Meri Raggi
Alma Mater Studiorum - Università di Bologna
/ Dipartimento di Scienze Statistiche "Paolo Fortunati"
Research profile
author of:
- The potential impact of markets for irrigation water in Italy and Spain: a comparison of two study areas (RePEc:ags:aareaj:116971)
by Pujol, Joan & Raggi, Meri & Viaggi, Davide - Improving value transfer through socio-economic adjustments in a multicountry choice experiment of water conservation alternatives (RePEc:ags:aareaj:283214)
by Brouwer, Roy & Martin-Ortega, Julia & Dekker, Thijs & Sardonini, Laura & Andreu, Joaquin & Kontogianni, Areti & Skourtos, Michalis & Raggi, Mery & Viaggi, Davide & Pulido-Velazquez, Manuel & Rolfe, Jo - Evaluating the potential contribution of contract auctions to Agri-Environmental Policy efficiency: A simulation model for Emilia-Romagna (Italy) (RePEc:ags:aergaa:118671)
by Viaggi, Davide & Raggi, Meri & Gallerani, Vittorio - Evaluating the potential contribution of contract auctions to Agri-Environmental Policy efficiency: A simulation model for Emilia-Romagna (Italy) (RePEc:ags:aergaa:163326)
by Viaggi, D. & Raggi, M. & Gallerani, V. - The impact of the EU Water Framework Directive on irrigated agriculture in Italy: the case of the North-East fruit district (RePEc:ags:aergaa:26451)
by Bazzani, Guido Maria & di Pasquale, S. & Gallerani, Vittorio & Morganti, S. & Raggi, Meri & Viaggi, Davide - Integrating spatial econometric information and optimisation models to improve Agri-Environmental payment design: A resource allocation model for Emilia-Romagna (Italy) (RePEc:ags:aergaa:330607)
by Daniele, Vergamini & Viaggi, Davide & Raggi, Meri - The impact of new regulations on water pricing in the agricultural sector: a case study from Northern Italy (RePEc:ags:aergaa:330610)
by Galioto, Francesco & Guerra, Elisa & Raggi, Meri & Viaggi, Davide - How Do Agri-Environmental Schemes (AES’s) Contribute to High Nature Value (HNV) Farmland: A Case Study in Emilia Romagna (RePEc:ags:aiea13:149762)
by Signorotti, Claudio & Marconi, Valentina & Raggi, Meri & Viaggi, Davide - Potential for water use right market development in Italy: social acceptability in the context of climate change (RePEc:ags:aiea13:149912)
by Vollaro, M. & Zavalloni, M. & Raggi, M. & Viaggi, D. - A spatial econometric approach to assess the impact of RDPs agri-environmental measures on the use of Nitrogen in agriculture: the case study of Emilia-Romagna (Italy) (RePEc:ags:aiea13:149913)
by Marconi, Valentina & Raggi, M. & Viaggi, D. - Assessing the CAP influence on European farmers’ preferences towards the adoption of renewable energy production (RePEc:ags:aiea13:149914)
by Giannoccaro, Giacomo & Bartolini, Fabio & Raggi, Meri & Viaggi, Davide - Network for innovation as a way to enhance competitiveness: an overview of Italian food SMEs entering networks (RePEc:ags:aiea13:149934)
by Minarelli, F. & Raggi, M. & Viaggi, D. - Evaluating the potential contribution of spatially differentiated payments to the efficiency of Agri-Environmental Measures: A resource allocation model for Emilia Romagna (Italy) (RePEc:ags:aiea13:150235)
by Vergamini, Daniele & Raggi, Meri & Viaggi, Davide - Toward the adaptation to new regulation on water pricing in the agricultural sector: a case study from northern Italy (RePEc:ags:aiea15:207358)
by Galioto, Francesco & Guerra, Elisa & Raggi, Meri & Viaggi, Davide - Drivers and Barriers Over the Adoption of Precision Irrigation in Europe (RePEc:ags:aiea15:207846)
by Galioto, Francesco & Cuming, David & Raggi, Meri & Viaggi, Davide - Agri-environmental measures and farmers’ rent: evaluating the potential contribution of auctions to increase the efficiency of Agri-environmental schemes in Emilia-Romagna (Italy) (RePEc:ags:aiea16:242443)
by Vergamini, Daniele & Viaggi, Davide & Raggi, Meri - Identifying typologies of rural areas based on the importance of different public goods and bads (RePEc:ags:aiea17:261273)
by Marconi, Valentina & Raggi, Meri & Viaggi, Davide - Innovation in European food SMEs: determinants and links between types (RePEc:ags:aieabj:205102)
by Minarelli, Francesca & Raggi, Meri & Viaggi, Davide - The evaluation of Ecosystem Services production: an application in the Province of Ferrara (RePEc:ags:aieabj:231940)
by Chatzinikolaou, Parthena & Raggi, Meri & Viaggi, Davide - Innovation adoption and farm profitability: what role for research and information sources? (RePEc:ags:aieabj:303717)
by Vollaro, Michele & Raggi, Meri & Viaggi, Davide - Benefits for the local society attached to rural landscape: An analysis of residents’ perception of ecosystem services (RePEc:ags:aieabj:308840)
by Targetti, Stefano & Raggi, Meri & Viaggi, Davide - Ten years of Bio-Based and Applied Economics: a story of successes, and more to come (RePEc:ags:aieabj:312975)
by Santeramo, Fabio Gaetano & Raggi, Meri - Public R&D and European agriculture: impact on productivity and return on R&D expenditure (RePEc:ags:aieabj:312984)
by Vollaro, Michele & Raggi, Meri & Viaggi, Davide - A systematic review of attributes used in choice experiments for agri-environmental contracts (RePEc:ags:aieabj:317029)
by Raina, Nidhi & Zavalloni, Matteo & Targetti, Stefano & D'Alberto, Riccardo & Raggi, Meri & Viaggi, Davide - The Bioeconomy in economic literature: looking back, looking ahead (RePEc:ags:aieabj:317031)
by Viaggi, Davide & Bartolini, Fabio & Raggi, Meri - A spatial analysis of participation in RDP measures: a case study in Emilia Romagna Region (RePEc:ags:aieacp:124103)
by Bartolini, Fabio & Raggi, Meri & Viaggi, Davide - Agricultural water markets: exploring limits and opportunities in Italy and Spain (RePEc:ags:amdawp:14860)
by Pujol, Joan & Raggi, Meri & Viaggi, Davide - Investment Behaviour of Polish Farmers Facing Policy and Market Scenarios (RePEc:ags:eaa100:162386)
by Paloma, S. Gomez & Majewski, Edward & Raggi, M. & Viaggi, D. - Facing the future: strategies and investment behaviour of polish farmers (RePEc:ags:eaa104:7842)
by Gomez y Paloma, Sergio & Majewski, Edward & Raggi, Meri & Viaggi, Davide - People, trade and training: the needs of Morocco agricultural enterprises facing EU markets (RePEc:ags:eaa105:7882)
by Ismaili, Mohamed & Raggi, Meri & Viaggi, Davide - Modelling The Effect Of Eu Policy Reforms On Farm Investment Behaviour (RePEc:ags:eaa107:6444)
by Gallerani, Vittorio & Gomez y Paloma, Sergio & Raggi, Meri & Viaggi, Davide - Evaluating The Potential Contribution Of Contract Auctions To Aep'S Efficiency (RePEc:ags:eaa107:6660)
by Gallerani, Vittorio & Raggi, Meri & Viaggi, Davide - Modelling The Effectiveness Of Cross-Compliance Under Asymmetric Information (RePEc:ags:eaa107:6670)
by Bartolini, Fabio & Gallerani, Vittorio & Raggi, Meri & Viaggi, Davide - Linking Cross-Compliance And Agri-Environmental Schemes: A Case Study In Emilia Romagna (RePEc:ags:eaa109:44800)
by Bartolini, Fabio & Gallerani, Vittorio & Raggi, Meri & Viaggi, Davide - Understanding The Determinants Of Investment Reactions To Decoupling (RePEc:ags:eaa109:44841)
by Gallerani, Vittorio & Gomez y Paloma, Sergio & Raggi, Meri & Viaggi, Davide - Determinants of farm exit: A comparison between Europe and United States (RePEc:ags:eaa114:61075)
by Mishra, Ashok K. & Raggi, Meri & Viaggi, Davide - The role of the Common Agricultural Policy in the spatial location of agricultural activities (RePEc:ags:eaa116:95242)
by Viaggi, Davide & Bartolini, Fabio & Raggi, Meri & Sardonini, Laura - Bayesian networks as a tool to assess the multiple effects of agricultural policies in rural areas (RePEc:ags:eaa118:94911)
by Raggi, Meri & Sardonini, Laura & Viaggi, Davide - Accounting for multiple impacts of the Common agricultural policies in rural areas: an analysis using a Bayesian networks approach (RePEc:ags:eaa122:99592)
by Viaggi, Davide & Raggi, Meri & Sardonini, Laura - Modelling asymmetric information in a food supply chain within Emilia Romagna Region (RePEc:ags:eaa149:245071)
by Minarelli, Francesca & Galioto, Francesco & Raggi, Meri & Viaggi, Davide - Water Policy and Sustainability of Irrigated Farming Systems in Italy (RePEc:ags:eaae05:24518)
by Bartolini, Fabio & Bazzani, Guido Maria & Gallerani, Vittorio & Raggi, Meri & Viaggi, Davide - Contract Design and Targeting for the Production of Public Goods in Agriculture: The Impact of the 2003 Cap Reform (RePEc:ags:eaae05:24559)
by Bartolini, Fabio & Gallerani, Vittorio & Raggi, Meri & Viaggi, Davide - Between markets and policy: farm household's reaction to decoupling (RePEc:ags:eaae08:44019)
by Gomez y Paloma, Sergio & Raggi, Meri & Viaggi, Davide - Effectiveness Of Cross-Compliance Under Asymmetric Information And Differentiated Compliance Constraints (RePEc:ags:eaae08:44151)
by Raggi, Meri & Bartolini, Fabio & Gallerani, Vittorio & Viaggi, Davide - An analytic network process approach for the evaluation of second order effects of agricultural landscape management on local economies (RePEc:ags:eaae14:182653)
by Targetti, Stefano & Schaller, Lena & Villanueva, A. & Arriaza Balmón, Manuel & Bal, Tufan & Bossi Fedrigotti, Valérie & Giray, Handan & Häfner, K. & Kantelhardt, Jochen & Kapfer, Martin & Majewski, Ed - Farm/Household-level Simulation Results of Testing Policy and Other Scenarios (RePEc:ags:famawp:157113)
by Viaggi, Davide & Raggi, Meri & Puddu, Marco & Bartolini, Fabio - An analysis of the intention-realisation discrepancy in EU farmers’ land investment decisions (RePEc:ags:frraes:208764)
by Lefebvre, Marianne & Raggi, Meri & Gomez Y Paloma, Sergio & Viaggi, Davide - Facing decoupling: use of payments and investment reaction to decoupling in the EU (RePEc:ags:iaae09:51724)
by Viaggi, Davide & Raggi, Meri & Gomez y Paloma, Sergio - The impact of the 2013 Common Agricultural Policy reform on farmer's investment decisions: an ex-ante evaluation (RePEc:ags:iaae15:212225)
by Marconi, V. & Raggi, M. & Viaggi, D. & Lefebvre, M. & Gomez y Paloma, Sergio - Statistical Matching in agricultural economics: how to integrate different farm data sources (RePEc:ags:iaae18:277101)
by D'Alberto, R. & Raggi, M. - Changes in the information environment of water management: the role of ICT (RePEc:ags:iaae18:277247)
by Cavazza, F. & Galioto, F. & Raggi, M. & Viaggi, D. - Design of policy intervention for collective irrigation reservoirs (RePEc:ags:iaae18:277484)
by Raggi, M. & Zavalloni, M. & Viaggi, D. - Impact of post-2013 CAP reform on land markets: evidence from farm surveys and farm-level modelling (RePEc:ags:iatr13:152375)
by Viaggi, D. & Bartolini, Fabio & Puddu, M. & Raggi, M. - Impact of post-2013 CAP reform on land markets: evidence from farm surveys and farm-level modelling (RePEc:ags:iatr13:152376)
by Viaggi, D. & Bartolini, Fabio & Puddu, M. & Raggi, M. - “What Do we Know about Entering Innovation Network by SMEs ?” (RePEc:ags:iefi13:164740)
by Minarelli, Francesca & Raggi, Meri & Viaggi, Davide - What are the Economic Health Costs of Non-Action in Controlling Toxic Water Pollution? (RePEc:ags:umcicp:6656)
by Easter, K. William & Konishi, Yoshifumi & Raggi, Meri & Viaggi, Davide - Agricultural water markets: exploring limits and opportunities in Italy and Spain (RePEc:bag:deiawp:5001)
by Joan Pujol & Meri Raggi & Davide Viaggi - Methodological Approach for Evaluation ff Investment Behavior of Farmers in Different Development Scenarios (RePEc:bas:econth:y:2008:i:5:p:81-96)
by Sergo Gomez i Paloma & Vittorio Galerani & Meri Ragi & Davide Viagi & Dimitar Nikolov - The potential impact of markets for irrigation water in Italy and Spain: a comparison of two study areas (RePEc:bla:ajarec:v:50:y:2006:i:3:p:361-380)
by Joan Pujol & Meri Raggi & Davide Viaggi - Improving value transfer through socio-economic adjustments in a multicountry choice experiment of water conservation alternatives (RePEc:bla:ajarec:v:59:y:2015:i:3:p:458-478)
by Roy Brouwer & Julia Martin-Ortega & Thijs Dekker & Laura Sardonini & Joaquin Andreu & Areti Kontogianni & Michalis Skourtos & Meri Raggi & Davide Viaggi & Manuel Pulido-Velazquez & John Rolfe & Jill W - Modelling the Linkages between Cross-Compliance and Agri-Environmental Schemes Under Asymmetric Information (RePEc:bla:jageco:v:63:y:2012:i:2:p:310-330)
by Fabio Bartolini & Vittorio Gallerani & Meri Raggi & Davide Viaggi - Bayesian hierarchical models for misaligned data: a simulation study (RePEc:bot:rivsta:v:75:y:2015:i:1:p:73-83)
by Giulia Roli & Meri Raggi - The impact of water and agriculture policy scenarios on irrigated farming systems in Italy: An analysis based on farm level multi-attribute linear programming models (RePEc:eee:agisys:v:93:y:2007:i:1-3:p:90-114)
by Bartolini, F. & Bazzani, G.M. & Gallerani, V. & Raggi, M. & Viaggi, D. - The value of information for the management of water resources in agriculture: Assessing the economic viability of new methods to schedule irrigation (RePEc:eee:agiwat:v:227:y:2020:i:c:s037837741831984x)
by Galioto, Francesco & Chatzinikolaou, Parthena & Raggi, Meri & Viaggi, Davide - Designing contracts for irrigation water under asymmetric information: Are simple pricing mechanisms enough? (RePEc:eee:agiwat:v:97:y:2010:i:9:p:1326-1332)
by Viaggi, D. & Raggi, M. & Bartolini, F. & Gallerani, V. - Evaluating the Potential Contribution of Multi-Attribute Auctions to Achieve Agri-Environmental Targets and Efficient Payment Design (RePEc:eee:ecolec:v:176:y:2020:i:c:s0921800918301150)
by Vergamini, Daniele & Viaggi, Davide & Raggi, Meri - Perceived benefits from reclaimed rural landscapes: Evidence from the lowlands of the Po River Delta, Italy (RePEc:eee:ecoser:v:49:y:2021:i:c:s2212041621000462)
by Targetti, S. & Raggi, M. & Zavalloni, M. & Viaggi, D. - An integer programming dynamic farm-household model to evaluate the impact of agricultural policy reforms on farm investment behaviour (RePEc:eee:ejores:v:207:y:2010:i:2:p:1130-1139)
by Viaggi, Davide & Raggi, Meri & Gomez y Paloma, Sergio - Farm-household investment behaviour and the CAP decoupling: Methodological issues in assessing policy impacts (RePEc:eee:jpolmo:v:33:y:2011:i:1:p:127-145)
by Viaggi, Davide & Raggi, Meri & Gomez y Paloma, Sergio - Farmland abandonment, public goods and the CAP in a marginal area of Italy (RePEc:eee:lauspo:v:107:y:2021:i:c:s0264837719305782)
by Zavalloni, Matteo & D’Alberto, Riccardo & Raggi, Meri & Viaggi, Davide - A Statistical Matching approach to reproduce the heterogeneity of willingness to pay in benefit transfer (RePEc:eee:soceps:v:74:y:2021:i:c:s003801211930641x)
by D'Alberto, Riccardo & Zavalloni, Matteo & Raggi, Meri & Viaggi, Davide - Farm/Household-level Simulation Results of Testing Policy and Other Scenarios (RePEc:eps:fmwppr:166)
by Viaggi, Davide & Bartolini, Fabio & Puddu, Marco & Raggi, Meri - Digital Irrigated Agriculture: Towards a Framework for Comprehensive Analysis of Decision Processes under Uncertainty (RePEc:gam:jftint:v:12:y:2020:i:11:p:181-:d:434863)
by Francesco Cavazza & Francesco Galioto & Meri Raggi & Davide Viaggi - Factors Affecting the Land Investment Decisions in the Old Members of the European Union: A Systematic Literature Review (RePEc:gam:jlands:v:13:y:2024:i:4:p:527-:d:1376553)
by Silvia Russo & Rino Ghelfi & Meri Raggi & Davide Viaggi - AES Impact Evaluation With Integrated Farm Data: Combining Statistical Matching and Propensity Score Matching (RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:10:y:2018:i:11:p:4320-:d:184432)
by Riccardo D’Alberto & Matteo Zavalloni & Meri Raggi & Davide Viaggi - Using the Ecosystem Services Framework for Policy Impact Analysis: An Application to the Assessment of the Common Agricultural Policy 2014–2020 in the Province of Ferrara (Italy) (RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:10:y:2018:i:3:p:890-:d:137148)
by Parthena Chatzinikolaou & Davide Viaggi & Meri Raggi - Assessing Collective Measures in Rural Policy: The Effect of Minimum Participation Rules on the Distribution of Benefits from Irrigation Infrastructure (RePEc:gam:jsusta:v:9:y:2016:i:1:p:1-:d:85897)
by Matteo Zavalloni & Meri Raggi & Davide Viaggi - An analysis of the intention-realisation discrepancy in EU farmers' land investment decisions
[Analyse des écarts entre les intentions d'achat de terres par les agriculteurs européens et les achats (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-02519061)
by Marianne Lefebvre & Meri Raggi & Sergio Gomez-Y-Paloma & Davide Viaggi - Cooperative Management of Ecosystem Services: Coalition Formation, Landscape Structure and Policies
[Gestion coopérative des services écosystémiques : formation de coalitions, structure du paysage (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-03278911)
by Francois Bareille & Matteo Zavalloni & Meri Raggi & Davide Viaggi - Farm technical-economic performance depending on the degree of ecological approaches (RePEc:hal:wpaper:hal-04454001)
by Andreas Niedermayr & Jochen Kantelhardt & Laura Eckart & Marie Kohrs & Lena Schaller & Peter Walder & Kassoum Ayouba & Zoltan Bakucs & Lajos Barath & Andrew Barnes & Wolfgang Britz & K Herve Dakpo & R - A classification of European NUTS3 regions (RePEc:ipt:iptwpa:jrc85163)
by Meri Raggi & Fabien Santini & Sergio Gomez y Paloma & Sébastien Mary - Agri-environmental Policies and Public Goods: An Assessment of Coalition Incentives and Minimum Participation Rules (RePEc:kap:enreec:v:72:y:2019:i:4:d:10.1007_s10640-018-0237-9)
by Matteo Zavalloni & Meri Raggi & Davide Viaggi - Cooperative Management of Ecosystem Services: Coalition Formation, Landscape Structure and Policies (RePEc:kap:enreec:v:79:y:2021:i:2:d:10.1007_s10640-021-00563-z)
by Francois Bareille & Matteo Zavalloni & Meri Raggi & Davide Viaggi - An analysis of the intention-realisation discrepancy in EU farmers’ land investment decisions (RePEc:nec:raestu:v:95:y:2014:i:01:p:51-75_01)
by Lefebvre, Marianne & Raggi, Meri & Gomez Y Paloma, Sergio & Viaggi, Davide - An analysis of the intention-realisation discrepancy in EU farmers’ land investment decisions (RePEc:rae:jourae:v:95:y:2014:i:1:p:51-75)
by Marianne Lefebvre & Meri Raggi & Sergio Gomez Y Paloma & Davide Viaggi - The impact of EU common agricultural policy decoupling on farm households: Income vs. investment effects (RePEc:spr:intere:v:45:y:2010:i:3:p:188-192)
by Davide Viaggi & Meri Raggi & Vittorio Gallerani & Sergio Paloma - Integrating rather than collecting: statistical matching in the data flood era (RePEc:spr:stpapr:v:65:y:2024:i:4:d:10.1007_s00362-023-01468-3)
by Riccardo D’Alberto & Meri Raggi - How much reliable are the integrated ‘live’ data? A validation strategy proposal for the non-parametric micro statistical matching (RePEc:taf:japsta:v:48:y:2021:i:2:p:322-348)
by Riccardo D'Alberto & Meri Raggi - A Bayesian network highlighting the linkages between landscape structure and the local economy: the case of agritourism in lowland areas of Northern Italy (RePEc:taf:jenpmg:v:58:y:2015:i:12:p:2137-2158)
by Rosa Manrique & Davide Viaggi & Meri Raggi - Agricultural policies and the emergence of voluntary landscape enhancement efforts: an exploratory analysis of rural tourism using an agent-based model (RePEc:taf:jenpmg:v:58:y:2015:i:12:p:2159-2175)
by Matteo Zavalloni & Meri Raggi & Stefano Targetti & Davide Viaggi