Gavin Wright
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Gavin |
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Wright |
Stanford University
/ Stanford Institute for Economic Policy Research (SIEPR) (weight: 10%)
Stanford University
/ Department of Economics (weight: 90%)
Research profile
author of:
- Local Economic and Political Effects of Trade Deals: Evidence from NAFTA (RePEc:aea:aecrev:v:114:y:2024:i:6:p:1540-75)
by Jiwon Choi & Ilyana Kuziemko & Ebonya Washington & Gavin Wright - The Efficiency of Slavery: Another Interpretation (RePEc:aea:aecrev:v:69:y:1979:i:1:p:219-26)
by Wright, Gavin - The Origins of American Industrial Success, 1879-1940 (RePEc:aea:aecrev:v:80:y:1990:i:4:p:651-68)
by Wright, Gavin - Understanding the Gender Gap: A Review Article (RePEc:aea:jeclit:v:29:y:1991:i:3:p:1153-63)
by Wright, Gavin - The Rise and Fall of American Technological Leadership: The Postwar Era in Historical Perspective (RePEc:aea:jeclit:v:30:y:1992:i:4:p:1931-64)
by Nelson, Richard R & Wright, Gavin - The Economic Revolution in the American South (RePEc:aea:jecper:v:1:y:1987:i:1:p:161-78)
by Wright, Gavin - Slavery and the Rise of the Nineteenth-Century American Economy (RePEc:aea:jecper:v:36:y:2022:i:2:p:123-48)
by Gavin Wright - Safety-First, Gambling, and the Subsistence Farmer (RePEc:ags:psumis:257756)
by Kunreuther, Howard & Wright, Gavin - New Evidence on the Stubborn English Mule and the Cotton Industry, 1878-1920 (RePEc:bla:ehsrev:v:37:y:1984:i:4:p:507-519)
by Gary R. Saxonhouse & Gavin Wright - Stubborn mules and vertical integration: the disappearing constraint? (RePEc:bla:ehsrev:v:40:y:1987:i:1:p:87-94)
by Gary Saxonhouse & Gavin Wright - Slavery and Anglo‐American capitalism revisited (RePEc:bla:ehsrev:v:73:y:2020:i:2:p:353-383)
by Gavin Wright - Historical Foundations of American Technology (RePEc:cnf:wpaper:0810)
by Gavin Wright - The Slave Community: Plantation Life in the Ante-Bellum South. By John W. Blassingame. New York, Oxford University Press, 1972. Pp. xv + 262. $7.95 (RePEc:cup:buhirw:v:47:y:1973:i:03:p:386-388_02)
by Wright, Gavin - Whereby We Thrive: A History of American Farming, 1607–1972. By John T. Schlebecker. Ames, Iowa, Iowa State University Press, 1975. Pp. x + 342. $12.95 (RePEc:cup:buhirw:v:50:y:1976:i:02:p:233-233_04)
by Wright, Gavin - Prosperity Road: The New Deal, Tobacco, and North Carolina. By Anthony J. Badger. Chapel Hill, University of North Carolina Press, 1980. Pp. xviii + 295. $20.00 (RePEc:cup:buhirw:v:55:y:1981:i:02:p:278-279_04)
by Wright, Gavin - Recovery and Redistribution Under the Nira. By Michael M. Weinstein. Amsterdam, North-Holland Publishing Company, 1980. Pp. xv + 171. $36.50 (RePEc:cup:buhirw:v:56:y:1982:i:03:p:453-454_05)
by Wright, Gavin - Rethinking the Postbellum Southern Political Economy - Mill and Town in South Carolina 1880–1920. By David L. Carlton. (Baton Rouge and London: Louisiana State University Press, 1982. xii + 313 pp. (RePEc:cup:buhirw:v:58:y:1984:i:03:p:409-416_05)
by Wright, Gavin - Essays on the Postbellum Southern Economy. Edited by Thavolia Glymph and John J. Kushma. (College Station: Texas A & M University Press, 1985. x + 119 pp. $17.50.) (RePEc:cup:buhirw:v:60:y:1986:i:03:p:499-501_05)
by Wright, Gavin - International Competition and Strategic Response in the Textile Industries since 1870. Edited byMary B. Rose · London: Frank Cass, 1991. 194 pp. Tables, notes, and index. $32.00. ISBN 0-7146-3412-3 (RePEc:cup:buhirw:v:66:y:1992:i:04:p:814-816_06)
by Wright, Gavin - American Economic Growth and Standards of Living before the Civil War. Edited byRobert E. Gallman and John Joseph Wallis · Chicago, Ill.: University of Chicago Press, 1992. viii + 396 pp. Tables, cha (RePEc:cup:buhirw:v:67:y:1993:i:02:p:306-307_07)
by Wright, Gavin - Unequal Gains: American Growth and Inequality since 1700. By Peter H. Lindert and Jeffrey G. Williamson . Princeton: Princeton University Press, 2016. xx + 398 pp. Illustrations, figures, tables, refe (RePEc:cup:buhirw:v:90:y:2016:i:04:p:774-777_00)
by Wright, Gavin - The Historical Statistics of the United States 5 Volume Hardback Set (RePEc:cup:cbooks:9780521817912)
by None - John Majewski. Modernizing a Slave Economy: The Economic Vision of the Confederate Nation. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press, 2009. xiii + 240 pp. ISBN 978-0-8078-3251-6, $31.96 (cloth) (RePEc:cup:entsoc:v:10:y:2009:i:04:p:851-853_00)
by Wright, Gavin - The Reinterpretation of American Economic History. Edited by Robert William Fogel and Stanley L. Engerman. New York: Harper & Row, 1971. Pp. 494 (RePEc:cup:jechis:v:32:y:1972:i:02:p:566-569_06)
by Wright, Gavin - Comment on Papers by Reid, Ransom and Sutch, and Higgs (RePEc:cup:jechis:v:33:y:1973:i:01:p:170-176_07)
by Wright, Gavin - New and Old Views on the Economics of Slavery (RePEc:cup:jechis:v:33:y:1973:i:02:p:452-466_07)
by Wright, Gavin - Dissertation Comments (RePEc:cup:jechis:v:34:y:1974:i:01:p:304-312_07)
by Wright, Gavin & Hohenberg, Paul M. - Cotton Competition and the Post-Bellum Recovery of the American South (RePEc:cup:jechis:v:34:y:1974:i:03:p:610-635_07)
by Wright, Gavin - Cotton, Corn and Risk in the Nineteenth Century (RePEc:cup:jechis:v:35:y:1975:i:03:p:526-551_07)
by Wright, Gavin & Kunreuther, Howard - Populist Vanguard: A History of the Southern Farmers' Alliance. By Robert C. McMathJr, Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1975. Pp. 221. - The Improbable Era: The South Since World W (RePEc:cup:jechis:v:36:y:1976:i:04:p:981-982_09)
by Wright, Gavin - Cheap Labor and Southern Textiles before 1880 (RePEc:cup:jechis:v:39:y:1979:i:03:p:655-680_09)
by Wright, Gavin - World Demand for Cotton during the Nineteenth Century: Reply (RePEc:cup:jechis:v:39:y:1979:i:04:p:1023-1024_09)
by Wright, Gavin - Black Migration in America: A Special Demographic History. By Daniel M. Johnson and Rex R. Campbell. Durham, N.C.: Duke University Press, 1981. Pp. viii, 190. $16.75 cloth, $8.95 paper (RePEc:cup:jechis:v:41:y:1981:i:04:p:927-928_04)
by Wright, Gavin - The Selling of the South: The Southern Crusade for Industrial Development, 1936–1980. By James C. Cobb. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1982. Pp. xii, 293. $16.95 (RePEc:cup:jechis:v:42:y:1982:i:04:p:969-970_02)
by Wright, Gavin - Fruits of Merchant Capital: Slavery and Bourgeois Property in the Rise and Expansion of Capitalism. By Elizabeth Fox-Genovese and Eugene D. Genovese. New York: Oxford University Press, 1983. Pp. xxii, (RePEc:cup:jechis:v:44:y:1984:i:02:p:631-632_03)
by Wright, Gavin - New Perspectives on Race and Slavery in America: Essays in Honor of Kenneth M. Stampp. Edited by Robert H. Abzug and Stephen E. Maizlish. Lexington: University Press of Kentucky, 1986. Pp. ix, 206. $1 (RePEc:cup:jechis:v:46:y:1986:i:04:p:1064-1065_05)
by Wright, Gavin - Rural Worlds Lost: The American South, 1920–1960. By Jack Temple Kirby. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1987. Pp. xix, 390. $40.00 cloth, $16.95 paper (RePEc:cup:jechis:v:47:y:1987:i:03:p:851-852_04)
by Wright, Gavin - The Fall of the House of Labor: The Workplace, the State, and American Labor Activism, 1865–1925. By David Montgomery. New York: Cambridge University Press, 1987. Pp. xii, 494. $27.95 (RePEc:cup:jechis:v:48:y:1988:i:02:p:501-503_00)
by Wright, Gavin - Encyclopedia of Southern Culture. Edited by Charles Reagan Wilson and William Ferris. Chapel Hill: The University of North Carolina Press, 1989. Pp. xxi, 1634. $59.95 (RePEc:cup:jechis:v:50:y:1990:i:01:p:215-217_03)
by Wright, Gavin - “Fear God and Walk Humbly†: The Agricultural Journal of James Mallory, 1843–1877. Edited by Grady McWhiney, Warner O. MooreJr., and Robert F. Pace. Tuscaloosa: The University of Alabama Press, 1 (RePEc:cup:jechis:v:58:y:1998:i:01:p:282-283_02)
by Wright, Gavin - United States and Canada - Region, Race, and Cities: Interpreting the Urban South. By David Goldfield. Baton Rouge: Louisiana State University Press, 1997. Pp. 309. $37.50, cloth; $16.95, paper (RePEc:cup:jechis:v:59:y:1999:i:01:p:229-230_02)
by Wright, Gavin - The Civil Rights Revolution as Economic History (RePEc:cup:jechis:v:59:y:1999:i:02:p:267-289_02)
by Wright, Gavin - Lost Revolutions: The South in the 1950s. By Pete Daniel. Chapel Hill: University of North Carolina Press for Smithsonian National Museum of American History, 2000. Pp. xii, 378. $45.00, cloth; $19.95 (RePEc:cup:jechis:v:60:y:2000:i:04:p:1166-1167_02)
by Wright, Gavin - Session 5a: Productivity (RePEc:cup:jechis:v:61:y:2001:i:02:p:523-523_28)
by David, Paul & Wright, Gavin - GENERAL AND MISCELLANEOUS Coercion, Contract, and Free Labor in the Nineteenth Century. By Robert J. Steinfeld. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2001. Pp. xi, 329. $59.95, cloth; $22.95, paper (RePEc:cup:jechis:v:61:y:2001:i:03:p:865-866_00)
by Wright, Gavin - The Oxford Encyclopedia of Economic History. Edited by Joel Mokyr, Editor in Chief. Five Volumes. Oxford, New York: Oxford University Press, 2003. Pp. 2,800. $695 (RePEc:cup:jechis:v:64:y:2004:i:04:p:1157-1159_36)
by Wright, Gavin - The Race Between Education and Technology. By Claudia Goldin and Lawrence F. Katz. Cambridge, MA: The Belknap Press of Harvard University Press, 2008. Pp. vi, 488. $39.95, cloth (RePEc:cup:jechis:v:69:y:2009:i:02:p:604-606_00)
by Wright, Gavin - National Leadership and Competing Technological Paradigms: The Globalization of Cotton Spinning, 1878–1933 (RePEc:cup:jechis:v:70:y:2010:i:03:p:535-566_00)
by Saxonhouse, Gary R. & Wright, Gavin - Scarcity and Frontiers: How Economies Have Developed Through Natural Resource Exploitation. By Edward B. Barbier. Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2011. Pp. xviii, 748. $105.00, hardcover; $48.0 (RePEc:cup:jechis:v:71:y:2011:i:04:p:1126-1127_00)
by Wright, Gavin - Legacies of the War on Poverty. Edited by Martha J. Bailey and Sheldon Danziger. New York: Russell Sage Foundation (The National Poverty Series on Poverty and Public Policy). 2013. Pp. xii, 309. $39.9 (RePEc:cup:jechis:v:74:y:2014:i:02:p:637-638_00)
by Wright, Gavin - The Color Factor: The Economics of African-American Well-Being in the Nineteenth-Century South. By Howard Bodenhorn. New York: Oxford University Press, 2015. Pp. xiv, 320. $39.95, cloth (RePEc:cup:jechis:v:76:y:2016:i:04:p:1259-1261_00)
by Wright, Gavin - Towards a More Historical Approach to Technological Change (RePEc:ecj:econjl:v:107:y:1997:i:444:p:1560-66)
by Wright, Gavin - Slavery and the cotton boom (RePEc:eee:exehis:v:12:y:1975:i:4:p:439-451)
by Wright, Gavin - Cotton, corn, and risk in the nineteenth century: A reply (RePEc:eee:exehis:v:14:y:1977:i:2:p:183-195)
by Wright, Gavin & Kunreuther, Howard - Freedom and the Southern economy (RePEc:eee:exehis:v:16:y:1979:i:1:p:90-108)
by Wright, Gavin - Night work as a labor market phenomenon: Southern textiles in the interwar period (RePEc:eee:exehis:v:20:y:1983:i:4:p:331-350)
by Shiells, Martha & Wright, Gavin - Reflections on One Kind of Freedom and the Southern Economy (RePEc:eee:exehis:v:38:y:2001:i:1:p:40-47)
by Wright, Gavin - Order without law? Property rights during the California gold rush (RePEc:eee:exehis:v:42:y:2005:i:2:p:155-183)
by Clay, Karen & Wright, Gavin - Arbritraging a Discriminatory Labor Market: Black Workers at the Ford Motor Company, 1918-1947 (RePEc:fth:harver:1819)
by Christopher L. Foote & Warren C. Whatley & Gavin Wright - Sharing the Prize: The Economics of the Civil Rights Revolution in the American South (RePEc:hup:pbooks:9780674049338)
by Wright, Gavin - Natural Resources: Neither Curse nor Destiny (RePEc:idb:idbbks:350)
by Venables, Anthony J. & Maloney, William & Kokko, Ari & Bravo Ortega, Claudio & Lederman, Daniel & Rigobón, Roberto & De Gregorio, José & Czelusta, Jesse & Jayasuriya, Shamila A. & Blomström, Magnus & - WHY ECONOMIES SLOW: The Myth of the Resource Curse (RePEc:mes:challe:v:47:y:2004:i:2:p:6-38)
by Gavin Wright & Jesse Czelusta - The Century’s Giant: An Obituary of Economist Kenneth Arrow (RePEc:mes:challe:v:60:y:2017:i:3:p:287-293)
by Gavin Wright - Introduction and Overview to Volumes I and II, The Japanese Economy in Retrospect: Selected Papers by Gary R. Saxonhouse (RePEc:mie:wpaper:586)
by Robert M Stern & Gavin Wright & Hugh Patrick - The Japanese Economy in Retrospect: Selected Papers of Gary R. Saxonhouse (Description and Table of Contents) (RePEc:mie:wpaper:607)
by Robert M. Stern & Gavin Wright & Hugh Patrick - Can a Nation Learn? American Technology as a Network Phenomenon (RePEc:nbr:nberch:10236)
by Gavin Wright - Local Economic and Political Effects of Trade Deals: Evidence from NAFTA (RePEc:nbr:nberwo:29525)
by Jiwon Choi & Ilyana Kuziemko & Ebonya L. Washington & Gavin Wright - Increasing Returns and the Genesis of American Resource Abundance (RePEc:oup:indcch:v:6:y:1997:i:2:p:203-45)
by David, Paul A & Wright, Gavin - Cheap Labor and Southern Textiles, 1880–1930 (RePEc:oup:qjecon:v:96:y:1981:i:4:p:605-629.)
by Gavin Wright - General Purpose Technologies and Surges in Productivity: Historical Reflections on the Future of the ICT Revolution (RePEc:oxf:esohwp:_031)
by Paul David & Gavin Wright - Early Twentieth Century Productivity Growth Dynamics: An Inquiry into the Economic History of Our Ignorance (RePEc:oxf:esohwp:_033)
by Paul David & Gavin Wright - Local Economic and Political Effects of Trade Deals: Evidence from NAFTA (RePEc:pri:cepsud:303)
by Jiwon Choi & Ilyana Kuziemko & Ebonya L. Washington & Gavin Wright - Nathan Rosenberg (22 November 1927–24 August 2015) (RePEc:sae:ecolab:v:26:y:2015:i:4:p:685-685)
by Gavin Wright - The New Deal and the Modernization of the South (RePEc:sip:dpaper:08-042)
by Gavin Wright - The Antebellum US Economy (RePEc:spr:sprchp:978-3-031-35583-7_65)
by Gavin Wright - Voting Rights, Deindustrialization, and Republican Ascendancy in the South (RePEc:thk:wpaper:inetwp135)
by Gavin Wright - An Econometric Study of Cotton Production and Trade, 1830-1860 (RePEc:tpr:restat:v:53:y:1971:i:2:p:111-20)
by Wright, Gavin - The Political Economy of New Deal Spending: An Econometric Analysis (RePEc:tpr:restat:v:56:y:1974:i:1:p:30-38)
by Wright, Gavin - Arbitraging a Discriminatory Labor Market: Black Workers at the Ford Motor Company, 19181947 (RePEc:ucp:jlabec:v:21:y:2003:i:3:p:493-532)
by Christopher L. Foote & Warren C. Whatley & Gavin Wright - The Effects of Pre-Civil War Territorial Expansion on the Price of Slaves (RePEc:ucp:jpolec:v:80:y:1972:i:6:p:1188-1202)
by Passell, Peter & Wright, Gavin - The origins of American resource abundance (RePEc:unm:umamer:1995017)
by David, Paul A. & Wright, Gavin - The Role of Nationhood in the Economic Development of the USA (RePEc:wop:stanec:00024)
by Gavin Wright - Arbitraging a Discriminatory Labor Market: Black Workers at the Ford Motor Company, 1918-1947 (RePEc:wop:stanec:01009)
by Christopher L. Foote & Warren C. Whatley & Gavin Wright - Exorcizing the Resource Curse: Minerals as a Knowledge Industry, Past and Present (RePEc:wop:stanec:02008)
by Gavin Wright & Jesse Czelusta - The Economics of Civil Rights (RePEc:wop:stanec:03005)
by Gavin Wright - Slavery and American Agricultural History (RePEc:wop:stanec:03006)
by Gavin Wright - Can a Nation Learn? American Technology as a Network Phenomenon (RePEc:wop:stanec:98001)
by Gavin Wright - General Purpose Technologies and Surges in Productivity: Historical Reflections on the Future of the ICT Revolution (RePEc:wop:stanec:99026)
by Paul A. David & Gavin Wright - General Purpose Technologies and Productivity Surges: Historical Reflections on the Future of the ICT Revolution (RePEc:wpa:wuwpeh:0502002)
by Paul A. David & Gavin Wright - Early Twentieth Century Productivity Growth Dynamics: An Inquiry into the Economic History of “Our Ignorance” (RePEc:wpa:wuwpma:0502023)
by Paul A. David & Gavin Wright