equilibrium Analysis (RePEc:bla:ecorec:v:65:y:1989:i:3:p:234-239)
by Richard A. Brecher & Ngo Van Long - On Optimal Enclosure and Optimal Timing of Enclosure (RePEc:bla:ecorec:v:70:y:1994:i:211:p:368-372)
by Ngo Van Long - Unknown item RePEc:bla:ecorec:v:70:y:1994:i:211:p:368-72 (article)
- Endogenous Changes in Property Rights Regime (RePEc:bla:ecorec:v:88:y:2012:i:280:p:79-88)
by Daniel Leonard & Ngo Van Long - Media, fake news, and debunking (RePEc:bla:ecorec:v:95:y:2019:i:310:p:312-324)
by Ngo Van Long & Martin Richardson & Frank Stähler - Unknown item RePEc:bla:germec:v:10:y:2009:i::p:401-421 (article)
- Extracting Resource Deposits of Unknown Size: Optimal Order (RePEc:bla:germec:v:10:y:2009:i:4:p:401-421)
by Murray C. Kemp & Ngo Van Long - Sustainability with endogenous discounting (RePEc:bla:ijethy:v:16:y:2020:i:2:p:216-221)
by John M. Hartwick & Ngo Van Long - Dynamic Incentive Contracts With Uncorrelated Private Information And History-Dependent Outcomes (RePEc:bla:jecrev:v:47:y:1996:i:4:p:321-334)
by GERARD Gaudet & PIERRE Lasserres & NGO VAN Long - Customs Union and Gains from Trade Under Imperfect Competition: Variation of a Kemp-Wan Theme (RePEc:bla:jecrev:v:48:y:1997:i:2:p:166-175)
by Ngo Van Long & Antoine Soubeyran - Oligopolistic Trade and Competition in Wages Legislations (RePEc:bla:jecrev:v:49:y:1998:i:2:p:158-170)
by Ngo Van Long & Antoine Soubeyran - Asymmetric Contributions to Research Joint Ventures (RePEc:bla:jecrev:v:50:y:1999:i:2:p:122-137)
by Ngo Van Long & Antoine Soubeyran - Comparing Open-loop With Markov Equilibria in a Class of Differential Games (RePEc:bla:jecrev:v:50:y:1999:i:4:p:457-469)
by Ngo Van Long & Koji Shimomura & Harutaka Takahashi - Recycling Redux: A Nash–Cournot Approach (RePEc:bla:jecrev:v:54:y:2003:i:4:p:409-419)
by Gérard Gaudet & Ngo Van Long - A Class Of Performance‐Based Subsidy Rules (RePEc:bla:jecrev:v:59:y:2008:i:4:p:381-400)
by Hassan Benchekroun & Ngo Van Long - Vertical Disintegration: A Dynamic Markovian Approach (RePEc:bla:jemstr:v:21:y:2012:i:3:p:745-771)
by Didier Laussel & Ngo Van Long - Multiple‐quality Cournot oligopoly and the role of market size (RePEc:bla:jemstr:v:29:y:2020:i:4:p:932-952)
by Ngo Van Long & Zhuang Miao - Dynamic monopoly and consumers profiling accuracy (RePEc:bla:jemstr:v:31:y:2022:i:3:p:579-608)
by Didier Laussel & Ngo Van Long & Joana Resende - Vertical Integration, Foreclosure, and profits in the Presence of Double Marginalization (RePEc:bla:jemstr:v:5:y:1996:i:3:p:409-432)
by Géarard Gaudet & Ngo Van Long - Optimal Piecewise Linear Income Taxation (RePEc:bla:jpbect:v:16:y:2014:i:4:p:523-545)
by Patricia Apps & Ngo Long & Ray Rees - Tying the politicians’ hands: The optimal limits to representative democracy (RePEc:bla:jpbect:v:22:y:2020:i:1:p:25-48)
by Didier Laussel & Ngo Van Long - Warm glow and the transmission of pro‐socialness across generations (RePEc:bla:jpbect:v:22:y:2020:i:2:p:371-387)
by Ngo Van Long - Voluntary Contributions To A Public Good: Non‐Neutrality Results (RePEc:bla:pacecr:v:12:y:2007:i:2:p:153-170)
by Ngo Van Long & Koji Shimomura - Shift Working And Trade In Labour Services With Time Zone Differences (RePEc:bla:pacecr:v:16:y:2011:i:5:p:553-564)
by Toru Kikuchi & Ngo Van Long - Disentangling managerial incentives from a dynamic perspective: The role of stock grants (RePEc:bla:pacecr:v:22:y:2017:i:5:p:743-771)
by Amal Hili & Didier Laussel & Ngo Van Long - Set‐Up Costs And The Theory Of Exhaustible Resources (RePEc:bla:presci:v:56:y:1985:i:1:p:99-111)
by John M. Hartwick & Murray C. Kemp & Ngo Van Long - The curse of knowledge: having access to customer information can reduce monopoly profits (RePEc:bla:randje:v:51:y:2020:i:3:p:650-675)
by Didier Laussel & Ngo V. Long & Joana Resende - Moral Hazards, Bankruptcy Costs, and International Financial Capital Mobility (RePEc:bla:rdevec:v:11:y:2007:i:2:p:369-384)
by Sanjay Banerji & Ngo Van Long - Welfare Effects of Reducing Home Bias in Government Procurements: A Dynamic Contest Model (RePEc:bla:rdevec:v:16:y:2012:i:1:p:137-147)
by Kenji Fujiwara & Ngo Van Long - On Opposition to Rent Seeking: Implications for Developing Countries (RePEc:bla:rdevec:v:2:y:1998:i:3:p:282-292)
by Robert Cairns & Ngo Van Long - Unknown item RePEc:bla:rdevec:v:2:y:1998:i:3:p:282-92 (article)
- Trade, Wage Gaps, and Specific Human Capital Accumulation (RePEc:bla:reviec:v:15:y:2007:i:1:p:75-92)
by Ngo Van Long & Raymond Riezman & Antoine Soubeyran - A Theory of Favoritism in an International Oligopoly (RePEc:bla:reviec:v:15:y:2007:i:3:p:481-498)
by Ngo Van Long & Antoine Soubeyran - Introduction (RePEc:bla:reviec:v:17:y:2009:i:2:p:207-208)
by Ngo Van Long & Makoto Yano - Koji Shimomura: A Memoir (RePEc:bla:reviec:v:17:y:2009:i:2:p:209-229)
by Ngo Van Long & Makoto Yano - Foreign Aid in the Presence of Corruption: Differential Games among Donors (RePEc:bla:reviec:v:17:y:2009:i:2:p:230-243)
by Murray C. Kemp & Ngo Van Long - A Tale of Two Ports: The Economic Geography of Inter‐City Rivalry (RePEc:bla:reviec:v:17:y:2009:i:2:p:261-279)
by Ngo Van Long & Kar‐yiu Wong - Unknown item RePEc:bla:reviec:v:17:y:2009:i:si:p:207-208 (article)
- Unknown item RePEc:bla:reviec:v:17:y:2009:i:si:p:209-229 (article)
- Unknown item RePEc:bla:reviec:v:17:y:2009:i:si:p:230-243 (article)
- Unknown item RePEc:bla:reviec:v:17:y:2009:i:si:p:261-279 (article)
- The Distributional and Allocative Impacts of Virtual Labor Mobility across Time Zones through Communication Networks (RePEc:bla:reviec:v:23:y:2015:i:3:p:638-662)
by Noritsugu Nakanishi & Ngo Van Long - Foreign direct investment as a signal (RePEc:bla:reviec:v:26:y:2018:i:1:p:60-83)
by Onur A. Koska & Ngo Van Long & Frank Stähler - A new impetus for endogenous growth: R&D offshoring via virtual labor mobility (RePEc:bla:reviec:v:28:y:2020:i:3:p:846-883)
by Noritsugu Nakanishi & Ngo Van Long - The Effects of Trade Liberalization on Cost-Reducing Horizontal Mergers (RePEc:bla:reviec:v:3:y:1995:i:2:p:141-55)
by Long, Ngo Van & Vousden, Neil - Profile: Murray C. Kemp (RePEc:bla:reviec:v:6:y:1998:i:4:p:698-705)
by Wan, Henry, Jr & Long, Ngo Van - International Cross‐Ownership and Strategic Trade Policies (RePEc:bla:reviec:v:9:y:2001:i:1:p:1-15)
by Ngo Van Long & Antoine Soubeyran - Should the Good and the Selfish be Taxed Differently? (RePEc:bla:scandj:v:114:y:2012:i:3:p:932-948)
by Ngo Van Long & Frank Stähler - Envy and Inequality (RePEc:bla:scandj:v:114:y:2012:i:3:p:949-973)
by Francisco Alvarez-Cuadrado & Ngo Van Long - Issue linkage versus ringfencing in international agreements (RePEc:bla:scandj:v:125:y:2023:i:2:p:489-516)
by Ngo Van Long & Martin Richardson & Frank Stähler - Unknown item RePEc:bla:scandj:v:89:y:1987:i:1:p:103-13 (article)
- Unknown item RePEc:bla:scandj:v:91:y:1989:i:4:p:747-48 (article)
- Extracting Resource Deposits of Unknown Size: Optimal Order (RePEc:bpj:germec:v:10:y:2009:i:4:p:401-421)
by Kemp Murray C. & Van Long Ngo - Ressources naturelles, impatience et progrès technique (RePEc:cai:recosp:reco_572_0185)
by Jean-Pierre Amigues & Ngo Van Long & Michel Moreaux - Constant Consumption and the Economic Depreciation of Natural Capital: The Non-Autonomous Case (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_114)
by Ngo Van Long & John M. Hartwick - International Trade and Cultural Diversity: A Model of Preference Selection (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_1242)
by Vankatesh Bala & Ngo Van Long - Corrupt Local Government as Resource Farmers: The Helping Hand and the Grabbing Hand (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_1248)
by Engin Dalgic & Ngo Van Long - Insecure Property Rights and Growth: The Roles of Appropriation Costs, Wealth Effects, and Heterogeneity (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_1253)
by Ngo Van Long & Gerhard Sorger - International Outsourcing under Monopolistic Competition: Winners and Losers (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_2034)
by Viet Do & Ngo Van Long - Yardstick Competition, Corruption, and Electoral Incentives (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_2345)
by Ngo Van Long & Bodhisattva Sengupta - A Permanent Income Version of the Relative Income Hypothesis (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_2361)
by Francisco Alvarez-Cuadrado & Ngo Van Long - Optimal Piecewise Linear Income Taxation (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_2565)
by Patricia Apps & Ngo Van Long & Ray Rees - Innovation and Trade with Heterogeneous Firms (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_2796)
by Ngo Van Long & Horst Raff & Frank Stähler - Biofuels Subsidies and the Green Paradox (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_2960)
by R. Quentin Grafton & Tom Kompas & Ngo Van Long - A Simple Model of Service Offshoring with Time Zone Differences (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_2990)
by Toru Kikuchi & Ngo Van Long - Shift Working and Trade in Labor Services with Time Zone Differences (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_3542)
by Toru Kikuchi & Ngo Van Long - Optimal Tariffs on Exhaustible Resources: The Case of a Quantity Setting Cartel (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_3721)
by Kenji Fujiwara & Ngo Van Long - Combining Rights and Welfarism: A New Approach to Intertemporal Evaluation of Social Alternatives (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_3746)
by Ngo Van Long & Vincent Martinet - Simultaneous Supplies of Dirty and Green Fuels with Capacity Constraint: Is there a Green Paradox? (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_4360)
by Marc Gronwald & Ngo Van Long & Luise Röpke - Capital-Labor Substitution, Structural Change and the Labor Income Share (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_4600)
by Francisco Alvarez-Cuadrado & Ngo Van Long & Markus Poschke - The Green Paradox in Open Economies (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_4639)
by Ngo Van Long - Markov Perfect Equilibria in Differential Games with Regime Switching Strategies (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_4662)
by Ngo Van Long & Fabien Prieur & Klarizze Puzon & Mabel Tidball - Capital-Labor Substitution, Structural Change and Growth (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_5928)
by Francisco Alvarez-Cuadrado & Ngo Van Long & Markus Poschke - Disentangling Managerial Incentives from a Dynamic Perspective: The Role of Stock Grants (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_6083)
by Amal Hili & Didier Laussel & Ngo Van Long - Rent Seeking: The Social Cost of Contestable Benefits (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_6462)
by Arye L. Hillman & Ngo Van Long - Strategic Bidding of Electric Power Generating Companies: Evidence from the Australian National Energy Market (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_6819)
by Mardi Dungey & Ali Ghahremanlou & Ngo Van Long - Media, Fake News, and Debunking (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_6949)
by Ngo Van Long & Martin Richardson & Frank Stähler - A Dynamic Game with Interaction between Kantian Players and Nashian Players (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_7729)
by Ngo Van Long - Managing, Inducing, and Preventing Regime Shifts: A Review of the Literature (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_7749)
by Ngo Van Long - Dynamic Games of Common-Property Resource Exploitation When Self-Image Matters (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_7880)
by Ngo Van Long - Trade, Education, and Income Inequality (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_8370)
by Markus Brueckner & Ngo Van Long & Joaquin Vespignani & Ngo Van Long - On the Profitability of Cross-Ownership in Cournot Oligopolies: Stock Sizes Matter (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_8503)
by Hassan Benchekroun & Miao Dai & Ngo Van Long - Trade in Trash: A Political Economy Approach (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_8522)
by James H. Cassing & Ngo Van Long - Trade Costs and Strategic Investment in Infrastructure in a Dynamic Global Economy with Symmetric Countries (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_8707)
by Akihiko Yanase & Ngo Van Long & Ngo Van Long - Trade, Wage Gaps, and Specific Human Capital Accumulation (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_911)
by Ngo Van Long & Raymond Riezman & Antoine Soubeyran & Ngo Van Long - Immigrants as Future Voters (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_9246)
by Arye L. Hillman & Ngo Van Long - Profit Effects of Consumers’ Identity Management: A Dynamic Model (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_9279)
by Didier Laussel & Ngo Van Long & Joana Resende - Asymmetric Information and Differentiated Durable Goods Monopoly: Intra-Period Versus Intertemporal Price Discrimination (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_9294)
by Didier Laussel & Ngo Van Long & Joana Resende - Quality Differentiation in Durable Goods Monopoly Always Yields Strictly Positive Profits (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_9331)
by Didier Laussel & Ngo Van Long - Dynamic Monopoly and Consumers Profiling Accuracy (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_9346)
by Didier Laussel & Ngo Van Long & Joana Resende - Efficiency-Inducing Tax Credits for Charitable Donations when Taxpayers Have Heterogeneous Behavioral Norms (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_9414)
by Ngo Van Long - Technology Transfers And Industry Closures (RePEc:cir:circah:2012n-12a)
by Daniel Léonard & Ngo Van Long - Transfert De Technologie Et Fermeture D’Industries (RePEc:cir:circah:2012n-12f)
by Daniel Léonard & Ngo Van Long - Wealth Distribution, Moral Hazard, and Entrepreneurship (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2000s-01)
by Sanjay Banerji & Ngo Van Long - Strategic Behavior under Intertemporal Production Externalities (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2000s-07)
by Richard Cornes & Ngo Van Long & Koji Shimomura - Semi-Stationary Equilibrium in Leader-Follower Games (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2000s-08)
by Ngo Van Long & Koji Shimomura - Protection, Lobbying, and Market Structure (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2000s-12)
by Arye Hillman & Ngo Van Long & Antoine Soubeyran - Can Financial Intermediation Induce Economic Fluctuations? (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2000s-51)
by Sanjay Banerji & Ngo Van Long - Emission Taxes and Standards for an Asymmetric Oligopoly (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2001s-07)
by Ngo Van Long & Antoine Soubeyran - Leader and Follower: A Differential Game Model (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2001s-08)
by Hassan Benchekroun & Ngo Van Long - Wealth Distribution, Entrepreneurship and Intertemporal Trade (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2001s-36)
by Sanjay Banerji & Ngo Van Long - Fragmentation, Outsourcing and the Service Sector (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2001s-43)
by Ngo Van Long & Ray Riezman & Antoine Soubeyran - A Tale of Two Ports (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2001s-48)
by Ngo Van Long & Kar-yiu Wong - A New Proof Of The Maximum Principle (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2002s-04)
by Ngo Van Long & Koji Shimomura - Relative Wealth, Status Seeking, and Catching Up (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2002s-09)
by Ngo Van Long & Koji Shimomura - Selective Penalization Of Polluters: An Inf-Convolution Approach (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2002s-40)
by Ngo Van Long & Antoine Soubeyran - Favoritism in Vertical Relationship: Input Prices and Access Quality (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2003s-14)
by Ngo Van Long & Antoine Soubeyran - A Theory of Favoritism under International Oligopoly (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2003s-15)
by Ngo Van Long & Antoine Soubeyran - Ressources renouvelables et non renouvelables, impatience et progrès technique exogène (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2004s-07)
by Jean-Pierre Amigues & Ngo Van Long & Michel Moreaux - Designing a Performance Indicator to Economize on Monopoly Subsidy (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2004s-08)
by Hassan Benchekroun & Ngo Van Long - Dynamic Duopoly with Congestion Effects (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2004s-09)
by Didier Laussel & Maxime de Montmarin & Ngo Van Long - Overcoming Natural Resource Constraints Through R&D (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2004s-14)
by Jean-Pierre Amigues & Ngo Van Long & Michel Moreaux - Recycling With Endogeneous Consumer Participation (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2006s-08)
by Soham Baksi & Ngo Van Long - The Curse of Windfall Gains in a Non Renewable Resource Oligopoly (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2006s-10)
by Hassan Benchekroun & Ngo Van Long - The Build-up of Cooperative Behavior among Non-cooperative Agents (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2006s-17)
by Hassan Benchekroun & Ngo Van Long - Voluntary Contributions to a Public Good: Non-neutrality Results (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2006s-20)
by Ngo Van Long & Koji Shimomura - A Simple Model of Performance-enhancing Goals (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2006s-22)
by Daniel Léonard & Ngo Van Long & Antoine Soubeyran - Non-Smooth Sustainable Development With Overshooting (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2006s-26)
by Hassan Benchekroun & Seiichi Katayama & Ngo Van Long - Iterated Strict Dominance in General Games (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2007s-03)
by Yi-Chun Chen & Ngo Van Long & Xiao Luo - Public Ownership and Trade Policy (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2007s-07)
by Ngo Van Long & Frank Staehler - A Mixed Bentham-Rawls Criterion for Intergenerational Equity (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2007s-08)
by Ngo Van Long - Extracting Several Resource Deposits of Unknown Size: Optimal Order (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2007s-10)
by Murray C. Kemp & Ngo Van Long - Development Aid in the Presence of Corruption: Differential Games among Donors (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2007s-23)
by Murray C. Kemp & Ngo Van Long - Is Emulation Good for You? The Ups and Downs of Rivalry (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2008s-02)
by Daniel Léonard & Ngo Van Long - The Relative Income Hypothesis (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2008s-18)
by Francisco Alvarez-Cuadrado & Ngo Van Long - Relative Consumption and Resource Extraction (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2008s-27)
by Francisco Alvarez-Cuadrado & Ngo Van Long - Emulation in Teams and Families (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2009s-04)
by Daniel Léonard & Ngo Van Long - Welfare Implications of Leadership in a Resource Market Under Bilateral Monopoly (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2010s-16)
by Kenji Fujiwara & Ngo Van Long - A Simple Model of Foreign Brand Penetration with Multi-Product Firms: Non-Monotone Responses to Trade Liberalization (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2011s-40)
by Toru Kikuchi & Ngo Van Long - Strategic Separation from Suppliers of Vital Complementary Inputs: A Dynamic Markovian Approach (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2011s-41)
by Ngo Van Long & Didier Laussel - Capital-Labor Substitution, Structural Change and Growth (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2011s-68)
by Francisco Alvarez-Cuadrado & Ngo Van Long - Optimal Tariffs on Exhaustible Resources : The Case of Quantity Setting (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2012s-02)
by Kenji Fujiwara & Ngo Van Long - Substitution between bio-fuels and fossil fuels: is there a Green Paradox? (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2012s-10)
by Quentin Grafton & Tom Kompas & Ngo Van Long - Technology Transfers and Industry Closures (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2012s-27)
by Daniel Léonard & Ngo Van Long - Do Increases in Environmental Risk Reduce Welfare? A Dynamic Game Perspective (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2013s-08)
by Hassan Benchekroun & Ngo Van Long - Capital Labor Substitution, Structural Change, and the Labor Income Share (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2014s-02)
by Francisco Alvarez-Cuadrado & Ngo Van Long & Markus Poschke - General Equilibrium Effects of Green Technological Progress (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2014s-16)
by Ngo Van Long & Frank Staehler - Endogenous Changes in Tastes (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2014s-23)
by Daniel Léonard & Ngo Van Long - Knowledge acquisition within an organization: How to retain a knowledge worker using wage profile and non-monotonic knowledge accumulation (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2014s-32)
by Ngo Van Long & Antoine Soubeyran & Raphael Soubeyran - The Impacts of Other-Regarding Preferences and Ethical Choice on Environmental Outcomes: A Review of the Literature (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2016s-10)
by Ngo Van Long - Status Concern and the Exploitation of Common Pool Renewable Resources (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2016s-11)
by Hassan Benchekroun & Ngo Van Long - Disentangling managerial incentives from a dynamic perspective: the role of stock grants (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2016s-48)
by Amal Hili & Didier Laussel & Ngo Van Long - The Mixed Bentham-Rawls Intertemporal Choice Criterion and Rawls’ Just Savings Principle (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2016s-49)
by Charles Figuieres & Ngo Van Long & Mabel Tidball - How to Take Rights Seriously: A New Approach to the Intertemporal Evaluation of Social Alternatives (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2016s-60)
by Ngo Van Long & Vincent Martinet - Simultaneous Supplies of Dirty Energy and Capacity Constrained Clean Energy: Is there a Green Paradox? (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2016s-61)
by Marc Gronwald & Ngo Van Long & Luise Roepke - The social cost of contestable benefits (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2017s-11)
by Arye Hillman & Ngo Van Long - Sustainability with endogenous discounting (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2017s-19)
by John M. Hartwick & Ngo Van Long - Quality and Price Personalization under Customer Recognition: A Dynamic Monopoly Model (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2019s-03)
by Didier Laussel & Ngo Van Long & Joana Resende - The Curse of Knowledge: Having Access to Customer Information Can Reduce Monopoly Profit (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2019s-04)
by Didier Laussel & Ngo Van Long & Joana Resende - Tying the Politicians’ Hands: The Optimal Limits to Representative Democracy (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2019s-14)
by Didier Laussel & Ngo Van Long - Kantian Categorical Imperative and Dynamic Games of Common-Property Resource Exploitation When Self-Image Matters (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2019s-26)
by Ngo Van Long - How to Manage, Induce, or Prevent Regime Shifts: A Selective Survey (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2019s-27)
by Ngo Van Long - Vertically Differentiated Cournot Oligopoly: Effects of Market Expansion and Trade Liberalization on Relative Markup and Product Quality (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2019s-28)
by Ngo Van Long & Zhuang Miao - Trade, Education, and Income Inequality (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2020s-33)
by Markus Brueckner & Ngo Van Long & Joaquin Vespignani - Effects of Exchange Rate Volatility on Export Diversity: The Role of Production Constraints (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2020s-41)
by Ngo Van Long & Yifan Li & Zhuang Miao - On the Profitability of Cross-Ownership in Cournot Oligopolies: Stock Sizes Matter (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2020s-43)
by Hassan Benchekroun & Miao Dai & Ngo Van Long - Trade in Trash: A Political Economy Approach (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2020s-44)
by James H. Cassing & Ngo Van Long - Trade Costs and Strategic Investment in Infrastructure in a Dynamic Global Economy with Symmetric Countries (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2020s-59)
by Akihiko Yanase & Ngo Van Long - Immigrants as future voters (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2021s-24)
by Arye Hillman & Ngo Van Long - Profit Effects of Consumers’ Identity Management: a dynamic model (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2021s-29)
by Didier Laussel & Ngo Van Long & Joana Resende - Asymmetric Information and Differentiated Durable Goods Monopoly: Intra-period versus intertemporal price discrimination (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2021s-31)
by Didier Laussel & Ngo Van Long & Joana Resende - Saving household production-cum-consumption time: implications for international trade in trash (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2021s-43)
by Ngo Van Long - Efficiency-inducing tax credits for charitable donations when taxpayers have heterogeneous behavioral norms (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2021s-44)
by Ngo Van Long - A dynamic analysis of international environmental agreements under partial cooperation (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2022s-01)
by Luca Colombo & Paola Labrecciosa & Ngo Van Long - Real Investment Decisions Under Information Constraints (RePEc:cir:cirwor:95s-33)
by Gérard Gaudet & Pierre Lasserre & Ngo Van Long - Some Results on the Markov Equilibria of a Class of Homogeneous Differential Games (RePEc:cir:cirwor:95s-36)
by Ngo Van Long & Koji Shimomura - Dynamic Incentive Contracts with Uncorrelated Private Information and History Dependent Outcomes (RePEc:cir:cirwor:95s-37)
by Gérard Gaudet & Pierre Lasserre & Ngo Van Long - Vertical Integration, Foreclosure and Profits in the Presence of Double Marginalisation (RePEc:cir:cirwor:95s-40)
by Gérard Gaudet & Ngo Van Long - Upstream Downstream Specialization by Integrated Firms in a Partially Integrated Industry (RePEc:cir:cirwor:96s-08)
by Gérard Gaudet & Ngo Van Long & Antoine Soubeyran - Constant Consumption and the Economic Depreciation of Natural Capital : The Non Autonomous Case (RePEc:cir:cirwor:96s-09)
by John M. Hartwick & Ngo Van Long - R&D Spillovers and Location Choice under Cournot Rivalry (RePEc:cir:cirwor:96s-30)
by Ngo Van Long & Antoine Soubeyran - Efficiency Inducing Taxation for Polluting Oligopolists (RePEc:cir:cirwor:97s-21)
by Hassan Benchekroun & Ngo Van Long - Comparing Open-Loop with Markov Equilibria in a Class of Differential Games (RePEc:cir:cirwor:97s-22)
by Ngo Van Long & Koji Shimomura & Harutaka Takahashi - Pollution, Pigouvian Taxes, and Asymmetric International Oligopoly (RePEc:cir:cirwor:98s-30)
by Ngo Van Long & Antoine Soubeyran - Collusive Allocation of Tradeable Pollution Permits (RePEc:cir:cirwor:98s-31)
by Ngo Van Long & Antoine Soubeyran - Cost Manipulation Games in Oligopoly, with Costs of Manipulating (RePEc:cir:cirwor:99s-13)
by Ngo Van Long & Antoine Soubeyran - Existence and Uniqueness of Cournot Equilibrium: A Contraction Mapping Approach (RePEc:cir:cirwor:99s-22)
by Ngo Van Long & Antoine Soubeyran - Input Price Discrimination, Access Pricing, and Bypass (RePEc:cir:cirwor:99s-23)
by Ngo Van Long & Antoine Soubeyran - Trade policy and mixed enterprises (RePEc:cje:issued:v:42:y:2009:i:2:p:590-614)
by Ngo Van Long & Frank Stähler - On the short-run and long-rn effects of a resource boom (RePEc:cor:louvrp:564)
by VAN LONG, Ngo - Optimal taxation and economic depreciation: a general equilibrium model with capital and an exhaustible resource (RePEc:cor:louvrp:577)
by VAN LONG, Ngo & SINN, Hans-Werner - Three pitfalls in the construction of family-based models of population growth (RePEc:cor:louvrp:610)
by KEMP, Muray C. & LEONARD, Daniel & VAN LONG, Ngo - On the Effects of the Distribution of Initial Endowments in a non Renewable Resource Duopoly (RePEc:cre:uqamwp:9202)
by Gérard Gaudet & Ngo Van Long - Dynamic Incentive Contracts with Uncorrelated Private Information and History Dependent Outcomes (RePEc:cre:uqamwp:9302)
by Gérard Gaudet & Pierre Lasserre & Ngo Van Long - Vertical Integration, Foreclosure and Profits in the Presence of Double Marginalisation (RePEc:cre:uqamwp:9308)
by Gérard Gaudet & Ngo Van Long - Real Investment Decisions Under Adjustment Costs and Asymmetric Information (RePEc:cre:uqamwp:9909)
by Gérard Gaudet & Pierre Lasserre & Ngo Van Long - Optimal Control Theory and Static Optimization in Economics (RePEc:cup:cbooks:9780521331586)
by Léonard,Daniel & Long,Ngo van - Optimal Control Theory and Static Optimization in Economics (RePEc:cup:cbooks:9780521337465)
by Léonard,Daniel & Long,Ngo van - Differential Games in Economics and Management Science (RePEc:cup:cbooks:9780521637329)
by Dockner,Engelbert J. & Jorgensen,Steffen & Long,Ngo Van & Sorger,Gerhard - Maximin: a direct approach to sustainability (RePEc:cup:endeec:v:11:y:2006:i:03:p:275-300_00)
by Cairns, Robert D. & Long, Ngo Van - Capital-Labor Substitution, Structural Change and Growth (RePEc:dpc:wpaper:0112)
by Francisco Alvarez-Cuadrado & Ngo Van Long - Combining Rights and Welfarism: a new approach to intertemporal evaluation of social alternatives (RePEc:drm:wpaper:2012-14)
by Vincent Martinet & Ngo Van Long - How does state ownership affect optimal export taxes? (RePEc:ebl:ecbull:eb-08f10025)
by Ngo Long & Frank Staehler - A decomposition of the home-market effect (RePEc:ebl:ecbull:eb-10-00302)
by Toru Kikuchi & Ngo van Long - Endogenous changes in tastes (RePEc:ebl:ecbull:eb-13-00797)
by Daniel Leonard & Ngo V Long - The economics of production planning (RePEc:ebl:ecbull:eb-18-00111)
by Ngo Van Long & Frank Stähler - Quality differentiation in durable goods monopoly always yields strictly positive profits (RePEc:ebl:ecbull:eb-21-01131)
by Didier Laussel & Ngo Van Long - Risk-Averse Rent Seeking with Shared Rents (RePEc:ecj:econjl:v:97:y:1987:i:388:p:971-85)
by Long, Ngo Van & Vousden, Neil J - On Two Folk Theorems Concerning the Extraction of Exhaustible Resources (RePEc:ecm:emetrp:v:48:y:1980:i:3:p:663-73)
by Kemp, Murray C & Long, Ngo Van - Resource-grabbing by status-conscious agents (RePEc:eee:deveco:v:89:y:2009:i:1:p:39-50)
by Long, Ngo Van & Wang, Shengzu - Quality and price personalization under customer recognition: A dynamic monopoly model with contrasting equilibria (RePEc:eee:dyncon:v:114:y:2020:i:c:s0165188920300385)
by Laussel, Didier & Long, Ngo Van & Resende, Joana - Entry deterrence and overexploitation of the fishery (RePEc:eee:dyncon:v:17:y:1993:i:4:p:679-704)
by Crabbe, Philippe & Van Long, Ngo - On the effects of the distribution of initial endowments in a nonrenewable resource duopoly (RePEc:eee:dyncon:v:18:y:1994:i:6:p:1189-1198)
by Gaudet, Gerard & Long, Ngo Van - Analysis of Nash equilibria in a class of capital accumulation games (RePEc:eee:dyncon:v:20:y:1996:i:6-7:p:1209-1235)
by Dockner, Engelbert J. & Van Long, Ngo & Sorger, Gerhard - Real investment decisions under adjustment costs and asymmetric information (RePEc:eee:dyncon:v:23:y:1998:i:1:p:71-95)
by Gaudet, Gerard & Lasserre, Pierre & Van Long, Ngo - Education, moral hazard, and endogenous growth (RePEc:eee:dyncon:v:23:y:1999:i:5-6:p:675-698)
by Van Long, Ngo & Shimomura, Koji - Depreciation rules and value invariance with extractive firms (RePEc:eee:dyncon:v:26:y:2002:i:1:p:99-116)
by Hartwick, John M. & Karp, Larry & Long, Ngo Van - Can financial intermediation induce endogenous fluctuations (RePEc:eee:dyncon:v:28:y:2004:i:11:p:2215-2238)
by Banerji, Sanjay & Bhattacharya, Joydeep & Long, Ngo Van - The relative income hypothesis (RePEc:eee:dyncon:v:35:y:2011:i:9:p:1489-1501)
by Alvarez-Cuadrado, Francisco & Van Long, Ngo - Large shareholders, monitoring, and ownership dynamics: Toward pure managerial firms? (RePEc:eee:dyncon:v:37:y:2013:i:3:p:666-679)
by Hilli, Amal & Laussel, Didier & Van Long, Ngo - Piecewise closed-loop equilibria in differential games with regime switching strategies (RePEc:eee:dyncon:v:76:y:2017:i:c:p:264-284)
by Long, Ngo Van & Prieur, Fabien & Tidball, Mabel & Puzon, Klarizze - Capital-labor substitution, structural change and the labor income share (RePEc:eee:dyncon:v:87:y:2018:i:c:p:206-231)
by Alvarez-Cuadrado, Francisco & Long, Ngo Van & Poschke, Markus - Is implicit cooperation reasonable for the economy? Corporate environmentalism under Kantian behavior (RePEc:eee:ecmode:v:146:y:2025:i:c:s0264999325000240)
by Kurata, Hiroshi & Long, Ngo Van - Innovation and the transfer of technology : A leader-follower model (RePEc:eee:ecmode:v:6:y:1989:i:4:p:452-456)
by Chiarella, Carl & Kemp, Murray C. & van Long, Ngo - Financing higher education in an imperfect world (RePEc:eee:ecoedu:v:71:y:2019:i:c:p:23-31)
by Long, Ngo Van - Fragmentation and services (RePEc:eee:ecofin:v:16:y:2005:i:1:p:137-152)
by Van Long, Ngo & Riezman, Raymond & Soubeyran, Antoine - A simple model of service offshoring with time zone differences (RePEc:eee:ecofin:v:21:y:2010:i:3:p:217-227)
by Kikuchi, Toru & Long, Ngo Van - Status concern and the exploitation of common pool renewable resources (RePEc:eee:ecolec:v:125:y:2016:i:c:p:70-82)
by Benchekroun, Hassan & Long, Ngo Van - The tragedy of the commons in a fishery when relative performance matters (RePEc:eee:ecolec:v:81:y:2012:i:c:p:140-154)
by Van Long, Ngo & McWhinnie, Stephanie F. - A note on Solow's survival problem (RePEc:eee:ecolet:v:10:y:1982:i:3-4:p:381-384)
by Kemp, Murray C. & Van Long, Ngo - How to eat a cake of unknown size : The case of a growing cake (RePEc:eee:ecolet:v:17:y:1985:i:1-2:p:67-69)
by Kemp, Murray C. & Long, Ngo Van - An equivalence theorem in the theory of resource extraction (RePEc:eee:ecolet:v:18:y:1985:i:1:p:93-95)
by Leonard, Daniel & Van Long, Ngo - Money, inflation and maximizing behaviour (RePEc:eee:ecolet:v:2:y:1979:i:4:p:321-326)
by Kemp, Murray C. & Van Long, Ngo - Education, overlapping generations, and the existence of equilibrium (RePEc:eee:ecolet:v:22:y:1986:i:1:p:91-95)
by Kemp, Murray C. & Van Long, Ngo - Existence and uniqueness of Cournot equilibrium: a contraction mapping approach (RePEc:eee:ecolet:v:67:y:2000:i:3:p:345-348)
by Van Long, Ngo & Soubeyran, Antoine - On the multiplicity of efficiency-inducing tax rules (RePEc:eee:ecolet:v:76:y:2002:i:3:p:331-336)
by Benchekroun, Hassan & Van Long, Ngo - A dynamic analysis of international environmental agreements under partial cooperation (RePEc:eee:eecrev:v:143:y:2022:i:c:s0014292122000058)
by Colombo, Luca & Labrecciosa, Paola & Van Long, Ngo - Three pitfalls in the construction of family-based models of population growth (RePEc:eee:eecrev:v:25:y:1984:i:3:p:345-354)
by Kemp, Murray C. & Leonard, Daniel & Van Long, Ngo - Rent seeking with uncertain opposition (RePEc:eee:eecrev:v:35:y:1991:i:6:p:1223-1235)
by Cairns, Robert D. & Van Long, Ngo - A brave new world? Kantian–Nashian interaction and the dynamics of global climate change mitigation (RePEc:eee:eecrev:v:99:y:2017:i:c:p:31-42)
by Grafton, R. Quentin & Kompas, Tom & Long, Ngo Van - US biofuels subsidies and CO2 emissions: An empirical test for a weak and a strong green paradox (RePEc:eee:enepol:v:68:y:2014:i:c:p:550-555)
by Grafton, R. Quentin & Kompas, Tom & Long, Ngo Van & To, Hang - Iterated strict dominance in general games (RePEc:eee:gamebe:v:61:y:2007:i:2:p:299-315)
by Chen, Yi-Chun & Long, Ngo Van & Luo, Xiao - Dynamic duopoly with congestion effects (RePEc:eee:indorg:v:22:y:2004:i:5:p:655-677)
by Laussel, Didier & de Montmarin, Maxime & Van Long, Ngo - Network effects, aftermarkets and the Coase conjecture: A dynamic Markovian approach (RePEc:eee:indorg:v:41:y:2015:i:c:p:84-96)
by Laussel, Didier & Van Long, Ngo & Resende, Joana - Conditions for the survival of a small resource-importing economy (RePEc:eee:inecon:v:13:y:1982:i:1-2:p:135-142)
by Kemp, Murray C. & Van Long, Ngo - Protectionist responses and declining industries (RePEc:eee:inecon:v:30:y:1991:i:1-2:p:87-103)
by Van Long, Ngo & Vousden, Neil - Cost heterogeneity, industry concentration and strategic trade policies (RePEc:eee:inecon:v:43:y:1997:i:1-2:p:207-220)
by Ngo, Van Long & Soubeyran, Antoine - Protection, lobbying, and market structure (RePEc:eee:inecon:v:54:y:2001:i:2:p:383-409)
by Hillman, Arye L. & Van Long, Ngo & Soubeyran, Antoine - Innovation and trade with heterogeneous firms (RePEc:eee:inecon:v:84:y:2011:i:2:p:149-159)
by Long, Ngo Van & Raff, Horst & Stähler, Frank - The role of natural resources in trade models (RePEc:eee:intchp:1-08)
by Kemp, Murray C. & Van Long, Ngo - Drugs and pests: intertemporal production externalities (RePEc:eee:japwor:v:13:y:2001:i:3:p:255-278)
by Cornes, Richard & Van Long, Ngo & Shimomura, Koji - A differential game model of tariff war (RePEc:eee:japwor:v:13:y:2001:i:3:p:279-298)
by Kemp, Murray C. & Van Long, Ngo & Shimomura, Koji - Some results on the Markov equilibria of a class of homogeneous differential games (RePEc:eee:jeborg:v:33:y:1998:i:3-4:p:557-566)
by Van Long, Ngo & Shimomura, Koji - Relative wealth, status-seeking, and catching-up (RePEc:eee:jeborg:v:53:y:2004:i:4:p:529-542)
by Van Long, Ngo & Shimomura, Koji - The build-up of cooperative behavior among non-cooperative selfish agents (RePEc:eee:jeborg:v:67:y:2008:i:1:p:239-252)
by Benchekroun, Hassan & Long, Ngo Van - On the profitability of cross-ownership in Cournot nonrenewable resource oligopolies: Stock size matters (RePEc:eee:jeeman:v:111:y:2022:i:c:s0095069621001388)
by Dai, Miao & Benchekroun, Hassan & Long, Ngo Van - Set-up costs and theory of exhaustible resources (RePEc:eee:jeeman:v:13:y:1986:i:3:p:212-224)
by Hartwick, John M. & Kemp, Murray C. & Van Long, Ngo - Optimal forest rotation under monopoly and competition (RePEc:eee:jeeman:v:17:y:1989:i:1:p:54-65)
by Crabbe, Philippe J. & Long, Ngo Van - International Pollution Control: Cooperative versus Noncooperative Strategies (RePEc:eee:jeeman:v:25:y:1993:i:1:p:13-29)
by Dockner Engelbert J. & Van Long Ngo - Temporary natural resource cartels (RePEc:eee:jeeman:v:52:y:2006:i:3:p:663-674)
by Benchekroun, Hassan & Gaudet, Gerard & Van Long, Ngo - A mixed Bentham-Rawls criterion for intergenerational equity: Theory and implications (RePEc:eee:jeeman:v:58:y:2009:i:2:p:154-168)
by Alvarez-Cuadrado, Francisco & Van Long, Ngo - Substitution between biofuels and fossil fuels: Is there a green paradox? (RePEc:eee:jeeman:v:64:y:2012:i:3:p:328-341)
by Quentin Grafton, R. & Kompas, Tom & Van Long, Ngo - Resource extraction under the uncertainty about possible nationalization (RePEc:eee:jetheo:v:10:y:1975:i:1:p:42-53)
by Long, Ngo Van - The relaxation of price controls, the general price level, and welfare (RePEc:eee:jmacro:v:12:y:1990:i:2:p:221-246)
by Kemp, Murray C. & Long, Ngo Van - Money, inflation, and maximizing behavior: The case of many countries (RePEc:eee:jmacro:v:5:y:1983:i:3:p:251-263)
by Chang, Winston W. & Kemp, Murray C. & Van Long, N. G. O. - The MBR intertemporal choice criterion and Rawls’ just savings principle (RePEc:eee:matsoc:v:85:y:2017:i:c:p:11-22)
by Figuières, Charles & Long, Ngo Van & Tidball, Mabel - Sustainability with endogenous discounting when utility depends on consumption and amenities (RePEc:eee:matsoc:v:95:y:2018:i:c:p:31-36)
by Hartwick, John M. & Long, Ngo Van - Lobbying for protection by heterogeneous firms (RePEc:eee:poleco:v:12:y:1996:i:1:p:19-32)
by Long, Ngo Van & Soubeyran, Antoine - International trade and cultural diversity with preference selection (RePEc:eee:poleco:v:21:y:2005:i:1:p:143-162)
by Bala, Venkatesh & Van Long, Ngo - Corrupt local governments as resource farmers: The helping hand and the grabbing hand (RePEc:eee:poleco:v:22:y:2006:i:1:p:115-138)
by Dalgic, Engin & Long, Ngo Van - A contest model of liberalizing government procurements (RePEc:eee:poleco:v:25:y:2009:i:4:p:479-488)
by Long, Ngo Van & Stähler, Frank - The theory of contests: A unified model and review of the literature (RePEc:eee:poleco:v:32:y:2013:i:c:p:161-181)
by Van Long, Ngo - Policies and prizes (RePEc:eee:poleco:v:54:y:2018:i:c:p:99-109)
by Hillman, Arye L. & Long, Ngo V. - Trade in trash: A political economy approach (RePEc:eee:poleco:v:67:y:2021:i:c:s0176268020301300)
by Cassing, James H. & Long, Ngo Van - Some properties of egalitarian economies (RePEc:eee:pubeco:v:49:y:1992:i:3:p:383-387)
by Kemp, Murray C. & Van Long, Ngo - Efficiency inducing taxation for polluting oligopolists (RePEc:eee:pubeco:v:70:y:1998:i:2:p:325-342)
by Benchekroun, Hassan & van Long, Ngo - Relative consumption and renewable resource extraction under alternative property-rights regimes (RePEc:eee:resene:v:33:y:2011:i:4:p:1028-1053)
by Alvarez-Cuadrado, Francisco & Van Long, Ngo - Outsourcing and technology spillovers (RePEc:eee:reveco:v:14:y:2005:i:3:p:297-304)
by Long, Ngo Van - A decomposition of Ricardian trade gains (RePEc:eee:reveco:v:21:y:2012:i:1:p:173-176)
by Kikuchi, Toru & Long, Ngo Van - Non-gravity trade (RePEc:een:camaaa:2020-52)
by Markus Brueckner & Ngo Van Long & Joaquin Vespignani - Pollution, Pigouvian taxes and asymmetric international oligopoly (RePEc:elg:eechap:1553_9)
by Ngo Van Long & Antoine Soubeyran & Ngo Van Long & Antoine Soubeyran - Redistributive Taxation in Closed and Open Economies (RePEc:elg:eechap:1994_7)
by Ngo Van Long & Koji Shimomura - Chapter 18 International Outsourcing Under Monopolistic Competition: Winners and Losers (RePEc:eme:fegzzz:s1574-8715(08)04018-9)
by Viet Do & Ngo Van Long - Chapter 5 Liberalization of Government Procurements: Competition from Foreign Firms (RePEc:eme:fegzzz:s1574-8715(08)05005-7)
by Ngo Van Long - Unknown item RePEc:eme:igdrpp:17538250810903756 (article)
- Electoral incentives, institutions and rent‐seeking (RePEc:eme:igdrpp:v:1:y:2008:i:2:p:133-146)
by Ngo Van Long & Bodhisattva Sengupta - Markov Perfect Equilibria in Differential Games with Regime Switching Strategies (RePEc:eus:ce3swp:0314)
by Ngo Van Long & Fabien Prieur & Klarizze Puzon & Mabel Tidball - Combining Rights and Welfarism: a new approach to intertemporal evaluation of social alternatives (RePEc:fae:wpaper:2017.18)
by Ngo van Long & Vincent Martinet - Offshoring and Reshoring: The Roles of Incomplete Contracts and Relative Bargaining Power (RePEc:fec:journl:v:13:y:2018:i:1:p:32-51)
by Ngo Van Long & Maxwell Tuuli - The Pace of Technology Transfer in Anticipation of Joint Venture Breakup (RePEc:fem:femwpa:2009.102)
by Rapahel Soubeyran & Ngo Van Long & Antoine Soubeyran - Non-Gravity Trade (RePEc:fip:feddgw:88095)
by Markus Brueckner & Ngo Van Long & Joaquin L. Vespignani - Customs Union and Gains from Trade Under Imperfect Competition: Variation of a Kemp-Wan Theme (RePEc:fth:aixmeq:96a34)
by Van Long, N. & Soubeyran, A. - R&D Spillovers and Location Choice Under Cournot Rivalry (RePEc:fth:aixmeq:96a35)
by Van Long, N. & Soubeyran, A. - The Gains from Forming a Joint Venture in a New Market with Rivals in an Existing Market: the Bertrand Case (RePEc:fth:aixmeq:96a36)
by Van Long, N. & Soubeyran, A. - Industry Structure and Optimal Discriminatory Commercial Policies (RePEc:fth:aixmeq:96a38)
by Van Long, N. & Soubeyran, A. - Cost Heterogeneity, Industry Concentration and Startegic Trade Policies (RePEc:fth:aixmeq:96a39)
by Van Long, N. & Soubeyran, A. - Upstream-Downstream Specialization by Integrated Firms in a Partially Integraded Industry (RePEc:fth:aixmeq:96b13)
by Gaudet, G. & Van Long, N. & Soubeyran, A. - International Cross Ownership And Strategic Trade Policies (RePEc:fth:aixmeq:98a21)
by Long, N.V. & Soubeyran, A. - Cost Manipulation in Oligopoly: A Duality Approach (RePEc:fth:aixmeq:98a22)
by Long, N.V. & Soubeyran, A. - Strategic Trade Policy when Firms are not Identical: Impracticalities of Information (RePEc:fth:aixmeq:98a23)
by Long, N.V. & Soubeyran, A. - Protection, Lobbying, and Market Structure (RePEc:fth:aixmeq:98a24)
by Long, N.V. & Soubeyran, A. & Hillman, A. - Cost Manipulation in an Asymmetric Oligopoly: The Taxation Problem (RePEc:fth:aixmeq:98a25)
by Long, N.V. & Soubeyran, A. - Unknown item RePEc:fth:guelph:1988-18 (paper)
- Cost Manipulation in an Asymmetric Oligopoly: The Taxation Problem (RePEc:fth:inecpu:173)
by Van Long, N. & Soubeyran, A. - Cost Manipulation in Oligopoly: A Duality Approach (RePEc:fth:inecpu:174)
by Van Long, N. & Soubeyran, A. - Real Investment Decisions Under Information Constraints (RePEc:fth:lavape:9515)
by Gaudet, G. & Lasserre, P. & Long, N.V. - Upstream-Downstream Specialization by Integrated Firms in a Partially Integrated Industry (RePEc:fth:lavape:9604)
by Gaudet, G. & Long, N.V. & Soubeyran, A. - On the Evaluation of Social Income in a Dynamic Economy: Generalizations (RePEc:fth:nesowa:95/43)
by Kemp,M.C. & Van Long, N. - A Tale of Two Ports (RePEc:fth:washer:0037)
by Ngo Van Long & Kar-yiu Wong - Endogenous Growth and International Trade: A Survey (RePEc:fth:washer:96-07)
by Long, N.V. & Wong, K.Y. - Strategic Investment in an International Infrastructure Capital: Nonlinear Equilibrium Paths in a Dynamic Game between Two Symmetric Countries (RePEc:gam:jmathe:v:9:y:2020:i:1:p:63-:d:470419)
by Akihiko Yanase & Ngo Van Long - Introduction (RePEc:gok:ijdcv1:v:1:y:2011:i:3:p:225-230)
by Gangopadhyay, Partha & Van Long, Ngo & Tran-Nam, Binh & Y Wan Jr, Henry - A dynamic game of environmental exploitation between two countries with sequential maximin objectives (RePEc:gok:ijdcv1:v:1:y:2011:i:3:p:419-433)
by Van Long, Ngo - Network effects, aftermarkets and the Coase conjecture: A dynamic Markovian approach (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01457339)
by Didier Laussel & Ngo van Long & Joana Resende - Knowledge Accumulation Within An Organization (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01463915)
by Ngo Van Long & Antoine Soubeyran & Raphael Soubeyran - Large shareholders, monitoring, and ownership dynamics: Toward pure managerial firms? (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01499625)
by Amal Hili & Didier Laussel & Ngo van Long - The MBR intertemporal choice criterion and Rawls’ just savings principle (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01505772)
by Charles Figuières & Ngo Van Long & Mabel Tidball - Combining rights and welfarism: a new approach to intertemporal evaluation of social alternatives (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01634283)
by Ngo van Long & Vincent Martinet - Disentangling managerial incentives from a dynamic perspective: The role of stock grants (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-02164062)
by Amal Hili & Didier Laussel & Ngo Van Long - Tying the politicians’ hands: The optimal limits to representative democracy (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-02274376)
by Didier Laussel & Ngo Long - Optimal Harvesting and Taxation when Accounting for Marine Environmental Quality of the Fishery (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-02316891)
by Ngo Van Long & Georges Zaccour & Mabel Tidball - Ressources naturelles, impatience et progrès technique (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-02668003)
by Jean-Pierre Amigues & Ngo Van Long & Michel Moreaux - The pace of technology transfer in anticipation of joint venture breakup (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-02821086)
by Ngo van Long & Antoine Soubeyran & Raphael Soubeyran - Quality and price personalization under customer recognition: A dynamic monopoly model with contrasting equilibria (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-02909685)
by Didier Laussel & Ngo Van Long & Joana Resende - The curse of knowledge: having access to customer information can reduce monopoly profits (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-02941111)
by Didier Laussel & Ngo Long & Joana Resende - Asymmetric Information and Differentiated Durable Goods Monopoly: Intra-Period Versus Intertemporal Discrimination (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-03434362)
by Didier Laussel & Ngo van Long & Joana Resende - The indigenous South American Tsimane exhibit relatively modest decrease in brain volume with age despite high systemic inflammation (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-03449914)
by Andrei Irimia & Nikhil Chaudhari & David Robles & Kenneth Rostowsky & Alexander Maher & Nahian Chowdhury & Maria Calvillo & Ngo van Long & Margaret Gatz & Wendy Mack & Meng Law & Linda Sutherland & Ja - Optimal Harvesting and Taxation when Accounting for Marine Environmental Quality of the Fishery (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-03477594)
by Ngo van Long & Mabel Tidball & Georges Zaccour - Dynamic monopoly and consumers profiling accuracy (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-03665780)
by Didier Laussel & Ngo Van Long & Joana Resende - Profit Effects of Consumers’ Identity Management: A Dynamic Model (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-04019356)
by Didier Laussel & Ngo van Long & Joana Resende - Knowledge accumulation within an organization (RePEc:hal:wpaper:hal-02118107)
by Ngo van Long & Antoine Soubeyran & Raphael Soubeyran - Joint venture breakup and the exploration-exploitation trade-off
[Rupture des alliances stratégiques et arbitrage exploration-exploitation] (RePEc:hal:wpaper:hal-02821055)
by Ngo van Long & Antoine Soubeyran & Raphael Soubeyran - Combining Rights and Welfarism: a new approach to intertemporal evaluation of social alternatives (RePEc:hal:wpaper:hal-04141087)
by Ngo Van Long & Vincent Martinet - Vertically Differentiated Cournot Oligopoly : Effects of Market Expansion and Trade Liberalization on Relative Markup and Product Quality (RePEc:hit:hiasdp:hias-e-91)
by Long, Ngo Van & Miao, Zhuang - A Dynamic Analysis of Climate Change Mitigation with Endogenous Number of Contributors: Loose vs Tight Cooperation (RePEc:hit:hiasdp:hias-e-92)
by Colombo, Luca & Labrecciosa, Paola & Long, Ngo Van - The Curse of Knowledge: Having Access to Customer Information Can be Detrimental to Monopoly’s Profit (RePEc:hit:hiasdp:hias-e-93)
by Laussel, Didier & Long, Ngo Van & Resende, Joana - A New Impetus for Endogenous Growth: R&D Offshoring via Virtual Labor Mobility (RePEc:hit:hiasdp:hias-e-95)
by Nakanishi, Noritsugu & Long, Ngo Van - Quality and Price Personalization under Customer Recognition: a Dynamic Monopoly Model with Contrasting Equilibria (RePEc:hit:hiasdp:hias-e-96)
by Laussel, Didier & Long, Ngo Van & Resende, Joana - Do Biofuel Subsidies Reduce Greenhouse Gas Emissions? (RePEc:idc:wpaper:idec10-01)
by R. Quentin Grafton & Tom Kompas & Ngo Van Long - Overcoming the natural resource constraints through dedicated R&D efforts: contrasting the non-renewable and the renewable resource economies (RePEc:ids:ijgenv:v:4:y:2004:i:1/2/3:p:11-37)
by Jean-Pierre Amigues & Ngo Van Long & Michel Moreaux - International Borrowing for Resource Extraction (RePEc:ier:iecrev:v:15:y:1974:i:1:p:168-83)
by Long, Ngo Van - Expectation Revision and Optimal Learning in a Foreign Investment Model (RePEc:ier:iecrev:v:17:y:1976:i:2:p:247-61)
by Long, Ngo Van - International Trade with an Exhaustible Resource: A Theorem of Rybczynski Type (RePEc:ier:iecrev:v:20:y:1979:i:3:p:671-77)
by Kemp, Murray C & Long, Ngo Van - Rybczynski's Theorem in a Context of Exhaustible Resources: The Case of Time-Contingent Prices (RePEc:ier:iecrev:v:23:y:1982:i:3:p:699-710)
by Kemp, Murray C & Long, Ngo Van - On the Economics of Forests (RePEc:ier:iecrev:v:24:y:1983:i:1:p:113-31)
by Kemp, Murray C & Long, Ngo Van - Cyclical and Noncyclical Redistributive Taxation (RePEc:ier:iecrev:v:34:y:1993:i:2:p:415-29)
by Kemp, Murray C & Long, Ngo Van & Shimomura, Koji - Optimal Resource Royalties with Unknown and Temporally Independent Extraction Cost Structures (RePEc:ier:iecrev:v:36:y:1995:i:3:p:715-49)
by Gaudet, Gerard & Lassere, Pierre & Long, Ngo Van - Constant Consumption and the Economic Depreciation of Natural Capital: The Nonautonomous Case (RePEc:ier:iecrev:v:40:y:1999:i:1:p:53-62)
by Hartwick, John M & Long, Ngo Van - Cost Manipulation Games in Oligopoly, with Costs of Manipulating (RePEc:ier:iecrev:v:42:y:2001:i:2:p:505-33)
by Long, Ngo Van & Soubeyran, Antoine - Fiscal Consolidation and Firm Level Productivity: Evidence from Advanced Economies (RePEc:imf:imfwpa:2022/126)
by Maxwell Tuuli & Ngo Van Long - Profit Effects of Consumers’ Identity Management: A Dynamic Model (RePEc:inm:ormnsc:v:69:y:2023:i:6:p:3602-3615)
by Didier Laussel & Ngo Van Long & Joana Resende - Can Financial Intermediation Induce Endogenous Fluctuations? (RePEc:isu:genres:10953)
by Banerji, Sanjay & Bhattacharya, Joydeep & Ngo, Long V. - Can financial intermediation induce endogenous fluctuations (RePEc:isu:genstf:200410010700001827)
by Banerji, Sanjay & Bhattacharya, Joydeep & Long, Ngo Van - Optimal Piecewise Linear Income Taxation (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp6007)
by Apps, Patricia & Long, Ngo Van & Rees, Ray - Capital-Labor Substitution, Structural Change and Growth (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp8940)
by Alvarez-Cuadrado, Francisco & Long, Ngo Van & Poschke, Markus - Capital-Labor Substitution, Structural Change and the Labor Income Share (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp8941)
by Alvarez-Cuadrado, Francisco & Long, Ngo Van & Poschke, Markus - Simultaneous Supplies of Dirty Energy and Capacity Constrained Clean Energy: Is There a Green Paradox? (RePEc:kap:enreec:v:68:y:2017:i:1:d:10.1007_s10640-017-0151-6)
by Marc Gronwald & Ngo Long & Luise Roepke - General Equilibrium Effects of Green Technological Progress (RePEc:kap:enreec:v:69:y:2018:i:1:d:10.1007_s10640-016-0069-4)
by Ngo Long & Frank Stähler - A model of the socialist firm in transition to a market economy (RePEc:kap:jeczfn:v:56:y:1992:i:1:p:1-21)
by Ngo Long & Horst Siebert - Book reviews (RePEc:kap:jeczfn:v:56:y:1992:i:1:p:107-132)
by M. Wooders & M. Mitzkewitz & P. Schönfel & D. Marin & N. Long & E. Biørn & P. Hennicke & L. Hahn & M. Rauscher - Book reviews (RePEc:kap:jeczfn:v:58:y:1993:i:2:p:203-223)
by Karen Ehlers & M. Shubik & R. Gardner & G. Tichy & N. Long & F. Scherer & M. Burda & Gerlinde Sinn - Immigrants as future voters (RePEc:kap:pubcho:v:190:y:2022:i:1:d:10.1007_s11127-021-00927-5)
by Arye L. Hillman & Ngo Long - Upstream-Downstream Specialization by Integrated Firms in a Partially Integrated Industry (RePEc:kap:revind:v:14:y:1999:i:4:p:321-335)
by Gérard Gaudet & Ngo Van Long & Antoine Soubeyran - Carbon Taxes in a Trading World (RePEc:kcs:wpaper:26)
by Seiichi KATAYAMA & Ngo Van LONG & Hiroshi OHTA - Welfare Implications of Leadership in a Resource Market under Bilateral Monopoly (RePEc:kgu:wpaper:76)
by Kenji Fujiwara & Ngo Van Long - Optimal Tariffs on Exhaustible Resources: The Case of Quantity Setting (RePEc:kgu:wpaper:82)
by Kenji Fujiwara & Ngo Van Long - Unknown item RePEc:kie:kieliw:1430 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:kie:kieliw:348 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:kie:kieliw:384 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:kie:kieliw:388 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:kie:kieliw:396 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:kie:kieliw:479 (paper)
- A Differential Game Model of Tariff War (RePEc:kob:dpaper:111)
by Murray C. Kemp & Ngo Van Long & Koji Shimomura - A Note on Transversality Conditions (RePEc:kob:dpaper:144)
by Ngo Van Long & Koji Shimomura - The Existence of a Threshold in a Small Open Economy with Non-Convex Technology (RePEc:kob:dpaper:57)
by Ngo Van Long & Kazuo Nishimura & Koji Shimomura - Education, Moral Hazard, and Endogenous Growth (RePEc:kob:dpaper:80)
by Ngo Van Long & Koji Shimomura - On the Optimal Timing of Foreign Aid (RePEc:kob:review:1990::v:35:p:31-49)
by Murray C. Kemp & Ngo Van Long & Kazuo Shimomura - A Simple Model of Service Offshoring with Time Zone Differences (RePEc:koe:wpaper:0916)
by Toru Kikuchi & Ngo Van Long - A Decomposition of Ricardian Trade Gains (RePEc:koe:wpaper:0922)
by Toru Kikuchi & Ngo Van Long - A Decomposition of Ricardian Trade Gains under External Economies of Scale (RePEc:koe:wpaper:1001)
by Toru Kikuchi & Ngo Van Long - A Decomposition of the Home-Market Effect (RePEc:koe:wpaper:1002)
by Toru Kikuchi & Ngo Van Long - Joint Venture Breakup and the Exploration-Exploitation Trade-off (RePEc:lam:wpaper:09-14)
by Ngo Van Long & Antoine Soubeyran & Raphael Soubeyran - Knowledge Accumulation within an Organization (RePEc:lam:wpaper:12-03)
by Ngo Van Long & Antoine Soubeyran & Raphael Soubeyran - The MBR Intertemporal Choice Criterion and Rawls' Just Savings Principle (RePEc:lam:wpaper:13-02)
by Charles Figuières & Ngo Van Long & Mabel Tidball - Markov Perfect Equilibria in Differential Games with Regime Switching Strategies (RePEc:lam:wpaper:13-06)
by Ngo Van Long & Fabien Prieur & Klarizze Puzon & Mabel Tidball - Real Investment Decisions Under Information Constraints (RePEc:lvl:laeccr:9515)
by GAUDET, Gerard & LASSERRE, Pierre & LONG, Ngo Van - Upstream-Downstream Specialization by Integrated Firms in a Partially Integrated Industry (RePEc:lvl:laeccr:9604)
by Gaudet, Gerard & Long, Ngo Van & Soubeyran, Antoine - Recycling With Endogeneous Consumer Participation (RePEc:mcl:mclwop:2006-23)
by Soham Baksi & Ngo Van Long - The Curse Of Windfall Gains In A Non Renewable Resource Oligopoly (RePEc:mcl:mclwop:2006-24)
by Hassan Benchekroun & Ngo Van Long - A Mixed Bentham-Rawls Criterion For Intergenerational Equity: Theory And Implications (RePEc:mcl:mclwop:2007-03)
by Francisco Alvarez-Cuadrado & Ngo Van Long - A Class Of Performance-Based Subsidy Rules (RePEc:mcl:mclwop:2007-05)
by Hassan Benchekroun & Ngo Van Long - International Outsourcing under Monopolistic Competition: Winners and Losers (RePEc:mcl:mclwop:2007-06)
by Ngo Van Long & Viet Do - Resource-Grabbing By Status-Conscious Agents (RePEc:mcl:mclwop:2008-08)
by Ngo Van Long & Shengzu Wang - Envy And Inequality (RePEc:mcl:mclwop:2009-03)
by Francisco Alvarez-Cuadrado & Ngo Van Long - Foreign Direct Investment as a Signal (RePEc:met:wpaper:1602)
by Onur A. Koska & Ngo Van Long & Frank Stähler - Temporary Natural Resource Cartels (RePEc:mtl:montde:2004-02)
by BENCHEKROUN, Hassan & GAUDET, Gérard & LONG, Ngo Van - Noncompetitive Recycling and Market Power (RePEc:mtl:montde:9910)
by GAUDET, Gérard & VAN LONG, Ngo - Combining Rights and Welfarism: A New Approach to Intertemporal Evaluation of Social Alternatives (RePEc:mtl:montec:01-2012)
by Ngo Van Long & Vincent Martinet - Capital-Labor Substitution, Structural Change and the Labor Income Share (RePEc:mtl:montec:01-2014)
by Francisco ALVAREZ-CUADRADO & Ngo Van LONG & Markus POSCHKE - The Green Paradox under Imperfect Substitutability between Clean and Dirty Fuels (RePEc:mtl:montec:02-2014)
by Ngo Van LONG - Three Degrees of Green Paradox: The Weak, The Strong, and the Extreme Green Paradox (RePEc:mtl:montec:02-2017)
by Marc GRONWALD & Ngo Van LONG & Luise ROEPKE - Temporary Natural Resource Cartels (RePEc:mtl:montec:03-2004)
by BENCHEKROUN, Hassan & GAUDET, Gérard & LONG, Ngo Van - A Mixed Bentham-Rawls Criterion for Intergenerational Equity : Theory and Implications (RePEc:mtl:montec:06-2007)
by ALVAREZ-CUADRADO, Francisco & LONG, Ngo Van - Network Effects, Aftermarkets and the Coase Conjecture : A Dynamic Markovian Approach (RePEc:mtl:montec:06-2014)
by Didier LAUSSEL & Ngo Van LONG & Joana RESENDE - Should the Good and the Selfish be Taxed Differently? (RePEc:mtl:montec:07-2010)
by LONG, Ngo van & STÄHLER, Frank - Substitution between Biofuels and Fossil Fuels: Is There a Green Paradox? (RePEc:mtl:montec:10-2011)
by GRAFTON, R. Quentin & KOMPAS, Tom & LONG, Ngo Van - Capital-Labor Substitution, Structural Change and Growth (RePEc:mtl:montec:12-2011)
by Francisco Alvarez-Cuadrado & Ngo Van Long - Noncompetitive Recycling and Market Power (RePEc:mtl:montec:9910)
by Gaudet & G. & Van Long, N. - Applications of Dynamic Games to Global and Transboundary Environmental Issues: A Review of the Literature (RePEc:now:jnlsbe:102.00000009)
by Van Long, Ngo - Do Increases in Risk Mitigate the Tragedy of the Commons? (RePEc:now:jnlsbe:102.00000041)
by Benchekroun, Hassan & Long, Ngo Van - The Impacts of Other-Regarding Preferences and Ethical Choice on Environmental Outcomes: A Review of the Literature (RePEc:now:jnlsbe:102.00000065t)
by Van Long, Ngo - Trade Policy and Public Ownership (RePEc:otg:wpaper:0608)
by Ngo Van Long & Frank Staehler - The Effects of Trade Liberalization on Productivity and Welfare: The Role of Firm Heterogeneity, R&D and Market Structure (RePEc:otg:wpaper:0710)
by Ngo Van Long & Horst Raff & Frank Staehler - A Contest Model of Liberalizing Government Procurements (RePEc:otg:wpaper:0803)
by Ngo Van Long & Frank Staehler - Entry Deterrence And Overexploitation Of The Fishery (RePEc:ott:wpaper:8804)
by Crabbe, P. & Long, N.V. - Entry Deterrence and Overexploitation of the Fishery (RePEc:ott:wpaper:9101)
by Crabbe, P. & Van Long, N. - Dynamic Properties of a Simple Overlapping-Generations Model (RePEc:oup:oxecpp:v:35:y:1983:i:3:p:366-72)
by Chang, Winston W & Kemp, Murray C & Long, Ngo Van - Sharp Points in Production Surfaces (RePEc:oup:oxecpp:v:37:y:1985:i:3:p:375-81)
by Kemp, Murray C & Long, Ngo Van & Tawada, Makoto - Risk Aversion, Terms of Trade Uncertainty and Social-Consensus Trade Policy (RePEc:oup:oxecpp:v:38:y:1986:i:2:p:234-42)
by Cassing, J H & Hillman, A L & Long, N V - Monopolistic Recycling of Oil Revenue and Intertemporal Bias in Oil Depletion and Trade (RePEc:oup:qjecon:v:100:y:1985:i:3:p:597-624.)
by Arye L. Hillman & Ngo Van Long - On Some Unresolved Questions in Capital Theory: An Application of Samuelson's Correspondence Principle (RePEc:oup:qjecon:v:91:y:1977:i:2:p:289-314.)
by Edwin Burmeister & Ngo Van Long - The Optimal Consumption of Depletable Natural Resources: Comment (RePEc:oup:qjecon:v:92:y:1978:i:2:p:345-353.)
by Murray C. Kemp & Ngo Van Long - Pricing and Depletion of an Exhaustible Resource When There is Anticipation of Trade Disruption (RePEc:oup:qjecon:v:98:y:1983:i:2:p:215-233.)
by Arye L. Hillman & Ngo Van Long - The Green Paradox in Open Economies: Lessons from Static and Dynamic Models (RePEc:oup:renvpo:v:9:y:2015:i:2:p:266-284.)
by Ngo Van Long - Risk Aversion and Wealth Effects on Portfolios with Many Assets: An Extension (RePEc:oup:restud:v:42:y:1975:i:3:p:473-477.)
by Ngo van Long - Increase in Risk and its Effects on Welfare and Optimal Policies in a Dynamic Setting: The Case of Global Pollution (RePEc:pal:genrir:v:39:y:2014:i:1:p:40-64)
by Quentin Grafton & Tom Kompas & Ngo Van Long - Toward a Theory of a Just Savings Principle (RePEc:pal:intecp:978-0-230-23676-9_15)
by Ngo Long - Income Contingent Loans: Toward a Piecewise Linear Scheme (RePEc:pal:intecp:978-1-137-41320-8_5)
by Ngo Van Long - On the Transition from an Exhaustible Resource Stock to an Inexhaustible Substitute (RePEc:pal:palchp:978-1-349-06358-1_7)
by Nguyen Manh Hung & Murray C. Kemp & Ngo Long - Greater Cost Dispersion Improves Oligopoly Profit: Asymmetric Contributions to Joint Ventures (RePEc:pal:palchp:978-1-349-25814-7_7)
by Long Ngo & Antoine Soubeyran - Foreign Direct Investment as a Signal (RePEc:pra:mprapa:68025)
by Koska, Onur A. & Long, Ngo Van & Staehler, Frank - Multiple-Quality Cournot Oligopoly and the Role of Market Size (RePEc:pra:mprapa:82095)
by Miao, Zhuang & Long, Ngo Van - Multiple-Quality Cournot Oligopoly and the Role of Market Size (RePEc:pra:mprapa:88158)
by Miao, Zhuang & Long, Ngo Van - Permis de pollution et oligopole asymétrique (RePEc:prs:ecoprv:ecop_0249-4744_2000_num_143_2_6007)
by Ngo Van Long & Antoine Soubeyran - Endogenizing Growth Via A Lag For Apprenticing (RePEc:qed:wpaper:1234)
by John Hartwick & Ngo Van Long - Set-up Costs and Theory of Exhaustible Resources (RePEc:qed:wpaper:412)
by John Hartwick & Murray Kemp & Ngo van Long - Atténuation de la tragédie des biens communs: la transmission intergénérationelle des valeurs morales (RePEc:ris:actuec:0193)
by Van Long, Ngo - Saving Household Production-Cum-Consumption Time: Implications for International Trade in Trash (RePEc:sae:fortra:v:58:y:2023:i:1:p:15-37)
by Ngo Van Long - Modelling Reciprocal Trade Liberalization: The Political-economy and National-welfare Perspectives (RePEc:ses:arsjes:1995-iii-14)
by Arye L. Hillman & Ngo Van Long & Peter Moser - A dynamic principal-agent problem as a feedback Stackelberg differential game (RePEc:spr:cejnor:v:18:y:2010:i:4:p:491-509)
by Ngo Long & Gerhard Sorger - Comment (RePEc:spr:conchp:978-3-7908-1630-3_17)
by Ngo Long - Carbon Taxes and Comparison of Trading Regimes in Fossil Fuels (RePEc:spr:dymchp:978-3-642-54086-8_13)
by Seiichi Katayama & Ngo Long & Hiroshi Ohta - Dynamic Games in the Economics of Natural Resources: A Survey (RePEc:spr:dyngam:v:1:y:2011:i:1:p:115-148)
by Ngo Long - Welfare Implications of Leadership in a Resource Market under Bilateral Monopoly (RePEc:spr:dyngam:v:1:y:2011:i:4:p:479-497)
by Kenji Fujiwara & Ngo Long - Asymmetric Information and Differentiated Durable Goods Monopoly: Intra-Period Versus Intertemporal Discrimination (RePEc:spr:dyngam:v:12:y:2022:i:2:d:10.1007_s13235-021-00405-z)
by Didier Laussel & Ngo Long & Joana Resende - Mixed Market Structure and R &D: A Differential Game Approach (RePEc:spr:dyngam:v:14:y:2024:i:1:d:10.1007_s13235-023-00504-z)
by Akihiko Yanase & Ngo Van Long - Dynamic Games Between Firms and Infinitely Lived Consumers: A Review of the Literature (RePEc:spr:dyngam:v:5:y:2015:i:4:p:467-492)
by Ngo Long - Nurturing an Infant Industry by Markovian Subsidy Schemes (RePEc:spr:dyngam:v:8:y:2018:i:3:d:10.1007_s13235-018-0258-6)
by Hassan Benchekroun & Ngo Long - Preface: Special issue of Dynamic Games and Applications in Memory of Professor Engelbert J. Dockner (RePEc:spr:dyngam:v:8:y:2018:i:3:d:10.1007_s13235-018-0263-9)
by Steffen Jørgensen & Ngo Long & Gerhard Sorger - A Dynamic Game with Interaction Between Kantian Players and Nashian Players (RePEc:spr:isochp:978-3-030-19107-8_14)
by Ngo Long - A new proof of the maximum principle (RePEc:spr:joecth:v:22:y:2003:i:3:p:671-674)
by Ngo Van Long & Koji Shimomura - Selective penalization of polluters: an inf-convolution approach (RePEc:spr:joecth:v:25:y:2005:i:2:p:421-454)
by Ngo Long & Antoine Soubeyran - Insecure property rights and growth: the role of appropriation costs, wealth effects, and heterogeneity (RePEc:spr:joecth:v:28:y:2006:i:3:p:513-529)
by Ngo Long & Gerhard Sorger - Optimal food allocation in a slave economy (RePEc:spr:jopoec:v:16:y:2003:i:1:p:21-36)
by R. Rees & John Komlos & Ngo V. Long & Ulrich Woitek - Combining rights and welfarism: a new approach to intertemporal evaluation of social alternatives (RePEc:spr:sochwe:v:50:y:2018:i:1:d:10.1007_s00355-017-1073-5)
by Ngo Long & Vincent Martinet - Risk-averse rent seeking with shared rents (RePEc:spr:sprchp:978-3-540-79182-9_18)
by Neil Vousden & Ngo Van Long - Kant-Nash Equilibria in a Quantity-Setting Oligopoly (RePEc:spr:spschp:978-3-319-29254-0_12)
by Ngo Long - Trade, education, and income inequality (RePEc:taf:applec:v:54:y:2022:i:40:p:4608-4631)
by Markus Brueckner & Ngo Van Long & Joaquin Vespignani - Technology transfers and industry closures (RePEc:taf:jitecd:v:24:y:2015:i:4:p:542-569)
by Daniel Leonard & Ngo Van Long - Industry concentration and optimal discriminatory commercial policies (RePEc:taf:jitecd:v:8:y:1999:i:3:p:241-256)
by Ngo Van Long & Antoine Soubeyran - Non-gravity trade (RePEc:tas:wpaper:32962)
by Brueckner, Markus & Van Long, Ngo & Vespignani, Joaquin - Capital-labor substitution, structural change and growth (RePEc:the:publsh:2106)
by Alvarez-Cuadrado, Francisco & Long, Ngo & Poschke, Markus - A Tale of Two Ports (RePEc:udb:wpaper:0037)
by Ngo Van Long & Kar-yiu Wong - Endogenous Growth and International Trade: A Survey (RePEc:udb:wpaper:96-07)
by Long, N.V. & Wong, K.Y. - Unknown item RePEc:vie:viennp:0905 (paper)
- A dynamic pricipal-agent problem as a feedback Stackelberg differentioal game (RePEc:vie:viennp:vie0905)
by Ngo Van Long & Gerhard Sorger - International Pollution Control: Cooperative Versus Noncooperative Strategies (RePEc:wiw:wus005:6275)
by Dockner, Engelbert J. & Van Long, Ngo - Trade policy and mixed enterprises (RePEc:wly:canjec:v:42:y:2009:i:2:p:590-614)
by Ngo Van Long & Frank Stähler - Knowledge Accumulation Within An Organization (RePEc:wly:iecrev:v:55:y:2014:i:4:p:1089-1128)
by Ngo Van Long & Antoine Soubeyran & Raphael Soubeyran - IS EMULATION GOOD FOR YOU? THE UPsAND DOWNsOF RIVALRY (RePEc:wsi:gjexxx:v:01:y:2012:i:01:n:s2251361212500036)
by Leonard Daniel & Long Ngo Van - BOOK REVIEW: "A Survey of Dynamic Games in Economics" (RePEc:wsi:igtrxx:v:13:y:2011:i:01:n:s0219198911002897)
by Ngo Van Long - Collaborative Environmental Management: A Review Of The Literature (RePEc:wsi:igtrxx:v:14:y:2012:i:04:n:s0219198912400026)
by Hassan Benchekroun & Ngo Van Long - Optimal Tariffs On Exhaustible Resources: The Case Of Quantity-Setting (RePEc:wsi:igtrxx:v:14:y:2012:i:04:n:s021919891240004x)
by Kenji Fujiwara & Ngo Van Long - BOOK REVIEW: "International Regulatory Rivalry in Open Economies: The Impact of Deregulation on the US and UK Financial Markets", by Doha M. Abdelhamid (RePEc:wsi:serxxx:v:50:y:2005:i:02:n:s0217590805002013)
by Van Long Ngo - A Survey of Dynamic Games in Economics (RePEc:wsi:wsbook:7577)
by Van Long Ngo - Game Theory: Static and Dynamic Games (RePEc:wsi:wschap:9789814289238_0004)
by Hassan Benchekroun & Ngo Van Long - Basic Concepts (RePEc:wsi:wschap:9789814293044_0001)
by Ngo Van Long - Dynamic Games In Environmental Economics (RePEc:wsi:wschap:9789814293044_0002)
by Ngo Van Long - Dynamic Games In Natural Resources Economics (RePEc:wsi:wschap:9789814293044_0003)
by Ngo Van Long - Dynamic Games In Trade And Development Economics (RePEc:wsi:wschap:9789814293044_0004)
by Ngo Van Long - Dynamic Games In Industrial Organization (RePEc:wsi:wschap:9789814293044_0005)
by Ngo Van Long - Dynamic Games In Public Economics (RePEc:wsi:wschap:9789814293044_0006)
by Ngo Van Long - Dynamic Games In Macroeconomics (RePEc:wsi:wschap:9789814293044_0007)
by Ngo Van Long - The Effects of Trade Liberalization on Productivity and Welfare: The Role of Firm Heterogeneity, R&D and Market Structure (RePEc:zbw:cauewp:5686)
by Stähler, Frank & Raff, Horst & Long, Ngo Van - Innovation and Trade with Heterogeneous Firms (RePEc:zbw:ifwkwp:1430)
by Long, Ngo Van & Raff, Horst & Stähler, Frank - Optimal foreign borrowing: the impact of the planning horizon on the half and full debt cycle (RePEc:zbw:ifwkwp:348)
by Long, Ngo Van & Siebert, Horst - The political economy of the international debt crisis (RePEc:zbw:ifwkwp:384)
by Long, Ngo Van - Debt cycles with endogenous interest rate (RePEc:zbw:ifwkwp:388)
by Long, Ngo Van & Siebert, Horst - Institutional competition versus ex-ante harmonization: the case of environmental policy (RePEc:zbw:ifwkwp:396)
by Long, Ngo Van & Siebert, Horst - A model of the socialist firm in transition to a market economy (RePEc:zbw:ifwkwp:479)
by Long, Ngo Van & Siebert, Horst - Lay-off restraints, employment subsidies, and the demand for labour (RePEc:zbw:kondp1:190)
by Siebert, Horst & Long, Ngo Van - Endogenous growth and international trade: A survey (RePEc:zbw:kondp2:337)
by Long, Ngo Van & Wong, Kar-Yiu - Optimal foreign borrowing: Sensitivity analysis with respect to the planning horizon (RePEc:zbw:kondp2:59)
by Long, Ngo V. & Siebert, Horst