Alain Trannoy
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Alain |
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Trannoy |
Aix-Marseille Université
/ École d'Économie d'Aix-Marseille
Research profile
author of:
- Paradoxe global des transferts et multiplicité des équilibres : deux résultats (RePEc:adr:anecst:y:1986:i:4:p:53-61)
by Alain Trannoy - Intergenerational earnings mobility in France: Is France more mobile than the U.S.? (RePEc:adr:anecst:y:2005:i:78:p:57-77)
by Arnaud Lefranc & Alain Trannoy - Santé, assurance et équité / Health, Insurance and Equity (RePEc:adr:anecst:y:2006:i:83-84:p:3-18)
by Nicolas Gravel & Lise Rochaix & Alain Trannoy - Inequality Decomposition Values (RePEc:adr:anecst:y:2011:i:101-102:p:13-36)
by Frédéric Chantreuil & Alain Trannoy - Even (Mixed) Risk Lovers Are Prudent (RePEc:aea:aecrev:v:103:y:2013:i:4:p:1529-35)
by David Crainich & Louis Eeckhoudt & Alain Trannoy - Gini and Optimal Income Taxation by Rank (RePEc:aea:aejpol:v:14:y:2022:i:3:p:352-79)
by Laurent Simula & Alain Trannoy - Equality of Opportunity: Theory and Measurement (RePEc:aea:jeclit:v:54:y:2016:i:4:p:1288-1332)
by John E. Roemer & Alain Trannoy - The Neighbor is King: Customer Discrimination in the Housing Market (RePEc:aim:wpaimx:1224)
by Pierre-Philippe Combes & Bruno Decreuse & Benoît Schmutz & Alain Trannoy - Évaluation de l’Impact du Dispositif Scellier sur les Prix Fonciers (RePEc:aim:wpaimx:1304)
by Pierre-Henri Bono & Alain Trannoy - Analyse Contrefactuelle de l’Article 55 de la Loi SRU sur la Production de Logements Sociaux (RePEc:aim:wpaimx:1305)
by Pierre-Henri Bono & Russel Davidson & Alain Trannoy - Tax Me if You Can! Optimal Nonlinear Income Tax between Competing Governments (RePEc:aim:wpaimx:1415)
by Etienne Lehmann & Laurent Simula & Alain Trannoy - Optimal Student Loans and Graduate Tax under Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection (RePEc:aim:wpaimx:1416)
by Alain Trannoy & Robert Gary-Bobo - Is the Flat Tax Optimal under Income Risk? (RePEc:aim:wpaimx:1420)
by Dominique Henriet & Patrick Pintus & Alain Trannoy - The Impact of a Rise in the Real Estate Transfer Taxes on the French Housing Market (RePEc:aim:wpaimx:1732)
by Guillaume Bérard & Alain Trannoy - A Hybrid Housing Price Index for Paris (RePEc:arz:wpaper:eres2003_113)
by Fabrice Barthélémy & Michelangeli Alessandra & Trannoy Alain - Do building and street matter? (RePEc:arz:wpaper:eres2004_517)
by Fabrice Barthélémy & Alessandra Michelangeli & Alain Trannoy - The Carrez Law: a Law to Fight Against the Round Numbers? (RePEc:arz:wpaper:eres2007_405)
by Fabrice Barthélémy & Alessandra Michelange Trannoy - The Welfare State in the European Union: Economic and Social Perspectives by Pierre Pestieau (RePEc:bla:etrans:v:15:y:2007:i:1:p:175-178)
by Alain Trannoy - Protecting Minorities through the Average Voting Rule (RePEc:bla:jpbect:v:7:y:2005:i:2:p:169-199)
by Régis Renault & Alain Trannoy - Optimal student loans and graduate tax under moral hazard and adverse selection (RePEc:bla:randje:v:46:y:2015:i:3:p:546-576)
by Robert J. Gary-Bobo & Alain Trannoy - Inequality Of Opportunities Vs. Inequality Of Outcomes: Are Western Societies All Alike? (RePEc:bla:revinw:v:54:y:2008:i:4:p:513-546)
by Arnaud Lefranc & Nicolas Pistolesi & Alain Trannoy - L'importance des incitations financières dans l'obtention d'un emploi est-elle surestimée ? (RePEc:cai:ecoldc:ecop_160_0049)
by Cyrille Hagneré & Nathalie Picard & Alain Trannoy & Karine Van der Straeten - La rénovation de la Goutte d'Or est-elle un succès ?. Un diagnostic à l'aide d'indices de prix immobilier (RePEc:cai:ecoldc:ecop_180_0107)
by Fabrice Barthélémy & Alessandra Michelangeli & Alain Trannoy - Sur les raisons du non-emploi des femmes isolées en France (RePEc:cai:inndbu:inno_020_0147)
by Alain Trannoy - L’enjeu primordial du divorce : les enfants (RePEc:cai:popine:popu_1603_0536)
by Alain Trannoy - Imposition optimale sur le revenu et théorie des incitations : un chassé-croisé (RePEc:cai:rcedec:rce_001_0182)
by Laurent Simula & Alain Trannoy - Peut-on encore taxer les hauts-revenus ? (RePEc:cai:rcedec:rce_008_0158)
by Alain Trannoy - Pour une remise à plat de la fiscalité foncière et immobilière (RePEc:cai:rcedec:rce_009_0133)
by Alain Trannoy - Logement social : les quotas sont-ils utiles ? (RePEc:cai:rcedec:rce_009_0247)
by Pierre-Henri Bono & Alain Trannoy - 10. La crise du financement des universités françaises. Impôt sur le revenu des anciens étudiants ou prêt à remboursement contingent ? (RePEc:cai:rcedec:rce_016_0176)
by Robert Gary-Bobo & Alain Trannoy - Mesure des effets redistributifs d'une réforme des minima sociaux à l'aide d'un nouveau critère de dominance (RePEc:cai:recosp:reco_536_1205)
by Marc Fleurbaey & Cyrille Hagneré & Alain Trannoy - Évaluation des effets de l'intéressement Aubry sur l'activité des bénéficiaires des minima sociaux à la Réunion (RePEc:cai:recosp:reco_563_0583)
by Nadia Alibay & Nathalie Picard & Alain Trannoy - L'impact du vote avec les pieds sur le barème d'imposition optimale du revenu. Une illustration sur données françaises (RePEc:cai:recosp:reco_573_0517)
by Laurent Simula & Alain Trannoy - Une analyse microéconomique du gage patrimonial dans l'aide aux personnes dépendantes (RePEc:cai:recosp:reco_632_0339)
by Sophie P. Thiébaut & Bruno Ventelou & Cecilia García-Peñalosa & Alain Trannoy - Le recrutement collégial. L'université comme partenariat à but non lucratif (RePEc:cai:recosp:reco_661_0013)
by Robert Gary-Bobo & Alain Trannoy - Les théories de l’égalité des opportunités de Fleurbaey et de Roemer sont-elles irréconciliables ? (RePEc:cai:recosp:reco_681_0057)
by Alain Trannoy - Les décideurs allemands et français et l’entrée en guerre en 1914 : les enseignements d’un modèle (RePEc:cai:recosp:reco_736_0977)
by Alain Trannoy - De l'utilité de l'impôt pour freiner l'effet de levier du « hors-bilan » des banques (RePEc:cai:refaef:ecofi_131_0151)
by Jean-Paul Nicolaï & Alain Trannoy - Internet, Literacy and Earnings Inequality (RePEc:cai:reldbu:rel_681_0125)
by Alain Trannoy - Un impôt immobilier tout en un : rendement, progressivité et faisabilité (RePEc:cai:reofsp:reof_161_0177)
by Guillaume Bérard & Alain Trannoy - Financement des universités, financement des études (RePEc:cai:repdal:redp_166_0745)
by Alain Trannoy - Inégalité de milieu d'origine et destin salarial en France,1977-1993 (RePEc:cai:repdal:redp_171_0091)
by Arnaud Lefranc & Nicolas Pistolesi & Alain Trannoy - Taxe professionnelle, imposition des entreprises et coût d'usage du capital (RePEc:cai:repdal:redp_195_0677)
by Laurent Simula & Alain Trannoy - Avant-Propos (RePEc:cai:repdal:redp_244_0469)
by Alain Trannoy - Equality of Opportunity: A progress report (RePEc:cai:repdal:redp_265_0621)
by Alain Trannoy - Incidence de l'impôt sur les sociétés (RePEc:cai:rferfe:rfe_093_0003)
by Laurent Simula & Alain Trannoy - Taxation foncière redistributive : une fondation macroéconomique du georgisme (RePEc:cai:rferfe:rfe_181_0181)
by Alain Trannoy - Une réforme du financement des universités européennes passe par des prêts aux étudiants (RePEc:cai:rpvedb:rpve_452_81)
by Robert Gary-Bobo & Alain Trannoy - Optimal Non-Linear Income Tax when Highly Skilled Individuals Vote with their Feet (RePEc:cam:camdae:0656)
by Simula, L. & Trannoy, A. - Efficient Tuition Fees, Examinations, and Subsidies (new title: Efficient tuition fees and subsidies) (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_1189)
by Robert J. Gary-Bobo & Alain Trannoy - Shall we Keep the Highly Skilled at Home? The Optimal Income Tax Perspective (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_3326)
by Laurent Simula & Alain Trannoy - Optimal Student Loans and Graduate Tax under Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_4279)
by Robert J. Gary-Bobo & Alain Trannoy - Tax Me If You Can! Optimal Nonlinear Income Tax between Competing Governments (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_4351)
by Etienne Lehmann & Laurent Simula & Alain Trannoy - Gini and Optimal Income Taxation by Rank (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_8141)
by Laurent Simula & Alain Trannoy - Bunching and Rank-Dependent Optimal Income Taxation (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_8443)
by Laurent Simula & Alain Trannoy - Tax Competition and Public Input (RePEc:cii:cepidt:2005-08)
by Agnès Bénassy-Quéré & Nicolas Gobalraja & Alain Trannoy - Equality of Opportunity (RePEc:cla:levarc:786969000000000914)
by John E. Roemer & Alain Trannoy - The private provision of public good in the case of satiation points: The case of a quasi-linear economy (RePEc:cor:louvco:1992034)
by Trannoy, A. & Caralp, B. & Prigent, J.L. & Richelle, Y. - Land is back, it should be taxed, it can be taxed (RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:15845)
by Bonnet, Odran & Chapelle, Guillaume & Trannoy, Alain - Efficient Tuition & Fees, Examinations and Subsidies (RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:5011)
by Gary-Bobo, Robert J. & Trannoy, Alain - The neighbor is king: Customer discrimination in the housing market (RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:9160)
by Combes, Pierre-Philippe & Decreuse, Bruno & Schmutz, Benoît & Trannoy, Alain - Optimal Student Loans and Graduate Tax under Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection (RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:9505)
by Gary-Bobo, Robert J. & Trannoy, Alain - Neighbor Discrimination Theory and evidence from the French rental market (RePEc:crs:wpaper:2016-36)
by Pierre-Philippe Combes & Benoît Schmutz & Bruno Decreuse & Alain Trannoy - Customer Discrimination and Employment OUtcomes: Theory and Evidence from the French Labor Market (RePEc:ctl:louvir:2013016)
by Pierre-Philippe COMBES & Bruno DECREUSE & Morgane LAOUENAN & Alain TRANNOY - Internet, Literacy and Earnings Inequality (RePEc:ctl:louvre:2002023)
by Alain TRANNOY - Equality of Opportunity (RePEc:cwl:cwldpp:1921)
by John E. Roemer & Alain Trannoy - About the right weights of the social welfare function when needs differ (RePEc:eee:ecolet:v:81:y:2003:i:3:p:383-387)
by Trannoy, Alain - Land is back, it should be taxed, it can be taxed (RePEc:eee:eecrev:v:134:y:2021:i:c:s0014292121000490)
by Bonnet, Odran & Chapelle, Guillaume & Trannoy, Alain & Wasmer, Etienne - The non-take up of long-term care benefit in France: A pecuniary motive? (RePEc:eee:hepoli:v:119:y:2015:i:10:p:1338-1348)
by Arrighi, Yves & Davin, Bérengère & Trannoy, Alain & Ventelou, Bruno - Alan Kirman: A non-representative economist (RePEc:eee:jeborg:v:64:y:2007:i:3-4:p:269-274)
by Casella, Alessandra & Thoron, Sylvie & Trannoy, Alain - Welfare comparisons with bounded equivalence scales (RePEc:eee:jetheo:v:110:y:2003:i:2:p:309-336)
by Fleurbaey, Marc & Hagnere, Cyrille & Trannoy, Alain - Does less inequality among households mean less inequality among individuals? (RePEc:eee:jetheo:v:133:y:2007:i:1:p:568-578)
by Peluso, Eugenio & Trannoy, Alain - Multidimensional inequality comparisons: A compensation perspective (RePEc:eee:jetheo:v:147:y:2012:i:4:p:1427-1449)
by Muller, Christophe & Trannoy, Alain - Measures of inequality as an aggregation of individual preferences about income distribution: The arrowian case (RePEc:eee:jetheo:v:41:y:1987:i:2:p:248-269)
by Le Breton, Michel & Trannoy, Alain - Inequality Reducing Properties of Composite Taxation (RePEc:eee:jetheo:v:69:y:1996:i:1:p:71-103)
by Le Breton, Michel & Moyes, Patrick & Trannoy, Alain - Neighbor discrimination theory and evidence from the French rental market (RePEc:eee:juecon:v:104:y:2018:i:c:p:104-123)
by Combes, Pierre-Philippe & Decreuse, Bruno & Schmutz, Benoît & Trannoy, Alain - Welfare comparisons of income distributions and family size: An individualistic approach (RePEc:eee:mateco:v:51:y:2014:i:c:p:12-27)
by Fleurbaey, Marc & Hagneré, Cyrille & Trannoy, Alain - On Thon's axiomatization of the Gini index (RePEc:eee:matsoc:v:11:y:1986:i:2:p:191-194)
by Trannoy, Alain - Voting under ignorance of job skills of unemployed: the overtaxation bias (RePEc:eee:pubeco:v:87:y:2003:i:3-4:p:595-626)
by Laslier, Jean-Francois & Trannoy, Alain & Van Der Straeten, Karine - Equality of opportunity and luck: Definitions and testable conditions, with an application to income in France (RePEc:eee:pubeco:v:93:y:2009:i:11-12:p:1189-1207)
by Lefranc, Arnaud & Pistolesi, Nicolas & Trannoy, Alain - Optimal income tax under the threat of migration by top-income earners (RePEc:eee:pubeco:v:94:y:2010:i:1-2:p:163-173)
by Simula, Laurent & Trannoy, Alain - Is power more evenly balanced in poor households? (RePEc:eee:pubeco:v:94:y:2010:i:7-8:p:493-507)
by Couprie, Hélène & Peluso, Eugenio & Trannoy, Alain - A dominance approach to the appraisal of the distribution of well-being across countries (RePEc:eee:pubeco:v:95:y:2011:i:3-4:p:239-246)
by Muller, Christophe & Trannoy, Alain - A dominance approach to the appraisal of the distribution of well-being across countries (RePEc:eee:pubeco:v:95:y:2011:i:3:p:239-246)
by Muller, Christophe & Trannoy, Alain - Measuring educational inequality of opportunity: pupil’s effort matters (RePEc:eee:wdevel:v:138:y:2021:i:c:s0305750x20303892)
by Asadullah, M. Niaz & Trannoy, Alain & Tubeuf, Sandy & Yalonetzky, Gaston - Equity Dimensions of Transport Policy (RePEc:elg:eechap:12679_26)
by Alain Trannoy - The Impossibility of a Paretian Egalitarian (RePEc:ema:worpap:2000-26)
by M. Fleurbaey & A. Trannoy - Voting Under Ignorance of Job Skills of Unemployed : The Overtaxation bias (RePEc:ema:worpap:2000-38)
by J-F. Laslier & A. Trannoy & K. Van Der Straeten - La Rénovation de la Goutte d’Or est elle un succès ? Un Diagnostic à l’Aide d’Indices de Prix Immobilier (RePEc:ema:worpap:2004-10)
by F. Barthélémy & A. Michelangeli & A. Trannoy - Does less inequality among households mean less inequality among individuals ? (RePEc:ema:worpap:2004-11)
by Eugenio Peluso & Alain Trannoy - Evaluation des effets de l’intéressement Aubry sur l’activité des bénéficiaires des minima sociaux à la Réunion (RePEc:ema:worpap:2006-09)
by Nadia Alibay & Nathalie Picard & Alain Trannoy - Evaluation des effets de l’alignement du RMI et de l’API sur l’emploi des bénéficiaires des minima sociaux (RePEc:ema:worpap:2006-10)
by Nadia Alibay & Nathalie Picard & Alain Trannoy - Equality of Opportunity: Definitions and testable conditions, with an application to income in France (RePEc:ema:worpap:2006-13)
by Arnaud Lefranc & Nicolas Pistolesi & Alain Trannoy - Inégalité de milieu d'origine et destin salarial en France, 1977-1993 (RePEc:ema:worpap:2006-22)
by Arnaud Lefranc & Nicolas Pistolesi & Alain Trannoy - Equality of opportunity and luck: Definitions and testable conditions, with an application to income in France (RePEc:ema:worpap:2009-01)
by Arnaud LEFRANC & Nicolas PISTOLESI & Alain TRANNOY - Is power more evenly balanced in poor households? (RePEc:ema:worpap:2009-11)
by Couprie Helene & Peluso Eugenio & Trannoy Alain - Individual freedom of choice in a social setting (RePEc:ema:worpap:96-25)
by N. Gravel & J.-F. Laslier & A. Trannoy - Implied risk neutral probability measures on options markets : The L2 approach (RePEc:ema:worpap:96-30)
by F. Magnien & J.-L. Prigent & A. Trannoy - Urban amenities as risky : an empirical analysis within Paris Metropolitan Area (RePEc:ema:worpap:97-19)
by N. Gravel & M. Martinez & A. Trannoy - Individual moral consistency and aggregative collective choices (RePEc:ema:worpap:97-33)
by N. Gravel & J.-F. Laslier & A. Trannoy - L'économie politique simplifiée du "mammouth" : vers une théorie normative des contrats liant l'Etat et les universités (RePEc:ema:worpap:98-13)
by R. Gary-Bobo & A. Trannoy - Welfare comparisons with bounded equivalence scales (RePEc:ema:worpap:98-23)
by M. Fleurbaey & C. Hagneré & A. Trannoy - Protecting minorities through voting rules (RePEc:ema:worpap:99-04)
by Regis Renault & A. Trannoy - Inequality decomposition values : the trade-off between marginality and consistency (RePEc:ema:worpap:99-24)
by F. Chantreuil & A. Trannoy - Les minima sociaux en France : entre compensation et responsabilité (RePEc:ema:worpap:99-44)
by M. Fleurbaey & C. Hagneré & M. Martinez & A. Trannoy - Chapter 6 Measuring Circumstances: Francs or Ranks, does it Matter? (RePEc:eme:rein11:s1049-2585(2011)0000019009)
by Arnaud Lefranc & Nicolas Pistolesi & Alain Trannoy & Juan Gabriel Rodríguez - Inequality of Opportunities in Health and the Principle of Natural Reward: Evidence from European Countries (RePEc:eme:rein11:s1049-2585(2013)0000021016)
by Damien Bricard & Florence Jusot & Alain Trannoy & Sandy Tubeuf - Tax Competition and Public Input (RePEc:epr:enepwp:040)
by Agnès Bénassy-Quéré & Nicolas Gobalraja & Alain Trannoy - Inequality of opportunities vs inequality of outcomes: are western societies all alike? (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2005-15)
by Lefranc, A. & Pistolesi, Nicolas & Trannoy, Alain - Ranking populations in terms of inequality of health opportunity: A flexible latent type approach (RePEc:frz:wpaper:wp2020_01.rdf)
by Paolo BRUNORI, & Caterina Francesca GUIDI & Alain Trannoy - The Stochastic Dominance Ordering of Income Distributions of Over Time. I (RePEc:fth:pnegmi:9304)
by Karcher, T. & Moyes, P. & Trannoy, Y. - Equalizing Taxation Schemes (RePEc:fth:pnegmi:9306)
by Le Breton, M. & Moyes, P. & Trannoy, A. - Individual Freedom of Choice in a Social Setting (RePEc:fth:pnegmi:9625)
by Gravel, N. & Laslier, J.F. & Trannoy, A. - Individual Moral Consistency and Aggregative Collective Choices (RePEc:fth:pnegmi:9733)
by Gravel, N. & Laslier, J.-F. & Trannoy, A. - L'economie politique simplifiee du "mammouth": vers une theorie normative des contrats liant l'Etat et les universites (RePEc:fth:pnegmi:9813)
by Gary-Bobo, R. & Trannoy, A. - Welfare Comparisons with Bounded Equivalence Scales (RePEc:fth:pnegmi:9823)
by Fleurbaey, M. & Hagnere, C. & Trannoy, A. - Protecting Minorities through Voting Rules (RePEc:fth:pnegmi:99-04)
by Renault, R. & Trannoy, A. - Inequality Decomposition Values: the Trade-Off Between Marginality and Consistency (RePEc:fth:pnegmi:99-24)
by Chantreuil, F. & Trannoy, A. - Customer Discrimination and Employment Outcomes: Theory and Evidence from the French Labor Market (RePEc:hal:cesptp:hal-01446201)
by Pierre-Philippe Combes & Bruno Decreuse & Morgane Laouenan & Alain Trannoy - Le coût économique des discriminations (RePEc:hal:cesptp:hal-01685292)
by Gilles Bon-Maury & Catherine Bruneau & Clément Dherbecourt & Adama Diallo & Jean Flamand & Christel Gilles & Alain Trannoy - Faut-il augmenter les droits d'inscription à l'université? (RePEc:hal:cesptp:halshs-00356197)
by Robert Gary-Bobo & Alain Trannoy - Une réforme du financement des universités européennes passe par des prêts aux étudiants (RePEc:hal:cesptp:halshs-00356204)
by Robert Gary-Bobo & Alain Trannoy - Discrimination vis-à-vis des emplois en contact avec la clientèle (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-00813440)
by Laurence Bouvard & Pierre-Philippe Combes & Bruno Decreuse & Morgane Laouenan & Benoît Schmutz & Alain Trannoy - Pourquoi une si faible mobilité résidentielle ? (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-00813453)
by Laurence Bouvard & Pierre-Philippe Combes & Bruno Decreuse & Morgane Laouenan & Benoît Schmutz & Alain Trannoy - Even (mixed) risk-lovers are prudent (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-00847645)
by D. Crainich & L. Eeckhoudt & A. Trannoy - Comment modérer les prix de l'immobilier ? (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01024817)
by Alain Trannoy & Etienne Wasmer - Equality of Opportunity: Theory and Measurement (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01446191)
by John E. Roemer & Alain Trannoy - Customer Discrimination and Employment Outcomes: Theory and Evidence from the French Labor Market (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01446201)
by Pierre-Philippe Combes & Bruno Decreuse & Morgane Laouenan & Alain Trannoy - The Key Issue in Divorce: Children
[L’enjeu primordial du divorce : les enfants] (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01446209)
by Alain Trannoy - Fiscalité des familles aisées sous le quinquennat Hollande : vers un crédit d’impôt par enfant ? Fiscalité des familles aisés : vers une forfaitarisation de l’enfant (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01446211)
by Olivier Bargain & Adrien Pacifico & Alain Trannoy - Equality of Opportunity: A progress report (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01448231)
by Alain Trannoy - Chapter 4 - Equality of Opportunity (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01456129)
by John E. Roemer & Alain Trannoy - Améliorer la lisibilité des marchés immobiliers pour mieux définir des politiques (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01456137)
by Alain Trannoy - Le recrutement collégial. L'université comme partenariat à but non lucratif (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01457298)
by Robert Gary-Bobo & Alain Trannoy - Quel code du travail dans un monde ouvert ? (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01457305)
by Alain Trannoy - Much do about nothing: The Solidarity tax on wealth (ISF) in France (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01457309)
by Alain Trannoy - Optimal student loans and graduate tax under moral hazard and adverse selection (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01457311)
by Robert J. Gary‐bobo & Alain Trannoy - La crise du financement des universités françaises: Impôt sur le revenu des anciens étudiants ou prêt à remboursement contingent ? (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01457321)
by Robert Gary-Bobo & Alain Trannoy - The non-take up of long-term care benefit in France: A pecuniary motive? (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01457387)
by Yves Arrighi & Bérengère Davin & Alain Trannoy & Bruno Ventelou - Comment enseigner l’économie : quelques remarques sur le rapport Hautcoeur (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01463100)
by Alain Trannoy - Avant-Propos (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01463116)
by Alain Trannoy - Welfare comparisons of income distributions and family size: An individualistic approach (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01474426)
by Marc Fleurbaey & Cyrille Hagneré & Alain Trannoy - Tax me if you can! Optimal Nonlinear Income Tax Between Competing Governments (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01474437)
by Etienne Lehmann & Laurent Simula & Alain Trannoy - Pour la séparation des pouvoirs dans les universités : propositions (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01499614)
by Robert Gary-Bobo & Alain Trannoy - Inequality of Opportunities in Health and the Principle of Natural Reward: Evidence from European Countries (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01499643)
by Damien Bricard & Florence Jusot & Alain Trannoy & Sandy Tubeuf - Équité interrégionale, migrations et grandes infrastructures de transport (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01500850)
by Alain Trannoy - Compenser la taxe carbone par des allocations logements (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01500851)
by Alain Trannoy - Quels enseignements tirer des théories de la justice en matière de lutte contre les inégalités de santé ? (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01500852)
by Alain Trannoy - La politique du logement locatif (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01505787)
by Alain Trannoy & Etienne Wasmer - Circumstances and Efforts: How important is their correlation for the measurement of inequality of opportunity in health? (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01526037)
by Florence Jusot & Sandy Tubeuf & Alain Trannoy - Les différences d'état de santé en France : inégalités des chances ou reflet des comportements à risques ? (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01526048)
by Florence Jusot & Sandy Tubeuf & Alain Trannoy - Intergenerational earnings mobility in France : Is France more mobile than the US ? (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01648166)
by Arnaud Lefranc & Alain Trannoy - Equality of opportunity, moral hazard and the timing of luck (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01648187)
by Arnaud Lefranc & Alain Trannoy - Inequality Of Opportunities Vs. Inequality Of Outcomes: Are Western Societies All Alike? (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01650720)
by Arnaud Lefranc & Nicolas Pistolesi & Alain Trannoy - Equality of opportunity and luck: Definitions and testable conditions, with an application to income in France (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01650733)
by Arnaud Lefranc & Nicolas Pistolesi & Alain Trannoy - Inégalité de milieu d'origine et destin salarial en France,1977-1993 (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01651117)
by Arnaud Lefranc & Nicolas Pistolesi & Alain Trannoy - Intergenerational Earnings Mobility in France: Is France More Mobile than the US? (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01651123)
by Arnaud Lefranc & Alain Trannoy - To what extent do fiscal regimes equalize opportunities for income acquisition among citizens? (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01651129)
by John Roemer & Rolf Aaberge & Ugo Colombino & Johan Fritzell & Stephen P Jenkins & Arnaud Lefranc & Ive Marx & Marianne Page & Evert Pommer & Javier Ruiz-Castillo & Maria Jesus San Segundo & Torben Tra - Les théories de l’égalité des opportunités de Fleurbaey et de Roemer sont-elles irréconciliables ? (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01676680)
by Alain Trannoy - Book review of Success and Luck: good fortune and the myth of meritocracy. Robert H. Frank, Edited by Princeton University Press, 2016. pp 187. ISBN: 978-0-69116-740-4 (hbk) (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01685062)
by Alain Trannoy - Inequality and Welfare: Is Europe Special? (Chapter 12) (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01685104)
by Alain Trannoy - Les droits d'enregistrement : une analyse économique (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01685169)
by Alain Trannoy - L’économie néo-calédonienne au-delà du nickel (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01685194)
by Etienne Wasmer & Alain Trannoy & Catherine Ris - Social justice, well being, and economic organization, Chapter 8 (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01850563)
by Gianluca Grimalda & Fernando Filgueira & Marc Fleurbaey & Katherine Gibson & Carol Graham & Rubén Lo Vuolo & Kalle Moene & Reema Nanavaty & Hiroshi Ono & John Roemer & Alain Trannoy - Inégalités de talent et Egalité des Chances (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01850592)
by Alain Trannoy - The impact of the 2014 increase in the real estate transfer taxes on the French housing market (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01976524)
by Guillaume Bérard & Alain Trannoy - Taxation foncière redistributive : une fondation macroéconomique du georgisme (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01994690)
by Alain Trannoy - De l'utilité de l'impôt pour freiner l'effet de levier du « hors-bilan » des banques (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01994827)
by Jean-Paul Nicolaï & Alain Trannoy - Introduction – Housing: A space-time good (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01994859)
by Alain Trannoy - Qui travaille après 65 ans ? (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01994930)
by Alain Trannoy - Un impôt immobilier tout en un : rendement, progressivité et faisabilité (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-02290487)
by Guillaume Bérard & Alain Trannoy - The Impact of the ‘Scellier’ Income Tax Relief on Building Land Prices in France (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-02481755)
by Pierre-Henri Bono & Alain Trannoy - Taxes on production: The good, the bad and the ugly
[Les impôts pour ou contre la production] (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-02482011)
by Philippe Martin & Alain Trannoy - Talent, equality of opportunity and optimal non-linear income tax (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-02482031)
by Alain Trannoy - Egalitarian redistribution in the era of hyper-globalization (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-02482094)
by Gianluca Grimalda & Alain Trannoy & Fernando Filgueira & Karl Ove Moene - Ranking populations in terms of inequality of health opportunity: A flexible latent type approach (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-03079053)
by Paolo Brunori & Alain Trannoy & Caterina Francesca Guidi - Measuring educational inequality of opportunity: pupil’s effort matters (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-03117492)
by M. Niaz Asadullah & Alain Trannoy & Sandy Tubeuf & Gaston Yalonetzky - Inequality of opportunities in health and death: an investigation from birth to middle age in Great Britain (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-03138298)
by Damien Bricard & Florence Jusot & Alain Trannoy & Sandy Tubeuf - Land is back, it should be taxed, it can be taxed (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-03238443)
by Odran Bonnet & Guillaume Chapelle & Alain Trannoy & Etienne Wasmer - Is power more evenly balanced in poor households? (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-03394429)
by Hélène Couprie & Eugenio Peluso & Alain Trannoy - L'explosion de la valeur des terrains en France est-elle uniforme ? Une analyse en Ile-de-France (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-03507967)
by Guillaume Chapelle & Alain Trannoy & Etienne Wasmer - L’attractivité de la France pour les centres de décision des entreprises (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-03543552)
by Farid Toubal & Alain Trannoy - Les dépenses pré-engagées : près d’un tiers des dépenses des ménages en 2017 (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-03543706)
by Pierre-Yves Cusset & Ana Gabriela Prada-Aranguren & Alain Trannoy - Le Grand retour de la terre dans les patrimoines (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-03543768)
by Alain Trannoy & Etienne Wasmer - Les impôts de déproduction (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-03547510)
by Alain Trannoy - Bunching in rank-dependent optimal income tax schedules (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-03550894)
by Laurent Simula & Alain Trannoy - La fiscalité de l'immobilier en question (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-03567624)
by Etienne Wasmer & Céline Antonin & Vincent Touzé & Michel Taly & Bernard Coloos & Robert Ellickson & Alain Trannoy - L’économie néo-calédonienne au-delà du nickel (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-03567646)
by Catherine Ris & Alain Trannoy & Etienne Wasmer - Optimal Student Loans and Graduate Tax under Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-03572114)
by Robert J. Gary‐bobo & Alain Trannoy - Professeur d'Université, profession libérale d'Etat. Partie I: la tenure dans les universités américaines (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-03572183)
by Robert J. Gary‐bobo & Alain Trannoy - Professeur d'Université, profession libérale d'Etat. Partie II: pour une réforme du statut (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-03572189)
by Robert Gary-Bobo & Alain Trannoy - Pour la séparation des pouvoirs dans les universités : propositions (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-03572214)
by Robert Gary-Bobo & Alain Trannoy - Le calcul économique dans le processus de choix collectif des investissements de transport (RePEc:hal:journl:halshs-00187333)
by Joël Maurice & Yves Crozet & Claude Abraham & Marc Gaudry & Marc Ivaldi & Catherine Vibes & Christian Gollier & Laetitia Andrieu & André De Palma & Nathalie Picard & Luc Baumstark & Guillaume Chevasso - Faut-il augmenter les droits d'inscription à l'université? (RePEc:hal:journl:halshs-00356197)
by Robert Gary-Bobo & Alain Trannoy - Une réforme du financement des universités européennes passe par des prêts aux étudiants (RePEc:hal:journl:halshs-00356204)
by Robert Gary-Bobo & Alain Trannoy - Inequality Decomposition Values (RePEc:hal:journl:halshs-00656822)
by F. Chantreuil & Alain Trannoy - Inequality decomposition values: the trade-off between marginality and efficiency (RePEc:hal:journl:halshs-00733401)
by Frédéric Chantreuil & Alain Trannoy - Is high-skilled migration harmful to tax systems' progressivity? (RePEc:hal:journl:halshs-01644427)
by Laurent Simula & Alain Trannoy - Le revenu selon l'origine sociale ; suivi d'un commentaire de Louis-André Vallet (RePEc:hal:journl:halshs-01651811)
by Arnaud Lefranc & Nicolas Pistolesi & Alain Trannoy - Neighbor discrimination theory and evidence from the French rental market (RePEc:hal:journl:halshs-01762930)
by Pierre-Philippe Combes & Bruno Decreuse & Benoît Schmutz & Alain Trannoy - Discrimination vis-à-vis des emplois en contact avec la clientèle (RePEc:hal:pseptp:hal-00813440)
by Laurence Bouvard & Pierre-Philippe Combes & Bruno Decreuse & Morgane Laouenan & Benoît Schmutz & Alain Trannoy - Pourquoi une si faible mobilité résidentielle ? (RePEc:hal:pseptp:hal-00813453)
by Laurence Bouvard & Pierre-Philippe Combes & Bruno Decreuse & Morgane Laouenan & Benoît Schmutz & Alain Trannoy - Le calcul économique dans le processus de choix collectif des investissements de transport (RePEc:hal:pseptp:halshs-00187333)
by Joël Maurice & Yves Crozet & Claude Abraham & Marc Gaudry & Marc Ivaldi & Catherine Vibes & Christian Gollier & Laetitia Andrieu & André De Palma & Nathalie Picard & Luc Baumstark & Guillaume Chevasso - Comment modérer les prix de l'immobilier ? (RePEc:hal:spmain:hal-01024817)
by Alain Trannoy & Etienne Wasmer - Customer Discrimination and Employment Outcomes: Theory and Evidence from the French Labor Market (RePEc:hal:spmain:hal-01446201)
by Pierre-Philippe Combes & Bruno Decreuse & Morgane Laouenan & Alain Trannoy - La politique du logement locatif (RePEc:hal:spmain:hal-01505787)
by Alain Trannoy & Etienne Wasmer - The Impact of the ‘Scellier’ Income Tax Relief on Building Land Prices in France (RePEc:hal:spmain:hal-02481755)
by Pierre-Henri Bono & Alain Trannoy - Taxes on production: The good, the bad and the ugly
[Les impôts pour ou contre la production] (RePEc:hal:spmain:hal-02482011)
by Philippe Martin & Alain Trannoy - L'explosion de la valeur des terrains en France est-elle uniforme ? Une analyse en Ile-de-France (RePEc:hal:spmain:hal-03507967)
by Guillaume Chapelle & Alain Trannoy & Etienne Wasmer - Secular trends in Wealth and Heterogeneous Capital: Land is back...and should be taxed (RePEc:hal:spmain:hal-03541411)
by Odran Bonnet & Guillaume Flamerie de La Chapelle & Alain Trannoy & Etienne Wasmer - Le Grand retour de la terre dans les patrimoines (RePEc:hal:spmain:hal-03543768)
by Alain Trannoy & Etienne Wasmer - La fiscalité de l'immobilier en question (RePEc:hal:spmain:hal-03567624)
by Etienne Wasmer & Céline Antonin & Vincent Touzé & Michel Taly & Bernard Coloos & Robert Ellickson & Alain Trannoy - L’économie néo-calédonienne au-delà du nickel (RePEc:hal:spmain:hal-03567646)
by Catherine Ris & Alain Trannoy & Etienne Wasmer - Neighbor Discrimination: Theory and evidence from the French rental market (RePEc:hal:spmain:hal-03568163)
by Pierre-Philippe Combes & Bruno Decreuse & Benoît Schmutz & Alain Trannoy - Customer discrimination and employment outcomes: Theory and evidence from the French labor market (RePEc:hal:spmain:hal-03568534)
by Pierre-Philippe Combes & Bruno Decreuse & Morgane Laouenan & Alain Trannoy - Secular Trends in Wealth and Heterogeneous Capital: Land is Back... and Should Be Taxed (RePEc:hal:spmain:hal-03570837)
by Odran Bonnet & Guillaume Flamerie de La Chapelle & Alain Trannoy & Etienne Wasmer - Neighbor discrimination theory and evidence from the French rental market (RePEc:hal:spmain:halshs-01762930)
by Pierre-Philippe Combes & Bruno Decreuse & Benoît Schmutz & Alain Trannoy - L'importance des incitations financières dans l'obtention d'un emploi est-elle surestimée ? (RePEc:hal:wpaper:hal-00242960)
by Cyrille Hagneré & Nathalie Picard & Alain Trannoy & Karine van Der Straeten - Inequality of Opportunity in Health and the Principle of Natural Reward: evidence from European Countries (RePEc:hal:wpaper:hal-01523949)
by Damien Bricard & Florence Jusot & Alain Trannoy & Sandy Tubeuf - Inequality decomposition values : the trade-off between marginality and consistency (RePEc:hal:wpaper:hal-01594025)
by Frederic Chantreuil & Alain Trannoy - Effort or Circumstances: Does the Correlation Matter for Inequality of Opportunity in Health? (RePEc:hal:wpaper:hal-01619887)
by Florence Jusot & Sandy Tubeuf & Alain Trannoy - Le coût économique des discriminations (RePEc:hal:wpaper:hal-01685292)
by Gilles Bon-Maury & Catherine Bruneau & Clément Dherbecourt & Adama Diallo & Jean Flamand & Christel Gilles & Alain Trannoy - Taxes on production: The good, the bad and the ugly
[Les impôts pour ou contre la production] (RePEc:hal:wpaper:hal-02482011)
by Philippe Martin & Alain Trannoy - Inequality decomposition values
[Décomposition des mesures de l'inégalité] (RePEc:hal:wpaper:hal-02836789)
by Frederic Chantreuil & Alain Trannoy - Secular trends in Wealth and Heterogeneous Capital: Land is back...and should be taxed (RePEc:hal:wpaper:hal-03541411)
by Odran Bonnet & Guillaume Flamerie de La Chapelle & Alain Trannoy & Etienne Wasmer - Neighbor Discrimination: Theory and evidence from the French rental market (RePEc:hal:wpaper:hal-03568163)
by Pierre-Philippe Combes & Bruno Decreuse & Benoît Schmutz & Alain Trannoy - Customer discrimination and employment outcomes: Theory and evidence from the French labor market (RePEc:hal:wpaper:hal-03568534)
by Pierre-Philippe Combes & Bruno Decreuse & Morgane Laouenan & Alain Trannoy - Secular Trends in Wealth and Heterogeneous Capital: Land is Back... and Should Be Taxed (RePEc:hal:wpaper:hal-03570837)
by Odran Bonnet & Guillaume Flamerie de La Chapelle & Alain Trannoy & Etienne Wasmer - Customer Discrimination and Employment Outcomes: Theory and Evidence from the French Labor Market (RePEc:hal:wpaper:halshs-00624435)
by Pierre-Philippe Combes & Bruno Decreuse & Morgane Laouenan & Alain Trannoy - The Neighbor is King: Customer Discrimination in the Housing Market (RePEc:hal:wpaper:halshs-00793403)
by Pierre-Philippe Combes & Bruno Decreuse & Benoît Schmutz & Alain Trannoy - Évaluation de l'Impact du Dispositif Scellier sur les Prix Fonciers (RePEc:hal:wpaper:halshs-00796188)
by Pierre-Henri Bono & Alain Trannoy - Analyse Contrefactuelle de l'Article 55 de la Loi SRU sur la Production de Logements Sociaux (RePEc:hal:wpaper:halshs-00796192)
by Pierre-Henri Bono & Russell Davidson & Alain Trannoy - Tax Me If You Can! Optimal Nonlinear Income Tax Between Competing Governments (RePEc:hal:wpaper:halshs-00870053)
by Etienne Lehmann & Laurent Simula & Alain Trannoy - Optimal Student Loans and Graduate Tax under Moral Hazard and Adverse Selection (RePEc:hal:wpaper:halshs-00993124)
by Robert J. Gary-Bobo & Alain Trannoy - Is the Flat Tax Optimal under Income Risk? (RePEc:hal:wpaper:halshs-00999222)
by Dominique Henriet & Patrick A. Pintus & Alain Trannoy - The Impact of a Rise in the Real Estate Transfer Taxes on the French Housing Market (RePEc:hal:wpaper:halshs-01582528)
by Guillaume Bérard & Alain Trannoy - Optimal Income Tax under the Threat of Migration by Top-Income Earners (RePEc:hhs:uufswp:2009_008)
by Alain Trannoy, Laurent Simula and - Shall We Keep Highly Skilled at Home? The Optimal Income Tax Perspective (RePEc:hhs:uufswp:2009_009)
by Alain Trannoy, Laurent Simula and - Tax Me If You Can! Optimal Nonlinear Income Tax between Competing Governments (RePEc:hhs:uufswp:2013_008)
by LEHMANN, Etienne & Simula, Laurent & TRANNOY, Alain - Unknown item RePEc:iep:wpidep:00501 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:iep:wpidep:00502 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:iep:wpidep:00601 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:iep:wpidep:00604 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:iep:wpidep:00605 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:iep:wpidep:00606 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:iep:wpidep:00607 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:iep:wpidep:00801 (paper)
- Protecting minorities through the average voting rules (RePEc:iep:wpidep:0303)
by Régis Renault & Alain Trannoy - About the Right Weight of the Social Welfare Function when Needs Differ (RePEc:iep:wpidep:0304)
by Alain Trannoy - L'importance des incitations financières dans l'obtention d'un emploi est-elle surestimée ? (RePEc:iep:wpidep:0311)
by Cyrille Hagneré & Nathalie Picard & Alain Trannoy & Karine Van der Straeten - A Dominance Approach to Well-Being Inequality across Countries (RePEc:iep:wpidep:0313)
by Christophe Muller & Alain Trannoy - Intergenerational earnings mobility in France : Is France more mobile than the US ? (RePEc:iep:wpidep:0401)
by Arnaud Lefranc & Alain Trannoy - Une réduction de l’inégalité des chances dans l’obtention du revenu en France ? (RePEc:iep:wpidep:0402)
by Arnaud Lefranc & Nicolas Pistolesi & Alain Trannoy - Assessing the extent of strategic manipulation for the average voting rule (RePEc:iep:wpidep:0403)
by Régis Renault & Alain Trannoy - Does Less Inequality among Households Mean Less Inequality among Individuals? (RePEc:iep:wpidep:0407)
by Eugenio Peluso & Alain Trannoy - Efficient Tuition & Fees, Examinations, and Subsidies (RePEc:iep:wpidep:0501)
by Robert J. Gary-Bobo & Alain Trannoy - Optimal Non-Linear Income Tax when Highly Skilled Individuals Vote with their Feet (RePEc:iep:wpidep:0606)
by Laurent Simula & Alain Trannoy - Inegalite de milieu d’origine et destin salarial en France, 1977-1993 (RePEc:iep:wpidep:0607)
by Arnaud Lefranc & Nicolas Pistolesi & Alain Trannoy - Equality of Opportunity: Definitions and Testable Conditions with an Application to Income in France (RePEc:iep:wpidep:0609)
by Arnaud Lefranc & Nicolas Pistolesi & Alain Trannoy - Optimal Non-Linear Income Tax when Highly Skilled Individuals Vote with their Feet (RePEc:iep:wpidep:0610)
by Laurent Simula & Alain Trannoy - From Household to Individual Welfare Comparisons: A Double Concavity Test (RePEc:iep:wpidep:0701)
by Helene Couprie & Eugenio Peluso & Alain Trannoy - Welfare Comparisons of Income Distributions and Family Size (RePEc:iep:wpidep:0702)
by Marc Fleurbaey & Cyrille Hagneré & Alain Trannoy - La santé des seniors selon leur origine sociale et la longévité de leurs parents (RePEc:iep:wpidep:0803)
by Marion Devaux & Florence Jusot & Alain Trannoy & Sandy Tubeuf - Géographie du chômage des personnes d'origine africaine : Une discrimination vis-à-vis des emplois en contact avec la clientèle ? (RePEc:iep:wpidep:0809)
by Laurence Bouvard & Pierre-Philippe Combes & Bruno Decreuse & Morgane Laouenan & Benoît Schmutz & Alain Trannoy - Géographie du chômage des personnes d’origine africaine : pourquoi une si faible mobilité résidentielle ? (RePEc:iep:wpidep:0810)
by Laurence Bouvard & Pierre-Philippe Combes & Bruno Decreuse & Morgane Laouénan & Benoît Schmutz & Alain Trannoy - When Kolm Meets Mirrless: ELIE (RePEc:iep:wpidep:0811)
by Alain Trannoy & Laurent Simula - An Exploration of Incentive-Compatible ELIE (RePEc:iep:wpidep:0812)
by Laurent Simula & Alain Trannoy - The Neighbor is King: Customer Discrimination in the Housing Market (RePEc:iep:wpidep:1003)
by Pierre-Philippe Combes & Bruno Decreuse & Benoît Schmutz & Alain Trannoy - Do High Tax and Tax Evasion go Hand in Hand? The Non-Linear Case (RePEc:iep:wpidep:1004)
by Alain Trannoy & Gwenola Trotin - Impact du dispositif Scellier (RePEc:iep:wpidep:1103)
by Pierre-Henri Bono & Alain Trannoy - Even (mixed) risk lovers are prudent (RePEc:ies:wpaper:e201105)
by David Crainich & Louis Eeckhoudt & Alain Trannoy - Equality of opportunity: Definitions and testable conditions, with an application to income in France (RePEc:inq:inqwps:ecineq2006-53)
by Arnaud Lefranc & Nicolas Pistolesi & Alain Trannoy - Inequality of opportunities vs. inequality of outcomes: Are Western societies all alike? (RePEc:inq:inqwps:ecineq2006-54)
by Arnaud Lefranc & Nicolas Pistolesi & Alain Trannoy - Poverty orderings and intra-household inequality: The lost axiom (RePEc:inq:inqwps:ecineq2009-114)
by Eugenio Peluso & Alain Trannoy - American baby-losers? Robust indirect comparison of affluence across generations (RePEc:inq:inqwps:ecineq2009-133)
by Alessandra Michelangeli & Eugenio Peluso & Alain Trannoy - Inequality and welfare: Is Europe special? (RePEc:inq:inqwps:ecineq2015-384)
by Alain Trannoy - Equality of Opportunity: How to encompass Fifty Shades of Luck (RePEc:inq:inqwps:ecineq2016-394)
by Arnaud Lefranc & Alain Trannoy - Equality of Opportunity: A progress report (RePEc:inq:inqwps:ecineq2016-408)
by Alain Trannoy - Fair and unfair educational inequality in a developing country: The role of pupil’s effort (RePEc:inq:inqwps:ecineq2018-474)
by Niaz Asadullah & Alain Trannoy & Sandy Tubeuf & Gaston Yalonetzky - Ranking populations in terms of Inequality of health opportunity: A flexible latent type approach (RePEc:inq:inqwps:ecineq2020-515)
by Paolo Brunori & Caterina Francesca Guidi & Alain Trannoy - Effort or Circumstances: Does the Correlation Matter for Inequality of Opportunity in Health? (RePEc:irh:wpaper:dt33)
by Florence Jusot & Sandy Tubeuf & Alain Trannoy - A Dominance Approach To Well-Being Inequality Across Countries (RePEc:ivi:wpasad:2004-27)
by Alain Trannoy & Christophe Muller - Equality of Opportunity, Moral Hazard and the Timing of Luck (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp10645)
by Lefranc, Arnaud & Trannoy, Alain - Tax Me If You Can! Optimal Nonlinear Income Tax between Competing Governments (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp7646)
by Lehmann, Etienne & Simula, Laurent & Trannoy, Alain - Customer Discrimination and Employment Outcomes: Theory and Evidence from the French Labor Market (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp8150)
by Combes, Pierre-Philippe & Decreuse, Bruno & Laouénan, Morgane & Trannoy, Alain - Is high-skilled migration harmful to tax systems’ progressivity (RePEc:iza:izawol:journl:y:2018:n:423)
by Laurent Simula & Alain Trannoy - Poverty orderings and intra-household inequality: The Lost Axiom (RePEc:jid:journl:y:2009:v:18:i:3-4:p:24-33)
by Eugenio Peluso & Alain Trannoy - Inequality decomposition values: the trade-off between marginality and efficiency (RePEc:kap:jecinq:v:11:y:2013:i:1:p:83-98)
by Frédéric Chantreuil & Alain Trannoy - Book review of Success and Luck: good fortune and the myth of meritocracy (RePEc:kap:jecinq:v:16:y:2018:i:1:d:10.1007_s10888-017-9359-5)
by Alain Trannoy - Talent, equality of opportunity and optimal non-linear income tax (RePEc:kap:jecinq:v:17:y:2019:i:1:d:10.1007_s10888-019-09409-7)
by Alain Trannoy - Detecting a change in wealth concentration without the knowledge of the wealth distribution (RePEc:kap:jecinq:v:9:y:2011:i:3:p:373-391)
by Alessandra Michelangeli & Eugenio Peluso & Alain Trannoy - Book Reviews (RePEc:kap:jeczfn:v:76:y:2002:i:3:d:10.1007_s007120200044)
by A. Trannoy - Shapley inequality decomposition by factor components: Some methodological issues (RePEc:kap:jeczfn:v:77:y:2002:i:1:p:51-89)
by Mercedes Sastre & Alain Trannoy - Shapley inequality decomposition by factor components: Some methodological issues (RePEc:kap:jeczfn:v:9:y:2002:i:1:p:51-89)
by Mercedes Sastre & Alain Trannoy - Optimal Linear Income Tax when Agents Vote with their Feet (RePEc:mhr:finarc:urn:sici:0015-2218(200609)62:3_393:olitwa_2.0.tx_2-l)
by Laurent Simula & Alain Trannoy - Introduction – Housing: The Space-Time Good (RePEc:nse:ecosta:ecostat_2018_500-501-502_1)
by Alain Trannoy - The impact of the 2014 increase in the real estate transfer taxes on the French housing market (RePEc:nse:ecosta:ecostat_2018_500-501-502_10)
by Guillaume Bérard & Alain Trannoy - The Impact of the ‘Scellier’ Income Tax Relief on Building Land Prices in France (RePEc:nse:ecosta:ecostat_2019_507-508_6)
by Pierre-Henri Bono & Alain Trannoy - Tax and public input competition
[‘Tax competition and economic geography’] (RePEc:oup:ecpoli:v:22:y:2007:i:50:p:386-430.)
by Agnès Bénassy-Quéré & Nicolas Gobalraja & Alain Trannoy - Tax me if you can! Optimal Nonlinear Income Tax Between Competing Governments (RePEc:oup:qjecon:v:129:y:2014:i:4:p:1995-2030)
by Etienne Lehmann & Laurent Simula & Alain Trannoy - L'évolution du caractère égalitaire du couple impôt sur le revenu-cotisations sociales sous la cinquième République (RePEc:prs:ecoprv:ecop_0249-4744_1991_num_98_2_5221)
by Alain Trannoy & Rachel Jehanne & Michel Lebreton & Patrick Moyes - L'évolution de l'inégalité des salaires due aux différences de qualification : une étude d'entreprises françaises, de 1976 à 1987 (RePEc:prs:ecoprv:ecop_0249-4744_1992_num_102_1_5286)
by Alain Trannoy & Chantal Lugand - Présentation générale (RePEc:prs:ecoprv:ecop_0249-4744_1993_num_110_4_5631)
by Alain Trannoy - L'évolution du caractère égalitaire du prélèvement fiscalo-social sous la cinquième République : un complément (RePEc:prs:ecoprv:ecop_0249-4744_1993_num_110_4_5636)
by Rachel Loquet & Jerry Rafaliarison & Alain Trannoy - Présentation générale (RePEc:prs:ecoprv:ecop_0249-4744_1999_num_138_2_5956)
by Yves Guillotin & Alain Trannoy - Les minima sociaux en France : entre compensation et responsabilité (RePEc:prs:ecoprv:ecop_0249-4744_1999_num_138_2_5957)
by Marc Fleurbaey & Cyrille Hagneré & Michel Martinez & Alain Trannoy - Le quotient familial : une structure fiscale cohérente avec le critère de Lorenz relatif (RePEc:prs:ecoprv:ecop_0249-4744_1999_num_138_2_5962)
by Patrick Moyes & Alain Trannoy - Critères de dominance temporelle. Le manuel de l'utilisateur (RePEc:prs:ecoprv:ecop_0249-4744_1999_num_138_2_5964)
by Thierry Karcher & Alain Trannoy - L’importance des incitations financières dans l’obtention d’un emploi est-elle surestimée ? (RePEc:prs:ecoprv:ecop_0249-4744_2003_num_160_4_6921)
by Karine Van der Straeten & Alain Trannoy & Nathalie Picard & Cyrille Hagneré - La rénovation de la Goutte d'Or est-elle un succès ? Un diagnostic à l'aide d'indices de prix immobilier (RePEc:prs:ecoprv:ecop_0249-4744_2007_num_180_4_7674)
by Alain Trannoy & Alessandra Michelangeli & Fabrice Barthélémy - L'impact conjugué de trois ans de réforme sur les trappes à inactivité (RePEc:prs:ecstat:estat_0336-1454_2001_num_346_1_7434)
by Cyrille Hagneré & Alain Trannoy - Le revenu selon l'origine sociale ; suivi d'un commentaire de Louis-André Vallet (RePEc:prs:ecstat:estat_0336-1454_2004_num_371_1_7276)
by Arnaud Lefranc & Nicolas Pistolesi & Alain Trannoy & Louis-André Vallet - La santé des seniors selon leur origine sociale et la longévité de leurs parents (RePEc:prs:ecstat:estat_0336-1454_2008_num_411_1_7047)
by Sandy Tubeuf & Alain Trannoy & Marion Devaux & Florence Jusot - Le caractère régressif des taxes indirectes : les enseignements d'un modèle de microsimulation (RePEc:prs:ecstat:estat_0336-1454_2008_num_413_1_7034)
by Nicolas Ruiz & Alain Trannoy - Les différences d'état de santé en France : inégalités des chances ou reflet des comportements à risques ? (RePEc:prs:ecstat:estat_0336-1454_2012_num_455_1_10016)
by Florence Jusot & Sandy Tubeuf & Alain Trannoy - Egalitarisme de la dominance et utilitarisme (RePEc:prs:reveco:reco_0035-2764_1999_num_50_4_410116)
by Alain Trannoy - Mesure des effets redistributifs d'une réforme des minima sociaux à l'aide d'un nouveau critère de dominance (RePEc:prs:reveco:reco_0035-2764_2002_num_53_6_410466)
by Marc Fleurbaey & Alain Trannoy & Cyrille Hagneré - Discussion sur l'article de F. Bourguignon et de P-A. Chiappori (RePEc:prs:rfreco:rfeco_0769-0479_1998_num_13_1_1040)
by Alain Trannoy & Patrick Suet & François Bourguignon - L'économique politique simplifiée du « mammouth » (RePEc:prs:rfreco:rfeco_0769-0479_1998_num_13_3_1062)
by Robert Gary-Bobo & Alain Trannoy - Une évaluation de l'impact incitatif et redistributif d'une réforme des minima sociaux (RePEc:prs:rfreco:rfeco_0769-0479_2001_num_16_1_1450)
by Nicolas Gravel & Cyrille Hagneré & Nathalie Picard & Alain Trannoy - Faut-il augmenter les droits d'inscription à l'université ? (RePEc:prs:rfreco:rfeco_0769-0479_2005_num_19_3_1557)
by Robert Gary-Bobo & Alain Trannoy - 1) Discrimination vis-à-vis des emplois en contact avec la clientèle (RePEc:prs:rfreco:rfeco_0769-0479_2009_num_23_3_1736)
by Laurence Bouvard & Pierre-Philippe Combes & Bruno Decreuse & Morgane Laouénan & Benoît Schmutz & Alain Trannoy - 2) Pourquoi une si faible mobilité résidentielle ? (RePEc:prs:rfreco:rfeco_0769-0479_2009_num_23_3_1737)
by Laurence Bouvard & Pierre-Philippe Combes & Bruno Decreuse & Morgane Laouénan & Benoît Schmutz & Alain Trannoy - Présentation (RePEc:prs:rfreco:rfeco_0769-0479_2009_num_23_3_1743)
by Laurence Bouvard & Pierre-Philippe Combes & Bruno Decreuse & Morgane Laouénan & Benoît Schmutz & Alain Trannoy - Incidence de l’impôt sur les sociétés (RePEc:prs:rfreco:rfeco_0769-0479_2010_num_24_3_1747)
by Alain Trannoy & Laurent Simula - The neighbor is king: Customer discrimination in the housing market (RePEc:red:sed011:1187)
by Bruno Decreuse & Benoît Schmutz & Alain Trannoy & Pierre-Philippe Combes - Secular Trends in Wealth and Heterogeneous Capital: Land is Back... and Should Be Taxed (RePEc:spo:wpecon:info:hdl:2441/1eob9f9aas9q18hfjsiqhggvi2)
by Odran Bonnet & Guillaume Chapelle & Alain Trannoy & Etienne Wasmer - Secular Trends in Wealth and Heterogeneous Capital: Land is Back... and Should Be Taxed (RePEc:spo:wpmain:info:hdl:2441/1eob9f9aas9q18hfjsiqhggvi2)
by Odran Bonnet & Guillaume Chapelle & Alain Trannoy & Etienne Wasmer - Customer discrimination and employment outcomes: Theory and evidence from the French labor market (RePEc:spo:wpmain:info:hdl:2441/2tlvpn71ve888pnch88db9g683)
by Pierre-Philippe Combes & Bruno Decreuse & Morgane Laouenan & Alain Trannoy - La fiscalité de l'immobilier en question (RePEc:spo:wpmain:info:hdl:2441/54hmcv6b5a876ps6i1tdadq9vh)
by Etienne Wasmer & Céline Antonin & Vincent Touze & Michel Taly & Bernard Coloos & Robert Ellickson & Alain Trannoy - Secular trends in Wealth and Heterogeneous Capital: Land is back...and should be taxed (RePEc:spo:wpmain:info:hdl:2441/56k383m9o9kpb1g6f8rvv74ok)
by Odran Bonnet & Guillaume Chapelle & Alain Trannoy & Etienne Wasmer - Neighbor Discrimination: Theory and evidence from the French rental market (RePEc:spo:wpmain:info:hdl:2441/6tj1d1vl8a8goacd5b3ogpmn8j)
by Pierre-Philippe Combes & Bruno Decreuse & Benoît, Department Of Economics) Schmutz & Alain Trannoy - Comment modérer les prix de l’immobilier ? (RePEc:spo:wpmain:info:hdl:2441/7t638g2jjsquujs9mc9r26t9n)
by Alain Trannoy & Etienne Wasmer - Book review of Success and Luck: good fortune and the myth of meritocracy (RePEc:spr:joecin:v:16:y:2018:i:1:d:10.1007_s10888-017-9359-5)
by Alain Trannoy - Talent, equality of opportunity and optimal non-linear income tax (RePEc:spr:joecin:v:17:y:2019:i:1:d:10.1007_s10888-019-09409-7)
by Alain Trannoy - Assessing the extent of strategic manipulation: the average vote example (RePEc:spr:series:v:2:y:2011:i:4:p:497-513)
by Régis Renault & Alain Trannoy - Consistency between tastes and values: A universalization approach (RePEc:spr:sochwe:v:17:y:2000:i:2:p:293-320)
by Nicolas Gravel & Jean-Francois Laslier & Alain Trannoy - The impossibility of a Paretian egalitarian (RePEc:spr:sochwe:v:21:y:2003:i:2:p:243-263)
by Marc Fleurbaey & Alain Trannoy - Book review (RePEc:spr:sochwe:v:22:y:2004:i:3:p:579-583)
by Alain Trannoy - Preserving dominance relations through disaggregation: the evil and the saint (RePEc:spr:sochwe:v:39:y:2012:i:2:p:633-647)
by Eugenio Peluso & Alain Trannoy - Shall we keep the highly skilled at home? The optimal income tax perspective (RePEc:spr:sochwe:v:39:y:2012:i:4:p:751-782)
by Laurent Simula & Alain Trannoy - Equality of opportunity, moral hazard and the timing of luck (RePEc:spr:sochwe:v:49:y:2017:i:3:d:10.1007_s00355-017-1054-8)
by Arnaud Lefranc & Alain Trannoy - Bunching in rank-dependent optimal income tax schedules (RePEc:spr:sochwe:v:60:y:2023:i:1:d:10.1007_s00355-021-01384-1)
by Laurent Simula & Alain Trannoy - When Kolm Meets Mirrlees: ELIE (RePEc:spr:stcchp:978-3-642-17807-8_8)
by Laurent Simula & Alain Trannoy - Measuring the social value of local public goods: an empirical analysis within Paris metropolitan area (RePEc:taf:applec:v:38:y:2006:i:16:p:1945-1961)
by Nicolas Gravel & Alessandra Michelangeli & Alain Trannoy - Egalitarian redistribution in the era of hyper-globalization (RePEc:taf:rsocec:v:78:y:2020:i:2:p:151-184)
by Gianluca Grimalda & Alain Trannoy & Fernando Filgueira & Karl Ove Moene - Tax Me If You Can!Optimal Nonlinear Income Tax Between Competing Governments (RePEc:tep:teppwp:wp13-06)
by Etienne Lehmann & Laurent Simula & Alain Trannoy - Efficient Tuition Fees and Examinations (RePEc:tpr:jeurec:v:6:y:2008:i:6:p:1211-1243)
by Robert J. Gary-Bobo & Alain Trannoy - Customer Discrimination and Employment Outcomes: Theory and Evidence from the French Labor Market (RePEc:ucp:jlabec:doi:10.1086/682332)
by Pierre-Philippe Combes & Bruno Decreuse & Morgane Laouénan & Alain Trannoy - Does less inequality among households mean less inequality among individuals? (RePEc:usi:wpaper:432)
by Eugenio Peluso & Alain Trannoy - From household to individual’s welfare: does the Lorenz criteria still hold? Theory and Evidence from French Data (RePEc:usi:wpaper:469)
by Helen Couprie & Eugenio Peluso & Alain Trannoy - Dominance Criteria for Critical-Level Generalized Utilitarianism (RePEc:van:wpaper:0707)
by Alain Trannoy & John Weymark - Do redistributive schemes reduce inequality between individuals? (RePEc:ver:wpaper:26/2005)
by Eugenio Peluso & Alain Trannoy - The Cake-eating problem: Non-linear sharing rules (RePEc:ver:wpaper:26/2012)
by Eugenio Peluso & Alain Trannoy - Preserving Dominance Relations Through Disaggregation: The Evil and the Saint (RePEc:ver:wpaper:60/2009)
by Alain Trannoy & Eugenio Peluso - Inequality of opportunities in health in France: a first pass (RePEc:wly:hlthec:v:19:y:2010:i:8:p:921-938)
by Alain Trannoy & Sandy Tubeuf & Florence Jusot & Marion Devaux - Circumstances And Efforts: How Important Is Their Correlation For The Measurement Of Inequality Of Opportunity In Health? (RePEc:wly:hlthec:v:22:y:2013:i:12:p:1470-1495)
by Florence Jusot & Sandy Tubeuf & Alain Trannoy - Ranking populations in terms of inequality of health opportunity: A flexible latent type approach (RePEc:wly:hlthec:v:30:y:2021:i:2:p:358-383)
by Paolo Brunori & Alain Trannoy & Caterina Francesca Guidi - Poverty orderings and intra-household inequality (RePEc:wpc:wplist:wp05_09)
by Eugenio Peluso & Alain Trannoy - Inequality in Opportunities in Health in France: A first pass (RePEc:yor:hectdg:08/24)
by Trannoy, A & Tubeuf, S & Jusot, F & Devaux, M - Inequality of Opportunities in Health in Europe: Why So Much Difference Across Countries? (RePEc:yor:hectdg:10/26)
by Jusot, F & Tubeuf, S & Trannoy, T - Egalitarian redistribution in the era of hyper-globalization (RePEc:zbw:ifwkie:224924)
by Grimalda, Gianluca & Trannoy, Alain & Filgueira, Fernando & Moene, Karl Ove