Claudio BORIO
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Claudio |
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Bank for International Settlements (BIS)
Research profile
author of:
- Rediscovering the Macroeconomic Roots of Financial Stability Policy: Journey, Challenges, and a Way Forward (RePEc:anr:refeco:v:3:y:2011:p:87-117)
by Claudio Borio - Monetary Policy and Inequality (RePEc:bcr:ensayo:v:1:y:2022:i:79:p:148-158)
by Claudio Borio - New loan provisioning standards and procyclicality (RePEc:bde:revisl:y:2019:i:5:n:6)
by Claudio Borio - New loan provisioning standards and procyclicality (RePEc:bde:revist:y:2019:i:5:n:6)
by Claudio Borio - Implementing the macroprudential approach to financial regulation and supervision (RePEc:bfr:fisrev:2009:13:4)
by Borio, C. - Does money growth help explain the recent inflation surge? (RePEc:bis:bisblt:67)
by Claudio Borio & Boris Hofmann & Egon Zakrajšek - Procyclicality of the financial system and financial stability: issues and policy options (RePEc:bis:bisbpc:01-01)
by Claudio Borio & Craig Furfine & Philip Lowe - A hundred ways to skin a cat: comparing monetary policy operation procedures in the United States, Japan and the euro area (RePEc:bis:bisbpc:09-01)
by Claudio Borio - A tale of two perspectives: old or new challenges for monetary policy? (RePEc:bis:bisbpc:19-01)
by Claudio Borio & William English & Andrew Filardo - Historical monetary and financial statistics for policymakers: towards a unified framework (RePEc:bis:bisbps:127)
by Claudio Borio & Øyvind Eitrheim & Marc Flandreau & Clemens Jobst & Jan F Qvigstad & Ryland Thomas - The two-regime view of inflation (RePEc:bis:bisbps:133)
by Claudio Borio & Marco Jacopo Lombardi & James Yetman & Egon Zakrajsek - FX reserve management: elements of a framework (RePEc:bis:bisbps:38)
by Claudio Borio & Jannecke Ebbesen & Gabriele Galati & Alexandra Heath - FX reserve management: trends and challenges (RePEc:bis:bisbps:40)
by Claudio Borio & Gabriele Galati & Alexandra Heath - The financial crisis: what implications for new statistics? (RePEc:bis:bisifc:34-01)
by Claudio Borio - Macroprudential frameworks: experience, prospects and a way forward (RePEc:bis:bisifc:49-05)
by Claudio Borio - Measuring the past to better understand the present and chart the future: the central bank network on historical monetary and financial statistics (RePEc:bis:bisifc:58-01)
by Claudio Borio - Market liquidity and stress: selected issues and policy implications (RePEc:bis:bisqtr:0011e)
by Claudio Borio - To provision or not to provision (RePEc:bis:bisqtr:0109e)
by Claudio Borio & Philip Lowe - Assessing the risk of banking crises (RePEc:bis:bisqtr:0212e)
by Claudio Borio & Philip Lowe - Twin peaks in equity and housing prices? (RePEc:bis:bisqtr:0403g)
by Claudio Borio & Patrick McGuire - Assessing new perspectives on country risk (RePEc:bis:bisqtr:0412e)
by Claudio Borio & Frank Packer - Monetary operations and the financial turmoil (RePEc:bis:bisqtr:0803e)
by Claudio Borio & William Nelson - Assessing the risk of banking crises - revisited (RePEc:bis:bisqtr:0903e)
by Claudio Borio & Mathias Drehmann - The systemic importance of financial institutions (RePEc:bis:bisqtr:0909h)
by Nikola Tarashev & Claudio Borio & Kostas Tsatsaronis - Global credit and domestic credit booms (RePEc:bis:bisqtr:1109f)
by Claudio Borio & Robert McCauley & Patrick McGuire - The costs of deflations: a historical perspective (RePEc:bis:bisqtr:1503e)
by Claudio Borio & Magdalena Erdem & Andrew Filardo & Boris Hofmann - Covered interest parity lost: understanding the cross-currency basis (RePEc:bis:bisqtr:1609e)
by Claudio Borio & Robert Neil McCauley & Patrick McGuire & Vladyslav Sushko - FX swaps and forwards: missing global debt? (RePEc:bis:bisqtr:1709e)
by Claudio Borio & Robert Neil McCauley & Patrick McGuire - Early warning indicators of banking crises: expanding the family (RePEc:bis:bisqtr:1803e)
by Iñaki Aldasoro & Claudio Borio & Mathias Drehmann - The financial cycle and recession risk (RePEc:bis:bisqtr:1812g)
by Claudio Borio & Mathias Drehmann & Dora Xia - Monetary policy, relative prices and inflation control: flexibility born out of success (RePEc:bis:bisqtr:2109b)
by Claudio Borio & Piti Disyatat & Dora Xia & Egon Zakrajšek - Dollar debt in FX swaps and forwards: huge, missing and growing (RePEc:bis:bisqtr:2212h)
by Claudio Borio & Robert N McCauley & Patrick McGuire - Prudential policy and financial dominance: exploring the link (RePEc:bis:bisqtr:2303e)
by Frederic Boissay & Claudio Borio & Cristina Leonte & Ilhyock Shim - Moving targets? Inflation targeting frameworks,1990–2025 (RePEc:bis:bisqtr:2503c)
by Claudio Borio & Matthieu Chavaz - Macro-financial stability frameworks: experience and challenges (RePEc:bis:biswps:1057)
by Claudio Borio & Ilhyock Shim & Hyun Song Shin - Tackling the fiscal policy-financial stability nexus (RePEc:bis:biswps:1090)
by Claudio Borio & Marc Farag & Fabrizio Zampolli - Getting up from the floor (RePEc:bis:biswps:1100)
by Claudio Borio - Asset prices, financial and monetary stability: exploring the nexus (RePEc:bis:biswps:114)
by Philip Lowe & Claudio Borio - Whither inflation targeting as a global monetary standard? (RePEc:bis:biswps:1230)
by Claudio Borio - A tale of two perspectives: old or new challenges for monetary policy? (RePEc:bis:biswps:127)
by Claudio E. V. Borio & Wiliam English & Andrew Filardo - Towards a macroprudential framework for financial supervision and regulation? (RePEc:bis:biswps:128)
by Claudio E. V. Borio - Whither monetary and financial stability? the implications of evolving policy regimes (RePEc:bis:biswps:147)
by William R. White & Claudio E. V. Borio - Financial arrangements, 'soft' budget constraints and inflation: lessons from the Yugoslav experience (RePEc:bis:biswps:15)
by Claudio E. V. Borio - Back to the future? Assessing the deflation record (RePEc:bis:biswps:152)
by Andrew Filardo & Claudio E. V. Borio - Securing sustainable price stability: should credit come back from the wilderness? (RePEc:bis:biswps:157)
by Claudio E. V. Borio & Philip Lowe - Market distress and vanishing liquidity: anatomy and policy options (RePEc:bis:biswps:158)
by Claudio E. V. Borio - Accounting, prudential regulation and financial stability: elements of a synthesis (RePEc:bis:biswps:180)
by Claudio E. V. Borio & Kostas Tsatsaronis - One hundred and thirty years of central bank cooperation: a BIS perspective (RePEc:bis:biswps:197)
by Claudio E. V. Borio & Gianni Toniolo - Risk in financial reporting: status, challenges and suggested directions (RePEc:bis:biswps:213)
by Claudio E. V. Borio & Kostas Tsatsaronis - Monetary and prudential policies at a crossroads? New challenges in the new century (RePEc:bis:biswps:216)
by Claudio E. V. Borio - Globalisation and inflation: New cross-country evidence on the global determinants of domestic inflation (RePEc:bis:biswps:227)
by Claudio E. V. Borio & Andrew Filardo - The changing borders of banking: trends and implications (RePEc:bis:biswps:23)
by Claudio E. V. Borio & Renato Filosa - Change and constancy in the financial system: implications for financial distress and policy (RePEc:bis:biswps:237)
by Claudio E. V. Borio - The structure of credit to the non-goverment sector and the transmission mechanism of monetary policy: a cross-country comparison (RePEc:bis:biswps:24)
by Claudio E. V. Borio - What can (macro-)prudential policy do to support monetary policy? (RePEc:bis:biswps:242)
by Claudio Borio & Ilhyock Shim - The financial turmoil of 2007-?: a preliminary assessment and some policy considerations (RePEc:bis:biswps:251)
by Claudio Borio - Capital regulation, risk-taking and monetary policy: a missing link in the transmission mechanism? (RePEc:bis:biswps:268)
by Claudio Borio & Haibin Zhu - The response of short-term bank lending rates to policy rates: a cross-country perspective (RePEc:bis:biswps:27)
by Claudio E. V. Borio & Wilhelm Fritz - Towards an operational framework for financial stability: "fuzzy" measurement and its consequences (RePEc:bis:biswps:284)
by Claudio Borio & Claudio Mathias Drehmann - Unconventional monetary policies: an appraisal (RePEc:bis:biswps:292)
by Claudio Borio & Piti Disyatat - Ten propositions about liquidity crises (RePEc:bis:biswps:293)
by Claudio Borio - Attributing systemic risk to individual institutions (RePEc:bis:biswps:308)
by Nikola Tarashev & Claudio Borio & Kostas Tsatsaronis - Resolving the financial crisis: are we heeding the lessons from the Nordics? (RePEc:bis:biswps:311)
by Claudio Borio & Bent Vale & Goeth von Peter - Countercyclical capital buffers: exploring options (RePEc:bis:biswps:317)
by Mathias Drehmann & Claudio Borio & Leonardo Gambacorta & Gabriel Jiminez & Carlos Trucharte - The anatomy of the bond market turbulence of 1994 (RePEc:bis:biswps:32)
by Claudio E. V. Borio & Robert N. McCauley - Global imbalances and the financial crisis: Link or no link? (RePEc:bis:biswps:346)
by Claudio Borio & Piti Disyatat - Central banking post-crisis: What compass for uncharted waters? (RePEc:bis:biswps:353)
by Claudio Borio - Rediscovering the macroeconomic roots of financial stability policy: journey, challenges and a way forward (RePEc:bis:biswps:354)
by Claudio Borio - Anchoring countercyclical capital buffers: the role of credit aggregates (RePEc:bis:biswps:355)
by Mathias Drehmann & Claudio Borio & Kostas Tsatsaronis - Stress-testing macro stress testing: does it live up to expectations? (RePEc:bis:biswps:369)
by Claudio Borio & Mathias Drehmann & Kostas Tsatsaronis - Characterising the financial cycle: don't lose sight of the medium term! (RePEc:bis:biswps:380)
by Mathias Drehmann & Claudio Borio & Kostas Tsatsaronis - The financial cycle and macroeconomics: What have we learnt? (RePEc:bis:biswps:395)
by Claudio Borio - Monetary policy operating procedures in industrial countries (RePEc:bis:biswps:40)
by Claudio E. V. Borio - Rethinking potential output: Embedding information about the financial cycle (RePEc:bis:biswps:404)
by Claudio Borio & Frank Piti Disyatat & Mikael Juselius - The Great Financial Crisis: setting priorities for new statistics (RePEc:bis:biswps:408)
by Claudio Borio - Monetary policy and financial stability: what role in prevention and recovery? (RePEc:bis:biswps:440)
by Claudio Borio - A parsimonious approach to incorporating economic information in measures of potential output (RePEc:bis:biswps:442)
by Claudio Borio & Piti Disyatat & Mikael Juselius - The international monetary and financial system: its Achilles heel and what to do about it (RePEc:bis:biswps:456)
by Claudio Borio - The international monetary and financial system: a capital account historical perspective (RePEc:bis:biswps:457)
by Claudio Borio & Harold James & Hyun Song Shin - The influence of monetary policy on bank profitability (RePEc:bis:biswps:514)
by Claudio Borio & Leonardo Gambacorta & Boris Hofmann - Capital flows and the current account: Taking financing (more) seriously (RePEc:bis:biswps:525)
by Claudio Borio & Piti Disyatat - Labour reallocation and productivity dynamics: financial causes, real consequences (RePEc:bis:biswps:534)
by Claudio Borio & Enisse Kharroubi & Christian Upper & Fabrizio Zampolli - Fiscal sustainability and the financial cycle (RePEc:bis:biswps:552)
by Claudio Borio & Marco Jacopo Lombardi & Fabrizio Zampolli - Monetary policy, the financial cycle and ultra-low interest rates (RePEc:bis:biswps:569)
by Mikael Juselius & Claudio Borio & Piti Disyatat & Mathias Drehmann - Unconventional monetary policies: a re-appraisal (RePEc:bis:biswps:570)
by Claudio Borio & Anna Zabai - The failure of covered interest parity: FX hedging demand and costly balance sheets (RePEc:bis:biswps:590)
by Vladyslav Sushko & Claudio Borio & Robert Neil McCauley & Patrick McGuire - The globalisation of inflation: the growing importance of global value chains (RePEc:bis:biswps:602)
by Raphael Auer & Claudio Borio & Andrew Filardo - Monetary policy and bank lending in a low interest rate environment: diminishing effectiveness? (RePEc:bis:biswps:612)
by Claudio Borio & Leonardo Gambacorta - Is monetary policy less effective when interest rates are persistently low? (RePEc:bis:biswps:628)
by Claudio Borio & Boris Hofmann - Why so low for so long? A long-term view of real interest rates (RePEc:bis:biswps:685)
by Claudio Borio & Piti Disyatat & Mikael Juselius & Phurichai Rungcharoenkitkul - Monetary policy in the grip of a pincer movement (RePEc:bis:biswps:706)
by Claudio Borio & Piti Disyatat & Mikael Juselius & Phurichai Rungcharoenkitkul - On money, debt, trust and central banking (RePEc:bis:biswps:763)
by Claudio Borio - What anchors for the natural rate of interest? (RePEc:bis:biswps:777)
by Claudio Borio & Piti Disyatat & Phurichai Rungcharoenkitkul - Bank intermediation activity in a low interest rate environment (RePEc:bis:biswps:807)
by Michael Brei & Claudio Borio - Monetary policy hysteresis and the financial cycle (RePEc:bis:biswps:817)
by Phurichai Rungcharoenkitkul & Claudio Borio & Piti Disyatat Author-X-Name_First: Piti - Predicting recessions: financial cycle versus term spread (RePEc:bis:biswps:818)
by Claudio Borio & Mathias Drehmann & Dora Xia Author-X-Name_First: Dora - Central banking in challenging times (RePEc:bis:biswps:829)
by Claudio Borio - Post-crisis international financial regulatory reforms: a primer (RePEc:bis:biswps:859)
by Claudio Borio & Marc Farag & Nikola Tarashev - Global and domestic financial cycles: variations on a theme (RePEc:bis:biswps:864)
by Iñaki Aldasoro & Stefan Avdjiev & Claudio Borio & Piti Disyatat - Assessing the fiscal implications of banking crises (RePEc:bis:biswps:893)
by Claudio Borio & Juan Contreras & Fabrizio Zampolli - Back to the future: intellectual challenges for monetary policy (RePEc:bis:biswps:981)
by Claudio Borio - Navigating by r*: safe or hazardous? (RePEc:bis:biswps:982)
by Claudio Borio - Losing traction? The real effects of monetary policy when interest rates are low (RePEc:bis:biswps:983)
by Rashad Ahmed & Claudio Borio & Piti Disyatat & Boris Hofmann - Comment on “Financial Crisis and the Lost Decade” (RePEc:bla:asiapr:v:2:y:2007:i:2:p:301-302)
by Claudio BORIO - Global Imbalances and the Financial Crisis: Reassessing the Role of International Finance (RePEc:bla:asiapr:v:5:y:2010:i:2:p:198-216)
by Claudio BORIO & Piti DISYATAT - Bank intermediation activity in a low‐interest‐rate environment (RePEc:bla:ecnote:v:49:y:2020:i:2:n:e12164)
by Michael Brei & Claudio Borio & Leonardo Gambacorta - Back to the Future: Intellectual Challenges for Monetary Policy (RePEc:bla:econpa:v:40:y:2021:i:4:p:273-287)
by Claudio Borio - The influence of monetary policy on bank profitability (RePEc:bla:intfin:v:20:y:2017:i:1:p:48-63)
by Claudio Borio & Leonardo Gambacorta & Boris Hofmann - Unconventional Monetary Policies: An Appraisal (RePEc:bla:manchs:v:78:y:2010:i:s1:p:53-89)
by Claudio Borio & Piti Disyatat - Resolving the financial crisis: are we heeding the lessons from the Nordics? (RePEc:bno:worpap:2010_17)
by Claudio Borio & Bent Vale & Goetz von Peter - Unknown item RePEc:bof:bofrdp:2016_024 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:bof:bofrdp:2017_036 (paper)
- Implementing a Macroprudential Framework: Blending Boldness and Realism (RePEc:bpj:capsoc:v:6:y:2011:i:1:n:1)
by Borio Claudio - La mise en œuvre d'un cadre macroprudentiel : un juste équilibre entre audace et réalisme (RePEc:cai:refaef:ecofi_101_0157)
by Claudio Borio - La croissance monétaire et la poussée inflationniste post-pandémie (RePEc:cai:refaef:ecofi_153_0179)
by Claudio Borio & Boris Hofmann & Egon Zakrajšek - The Globalisation of Inflation: The Growing Importance of Global Value Chains (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_6387)
by Raphael A. Auer & Claudio Borio & Andrew Filardo - Finance and Climate Change Risk: Managing Expectations (RePEc:ces:epofor:v:24:y:2023:i:01:p:5-7)
by Claudio Borio & Stijn Claessens & Nikola Tarashev - La política monetaria cercada por un movimiento de pinzas (RePEc:chb:bcchec:v:21:y:2018:i:2:p:004-044)
by Claudio Borio & Piti Disyatat & Mikael Juselius & Phurichai Rungcharoenkitkul - Toward an Operational Framework for Financial Stability: “Fuzzy” Measurement and Its Consequences (RePEc:chb:bcchsb:v15c04pp063-123)
by Claudio Borio & Mathias Drehmann - Monetary Policy in the Grip of a Pincer Movement (RePEc:chb:bcchsb:v26c10pp311-356)
by Claudio Borio & Piti Disyatat & Mikael Juselius & Phurichai Rungcharoenkitkul - Towards an Operational Framework for Financial Stability: "Fuzzy" Measurement and its Consequences (RePEc:chb:bcchwp:544)
by Claudio Borio & Mathias Drehmann - Tipos, acervos y flujos:cómo entender los retos macroeconómicos globales (RePEc:cml:boletn:lix:y:2013:i:1:p:18-31)
by Claudio Borio - Administración de reservas de divisas: tendencias y desafíos (RePEc:cml:boletn:v:lv:y:2009:i:2:p:90-113)
by Claudio Borio & Gabriele Galati & Alexandra Heath - Evaluación del riesgo de crisis bancarias: una revisión (RePEc:cml:boletn:v:lv:y:2009:i:3:p:139-153)
by Claudio Borio & Mathias Drehmann - The globalisation of inflation: the growing importance of global value chains (RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:11905)
by Auer, Raphael & Borio, Claudio & Filardo, Andrew - Bank intermediation activity in a low interest rate environment (RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:13980)
by Gambacorta, Leonardo & Brei, Michael & Borio, Claudio - Revisiting Three Intellectual Pillars of Monetary Policy (RePEc:cto:journl:v:36:y:2016:i:2:p:213-238)
by Claudio Borio - The Past and Future of Central Bank Cooperation (RePEc:cup:cbooks:9780521187572)
by None - The Past and Future of Central Bank Cooperation (RePEc:cup:cbooks:9780521877794)
by None - Promoting Global Monetary and Financial Stability (RePEc:cup:cbooks:9781108495981)
by None - Monetary and Financial Stability: So Close and Yet So Far? (RePEc:cup:nierev:v:192:y:2005:i::p:84-101_9)
by Borio, Claudio - On Time, Stocks and Flows: Understanding the Global Macroeconomic Challenges (RePEc:cup:nierev:v:225:y:2013:i::p:r3-r13_10)
by Borio, Claudio - Do Contingent Rules Really Dominate Fixed Rules? (RePEc:ecj:econjl:v:96:y:1986:i:384:p:1000-1010)
by Borio, C E V - Looking back at the international deflation record (RePEc:eee:ecofin:v:15:y:2004:i:3:p:287-311)
by Borio, Claudio & Filardo, Andrew J. - Accounting and prudential regulation: from uncomfortable bedfellows to perfect partners? (RePEc:eee:finsta:v:1:y:2004:i:1:p:111-135)
by Borio, Claudio & Tsatsaronis, Kostas - Stress-testing macro stress testing: Does it live up to expectations? (RePEc:eee:finsta:v:12:y:2014:i:c:p:3-15)
by Borio, Claudio & Drehmann, Mathias & Tsatsaronis, Kostas - Capital regulation, risk-taking and monetary policy: A missing link in the transmission mechanism? (RePEc:eee:finsta:v:8:y:2012:i:4:p:236-251)
by Borio, Claudio & Zhu, Haibin - Monetary and financial stability: Here to stay? (RePEc:eee:jbfina:v:30:y:2006:i:12:p:3407-3414)
by Borio, Claudio - Systemic risk, macroprudential policy frameworks, monitoring financial systems and the evolution of capital adequacy (RePEc:eee:jbfina:v:36:y:2012:i:12:p:3125-3132)
by Arnold, Bruce & Borio, Claudio & Ellis, Luci & Moshirian, Fariborz - The financial cycle and macroeconomics: What have we learnt? (RePEc:eee:jbfina:v:45:y:2014:i:c:p:182-198)
by Borio, Claudio - Losing traction? The real effects of monetary policy when interest rates are low (RePEc:eee:jimfin:v:141:y:2024:i:c:s0261560623002000)
by Ahmed, Rashad & Borio, Claudio & Disyatat, Piti & Hofmann, Boris - On the centrality of the current account in international economics (RePEc:eee:jimfin:v:68:y:2016:i:c:p:266-274)
by Borio, Claudio - Monetary policy and bank lending in a low interest rate environment: Diminishing effectiveness? (RePEc:eee:jmacro:v:54:y:2017:i:pb:p:217-231)
by Borio, Claudio & Gambacorta, Leonardo - Forecasting recessions: the importance of the financial cycle (RePEc:eee:jmacro:v:66:y:2020:i:c:s016407042030183x)
by Borio, Claudio & Drehmann, Mathias & Xia, Fan Dora - Implementing the Macroprudential Approach to Financial Regulation and Supervision (RePEc:elg:eechap:14248_7)
by Claudio Borio - The financial cycle and macroeconomics: what have we learned and what are the policy implications? (RePEc:elg:eechap:15914_2)
by Claudio Borio - Unconventional monetary policies: a re-appraisal (RePEc:elg:eechap:16612_20)
by Claudio Borio & Anna Zabai - Fiscal policy and financial stability: revisiting the nexus (RePEc:elg:eechap:21915_9)
by Claudio Borio & Marc Farag & Fabrizio Zampolli - Populism, Economic Policies and Central Banking (RePEc:erf:erfstu:99)
by Itai Agur & Carola Binder & Cristina Bodea & Claudio Borio & Italo Colantone & Ana Carolina Garriga & Federico Favaretto & Stefan Gerlach & Ernest Gnan & Ryszard Kokoszczynski & Masaaki Higashijima & - The international monetary and financial system: its Achilles heel and what to do about it (RePEc:fip:feddgw:203)
by Claudio Borio - The international monetary and financial system: a capital account historical perspective (RePEc:fip:feddgw:204)
by Claudio Borio & Harold James & Hyun Song Shin - The Globalisation of Inflation: the Growing Importance of Global Value Chains (RePEc:fip:feddgw:300)
by Raphael Auer & Claudio Borio & Andrew J. Filardo - Whither monetary and financial stability : the implications of evolving policy regimes (RePEc:fip:fedkpr:y:2003:p:131-211)
by Claudio Borio & William R. White - Bank intermediation activity in a low‐interest‐rate environment (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-02985986)
by Michael Brei & Claudio Borio & Leonardo Gambacorta - Anchoring Countercyclical Capital Buffers: The role of Credit Aggregates (RePEc:ijc:ijcjou:y:2011:q:4:a:8)
by Mathias Drehmann & Claudio Borio & Kostas Tsatsaronis - Monetary Policy, the Financial Cycle, and Ultra-Low Interest Rates (RePEc:ijc:ijcjou:y:2017:q:3:a:2)
by Mikael Juselius & Claudio Borio & Piti Disyatat & Mathias Drehmann - Why So Low for So Long? A Long-Term View of Real Interest Rates (RePEc:ijc:ijcjou:y:2022:q:3:a:2)
by Claudio Borio & Piti Disyatat & Mikael Juselius & Phurichai Rungcharoenkitkul - Global and Domestic Financial Cycles: Variations on a Theme (RePEc:ijc:ijcjou:y:2023:q:5:a:2)
by Iñaki Aldasoro & Stefan Avdjiev & Claudio Borio & Piti Disyatat - Credit booms, labor reallocation, and productivity growth (RePEc:ijc:ijcjou:y:2023:q:5:a:6)
by Enisse Kharroubi & Christian Upper & Fabrizio Zampolli & Claudio Borio - The Anatomy of the Bond Market Turbulence of 1994 (RePEc:lev:wrkpap:wp_159)
by Claudio E. V. Borio & Robert N. McCauley - Macroprudential Policy and the Financial Cycle: Some Stylized Facts and Policy Suggestions (RePEc:mtp:chapts:0262027348-06)
by Claudio Borio - Market Discipline Across Countries and Industries (RePEc:mtp:titles:0262025752)
by None - Towards a Macroprudential Framework for Financial Supervision and Regulation? (RePEc:oup:cesifo:v:49:y:2003:i:2:p:181-215.)
by Claudio Borio - Ten propositions about liquidity crises (RePEc:oup:cesifo:v:56:y:2010:i:1:p:70-95)
by Claudio Borio - Risk Attribution Using the Shapley Value: Methodology and Policy Applications (RePEc:oup:revfin:v:20:y:2016:i:3:p:1189-1213.)
by Nikola Tarashev & Kostas Tsatsaronis & Claudio Borio - Secular stagnation or financial cycle drag? (RePEc:pal:buseco:v:52:y:2017:i:2:d:10.1057_s11369-017-0035-3)
by Claudio Borio - The Covid-19 economic crisis: dangerously unique (RePEc:pal:buseco:v:55:y:2020:i:4:d:10.1057_s11369-020-00184-2)
by Claudio Borio - The Great Financial Crisis: Setting priorities for new statistics (RePEc:pal:jbkreg:v:14:y:2013:i:3:p:306-317)
by Claudio Borio - La mise en oeuvre d’un cadre macroprudentiel : un juste équilibre entre audace et réalisme (RePEc:prs:recofi:ecofi_0987-3368_2011_num_101_1_5996)
by Claudio Borio - Capital Flows and the Current Account: Taking Financing (More) Seriously (RePEc:pui:dpaper:14)
by Claudio Borio & Piti Disyatat - Rethinking Potential Output: Embedding Information about the Financial Cycle (RePEc:pui:dpaper:5)
by Claudio Borio & Piti Disyatat & Mikael Juselius - Monetary Policy, the Financial Cycle and Ultra-low Interest Rates (RePEc:pui:dpaper:55)
by Mikael Juselius & Claudio Borio & Piti Disyatat & Mathias Drehmann - Why So Low for So Long? A Long-Term View of Real Interest Rates (RePEc:pui:dpaper:80)
by Claudio Borio & Piti Disyatat & Mikael Juselius & Phurichai Rungcharoenkitkul - What Anchors for the Natural Rate of Interest? (RePEc:pui:dpaper:98)
by Claudio Borio & Piti Disyatat & Phurichai Rungcharoenkitkul - Disscusion of 'Regulatory Policy Issues in Australia' (RePEc:rba:rbaacv:acv1996-17)
by Claudio Borio - Wrap-up Discussion (RePEc:rba:rbaacv:acv2004-16)
by Alan Bollard & Claudio Borio & Pierre Duguay & Glenn Stevens - Change and Constancy in the Financial System: Implications for Financial Distress and Policy (RePEc:rba:rbaacv:acv2007-02)
by Claudio Borio - Is Monetary Policy Less Effective When Interest Rates Are Persistently Low? (RePEc:rba:rbaacv:acv2017-04)
by Claudio Borio & Boris Hofmann - Early warning indicators of banking crises: expanding the family (RePEc:ris:jofitr:1621)
by Aldasoro, Iñaki & Borio, Claudio & Drehmann, Mathias - Monetary and Financial Stability: So Close and Yet So Far? (RePEc:sae:niesru:v:192:y:2005:i:1:p:84-101)
by Claudio Borio - On Time, Stocks and Flows: Understanding the Global Macroeconomic Challenges (RePEc:sae:niesru:v:225:y:2013:i:1:p:r3-r13)
by Claudio Borio - Monetary Policy (RePEc:wej:wldecn:140)
by Claudio Borio & Philip Lowe - The Anatomy of the Bond Market Turbulence of 1994 (RePEc:wpa:wuwpma:9809004)
by Claudio E.V. Borio & Robert N. McCauley - Macro-financial Stability Policy in a Globalised World: Lessons from International Experience:Selected Papers from the Asian Monetary Policy Forum 2021 Special Edition and MAS-BIS Conference (RePEc:wsi:wsbook:12921)
by None - Macro-Financial Stability Frameworks: Experience and Challenges (RePEc:wsi:wschap:9789811259432_0003)
by Claudio Borio & Ilhyock Shim & Hyun Song Shin - Financial Instability and Macroeconomics: Bridging the Gulf (RePEc:wsi:wschap:9789814322096_0017)
by Claudio Borio & Mathias Drehmann - Can We Identify the Financial Cycle? (RePEc:wsi:wschap:9789814449922_0007)
by Mathias Drehmann & Claudio Borio & Kostas Tsatsaronis - Where to from Here? Implementation, Implementation, Implementation (RePEc:wsi:wschap:9789814520294_0023)
by Claudio Borio - Monetary policy, the financial cycle and ultralow interest rates (RePEc:zbw:bofrdp:rdp2016_024)
by Juselius, Mikael & Borio, Claudio & Disyatat, Piti & Drehmann, Mathias - Why so low for so long? A long-term view of real interest rates (RePEc:zbw:bofrdp:rdp2017_036)
by Borio, Claudio & Disyatat, Piti & Juselius, Mikael & Rungcharoenkitkul, Phurichai