Stefan Kesenne
first: |
Stefan |
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L.J. |
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Kesenne |
phone: |
+32 3 220 41 05 |
postal address: |
Economics Department
University of Antwerp, City Campus
Prinsstraat, 13
B-2000 Antwerp
Belgium |
Research profile
author of:
- Revenue Sharing and Owner Profits in Professional Team Sports (RePEc:ags:uantrp:24171)
by Kesenne, Stefan - KÉSENNE, S.: “De zichtbare hand (Paul DE GRAUWE, Uitgeverij Lannoo, 1986)” (p. 121-122); MEGANCK, J.: “Economics (Paul A. SAMUELSON & William D. NORDHAUS, McGraw-Hill Book Company, 1985)” (p. 122); AC (RePEc:ant:ecsots:v:41:y:1987:i:1:p:121-143)
by Késenne, S. & Meganck, J. & Acx, R. & Jegers, M. & Pauwels, J. & Marijsse, S. & Plasschaert, S. & Van Poeck, A. & Raes, R. & Roosens, P. & De Brabander, G. & Jegers, M. & Van Cauwenbergh, A. & Kympers - VAN DE VOORDE, E.: “Handbook of regional and urban economics (Peter NIJKAMP, North-Holland, 1986)” (p. 803); KÉSENNE, S.: “Handbook of labor economics (Orley ASHENFELTER & Richard LAYARD, North-Hollan (RePEc:ant:ecsots:v:41:y:1987:i:5:p:803-820)
by Van De Voorde, E. & Késenne, S. & Van Poeck, A. & Roossens, P. & Van Houte, P. & Roossens, P. & Plasschaert, S. & Heylen, F. & Lierman, F. & Claessens, E. & Parys, W. & De Brabander, G. & Weverbergh, - VAN POECK, A.: “Dollars, debts, and deficits (Rudiger DORNBUSCH, The MIT Press, 1986)” (p. 939-940); MOESEN, W.: “Fiscal policy in the smaller industrial countries (Gisli BLÖNDAL, International Moneta (RePEc:ant:ecsots:v:41:y:1987:i:6:p:939-960)
by Van Poeck, A. & Moesen, W. & Pauwels, W. & Roosens, P. & Meganck, J. & Késenne, S. & Jegers, M. & Weverbergh, M. & Pauwels, J. & Verbruggen, A. & Vansina, L.S. & Durinck, E. & Kympers, L. & Vloeberghs - PARYS, Wilfried: “The mind and method of the economist (Brian J. LOASBY, Gower Publishing Company, 1989)” (p. 130-131); KÉSENNE, Stefan: “International labour statistics (R. BEAN, Routledge, 1989)” (p (RePEc:ant:ecsots:v:44:y:1990:i:1:p:130-153)
by PARYS, Wilfried & KÉSENNE, Stefan & SELEN, Willem & MAES, Ivo & SLAETS, Patrick & VEUGELERS, Reinhilde & CASSIMON, Danny & COPPIETERS, Piet & VANDEVELDE, Toon & SLEUWAEGEN, Leo & COMMANDEUR, Harry & J - HENDRICKX, Koen: “Seven schools of macroeconomic thought (Edmund S. PHELPS, Clarendon Press, 1990)” (p. 621-622); PLASSCHAERT, Sylvain: “From marx tot he market (Wlodzimierz BRUS & Kazimierz LASKI, Cl (RePEc:ant:ecsots:v:44:y:1990:i:4:p:621-645)
by HENDRICKX, Koen & PLASSCHAERT, Sylvain & MEGANCK, Jacques & MAES, Ivo & VAN GOMPEL, Johan & PAUWELS, Wilfried & DE BORGER, Bruno & VAN DE VOORDE, Eddy & JORISSEN, Ann & VEUGELERS, Reinhilde & JEGERS, - PARYS, Wilfried: “The spread of economic ideas (David C. Colander & A.W. Coats, Cambridge University Press, 1989)” (p. 151-152); PARYS, Wilfried: “History of economic theory (Takashi Negishi, North-Ho (RePEc:ant:ecsots:v:45:y:1991:i:2:p:151-184)
by PARYS, Wilfried & MEGANCK, Jacques & HEYLEN, Freddy & PAUWELS, Wilfried & MEERSMAN, Hilde & VAN DE VOORDE, Eddy & NONNEMAN, Walter & VAN HOOF, Liliane & KÉSENNE, Stefaan & MEEUSEN, Wim & VANCOPPENOLLE - MEERSMAN, Hilde: “The history of econometric ideas (Mary S. Morgan, Cambridge University Press, 1990)” (p. 371); NAERT, Frank: “Money, trade and payments (David Cobham, Manchester United Press, 1989)” (RePEc:ant:ecsots:v:45:y:1991:i:2:p:371-395)
by MEERSMAN, Hilde & NAERT, Frank & BLAUWENS, G. & DE BORGER, Bruno & VAN DE VOORDE, Eddy & PAUWELS, Wilfried & PEETERS, Chris & NONNEMAN, Walter & VAN STRAELEN, Robert & YZEWYN, Dirk & KÉSENNE, Stefaan - YZEWYN, Dirk: “Innovation and regional development (Hans-Jürgen EWERS & Jürgen ALLESCH, Walter de Gruyter, 1990)” (p. 745); MEERSMAN, Hilde: “Open economy Macroeconomics (Ronald SHONE, Harvester Wheat (RePEc:ant:ecsots:v:45:y:1991:i:4:p:745-775)
by YZEWYN, Dirk & MEERSMAN, Hilde & PAUWELS, Johan & ERREYGERS, Guido & SCHROYEN, Fred & DOMBRECHT, Michel & LAMPAERT, Stefaan & MAES, Ivo & MARIJSSE, Stefaan & HENDRICKX, Koen & PARYS, Wilfried & VAN HO - MEERSMAN, Hilde: “Economics (Michael PARKIN, Addison-Wesley Publishing Company, 1990)” (p. 587); MAES, Ivo: “Modern international economics (Shelagh HEFFERNAN & Peter SINCLAIR, Basil Blackwell, 1990)” (RePEc:ant:ecsots:v:46:y:1992:i:3:p:587-610)
by MEERSMAN, Hilde & MAES, Ivo & KONINGS, Jozef & DOMBRECHT, Michel & LAMPAERT, Stefaan & PARYS, Wilfried & HEYLEN, Freddy & VLASSELAER, Christian & KÉSENNE, Stefan & KERSTENS, Kris & VANCOPPENOLLE, Chan - CASSIMON, Danny: “Economic problems of the 1990s (Paul DAVIDSON & J.A. KREGEL, Edward Elgar Publishing Ltd., 1991)” (p. 745); COPPIETERS, Piet: “Restoring economic equilibrium (Theodore W. SCHULTZ, Ba (RePEc:ant:ecsots:v:46:y:1992:i:4:p:745-771)
by CASSIMON, Danny & COPPIETERS, Piet & PARYS, Wilfried & MARIJSSE, Stefaan & VANCOPPENOLLE, Chantal & NONNEMAN, Walter & MEERSMAN, Hilde & KÉSENNE, Stefan & PAUWELS, Wilfried & Blauwens, G. & RAES, Régi - PARYS, Wilfried: "Eminent Economists (Michael Szenberg, Cambridge University Press, 1992)" (p. 141); DE BORGER, Bruno: "A coure in microeconomic theory (David M. KREPS, Harvester Wheats (RePEc:ant:ecsots:v:47:y:1993:i:1:p:141-172)
by PARYS, Wilfried & DE BORGER, Bruno & JANSSENS, Geert & MEERSMAN, Hilde & PLASSCHAERT, Sylvain & PEETERS, Chris & CUYVERS, Ludo & VAN HOOF, Liliane & KONINGS, Joep & JEGERS, Marc & DE GRAEVE, Diana & V - De economie van de sport: Een overzichtsbijdrage (RePEc:ant:ecsots:v:47:y:1993:i:3:p:383-417)
by KÉSENNE, Stefan - MEERSMAN, Hilde: "Economic Policies for the 1990s (John LLEWELLYN, Stephen J. POTTER, Blackwell Publishers, 1991)” (p. 523-524); CUYVERS, Ludo: “South East Asia in the world-economy (Chris DIXON, (RePEc:ant:ecsots:v:47:y:1993:i:3:p:523-546)
by MEERSMAN, Hilde & CUYVERS, Ludo & VAN HOOF, Liliane & VAN HULLE, Cynthia & COECK, Chris & ERREYGERS, Guido & WITLOX, Frank & BRUGGEMAN, Annick & VAN STRAELEN, Robert & MEERSMAN, Hilde & KERSTENS, Kris - MEERSMAN, Hilde: "Economics (John SLOMAN, Prentice Hall, Simon & Schuster, 1991)” (p. 703-704); PARYS, Wilfried: “Perspectives on the History of Economic Thought (S. Todd LOWRY, ed. Edward Elgar, (RePEc:ant:ecsots:v:47:y:1993:i:4:p:703-723)
by MEERSMAN, Hilde & PARYS, Wilfried & MAES, Ivo & PLASSCHAERT, Sylvain & VAN HOOF, Liliane & KONINGS, Joep & HENDRICKX, Koen & VANDENBUSSCHE, Hylke & DONCKELS, Rik & VAN DE VOORDE, Eddy & PLASSCHAERT, S - NONNEMAN, Walter: “The methodology of economics (Mark BLAUG, Cambridge University Press, 1992)” (p. 165); MAES, Ivo: “Aspects of central bank policy making (Zvi ECKSTEIN, Springer-Verlag, 1991)” (p. 1 (RePEc:ant:ecsots:v:48:y:1994:i:1:p:165-183)
by NONNEMAN, Walter & MAES, Ivo & PLASSCHAERT, Sylvain & MEERSMAN, Hilde & Reyns, Carl & VUCHELEN, Jef & DOMBRECHT, Michel & VERBRUGGEN, Aviel & KÉSENNE, Stefan & VAN DE VOORDE, Eddy & BASTIEANSE, Johan - Boekbesprekingen (RePEc:ant:ecsots:v:49:y:1995:i:1:p:323-347)
by VANDENBUSSCHE, Hylke & DONCKELS, Rik & VAN GOMPEL, Johan & MARTENS, Rudy & PLASSCHAERT, Sylvain & NONNEMAN, Walter & KÉSENNE, Stefan & SCHOKKAERT, Erik & ROOSENS, PAUL & VAN HOOF, Liliane & VAN LANDEG - Boekbesprekingen (RePEc:ant:ecsots:v:49:y:1995:i:3:p:489-522)
by MEERSMAN, Hilde & MAES, Ivo & PAUWELS, Wilfried & BRUGGEMAN, Annick & VAN HOOYDONK, Charlotte & VAN HOOF, Lilian & PLASSCHAERT, Sylvain & NONNEMAN, Walter & HENDRICKX, Koen & ROOSENS, Paul & VERHETSEL - Boekbesprekingen (RePEc:ant:ecsots:v:49:y:1995:i:4:p:669-694)
by MEGANCK, Jacques & DE GRAEVE, Diana & WEVERBERGH, Marcel & NONNEMAN, Walter & BLAUWENS, Gust & ANNAERT, Jan & VANDENBEMPT, Koen & CORTENS, Isabelle & VAN BELLE, Jean-Louis & PARYS, Wilfried & KERSTENS - WITLOX, Frank: "The global economy (Brian J.L. BERRY, Prentice-Hall International, 1993)" (p. 173-174); VAN BELLE, Jean-Louis: "Innovation in East Asia (Michael HOBDAY, Edward Elgar, 19 (RePEc:ant:ecsots:v:50:y:1996:i:1:p:173-191)
by WITLOX, Frank & VAN BELLE, Jean-Louis & VAN DE VOORDE, Eddy & NONNEMAN, Walter & MEERSMAN, Hilde & KERSTENS, Kris & KESTELOOT, Katrien & CUYVERS, Ludo & VANDENBEMPT, Koen & DUCHESNE, Inge & VAN STRAEL - Boekbesprekingen: VAN POECK, André: "De economische en monetaire unie en de Belgische economie (Paul VAN DEN BEMPT, Intersentia Uitgevers, 1997)" (p. 147); KÉSENNE, Stefan: "Advances in (RePEc:ant:ecsots:v:52:y:1998:i:1:p:147-170)
by VAN POECK, André & KÉSENNE, Stefan & ROOSSENS, Paul & WEVERBERGH, Marcel & KERSTENS, Kristiaan & VAN HOOF, Liliane & JEGERS, Marc & VANHOUDT, Patrick & VAN HOUDT, Toon & MEGANCK, Jacques & DENDUYVER, - Opbrengstendeling en marktregulering in professionele ploegsporten (RePEc:ant:ecsots:v:52:y:1998:i:1:p:35-49)
by KÉSENNE, Stefan - Boekbesprekingen: KÉSENNE, Stefan: “Macro-economie (Freddy HEYLEN, Garant, 1999)” (p. 669-670); VAN OURTI, Tom: “Microeconomis (Franklin M. FISHER, Cambridge University Press, 1999)” (p. 670-671); KON (RePEc:ant:ecsots:v:53:y:1999:i:4:p:669-687)
by KÉSENNE, Stefan & VAN OURTI, Tom & KONINGS, Jozef & JEGERS, Marc & HEYNDELS, Bruno & KERSTENS, Kristiaan & ROOSENS, Paul & MARYSSE, Stefaan & VAN HOOF, Liliane & DE CEUSTER, Marc & ABDELJELIL, Youssef - Boekbesprekingen: KÉSENNE, Stefan: “Economics and culture (David THROSBY, Cambridge University Press, 2000)” (p.413); VERBOVEN, Frank: “Met vrije handen (Raymond DE BONDT, Scriptum Management, 2000)” (RePEc:ant:ecsots:v:55:y:2001:i:2:p:413-421)
by KÉSENNE, Stefan & VERBOVEN, Frank & JEGERS, Marc & VEREECK, Lode & MEGANCK, Jacques & MARYSSE, Stefaan & VALCKX, Nico - Boekbesprekingen: VERBRUGGEN, Aviel: “The skeptical environmentalist (Bjørn LOMBORG, Cambridge University Press, 2001)” (p. 1103-104); KÉSENNE, Stefan: “The economics of art and culture (James HEILBRO (RePEc:ant:ecsots:v:56:y:2002:i:1:p:103-118)
by VERBRUGGEN, Aviel & KÉSENNE, Stefan & JEGERS, Marc & CUYVERS, Ludo & HEYNDELS, Bruno & VAN OURTI, Tom & WEVERBERGH, Marcel & ENGELIEN, Peter-Jan & DERIJCKE, Luc & VLOEBERGHS, Daniël - Boekbesprekingen: BETHUYNE, Gerrit: “De groeikracht van de economie (Patrick van CAYSEELE, Chris PEETERS, Harry WEBERS & Johan VAN HERCK, Universitaire Pers Leuven, 2001)” (p. 265-266); KÉSENNE, Stefa (RePEc:ant:ecsots:v:56:y:2002:i:2:p:265-272)
by BETHUYNE, Gerrit & KÉSENNE, Stefan & JEGERS, Marc & KERSTENS, Kristiaan & LAVEREN, Eddy - Arbeidsmarkt en arbeidsmarktbeleid: Ten geleide (RePEc:ant:ecsots:v:57:y:2003:i:2:p:113-114)
by KÉSENNE, Stefan - De regulering van de arbeidsmarkt van professionele ploegsporters: De effecten op loonhoogte en sportief evenwicht (RePEc:ant:ecsots:v:57:y:2003:i:2:p:191-209)
by KÉSENNE, Stefan - Substitution in consumption, an application to the allocation of time (RePEc:ant:sesowp:1980004)
by KESENNE, Stefan - Time allocation and the linear expenditure system (RePEc:ant:sesowp:1980009)
by KESENNE, Stefan - Arbeidsduurverkorting, kostenstructuur van de onderneming en tewerkstelling (RePEc:ant:sesowp:1984006)
by KÉSENNE, Stefan & BUTZEN, P. - The economic impact of sport: An input-output approach for Belgium (RePEc:ant:sesowp:1989004)
by KÉSENNE, Stefan & COUDER, Johan - Basisinkomen en arbeidsaanbod (RePEc:ant:sesowp:1989005)
by KÉSENNE, Stefan & VAN DURME, P. - Market labor supply, informal work and the basic income proposal (RePEc:ant:sesowp:1989010)
by KÉSENNE, Stefan - A guaranteed basic income as a cultural policy (RePEc:ant:sesowp:1990014)
by KÉSENNE, Stefan - The unemployment impact of a basic income (RePEc:ant:sesowp:1993012)
by KÉSENNE, Stefan - Win maximization and the distribution of playing talent in professional team sports (RePEc:ant:sesowp:1994026)
by KÉSENNE, Stefan - Revenue sharing and competitive balance in professional team sports (RePEc:ant:wpaper:1999019)
by KÉSENNE, Stefan - The impact of salary caps in professional team sports (RePEc:ant:wpaper:1999026)
by KÉSENNE, Stefan - The player labour market in a win maximizing sports league (RePEc:ant:wpaper:2001028)
by KÉSENNE, Stefan - Club objectives and ticket pricing in professional team sports (RePEc:ant:wpaper:2002018)
by KÉSENNE, Stefan - Competitive balance and gate revenue sharing in team sports (RePEc:ant:wpaper:2003003)
by SZYMANSKI, Stefan & KÉSENNE, Stefan - Competitive balance and revenue sharing when rich clubs have poor teams (RePEc:ant:wpaper:2003017)
by KÉSENNE, Stefan - The salary cap proposal of the G-14 in European football (RePEc:ant:wpaper:2003018)
by KÉSENNE, Stefan - Revenue sharing and competitive balance. Does it invariance proposition hold? (RePEc:ant:wpaper:2003021)
by KÉSENNE, Stefan - The win maximization model reconsidered. Flexible talent supply and efficiency wages (RePEc:ant:wpaper:2004013)
by KÉSENNE, Stefan - The organization of European football and the competitive balance within and between nations (RePEc:ant:wpaper:2005001)
by KÉSENNE, Stefan - Do we need an economic impact study or a cost-benefit analysis of a sports event? (RePEc:ant:wpaper:2005018)
by KÉSENNE, Stefan - Competitive balance in team sports and the impact of revenue sharing. A survey of the economic theory (RePEc:ant:wpaper:2005019)
by KÉSENNE, Stefan - Revenue sharing and owner profits in professional team sports (RePEc:ant:wpaper:2005028)
by KÉSENNE, Stefan - Does a win bonus help to increase profit or wins in professional team sports? (RePEc:ant:wpaper:2007002)
by KÉSENNE, Stefan - Comparing management performances of Belgian football clubs (RePEc:ant:wpaper:2007028)
by KÉSENNE, Stefan - The impact of pooling and sharing broadcast rights in professional team sports (RePEc:ant:wpaper:2008009)
by KÉSENNE, Stefan - The optimal size of a sports league (RePEc:ant:wpaper:2008017)
by KÉSENNE, Stefan - Broadcasting sports, pay-TV or free-TV? (RePEc:ant:wpaper:2011003)
by KESENNE, Stefan - Competitive balance and gate revenue sharing in team sports (RePEc:bla:jindec:v:52:y:2004:i:1:p:165-177)
by Stefan Szymanski & Stefan Késenne - The Impact of Salary Caps in Professional Team Sports (RePEc:bla:scotjp:v:47:y:2000:i:4:p:422-30)
by Kesenne, Stefan - The Impact of Salary Caps in Professional Team Sports (RePEc:bla:scotjp:v:47:y:2000:i:4:p:422-430)
by Stefan Késenne - The Peculiar International Economics Of Professional Football In Europe (RePEc:bla:scotjp:v:54:y:2007:i:3:p:388-399)
by Stefan Kesenne - Revenue Sharing and Absolute League Quality; Talent Investment and Talent Allocation (RePEc:bla:scotjp:v:62:y:2015:i:1:p:51-58)
by Stefan Kesenne - Time-allocation and the Linear Expenditure System (RePEc:ctl:louvre:1980022)
by Stefan KESENNE - Substitution in consumption : An application to the allocation of time (RePEc:eee:eecrev:v:23:y:1983:i:2:p:231-239)
by Kesenne, Stefan - Club Objectives and Ticket Pricing in Professional Team Sports (RePEc:eej:eeconj:v:32:y:2006:i:3:p:549-560)
by Stefan Kesenne & Wilfried Pauwels - The Economic Theory of Professional Team Sports (RePEc:elg:eebook:12671)
by Stefan Kesenne - The Economics of Sport, Health and Happiness (RePEc:elg:eebook:14306)
by None - The Econometrics of Sport (RePEc:elg:eebook:14811)
by None - The Economic Theory of Professional Team Sports (RePEc:elg:eebook:15211)
by Stefan Késenne - The Economics of Competitive Sports (RePEc:elg:eebook:15770)
by None - A Modern Guide to Sports Economics (RePEc:elg:eebook:19238)
by None - Outcome Uncertainty in Sporting Events (RePEc:elg:eebook:19526)
by None - The Economics of Sport and the Media (RePEc:elg:eebook:4122)
by None - The Economic Impact, Costs and Benefits of the FIFA World Cup and the Olympic Games: Who Wins, Who Loses? (RePEc:elg:eechap:14313_16)
by Stefan Kesenne - The collection and distribution of media rights in a win-maximization league (RePEc:elg:eechap:14821_5)
by Stefan Kesenne - Introduction to A Modern Guide to Sports Economics (RePEc:elg:eechap:19238_1)
by Ruud H. Koning & Stefan Kesenne - Uncertainty of outcome and competitive balance: impact, causes and cures (RePEc:elg:eechap:19238_6)
by Stefan Kesenne - Do football spectators like dynasties? Long-term uncertainty of outcome and stadium attendance (RePEc:elg:eechap:19526_9)
by Stefan Kesenne - The Objective Function of a Team (RePEc:elg:eechap:3274_63)
by Stefan Késenne - The Bosman Case and European Football (RePEc:elg:eechap:3274_68)
by Stefan Késenne - Does a Win Bonus Help to Increase Profits or Wins on Professional Sports Teams? (RePEc:jsf:intjsf:v:2:y:2007:i:3:p:142-148)
by Stefan Kesenne - The Impact of Pooling and Sharing Broadcast Rights in Professional Team Sports (RePEc:jsf:intjsf:v:4:y:2009:i:3:p:211-218)
by Stefan Kesenne - The Optimal Size of a Sports League (RePEc:jsf:intjsf:v:4:y:2009:i:4:p:264-270)
by Stefan Kesenne - The Financial Situation of the Football Clubs in the Belgian Jupiler League: Are Players Overpaid in a Win-Maximization League? (RePEc:jsf:intjsf:v:5:y:2010:i:1:p:67-71)
by Stefan Kesenne - Economic Impact Analysis versus Cost Benefit Analysis: The Case of a Medium-Sized Sport Event (RePEc:jsf:intjsf:v:6:y:2011:i:3:p:187-203)
by Marijke Taks & Stefan Kesenne & Laurence Chalip & Christine Green & Scott Martyn - Can Advertising Make Free-to-Air Broadcasting More Profitable Than Pay-TV? (RePEc:jsf:intjsf:v:7:y:2012:i:4:p:358-364)
by Stefan Kesenne - The “manifest destiny” of the performing arts by A. Peacock (RePEc:kap:jculte:v:20:y:1996:i:3:p:241-244)
by Stefan Késenne - Competitive Balance and Gate Revenue Sharing in Team Sports (RePEc:pal:palchp:978-0-230-27427-3_7)
by Stefan Szymanski & Stefan Késenne - What’s the game team owners play? (RePEc:rde:rivdes:200901kesenne)
by Stefan Kesenne - Revenue Sharing and Competitive Balance in Professional Team Sports (RePEc:sae:jospec:v:1:y:2000:i:1:p:56-65)
by Stefan Kesenne - Neale Golden Anniversary (RePEc:sae:jospec:v:16:y:2015:i:8:p:807-808)
by Jaume GarcÃa & Stefan Késenne & Plácido RodrÃguez - The Single Entity Status of a Sports League (RePEc:sae:jospec:v:16:y:2015:i:8:p:811-818)
by Stefan Kesenne - Book Review: Économie du Sport, Collection Que Sais-je? (4th ed.), Économie du Sport, Collection Repères (RePEc:sae:jospec:v:3:y:2002:i:1:p:100-102)
by Stefan Késenne - Competitive Balance and Revenue Sharing (RePEc:sae:jospec:v:5:y:2004:i:2:p:206-212)
by Stefan KÉsenne - Revenue Sharing and Competitive Balance (RePEc:sae:jospec:v:6:y:2005:i:1:p:98-106)
by Stefan Késenne - The Win Maximization Model Reconsidered (RePEc:sae:jospec:v:7:y:2006:i:4:p:416-427)
by Stefan Késenne - Revenue Sharing and Owner Profits in Professional Team Sports (RePEc:sae:jospec:v:8:y:2007:i:5:p:519-529)
by Stefan Kesenne - Belgian Football (RePEc:sae:jospec:v:8:y:2007:i:6:p:670-674)
by Stefan Kesenne - Improving the Competitive Balance and the Salary Distribution in Professional Team Sports (RePEc:spe:cpaper:0005)
by Stefan Kesenne - Sport and the Media: An Overview (RePEc:spe:cpaper:0301)
by Claude Jeanrenaud & Stefan Késenne - The Win Maximization Model Reconsidered (RePEc:spe:cpaper:0410)
by Stefan Kesenne - The organization of European football and the competitive balance within and between nations (RePEc:spe:cpaper:0518)
by Stefan Kesenne - Revenue Sharing and Owner Profits in Professional Team Sports (RePEc:spe:cpaper:0632)
by Stefan Késenne - Does a win bonus help to increase profit or wins in professional team sports? (RePEc:spe:cpaper:0713)
by Stefan Kesenne - The Impact of Pooling and Distributing Broadcasting Rights in Professional Team Sports (RePEc:spe:cpaper:0827)
by Stefan Kesenne - Les conséquences de l'arrêt Bosman pour le football européen (RePEc:spe:cpaper:9908)
by Stephan Kesenne - Comparing management performance of Belgian football clubs (RePEc:zbw:hwwich:61483)
by Késenne, Stefan