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Rheinische Friedrich-Wilhelms-Universität Bonn
/ Zentrum für Entwicklungsforschung (ZEF)
Research profile
author of:
- How does food supply respond to high and volatile international food prices? An empirical evaluation of inter- and intra- seasonal global crop acreage response (RePEc:ags:aaae13:161472)
by Haile, Mekbib G. & Kalkuhl, Matthias & Braun, Joachim von - Inter-and intra-annual global crop acreage response to prices and price risk (RePEc:ags:aaea13:149695)
by Haile, Mekbib G. & Kalkuhl, Matthias & Braun, Joachim von - Spatial price transmission under different policy regimes: the case of Chinese soy and maize market (RePEc:ags:aaea15:205665)
by Yang, Guolei & Huang, Jikun & Kalkuhl, Matthias & von Braun, Joachim & Hu, Jiliang - Rice, wheat, and corn supply response in China (RePEc:ags:aaea15:205988)
by Brockhaus, Jan & Huang, Jikun & Hu, Jiliang & Kalkuhl, Matthias & von Braun, Joachim & Yang, Guolei - Exploring the Price Spike (RePEc:ags:aaeach:94696)
by von Braun, Joachim & Torero, Maximo - Long-term structural change and determinants of agricultural output in small-scale farming in Rwanda (RePEc:ags:afjare:252461)
by Musafiri, Ildephonse & von Braun, Joachim - When Food Makes Fuel: The Promises and Challenges of Biofuels (RePEc:ags:cfcp07:124488)
by von Braun, Joachim - Short-term dynamics of food and nutritional security, poverty, and resilience – analyses of high-frequency household surveys in Uganda, Ethiopia, and Bangladesh (RePEc:ags:cfcp15:344300)
by Amondo, Emily Injete & Kornher, Lukas & von Braun, Joachim - Agricultural supply response to international food prices and price volatility: a cross-country panel analysis (RePEc:ags:eaae14:182725)
by Haile, Mekbib & Kalkuhl, Matthias & von Braun, Joachim - Speculation, Responsible Investment and (Self-)Regulation in Agricultural Commodity Markets (RePEc:ags:gewi13:156213)
by Kalkuhl, Matthias & Braun, Joachim von - Chancen und Grenzen des technischen Fortschritts in der Landwirtschaft zur Reduzierung der Armut in Entwicklungsländern (RePEc:ags:gewipr:210811)
by von Braun, J. - Auswirkungen der EG-Erweiterung auf den Agrarsektor Ägyptens (RePEc:ags:gewipr:211778)
by von Braun, J. & de Haen, H. - Regionale Veränderungen des Arbeitseinsatzes in der Landwirtschaft – Demographische Analyse und arbeitsmarktpolitische Schlussfolgerungen (RePEc:ags:gewipr:212386)
by de Haen, H. & von Braun, J. - Janet M. Fitchen, Poverty in Rural America, A Case Study (RePEc:ags:gjagec:300167)
by Braun, Joachim von - Markt- versus Subsistenzproduktion, Implikationen für die Ernährungslage in Entwicklungsländern (RePEc:ags:gjagec:300369)
by Braun, Joachim von - Zur Ökonomik von Schadstoffen in Lebensmitteln - neue methodische und empirische Herausforderungen (RePEc:ags:gjagec:301474)
by Wiegand, Graciela & Braun, Joachim von - Russlands Nahrungsmittelkonsum - Kurzfristige Wirkungen der Reformen und langfristige Perspektiven (RePEc:ags:gjagec:301533)
by Seeth, Harm tho & Braun, Joachim von - Der Welternährungsgipfel 1996 Hat sich agrarökonomische Forschung ausgewirkt (RePEc:ags:gjagec:301594)
by Braun, Joachim von - A Synoptic View of the IAAE Conference, Berlin 2000 (RePEc:ags:iaae00:197275)
by Braun, Joachim von - Equity Implications of Food Policies for the Rural Population in Eqypt (RePEc:ags:iaaeo3:197295)
by von Braun, Joachim - Agricultural Economics and Distributional Effects (RePEc:ags:iaap03:245917)
by von Braun, Joachim - Marktwirtschaftliche Koordination: Möglichkeiten und Grenzen. Symposium anlässlich des 75. Geburtstages von Prof. Dr. Dr. h.c. mult. Ulrich Koester (RePEc:ags:iamost:200287)
by Loy, Jens-Peter & Schmitz, P. Michael & Glauben, Thomas & Djuric, Ivan & Götz, Linde & Pàll, Zsombor & Perekhozhuk, Oleksandr & Prehn, Sören & Renner, Swetlana & Hermann, Roland & Pies, Ingo & Will, M - The Quarterly Journal of International Agriculture in Historical Perspective (RePEc:ags:qjiage:225950)
by von Braun, Joachim & Börner, Jan - Marginality: Addressing the Root Causes of Extreme Poverty (RePEc:ags:ubonwp:146653)
by Gatzweiler, Franz W. & Baumuller, Heike & Husmann, Christine Ladenburger & von Braun, Joachim - The Economics of Land Degradation (RePEc:ags:ubonwp:147910)
by von Braun, Joachim & Gerber, Nicolas & Mirzabaev, Alisher & Nkonya, Ephraim M. - Innovative business approaches for the reduction of extreme poverty and marginality? (RePEc:ags:ubonwp:147921)
by Baumuller, Heike & Husmann, Christine Ladenburger & von Braun, Joachim - Bioenergy, Food Security and Poverty Reduction: Mitigating tradeoffs and promoting synergies along the Water- Energy-Food Security Nexus (RePEc:ags:ubonwp:180421)
by Mirzabaev, Alisher & Guta, Dawit & Goedecke, Jann & Gaur, Varun & Börner, Jan & Virchow, Detlef & Denich, Manfred & von Braun, Joachim - Tapping Potentials of Innovation for Food Security and Sustainable Agricultural Growth: An Africa-Wide Perspective (RePEc:ags:ubonwp:228855)
by Husmann, Christine & von Braun, Joachim & Badiane, Ousmane & Akinbamijo, Yemi & Abiodun, Fatunbi Oluwole & Virchow, Detlef - Expanding Youth Employment in the Arab Region and Africa (RePEc:ags:ubonwp:256061)
by von Braun, Joachim & Kofol, Chiara - Innovations spearheading the next transformations in India‘s agriculture (RePEc:ags:ubonwp:259006)
by Ganguly, Kavery & Gulati, Ashok & von Braun, Joachim - Innovations to Overcome the Increasingly Complex Problems of Hunger (RePEc:ags:ubonwp:271348)
by von Braun, Joachim - Mechanization in African Agriculture: A Continental Overview on Patterns and Dynamics (RePEc:ags:ubonwp:273522)
by Kirui, Oliver K. & von Braun, Joachim - Labor-intensive public works programs in sub-Saharan Africa: Experiences and implications for employment policies (RePEc:ags:ubonwp:290416)
by Sakketa, Tekalign Gutu & von Braun, Joachim - Skill Development in Indian Agriculture and Food Processing Sectors: A Scoping Exercise (RePEc:ags:ubonwp:292564)
by Ganguly, Kavery & Gulati, Ashok & von Braun, Joachim - AI and Robotics Implications for the Poor (RePEc:ags:ubonwp:296923)
by von Braun, Joachim - Land, Climate, Energy, Agriculture and Development in the Sahel: Synthesis paper of case studies under the Sudano-Sahelian Initiative for Regional Development, Jobs, and Food Security (RePEc:ags:ubonwp:308811)
by Mirzabaev, Alisher & Sakketa, Tekalign Gutu & Sylla, Mouhamadou Bamba & Dimobe, Kangbéni & Sanfo, Safietou & Admassie, Assefa & Abebaw, Degnet & Coulibaly, Ousmane Nafolo & Rabani, Adamou & Ibrahim, B - The Economics of Desertification, Land Degradation, and Drought; Toward an Integrated Global Assessment (RePEc:ags:ubzefd:109326)
by Nkonya, Ephraim M. & Gerber, Nicolas & Baumgartner, Philipp & von Braun, Joachim & De Pinto, Alessandro & Graw, Valerie & Kato, Edward & Kloos, Julia & Walter, Teresa - Global Food Price Volatility and Spikes: An Overview of Costs, Causes, and Solutions (RePEc:ags:ubzefd:120021)
by von Braun, Joachim & Tadesse, Getaw - Short-term global crop acreage response to international food prices and implications of volatility (RePEc:ags:ubzefd:145308)
by Haile, Mekbib G. & Kalkuhl, Matthias & von Braun, Joachim - Economics of Land Degradation Initiative: Methods and Approach for Global and National Assessments (RePEc:ags:ubzefd:158663)
by Nkonya, Ephraim & von Braun, Joachim & Mirzabaev, Alisher & Le, Quang Bao & Kwon, Ho Young & Kirui, Oliver K. - Is The World Becoming A More Risky Place? Trends In Disasters And Vulnerability To Them (RePEc:ags:ubzefd:18730)
by Felbruegge, Torsten & von Braun, Joachim - "Development Box" And Special And Differential Treatment For Food Security Of Developing Countries: Potentials, Limitations And Implementation Issues (RePEc:ags:ubzefd:18759)
by von Braun, Joachim & Wobst, Peter & Grote, Ulrike - Small Farms: Changing Structures and Roles in Economic Development (RePEc:ags:ubzefd:210464)
by von Braun, Joachim & Mirzabaev, Alisher - The Impact of Drinking Water Quality and Sanitation Behavior on Child Health: Evidence from Rural Ethiopia (RePEc:ags:ubzefd:241764)
by Usman, Muhammed Abdella & Gerber, Nicolas & von Braun, Joachim - Impact of different irrigation systems on water quality in peri-urban areas of Gujarat, India (RePEc:ags:ubzefd:243145)
by Vangani, Ruchi & Gerber, Nicolas & Saxena, Deepak & Mavalankar, Dileep & von Braun, Joachim - The Impacts of Household Water Quality Testing and Information on Safe Water Behaviors: Evidence from a Randomized Experiment in Ghana (RePEc:ags:ubzefd:256216)
by Okyere, Charles Yaw & Pangaribowo, Evita Hanie & Asante, Felix Ankomah & von Braun, Joachim - Indian food and welfare schemes: Scope for digitization towards cash transfers (RePEc:ags:ubzefd:261791)
by Saini, Shweta & Sharma, Sameedh & Gulati, Ashok & Hussain, Siraj & von Braun, Joachim - Governance of the bioeconomy: A global comparative study of national bioeconomy strategies (RePEc:ags:ubzefd:275071)
by Dietz, Thomas & Börner, Jan & Förster, Jan Janosch & von Braun, Joachim - Crop Biotechnology in Developing Countries: A Conceptual Framework for Ex Ante Economic Analyses (RePEc:ags:ubzefd:279786)
by Qaim, Matin & von Braun, Joachim - Village Pay Phones and Poverty Reduction: Insights from a Grameen Bank Initiative in Bangladesh (RePEc:ags:ubzefd:279849)
by Bayes, Abdul & von Braun, Joachim & Akhter, Rasheda - Zukunft der Entwicklungszusammenarbeit (RePEc:ags:ubzefd:280888)
by von Braun, Joachim & Grote, Ulrike & Jütting, Johannes - An International Nutrition Index - Successes and Failures in Addressing Hunger and Malnutrition (RePEc:ags:ubzefd:281234)
by Wiesmann, Doris & von Braun, Joachim & Feldbrügge, Torsten - Impact of Community-Based Health Insurance on Child Health Outcomes: Evidence on Stunting from Rural Uganda (RePEc:ags:ubzefd:281279)
by Nshakira-Rukundo, Emmanuel & Mussa, Essa Chanie & Gerber, Nicolas & von Braun, Joachim - Can Community-Based Health Insurance Nudge Preventive Health Behaviours? Evidence from Rural Uganda (RePEc:ags:ubzefd:281280)
by Nshakira-Rukundo, Emmanuel & Mussa, Essa Chanie & Nshakira, Nathan & Gerber, Nicolas & von Braun, Joachim - Water, Sanitation and Agriculture Linkages with Health and Nutrition Improvement (RePEc:ags:ubzefd:292665)
by Gerber, Nicolas & von Braun, Joachim & Usman, Muhammed Abdella & Hasan, Mohammad Monirul & Okyere, Charles Yaw & Vangani, Ruchi & Wiesmann, Doris - EU Common Agricultural Policy - Impacts on Trade with Africa and African Agricultural Development (RePEc:ags:ubzefd:303710)
by Kornher, Lukas & von Braun, Joachim - Indian Farm Wages: Trends, growth drivers and linkages with food prices (RePEc:ags:ubzefd:307268)
by Saini, Shweta & Gulati, Ashok & von Braun, Joachim & Kornher, Lukas - UN Food Systems Summit 2021 – What Role Science and Innovation in the Summit and in Countries’ Plans and Why? (RePEc:ags:ubzefd:330050)
by von Braun, Joachim - The Changing Drivers of Food Inflation – Macroeconomics, Inflation, and War (RePEc:ags:ubzefd:340561)
by Algieri, Bernardina & Kornher, Lukas & von Braun, Joachim - Cost of Ending Hunger – Consequences of Complacency, and Financial Needs for SDG2 Achievement (RePEc:ags:ubzefd:343159)
by von Braun, Joachim & Beyene Chichaibelu, Bezawit & Laborde, David & Torero Cullen, Maximo - Small-Scale Irrigation in the Sahel: Adoption Trends, Profitability, and Challenges (RePEc:ags:ubzefd:348393)
by Faye, Amy & von Braun, Joachim - Measuring the Bioeconomy: Economics and Policies (RePEc:anr:reseco:v:9:y:2017:p:275-298)
by Justus Wesseler & Joachim von Braun - True cost of food and land degradation (RePEc:arh:jrujec:v:8:y:2022:i:1:p:7-15)
by Alisher Mirzabaev & Joachim von Braun - Addressing our planetary crisis (RePEc:aue:wpaper:2114)
by Jim Falk & Faten Attig-Bahar & Rita R. Colwell & Swadhin K. Behera & Adel S. El-Beltagy & Joachim von Braun & Partha Dasgupta & Peter H. Gleick & Ryuichi Kaneko & Charles F. Kennel & Phoebe Koundouri - Agricultural transition in central and Eastern Europe and the former U.S.S.R (RePEc:bla:agecon:v:11:y:1994:i:1:p:96-98)
by Joachim Von Braun - Agricultural economics and distributional effects (RePEc:bla:agecon:v:32:y:2005:i:s1:p:1-20)
by Joachim Von Braun - Preface (RePEc:bla:agecon:v:32:y:2005:i:s1:p:v-vii)
by Joachim Von Braun - Inter- and intra-seasonal crop acreage response to international food prices and implications of volatility (RePEc:bla:agecon:v:45:y:2014:i:6:p:693-710)
by Mekbib G. Haile & Matthias Kalkuhl & Joachim Braun - Full‐cost accounting and redefining the cost of food: Implications for agricultural economics research (RePEc:bla:agecon:v:54:y:2023:i:4:p:451-454)
by Joachim von Braun & Sheryl L. Hendriks - Aid to Agriculture, Growth and Poverty Reduction (RePEc:bla:eurcho:v:5:y:2006:i:1:p:6-13)
by Peter Hazell & Joachim Von Braun - Rising Food Prices: What Should Be Done? Steigende Nahrungsmittelpreise: Was sollte getan werden? La hausse des prix alimentaires : Que doit‐on faire? (RePEc:bla:eurcho:v:7:y:2008:i:2:p:30-35)
by Joachim Von Braun - Unknown item RePEc:bla:eurcho:v:7:y:2008:i:specialissuecap:p:30-35 (article)
- Designing Global Governance for Agricultural Development and Food and Nutrition Security (RePEc:bla:rdevec:v:21:y:2017:i:2:p:265-284)
by Joachim Braun & Regina Birner - Unbezahlbare Nahrungsmittel – stark gestiegene Nachfrage oder Agrarrohstoffe als Anlageklasse: was sind die Ursachen? (RePEc:ces:ifosdt:v:61:y:2008:i:11:p:03-20)
by Joachim von Braun & Hans-Joachim Preuß & Christian Henning & Ralf Südhoff & Dieter Kirschke & Astrid Häger - Can community health insurance schemes shield the poor against the downside health effects of economic reforms? The case of rural ethiopia (RePEc:eee:hepoli:v:70:y:2004:i:1:p:97-108)
by Asfaw, Abay & Braun, Joachim von - Does childhood work impede long-term human capital accumulation? Empirical evidence from rural Ethiopia (RePEc:eee:injoed:v:66:y:2019:i:c:p:234-246)
by Mussa, Essa Chanie & Mirzabaev, Alisher & Admassie, Assefa & Nshakira-Rukundo, Emmanuel & von Braun, Joachim - The global cost of reaching a world without hunger: Investment costs and policy action opportunities (RePEc:eee:jfpoli:v:104:y:2021:i:c:s0306919221001299)
by Chichaibelu, Bezawit Beyene & Bekchanov, Maksud & von Braun, Joachim & Torero, Maximo - Egypt's food subsidy policy : Lessons and options (RePEc:eee:jfpoli:v:11:y:1986:i:3:p:223-237)
by Alderman, Harold & von Braun, Joachim - An African fertilizer crisis : Origin and economic effects in the Gambia (RePEc:eee:jfpoli:v:12:y:1987:i:4:p:337-348)
by von Braun, Joachim & Puetz, Detlev - Commercialization of smallholder agriculture: Policy requirements for the malnourished poor (RePEc:eee:jfpoli:v:15:y:1990:i:1:p:82-85)
by von Braun, Joachim & Kennedy, Eileen & Bouis, Howarth - Food in sub-Saharan Africa : Trends and policy challenges for the 1990s (RePEc:eee:jfpoli:v:15:y:1990:i:6:p:505-517)
by von Braun, Joachim & Paulino, Leonardo - Agricultural commercialization: impacts on income and nutrition and implications for policy (RePEc:eee:jfpoli:v:20:y:1995:i:3:p:187-202)
by von Braun, Joachim - Information to guide policy responses to higher global food prices: The data and analyses required (RePEc:eee:jfpoli:v:38:y:2013:i:c:p:47-58)
by Benson, Todd & Minot, Nicholas & Pender, John & Robles, Miguel & von Braun, Joachim - Egypt and the enlargement of the EEC : Impact on the agricultural sector (RePEc:eee:jfpoli:v:7:y:1982:i:1:p:46-56)
by von Braun, Joachim & de Haen, Hartwig - Impact of voluntary community-based health insurance on child stunting: Evidence from rural Uganda (RePEc:eee:socmed:v:245:y:2020:i:c:s0277953619307336)
by Nshakira-Rukundo, Emmanuel & Mussa, Essa Chanie & Gerber, Nicolas & von Braun, Joachim - Health and nutrition effects of cash crop production in developing countries: A comparative analysis (RePEc:eee:socmed:v:35:y:1992:i:5:p:689-697)
by Kennedy, Eileen & Bouis, Howarth & von Braun, Joachim - Identifying technology innovations for marginalized smallholders-A conceptual approach (RePEc:eee:teinso:v:49:y:2017:i:c:p:48-56)
by Malek, Mohammad Abdul & Gatzweiler, Franz W. & Von Braun, Joachim - Conflict exposure and food consumption pathways during and after conflict: Evidence from Northern Uganda (RePEc:eee:wdevel:v:147:y:2021:i:c:s0305750x21002515)
by Adong, Annet & Kornher, Lukas & Kiptoo Kirui, Oliver & von Braun, Joachim - Effects of technological change in agriculture on food consumption and nutrition: Rice in a West African setting (RePEc:eee:wdevel:v:16:y:1988:i:9:p:1083-1098)
by Von Braun, Joachim - Russian poverty: Muddling through economic transition with garden plots (RePEc:eee:wdevel:v:26:y:1998:i:9:p:1611-1624)
by Seeth, Harm Tho & Chachnov, Sergei & Surinov, Alexander & Von Braun, Joachim - How Big is the Crowding-Out Effect of User Fees in the Rural Areas of Ethiopia? Implications for Equity and Resources Mobilization (RePEc:eee:wdevel:v:32:y:2004:i:12:p:2065-2081)
by Asfaw, Abay & Braun, Joachim von & Klasen, Stephan - Impacts of Large-scale Land Investments on Income, Prices, and Employment: Empirical Analyses in Ethiopia (RePEc:eee:wdevel:v:72:y:2015:i:c:p:175-190)
by Baumgartner, Philipp & von Braun, Joachim & Abebaw, Degnet & Müller, Marc - Decentralization and Public Service Provision – A Framework for Pro-poor Institutional Design (RePEc:elg:eechap:13565_11)
by Regina Birner & Joachim von Braun - Indian Food and Welfare Schemes: Scope for Digitization Towards Cash Transfers (RePEc:ess:wpaper:id:12033)
by Shweta Saini & Sameedh Sharma & Ashok Gulati & Siraj Hussain & Joachim von Braun - Russia's food economy in transition: what do reforms mean for the long-term outlook? (RePEc:fpr:2020br:36)
by von Braun, Joachim & Seeth, Harm tho & Serova, Eugenia & Melyukhina, Olga - New risks and opportunities for food security (RePEc:fpr:2020br:73)
by Bos, Maria Soledad & Brown, Mary Ashby & Cline, Sarah A. & Cohen, Marc J. & Pandya-Lorch, Rajul & Rosegrant, Mark W. & von Braun, Joachim - Poverty and the globalization of the food and agriculture system (RePEc:fpr:2020br:bb06)
by von Braun, Joachim & Mengistu, Tewodaj - Bridging the gap between the agriculture and health sectors (RePEc:fpr:2020cb:14)
by von Braun, Joachim & Ruel, Marie T. & Gillespie, Stuart - Resilience and exclusion: Development policy implications (RePEc:fpr:2020cb:15(15))
by von Braun, Joachim & Thorat, Sukhadeo - Russia's food economy in transition: current policy issues and the long-term outlook (RePEc:fpr:2020dp:18)
by Harm tho Seeth & Melyukhina, Olga & Serova, Eugenia & von Braun, Joachim - New risks and opportunities for food security: scenario analyses for 2015 and 2050 (RePEc:fpr:2020dp:39)
by Bos, Maria Soledad & Brown, Mary Ashby & Cline, Sarah A. & Cohen, Marc J. & Pandya-Lorch, Rajul & Rosegrant, Mark W. & von Braun, Joachim - Agriculture, food security, nutrition and the Millennium Development Goals (RePEc:fpr:annrep:2004)
by Rosegrant, Mark W. & Swaminathan, M. S. & von Braun, Joachim - Time to stop dumping on the world's poor: essay from IFPRI's 2002-2003 Annual Report (RePEc:fpr:anress:2003essay1)
by Watkins, Kevin & von Braun, Joachim - Trade policies and food security: Essays from IFPRI's 2002-2003 Annual Report (RePEc:fpr:anress:2003essayen)
by Watkins, Kevin & von Braun, Joachim & DÃaz-Bonilla, Eugenio & Gulati, Ashok - Póliticas comerciales y seguridad alimentaria: Reproducción de la Memoria Anual 2002-2003 del IFPRI (RePEc:fpr:anress:2003essaysp)
by Watkins, Kevin & von Braun, Joachim & DÃaz-Bonilla, Eugenio & Gulati, Ashok - Agriculture, food security, nutrition and the Millennium Development Goals [In Arabic]: (RePEc:fpr:anress:2004essayar)
by Rosegrant, Mark W. & Swaminathan, Monkombu Sambasivan & von Braun, Joachim - Agriculture, food security, nutrition and the Millennium Development Goals [In Chinese] (RePEc:fpr:anress:2004essaych)
by Rosegrant, Mark W. & Swaminathan, Monkombu Sambasivan & von Braun, Joachim - Agriculture, food security, nutrition and the Millenium Development Goals (RePEc:fpr:anress:2004essayen)
by von Braun, Joachim & Swaminathan, Monkombu Sambasivan & Rosegrant, Mark W. - Agriculture, sécurité alimentaire, nutrition et les objectifs du Millénaire pour le Developpement: (RePEc:fpr:anress:2004essayfr)
by Rosegrant, Mark W. & Swaminathan, Monkombu Sambasivan & von Braun, Joachim - Agriculture, food security, nutrition and the Millennium Development Goals [In Japanese]: (RePEc:fpr:anress:2004essayjp)
by Rosegrant, Mark W. & Swaminathan, Monkombu Sambasivan & von Braun, Joachim - Agricultura, seguridad alimentaria, nutrición y los objetivos de desarrollo del milenio: (RePEc:fpr:anress:2004essaysp)
by Rosegrant, Mark W. & Swaminathan, Monkombu Sambasivan & von Braun, Joachim - Lessons learned from the dragon (China) and the elephant (India): Essays from IFPRI's 2004-2005 Annual Report (RePEc:fpr:anress:2005essay)
by von Braun, Joachim & Gulati, Ashok & Fan, Shenggen & Ahluwalia, Montek S. & Liu, Jian - Lessons learned from the dragon (China) and the elephant (India): essays from IFPRI's 2004-2005 Annual Report [In Chinese] (RePEc:fpr:anress:2005essaych)
by Ahluwalia, Montek S. & Fan, Shenggen & Gulati, Ashok & Liu, Jian & von Braun, Joachim - Agricultural and economic development strategies and the transformation of China and India: (RePEc:fpr:anress:2005essayen)
by Fan, Shenggen & Gulati, Ashok & von Braun, Joachim - The promises and challenges of biofuels for the poor in developing countries: IFPRI 2005-2006 Annual Report Essay (RePEc:fpr:anress:2006essay)
by Pachauri, R. K. & von Braun, Joachim - Focus on the world's poorest and hungry people: IFPRI 2006-2007 Annual Report Essay (RePEc:fpr:anress:2007essay1)
by von Braun, Joachim - Eliminating hunger and reducing poverty- Three perspectives: IFPRI 2006-2007 Annual Report Essay (RePEc:fpr:anress:2007essays)
by von Braun, Joachim & Patel, Amrita & Soyinka, Wole - Responding to the world food crisis-- Getting on the Right Track: IFPRI 2007-2008 Annual Report Essay (RePEc:fpr:anress:2008essay1)
by von Braun, Joachim - Responding to the Global Food Crisis - Three perspectives: IFPRI 2007-2008 Annual Report Essay (RePEc:fpr:anress:2008essays)
by von Braun, Joachim & Sheeran, Josette & Ngongi, Namanga - A policy agenda for famine prevention in Africa (RePEc:fpr:fprepo:1)
by von Braun, Joachim - The world food situation: New driving forces and required actions (RePEc:fpr:fprepo:18)
by von Braun, Joachim - The world food situation: New driving forces and required actions [In Chinese] (RePEc:fpr:fprepo:18ch)
by von Braun, Joachim - Global food crises: Monitoring and assessing impact to inform policy responses (RePEc:fpr:fprepo:19)
by Benson, Todd & Minot, Nicholas & Pender, John L. & Robles, Miguel & von Braun, Joachim - Aid to agriculture (RePEc:fpr:fprepo:2)
by Hopkins, Raymond F. & Pandya-Lorch, Rajul & Puetz, Detlev & von Braun, Joachim. - Food and financial crises: Implications for agriculture and the poor (RePEc:fpr:fprepo:20)
by von Braun, Joachim - Rural finance for food security for the poor (RePEc:fpr:fprevi:4)
by Heidhues, Franz & Schrieder, Gertrud & Zeller, Manfred & von Braun, Joachim - Famine in Africa: Causes, responses, and prevention (RePEc:fpr:ifprib:0801861217)
by nan - Information and communication technologies for development and poverty reduction: The potential of telecommunications (RePEc:fpr:ifprib:0801880416)
by nan - Taking action for the world's poor and hungry people: Synopsis of an international consultation (RePEc:fpr:ifprib:9780896296572)
by Pandya-Lorch, Rajul & von Braun, Joachim - Global institutions: Governance reform for food, nutrition, and agriculture (RePEc:fpr:ifpric:9780896292970-08)
by von Braun, Joachim - Policy implications of exclusion and resilience (RePEc:fpr:ifpric:9780896295629-16)
by von Braun, Joachim & Thorat, Sukhadeo - The economics of desertification, land degradation, and drought: Toward an integrated global assessment (RePEc:fpr:ifprid:1086)
by Baumgartner, Philipp & De Pinto, Alex & Gerber, Nicolas & Graw, Valerie & Kato, Edward & Kloos, Julia & Nkonya, Ephraim & Walter, Teresa & von Braun, Joachim - Income sources of malnourished people in rural areas: Microlevel information and policy implications (RePEc:fpr:ifprwp:5)
by Pandya-Lorch, Rajul & von Braun, Joachim - Labor-intensive public works for food security: Experience in Africa (RePEc:fpr:ifprwp:6)
by Teklu, Tesfaye & Webb, Patrick & von Braun, Joachim - Indian agriculture and rural development: Strategic issues and reform options (RePEc:fpr:issbrf:35)
by Gulati, Ashok & Hazell, P.B.R. & Rosegrant, Mark W. & Ruel, Marie T. & von Braun, Joachim - Information and communication technologies for the poor (RePEc:fpr:issbrf:40)
by Torero, Máximo & von Braun, Joachim - Globalization of food and agriculture and the poor: (RePEc:fpr:issbrf:52)
by DÃaz-Bonilla, Eugenio & von Braun, Joachim - Los pobres y la globalización de los alimentos y la agricultura: (RePEc:fpr:issbrf:52sp)
by Diaz-Bonilla, Eugenio & von Braun, Joachim - International agricultural research for food security, poverty reduction, and the environment: What to expect from scaling up CGIAR investments and “Best Bet†programs (RePEc:fpr:issbrf:53)
by von Braun, Joachim & Fan, Shenggen & Meinzen-Dick, Ruth S. & Rosegrant, Mark W. & Nin-Pratt, Alejandro - Crisis alimentaria mundial: Monitoreo y evaluación de impacto para formular acciones de polÃtica (RePEc:fpr:issbrf:55sp)
by Benson, Todd & Minot, Nicholas & Pender, John & Robles, Miguel & von Braun, Joachim - When speculation matters: (RePEc:fpr:issbrf:57)
by Robles, Miguel & Torero, Maximo & von Braun, Joachim - Economics of land degradation: The costs of action versus inaction (RePEc:fpr:issbrf:68)
by De Pinto, Alessandro & Gerber, Nicolas & Nkonya, Ephraim & von Braun, Joachim - Synopsis, Economics of land degradation and improvement: A global assessment for sustainable development: (RePEc:fpr:issbrf:90)
by Mirzabaev, Alisher & Nkonya, Ephraim M. & von Braun, Joachim - Rising food prices: What should be done? (RePEc:fpr:polbrf:1)
by von Braun, Joachim - Implementing physical and virtual food reserves to protect the poor and prevent market failure (RePEc:fpr:polbrf:10)
by von Braun, Joachim & Torero, Máximo - "Land grabbing" by foreign investors in developing countries: Risks and opportunities (RePEc:fpr:polbrf:13)
by Meinzen-Dick, Ruth Suseela & von Braun, Joachim - High food prices: The what, who, and how of proposed policy actions (RePEc:fpr:polbrf:1a)
by von Braun, Joachim & Ahmed, Akhter U. & Asenso-Okyere, Kwadwo & Fan, Shenggen & Gulati, Ashok & Hoddinott, John F. & Pandya-Lorch, Rajul & Rosegrant, Mark W. & Ruel, Marie T. & Torero, Maximo & van Rh - High food prices: The what, who, and how of proposed policy actions [In Chinese] (RePEc:fpr:polbrf:1ach)
by Ahmed, Akhter & Asenso-Okyere, Kwadwo & Fan, Shenggen & Gulati, Ashok & Hoddinott, John & Pandya-Lorch, Rajul & Rosegrant, Mark W. & Ruel, Marie & Torero, Maximo & van Rheenen, Teunis & von Braun, Joa - Hausse des prix alimentaires et actions stratégiques proposées: Que faire, par qui et comment (RePEc:fpr:polbrf:1afr)
by Ahmed, Akhter & Asenso-Okyere, Kwadwo & Fan, Shenggen & Gulati, Ashok & Hoddinott, John & Pandya-Lorch, Rajul & Rosegrant, Mark W. & Ruel, Marie & Torero, Maximo & van Rheenen, Teunis & von Braun, Joa - High food prices: The what, who, and how of proposed policy actions (RePEc:fpr:polbrf:1agr)
by von Braun, Joachim & Ahmed, Akhter U. & Asenso-Okyere, Kwadwo & Fan, Shenggen & Gulati, Ashok & Hoddinott, John F. & Pandya-Lorch, Rajul & Rosegrant, Mark W. & Ruel, Marie T. & Torero, Maximo & van Rh - High food prices: The what, who, and how of proposed policy actions (RePEc:fpr:polbrf:1asp)
by von Braun, Joachim & Ahmed, Akhter U. & Asenso-Okyere, Kwadwo & Fan, Shenggen & Gulati, Ashok & Hoddinott, John F. & Pandya-Lorch, Rajul & Rosegrant, Mark W. & Ruel, Marie T. & Torero, Maximo & van Rh - Rising food prices: What should be done? (RePEc:fpr:polbrf:1ch)
by von Braun, Joachim - Que faire face à la flambée: Des prix alimentaires ? (RePEc:fpr:polbrf:1fr)
by von Braun, Joachim - Steigende Nahrungsmittelpreise: Was ist zu tun? (RePEc:fpr:polbrf:1gr)
by von Braun, Joachim - El aumento en los precios de los alimentos: ¿Qué hacer? (RePEc:fpr:polbrf:1sp)
by von Braun, Joachim - Physical and virtual global food reserves to protect the poor and prevent market failure (RePEc:fpr:polbrf:4)
by von Braun, Joachim & Torero, Máximo - Indian agriculture and rural development: Strategic issues and reform options (RePEc:fpr:resbrf:1)
by Gulati, Ashok & Hazell, P.B.R. & Rosegrant, Mark W. & Ruel, Marie T. & von Braun, Joachim - Accelerating progress toward reducing child malnutrition in India: A concept for action (RePEc:fpr:resbrf:12)
by von Braun, Joachim & Ruel, Marie T. & Gulati, Ashok - Egypt's food subsidy and rationing system: a description (RePEc:fpr:resrep:34)
by Alderman, Harold & Sakr, Sakr Ahmed & von Braun, Joachim - The effects of food price and subsidy policies on Egyptian agriculture: (RePEc:fpr:resrep:42)
by de Haen, Hartwig & von Braun, Joachim - The effects of the Egyptian food ration and subsidy system on income distribution and consumption: (RePEc:fpr:resrep:45)
by Alderman, Harold & von Braun, Joachim - Nontraditional export crops in Guatemala: effects on production, consumption, and nutrition (RePEc:fpr:resrep:73)
by Hotchkiss, David & Immink, Maarten D. C. & von Braun, Joachim - Irrigation technology and commercialization of rice in the Gambia: effects on income and nutrition (RePEc:fpr:resrep:75)
by Puetz, Detlev & Webb, Patrick & von Braun, Joachim - Commercialization of agriculture under population pressure: effects on production, and nutrition in Rwanda (RePEc:fpr:resrep:85)
by Blanken, Juergen & Haen, Hartwig de & von Braun, Joachim - Drought and famine relationships in Sudan: policy implications (RePEc:fpr:resrep:88)
by Ali, Ahmed & Teklu, Tesfaye & Zaki, Elsayed & von Braun, Joachim - Famine in Ethiopia: policy implications of coping failure at national and household levels (RePEc:fpr:resrep:92)
by Webb, Patrick & Yohannes, Yisehac & von Braun, Joachim - Perspectives on relevant concepts related to food and nutrition security (RePEc:fsc:fspubl:1)
by Hannah Pieters & Anneleen Vandeplas & Andrea Guariso & Nathalie Francken & Alexander Sarris & Jo Swinnen & Nicolas Gerber & Joachim von Braun & Maximo Torero - Governance of the Bioeconomy: A Global Comparative Study of National Bioeconomy Strategies (RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:10:y:2018:i:9:p:3190-:d:168162)
by Thomas Dietz & Jan Börner & Jan Janosch Förster & Joachim Von Braun - Cultivo de Hortalizas no Tradicionales para Exportación entre Pequeños Agricultores en Guatemala: Impacto sobre su Ingreso Familiar y Seguridad Alimentaria (RePEc:ioe:cuadec:v:27:y:1990:i:81:p:291-308)
by Joachim Von Braun & Maarten DC Immink - Under regional characteristics of rural China: a clearer view on the performance of the New Rural Cooperative Medical Scheme (RePEc:kap:ijhcfe:v:15:y:2015:i:4:p:407-431)
by Dan Liu & Daniel Tsegai & David Litaker & Joachim Braun - Impact of community-based health insurance on utilisation of preventive health services in rural Uganda: a propensity score matching approach (RePEc:kap:ijhcfe:v:21:y:2021:i:2:d:10.1007_s10754-021-09294-6)
by Emmanuel Nshakira-Rukundo & Essa Chanie Mussa & Nathan Nshakira & Nicolas Gerber & Joachim von Braun - Innovations in Health Care Financing: New Evidence on the Prospect of Community Health Insurance Schemes in the Rural Areas of Ethiopia (RePEc:kap:ijhcfe:v:5:y:2005:i:3:p:241-253)
by Abay Asfaw & Joachim Braun - The food crisis isn't over (RePEc:nat:nature:v:456:y:2008:i:7223:d:10.1038_456701a)
by Joachim von Braun - Strategic body needed to beat food crises (RePEc:nat:nature:v:465:y:2010:i:7298:d:10.1038_465548a)
by Joachim von Braun - Policy: Five cornerstones of a global bioeconomy (RePEc:nat:nature:v:535:y:2016:i:7611:d:10.1038_535221a)
by Beate El-Chichakli & Joachim von Braun & Christine Lang & Daniel Barben & Jim Philp - Food systems: seven priorities to end hunger and protect the planet (RePEc:nat:nature:v:597:y:2021:i:7874:d:10.1038_d41586-021-02331-x)
by Joachim von Braun & Kaosar Afsana & Louise O. Fresco & Mohamed Hassan - Climate mitigation is not enough — focus on resilience now (RePEc:nat:nature:v:610:y:2022:i:7931:d:10.1038_d41586-022-03234-1)
by Joachim von Braun & Veerabhadran Ramanathan & Peter K. A. Turkson - Food Insecurity: Discussion (RePEc:oup:ajagec:v:72:y:1990:i:5:p:1323-1324.)
by Joachim von Braun - Worldwide Acreage and Yield Response to International Price Change and Volatility: A Dynamic Panel Data Analysis for Wheat, Rice, Corn, and Soybeans (RePEc:oup:ajagec:v:98:y:2016:i:1:p:172-190.)
by Mekbib G. Haile & Matthias Kalkuhl & Joachim von Braun - The Impact of Financial Crisis on Russia's Agro-Food Sector (RePEc:oup:erevae:v:26:y:1999:i:3:p:349-70)
by Serova, Eugenia & von Braun, Joachim & Wehrheim, Peter - Mobility of agricultural labour and fluctuating regional labour markets: A demographic and economic analysis with application to West-Germany (RePEc:oup:erevae:v:4:y:1977:i:3:p:215-243.)
by Hartwig De Haen & Joachim Von Braun - Scaling-up agricultural technologies: who should be targeted? (RePEc:oup:erevae:v:49:y:2022:i:4:p:857-875.)
by Shaibu Mellon Bedi & Carlo Azzarri & Bekele Hundie Kotu & Lukas Kornher & Joachim von Braun - Technological Change and Commercialization in Agriculture: The Effect on the Poor (RePEc:oup:wbrobs:v:6:y:1991:i:1:p:57-80)
by Binswanger, Hans P & von Braun, Joachim - Globalization of Food and Agriculture and the Poor (RePEc:oxp:obooks:9780195695281)
by None - Food Price Volatility and Its Implications for Food Security and Policy (RePEc:pra:mprapa:72164)
by Kalkuhl, Matthias & von Braun, Joachim & Torero, Maximo - Impact of Climate Change, Weather Extremes, and Price Risk on Global Food Supply (RePEc:spr:ediscc:v:1:y:2017:i:1:d:10.1007_s41885-017-0005-2)
by Mekbib G. Haile & Tesfamicheal Wossen & Kindie Tesfaye & Joachim von Braun - Economics of Land Degradation and Improvement – A Global Assessment for Sustainable Development (RePEc:spr:sprbok:978-3-319-19168-3)
by None - Food Price Volatility and Its Implications for Food Security and Policy (RePEc:spr:sprbok:978-3-319-28201-5)
by None - Addressing the food crisis: governance, market functioning, and investment in public goods (RePEc:spr:ssefpa:v:1:y:2009:i:1:p:9-15)
by Joachim Braun - Farm diversification and food and nutrition security in Bangladesh: empirical evidence from nationally representative household panel data (RePEc:spr:ssefpa:v:10:y:2018:i:3:d:10.1007_s12571-018-0806-3)
by Abu Hayat Md. Saiful Islam & Joachim Braun & Andrew L. Thorne-Lyman & Akhter U. Ahmed - The Impact of Drinking Water Quality and Sanitation on Child Health: Evidence from Rural Ethiopia (RePEc:taf:jdevst:v:55:y:2019:i:10:p:2193-2211)
by Muhammed A. Usman & Nicolas Gerber & Joachim von Braun - Stimulating Innovations for Sustainable Agricultural Practices among Smallholder Farmers: Persistence of Intervention Matters (RePEc:taf:jdevst:v:58:y:2022:i:9:p:1651-1667)
by Shaibu Mellon Bedi & Lukas Kornher & Joachim von Braun & Bekele Hundie Kotu - Bioenergy, food security and poverty reduction: trade-offs and synergies along the water-energy-food security nexus (RePEc:taf:rwinxx:v:40:y:2015:i:5-6:p:772-790)
by Alisher Mirzabaev & Dawit Guta & Jann Goedecke & Varun Gaur & Jan Börner & Detlef Virchow & Manfred Denich & Joachim von Braun - The Impact of New Crop Technology on the Agricultural Division of Labor in a West African Setting (RePEc:ucp:ecdecc:v:37:y:1989:i:3:p:513-34)
by von Braun, Joachim & Webb, Patrick J R - Is Consumption Insured against Illness? Evidence on Vulnerability of Households to Health Shocks in Rural Ethiopia (RePEc:ucp:ecdecc:y:2004:v:53:i:1:p:115-29)
by Asfaw, Abay & von Braun, Joachim - International Co-Operation for Agricultural Development and Food and Nutrition Security: New Institutional Arrangements for Related Public Goods (RePEc:unu:wpaper:wp-2013-061)
by Joachim von Braun - Urbanization and Decentralization: The changing urban-rural linkages and opportunities of decentralization of services (RePEc:wiw:wiwrsa:ersa14p841)
by Joachim von Braun - Policy Nook: “Expanding Water Modeling to Serve Real Policy Needs” (RePEc:wsi:wepxxx:v:02:y:2016:i:04:n:s2382624x16710041)
by Joachim von Braun - Key policy actions for sustainable land and water use to serve people (RePEc:zbw:ifwedp:201739)
by von Braun, Joachim & Gulati, Ashok & Kharas, Homi Jamshed - An evidence-based approach to ending rural hunger (RePEc:zbw:ifwedp:201751)
by Kharas, Homi Jamshed & McArthur, John W. & von Braun, Joachim - An evidence-based approach to ending rural hunger (RePEc:zbw:ifweej:201726)
by Kharas, Homi & McArthur, John W. & von Braun, Joachim - Key policy actions for sustainable land and water use to serve people (RePEc:zbw:ifweej:201732)
by von Braun, Joachim & Gulati, Ashok & Kharas, Homi