Carlos A. Medel
first: |
Carlos A. |
last: |
Medel |
email: |
cmedel at domain
postal address: |
Agustinas 1180, Santiago 8340454 |
Pontificia Universidad Católica de Chile
/ Facultad de Ciencia Económicas y Administrativas
/ Instituto de Economía (weight: 50%)
Banco Central de Chile (weight: 50%)
Research profile
author of:
- The Elusive Predictive Ability of Global Inflation (RePEc:bla:intfin:v:19:y:2016:i:2:p:120-146)
by Carlos A. Medel & Michael Pedersen & Pablo M. Pincheira - Forecasting Chilean inflation with the hybrid new keynesian Phillips curve: globalisation, combination, and accuracy (RePEc:chb:bcchec:v:20:y:2017:i:3:p:004-050)
by Carlos Medel - Can economic perception surveys improve macroeconomic forecasting in Chile? (RePEc:chb:bcchec:v:22:y:2019:i:3:p:034-097)
by Nicolás Chanut & Mario Marcel C. & Carlos A. Medel V. - FinTech y el Futuro de la Banca Central Central de Chile (RePEc:chb:bcchep:63)
by Carlos Madeira & Pablo Furche & Mario Marcel & Carlos Medel - Incertidumbre en las Series Desestacionalizadas de Actividad y Demanda en Chile (RePEc:chb:bcchni:v:13:y:2010:i:1:p:63-72)
by Carlos A. Medel V. & Michael Pedersen - Una Estimación del Impacto del Efecto Calendario en Series Desestacionalizadas Chilenas de Actividad y Demanda (RePEc:chb:bcchni:v:13:y:2010:i:3:p:95-103)
by Marcus Cobb C. & Carlos A. Medel V. - Incertidumbre Externa sobre la Economía Chilena (RePEc:chb:bcchni:v:14:y:2011:i:3:p:75-82)
by Yan Carrière-Swallow & Carlos A. Medel V. - Un análisis de la capacidad predictiva del precio del cobre sobre la inflación global (RePEc:chb:bcchni:v:19:y:2016:i:2:p:128-153)
by Carlos A. Medel - An econometric analysis on survey-data-based anchoring of inflation expectations in Chile (RePEc:chb:bcchni:v:21:y:2018:i:2:p:128-152)
by Carlos Medel - Unknown item RePEc:chb:bcchrl:v:20:y:2017:i:3:p:144-149 (article)
- Unknown item RePEc:chb:bcchrl:v:21:y:2018:i:2:p:154-163 (article)
- Unknown item RePEc:chb:bcchrl:v:22:y:2019:i:1:p:132-135 (article)
- Efectos del Calentamiento Global sobre la Industria Pesquera (RePEc:chb:bcchwp:534)
by Carlos Medel - Proyección Agregada y Desagregada del PIB Chileno con Procedimientos Automatizados de Series de Tiempo (RePEc:chb:bcchwp:577)
by Carlos Medel & Marcela Urrutia - Short-Term GDP Forecasting Using Bridge Models: a Case for Chile (RePEc:chb:bcchwp:626)
by Marcus Cobb & Gonzalo Echavarría & Pablo Filippi & Macarena García & Carolina Godoy & Wildo González & Carlos Medel & Marcela Urrutia - Incertidumbre Global sobre la Economía Chilena (RePEc:chb:bcchwp:647)
by Yan Carrière–Swallow & Carlos Medel - How Informative are In–Sample Information Criteria to Forecasting? The Case of Chilean GDP (RePEc:chb:bcchwp:657)
by Carlos Medel - ¿Akaike o Schwarz? ¿Cuál elegir para Predecir el PIB Chileno? (RePEc:chb:bcchwp:658)
by Carlos Medel - Forecasting Inflation With a Random Walk (RePEc:chb:bcchwp:669)
by Pablo Pincheira & Carlos Medel - Forecasting Inflation with a Simple and Accurate Benchmark: a Cross-Country Analysis (RePEc:chb:bcchwp:677)
by Pablo Pincheira & Carlos A. Medel - Does BIC Estimate and Forecast Better Than AIC? (RePEc:chb:bcchwp:679)
by Carlos A. Medel & Sergio C. Salgado - The Typical Spectral Shape of An Economic Variable: A Visual Guide with 100 Examples (RePEc:chb:bcchwp:719)
by Carlos Medel - The Elusive Predictive Ability of Global Inflation (RePEc:chb:bcchwp:725)
by Carlos Medel & Michael Pedersen & Pablo Pincheira - Probabilidad Clásica de Sobreajuste con Criterios de Información: Estimaciones con Series Macroeconómicas Chilenas (RePEc:chb:bcchwp:735)
by Carlos Medel - The Out-of-Sample Performance of An Exact Median-Unbiased Estimator for the Near-Unity Ar(1)Model (RePEc:chb:bcchwp:768)
by Carlos Medel & Pablo Pincheira - Inflation Dynamics and the Hybrid Neo Keynesian Phillips Curve: The Case of Chile (RePEc:chb:bcchwp:769)
by Carlos Medel - Fuelling Future Prices: Oil Price and Global Inflation (RePEc:chb:bcchwp:770)
by Carlos Medel - Robustness in Foreign Exchange Rate Forecasting Models: Economics-Based Modelling After the Financial Crisis (RePEc:chb:bcchwp:784)
by Carlos Medel & Gilmour Camilleri & Hsiang-Ling Hsu & Stefan Kania & Miltiadis Touloumtzoglou - Forecasting Inflation with the Hybrid New Keynesian Phillips Curve: A Compact-Scale Global VAR Approach (RePEc:chb:bcchwp:785)
by Carlos Medel - Un Análisis de la Capacidad Predictiva del Precio del Cobre sobre la Inflación Global (RePEc:chb:bcchwp:786)
by Carlos Medel - Forecasting Chilean Inflation with the Hybrid New Keynesian Phillips Curve: Globalisation, Combination, and Accuracy (RePEc:chb:bcchwp:791)
by Carlos Medel - An Analysis of the Impact of External Financial Risks on the Sovereign Risk Premium of Latin American Economies (RePEc:chb:bcchwp:795)
by Rodrigo Alfaro & Carlos Medel & Carola Moreno - Determinantes de la Inflación de Servicios en Chile (RePEc:chb:bcchwp:803)
by Mario Marcel & Carlos Medel & Jessica Mena - Geopolitical Tensions, OPEC News, and Oil Price: A Granger Causality Analysis (RePEc:chb:bcchwp:805)
by Carlos Medel - Can Economic Perception Surveys Improve Macroeconomic Forecasting in Chile? (RePEc:chb:bcchwp:824)
by Nicolas Chanut & Mario Marcel & Carlos Medel - Econometric Analysis on Survey-data-based Anchoring of Inflation Expectations in Chile (RePEc:chb:bcchwp:825)
by Carlos Medel - Does the Exposure to the Business Cycle Improve Consumer Perceptions for Forecasting? Microdata Evidence from Chile (RePEc:chb:bcchwp:888)
by Fernando Faure & Carlos A. Medel - Searching for the Best Inflation Forecasters within a Consumer Perceptions Survey: Microdata Evidence from Chile (RePEc:chb:bcchwp:899)
by Carlos Medel - Forecasting Brazilian Inflation with the Hybrid New Keynesian Phillips Curve: Assessing the Predictive Role of Trading Partners (RePEc:chb:bcchwp:900)
by Carlos Medel - Unknown item RePEc:cml:moneta:v:iii:y:2015:i:1:p:25-69 (article)
- ¿Akaike o Schwarz? ¿Cuál utilizar para predecir el PIB chileno? (RePEc:cml:moneta:v:xxxiv:y:2011:i:4:p:591-615)
by Carlos A. Medel Vera - Unknown item RePEc:cml:moneta:v:xxxvii:y:2015:i:1:p:27-78 (article)
- Fintech y la banca central en la encrucijada (RePEc:cpt:journl:v::y:2017:i:148:p:39-78)
by Pablo Furche & Carlos Madeira & Mario Marcel & Carlos A. Medel - Forecasting Inflation with a Simple and Accurate Benchmark: The Case of the US and a Set of Inflation Targeting Countries (RePEc:fau:fauart:v:65:y:2015:i:1:p:2-29)
by Pablo M. Pincheira & Carlos A. Medel - Forecasting with a Random Walk (RePEc:fau:fauart:v:66:y:2016:i:6:p:539-564)
by Pablo M. Pincheira & Carlos A. Medel - Does the Bic Estimate and Forecast Better than the Aic? (RePEc:ila:anaeco:v:28:y:2013:i:1:p:47-64)
by Carlos A. Medel & Sergio C. Salgado - Probabilidad Clásica de Sobreajuste con Criterios de Información: Estimaciones con Series Macroeconómicas Chilenas (RePEc:ila:anaeco:v:30:y:2015:i:1:p:57-72)
by Carlos A. Medel - An Analysis of the Impact of External Financial Risks on the Sovereign Risk Premium of Latin American Economies (RePEc:ila:anaeco:v:32:y:2017:i:2:p:131-153)
by Rodrigo Alfaro Alfaro & Carlos A. Medel & Carola Moreno - Geopolitical tensions, OPEC news, and the oil price: A granger causality analysis (RePEc:ila:anaeco:v:35:y:2020:i:2:p:57-90)
by Antonio Fernandois & Carlos A. Medel - How informative are in-sample information criteria to forecasting? The case of Chilean GDP (RePEc:ioe:cuadec:v:50:y:2013:i:1:p:133-161)
by Carlos A. Medel - Searching for the Best Inflation Forecasters within an EmploymentSurvey: Microdata Evidence from Chile (RePEc:pcp:pucrev:y:2022:i:89:p:184-216)
by Carlos A. Medel - The Effects of Global Warming on Fisheries (RePEc:pra:mprapa:28373)
by Medel, Carlos A. - How informative are in-sample information criteria to forecasting? the case of Chilean GDP (RePEc:pra:mprapa:35949)
by Medel, Carlos A. - ¿Akaike o Schwarz? ¿Cuál elegir para predecir el PIB chileno?
[Akaike or Schwarz? Which One is a Better Predictor of Chilean GDP?] (RePEc:pra:mprapa:35950)
by Medel, Carlos A. - Guía de Ejercicios: Introducción a la Macroeconomía
[Exercises Guide: Principles of Macroeconomics] (RePEc:pra:mprapa:41401)
by Medel, Carlos A. - Does BIC Estimate and Forecast Better than AIC? (RePEc:pra:mprapa:42235)
by Medel, Carlos A. & Salgado, Sergio C. - The Typical Spectral Shape of an Economic Variable: A Visual Guide with 100 Examples (RePEc:pra:mprapa:53584)
by Medel, Carlos A. - A Comparison Between Direct and Indirect Seasonal Adjustment of the Chilean GDP 1986-2009 with X-12-ARIMA (RePEc:pra:mprapa:57053)
by Medel, Carlos A. - Probabilidad Clásica de Sobreajuste con Criterios de Información: Estimaciones con Series Macroeconómicas Chilenas
[Classical Probability of Overfitting with Information Criteria: Estimations with (RePEc:pra:mprapa:57401)
by Medel, Carlos A. - The Out-of-sample Performance of an Exact Median-Unbiased Estimator for the Near-Unity AR(1) Model (RePEc:pra:mprapa:62552)
by Medel, Carlos & Pincheira, Pablo - Inflation Dynamics and the Hybrid Neo Keynesian Phillips Curve: The Case of Chile (RePEc:pra:mprapa:62609)
by Medel, Carlos - Robustness in Foreign Exchange Rate Forecasting Models: Economics-based Modelling After the Financial Crisis (RePEc:pra:mprapa:65290)
by Medel, Carlos & Camilleri, Gilmour & Hsu, Hsiang-Ling & Kania, Stefan & Touloumtzoglou, Miltiadis - Producers, Politicians, Warriors, and Forecasters: Who's Who in the Oil Market? (RePEc:pra:mprapa:65298)
by Medel, Carlos - A Critical Review of Posch, J. and F. Rumler (2015), 'Semi-Structural Forecasting of UK Inflation Based on the Hybrid New Keynesian Phillips Curve,' Journal of Forecasting 34(2): 145-62 (RePEc:pra:mprapa:65665)
by Medel, Carlos A. - Geopolitical Tensions, OPEC News, and Oil Price: A Granger Causality Analysis (RePEc:pra:mprapa:65667)
by Medel, Carlos A. - Forecasting Inflation with the Hybrid New Keynesian Phillips Curve: A Compact-Scale Global VAR Approach (RePEc:pra:mprapa:67081)
by Medel, Carlos A. - Forecasting Chilean Inflation with the Hybrid New Keynesian Phillips Curve: Globalisation, Combination, and Accuracy (RePEc:pra:mprapa:78439)
by Medel, Carlos A. - Incertidumbre Global sobre el Pacífico Sur (RePEc:rbp:wpaper:2011-016)
by Carrière-Swallow, Yan & Medel, Carlos - A Comparison Between Direct and Indirect Seasonal Adjustment of the Chilean GDP 1986–2009 with X-12-ARIMA (RePEc:spr:jbuscr:v:14:y:2018:i:1:d:10.1007_s41549-018-0023-3)
by Carlos A. Medel - The typical spectral shape of an economic variable: a visual guide (RePEc:taf:apeclt:v:21:y:2014:i:14:p:1017-1024)
by Carlos A. Medel - The out-of-sample performance of an exact median-unbiased estimator for the near-unity AR(1) model (RePEc:taf:apeclt:v:23:y:2016:i:2:p:126-131)
by Carlos A. Medel & Pablo M. Pincheira - Forecasting Inflation with the Hybrid New Keynesian Phillips Curve: A Compact-Scale Global VAR Approach (RePEc:taf:intecj:v:32:y:2018:i:3:p:331-371)
by Carlos A. Medel