Stephen Jenkins
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Jenkins |
London School of Economics (LSE)
/ Suntory and Toyota International Centres for Economics and Related Disciplines (STICERD) (weight: 5%)
London School of Economics (LSE)
/ International Inequalities Institute (weight: 5%)
University of Essex
/ Institute for Social and Economic Research (ISER) (weight: 5%)
Institute of Labor Economics (IZA) (weight: 5%)
London School of Economics (LSE)
/ Department of Social Policy (weight: 80%)
Research profile
author of:
- European Data Watch: The Cross-National Equivalent File (CNEF) and its Member Country Household Panel Studies (RePEc:aeq:aeqsjb:v127_y2007_i4_q4_p627-654)
by Joachim R. Frick & Stephen P. Jenkins & Dean R. Lillard & Oliver Lipps & Mark Wooden - Tony Atkinson and his legacy (RePEc:bdi:wptemi:td_1138_17)
by Rolf Aaberge & François Bourguignon & Andrea Brandolini & Francisco H. G. Ferreira & Janet C. Gornick & John Hills & Markus Jäntti & Stephen P. Jenkins & Eric Marlier & John Micklewright & Brian Nolan - The Implications of 'Stochastic' Demographic Assumptions for Models of the Distribution of Inherited Wealth (RePEc:bla:buecrs:v:37:y:1985:i:3:p:231-44)
by Jenkins, Stephen P - The Implications of "Stochastic" Demographic Assumptions for Models of the Distribution of Inherited Wealth: Correction (RePEc:bla:buecrs:v:39:y:1987:i:2:p:185)
by Jenkins, Stephen - Differences in Needs and Assessment of Income Distributions (RePEc:bla:buecrs:v:44:y:1992:i:2:p:77-124)
by Coulter, Fiona A E & Cowell, Frank A & Jenkins, Stephen P - The Gender Gap In Private Pensions (RePEc:bla:buecrs:v:62:y:2010:i:4:p:343-363)
by Elena Bardasi & Stephen P. Jenkins - Assessing Individual Income Growth (RePEc:bla:econom:v:83:y:2016:i:332:p:679-703)
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Philippe Van Kerm - Pareto Models, Top Incomes and Recent Trends in UK Income Inequality (RePEc:bla:econom:v:84:y:2017:i:334:p:261-289)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - The Distribution of Wealth: Measurement and Models (RePEc:bla:jecsur:v:4:y:1990:i:4:p:329-60)
by Jenkins, Stephen P - Patterns of consent: evidence from a general household survey (RePEc:bla:jorssa:v:169:y:2006:i:4:p:701-722)
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Lorenzo Cappellari & Peter Lynn & Annette Jäckle & Emanuela Sala - Measuring inequality using censored data: a multiple‐imputation approach to estimation and inference (RePEc:bla:jorssa:v:174:y:2011:i:1:p:63-81)
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Richard V. Burkhauser & Shuaizhang Feng & Jeff Larrimore - The impact of questioning method on measurement error in panel survey measures of benefit receipt: evidence from a validation study (RePEc:bla:jorssa:v:175:y:2012:i:1:p:289-308)
by Peter Lynn & Annette Jäckle & Stephen P. Jenkins & Emanuela Sala - Estimating low pay transition probabilities accounting for endogenous selection mechanisms (RePEc:bla:jorssc:v:57:y:2008:i:2:p:165-186)
by Lorenzo Cappellari & Stephen P. Jenkins - Tools for the Analysis of distributional Models (RePEc:bla:manch2:v:50:y:1982:i:2:p:139-50)
by Jenkins, Stephen P - Child Care Costs and Lone Mothers’ Employment Rates: UK Evidence (RePEc:bla:manchs:v:69:y:2001:i:2:p:121-147)
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Elizabeth J. Symons - Easy Estimation Methods for Discrete-Time Duration Models (RePEc:bla:obuest:v:57:y:1995:i:1:p:129-38)
by Jenkins, Stephen P - New Men and New Women? A Comparison of Paid Work Propensities from a Panel Data Perspective (RePEc:bla:obuest:v:61:y:1999:i:2:p:167-197)
by Alison L. Booth & Stephen P. Jenkins & Carlos Garcia Serrano - The Relationship between Unemployment Benefits and Re‐employment Probabilities: Evidence from Spain (RePEc:bla:obuest:v:66:y:2004:i:2:p:239-260)
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Carlos García‐Serrano - Variance Estimation for Generalized Entropy and Atkinson Inequality Indices: the Complex Survey Data Case (RePEc:bla:obuest:v:68:y:2006:i:3:p:371-383)
by Martin Biewen & Stephen P. Jenkins - Inequality Measurement Using ‘Norm Incomes’: Were Garvy And Paglin Onto Something After All? (RePEc:bla:revinw:v:35:y:1989:i:3:p:265-282)
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Michael O'Higgins - Poverty, Tnequaltty, And Famtly Living Standards Impacts Across Seven Nations: The Effect Of Noncash Subsidies For Health, Education And Housing (RePEc:bla:revinw:v:39:y:1993:i:3:p:229-256)
by Timothy M. Smeeding & Peter Saunders & John Coder & Stephen Jenkins & Johan Fritzell & Aldi J. M. Hagenaars & Richard Hauser & Michael Wolfson - Aldi Hagenaars (1954–1993) (RePEc:bla:revinw:v:39:y:1993:i:3:p:331-332)
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Timothy M. Smeeding - Ranking Income Distributions When Needs Differ (RePEc:bla:revinw:v:39:y:1993:i:4:p:337-356)
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Peter J. Lambert - Household Income Plus Household Production: The Distribution Of Extended Income In The U.K (RePEc:bla:revinw:v:42:y:1996:i:4:p:401-419)
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Nigel C. O'Leary - Using The P90/P10 Index To Measure U.S. Inequality Trends With Current Population Survey Data: A View From Inside The Census Bureau Vaults (RePEc:bla:revinw:v:55:y:2009:i:1:p:166-185)
by Richard V. Burkhauser & Shuaizhang Feng & Stephen P. Jenkins - Distributionally‐Sensitive Inequality Indices And The Gb2 Income Distribution (RePEc:bla:revinw:v:55:y:2009:i:2:p:392-398)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - Tony Atkinson and his Legacy (RePEc:bla:revinw:v:63:y:2017:i:3:p:411-444)
by Rolf Aaberge & François Bourguignon & Andrea Brandolini & Francisco H. G. Ferreira & Janet C. Gornick & John Hills & Markus Jäntti & Stephen P. Jenkins & Eric Marlier & John Micklewright & Brian Nolan - A Different Perspective on the Evolution of UK Income Inequality (RePEc:bla:revinw:v:66:y:2020:i:2:p:253-266)
by A. B. Atkinson & Stephen P. Jenkins - Inequality Comparisons with Ordinal Data (RePEc:bla:revinw:v:67:y:2021:i:3:p:547-563)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - What Accounts for the Rising Share of Women in the Top 1 percent? (RePEc:bla:revinw:v:69:y:2023:i:1:p:1-33)
by Richard V. Burkhauser & Nicolas Herault & Stephen P. Jenkins & Roger Wilkins - Rising top‐income persistence in Australia: Evidence from income tax data (RePEc:bla:revinw:v:70:y:2024:i:1:p:154-186)
by Nicolas Hérault & Dean Hyslop & Stephen P. Jenkins & Roger Wilkins - A Multiperiod Model of Nonprofit Enterprises (RePEc:bla:scotjp:v:32:y:1985:i:2:p:119-34)
by Austen-Smith, M David & Jenkins, Stephen P - Reranking and the Analysis of Income Redistribution (RePEc:bla:scotjp:v:35:y:1988:i:1:p:65-76)
by Jenkins, Stephen - Gender Differentials in Domestic Work, Market Work, and Total Work Time: UK Time Budget Survey Evidence for 1974/5 and 1987 (RePEc:bla:scotjp:v:44:y:1997:i:2:p:153-164)
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Nigel C. O’Leary - Estimation and interpretation of measures of inequality, poverty, and social welfare using Stata (RePEc:boc:asug06:16)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - GEIVARS: Stata module to calculate Generalized Entropy inequality indices (RePEc:boc:bocode:s366001)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - INEQDECO: Stata module to calculate inequality indices with decomposition by subgroup (RePEc:boc:bocode:s366002)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - INEQFAC: Stata module to calculate inequality decomposition by factor components (RePEc:boc:bocode:s366003)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - POVDECO: Stata module to calculate poverty indices with decomposition by subgroup (RePEc:boc:bocode:s366004)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - SUMDIST: Stata module to calculate summary statistics for income distributions (RePEc:boc:bocode:s366005)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - XFRAC: Stata module to produce tabulation using categories defined by fractions of a cut-off value (RePEc:boc:bocode:s366006)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - INEQDEC0: Stata module to calculate inequality indices with decomposition by subgroup (RePEc:boc:bocode:s366007)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - DAGUMFIT: Stata module to fit a Dagum distribution by maximum likelihood (RePEc:boc:bocode:s366101)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - SMFIT: Stata module to fit a Singh-Maddala distribution by maximum likelihood (RePEc:boc:bocode:s366102)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - MKBILOGN: Stata module to create bivariate lognormal variables (RePEc:boc:bocode:s366301)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - GLCURVE: Stata module to derive generalised Lorenz curve ordinates (RePEc:boc:bocode:s366302)
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Philippe Van Kerm - GLCURVE7: Stata module to derive generalised Lorenz curve ordinates with unit record data (version 7) (RePEc:boc:bocode:s417401)
by Philippe Van Kerm & Stephen P. Jenkins - SPSURV: Stata module to fit split population survival ('cure') model (RePEc:boc:bocode:s418601)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - MVPROBIT: Stata module to calculate multivariate probit regression using simulated maximum likelihood (RePEc:boc:bocode:s432601)
by Lorenzo Cappellari & Stephen P. Jenkins - GAMMAFIT: Stata module to fit a two-parameter gamma distribution (RePEc:boc:bocode:s435301)
by Nicholas J. Cox & Stephen P. Jenkins - GUMBELFIT: Stata module to fit a two-parameter Gumbel distribution (RePEc:boc:bocode:s435302)
by Nicholas J. Cox & Stephen P. Jenkins - BETAFIT: Stata module to fit a two-parameter beta distribution (RePEc:boc:bocode:s435303)
by Maarten L. Buis & Nicholas J. Cox & Stephen P. Jenkins - PGMHAZ8: Stata module to estimate discrete time (grouped data) proportional hazards models (RePEc:boc:bocode:s438501)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - HSHAZ: Stata module to estimate discrete time (grouped data) proportional hazards models (RePEc:boc:bocode:s444601)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - SVYGEI_SVYATK: Stata module to derive the sampling variances of Generalized Entropy and Atkinson inequality indices when estimated from complex survey data (RePEc:boc:bocode:s453601)
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Martin Biewen - SAMPLEPPS: Stata module to draw a random sample with probabilities proportional to size (RePEc:boc:bocode:s454101)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - HUTCHENS: Stata module to calculate the Hutchens `square root' segregation index with optional decompositions by subgroup (RePEc:boc:bocode:s456601)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - SVYLORENZ: Stata module to derive distribution-free variance estimates from complex survey data, of quantile group shares of a total, cumulative quantile group shares (RePEc:boc:bocode:s456602)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - DIRIFIT: Stata module to fit a Dirichlet distribution (RePEc:boc:bocode:s456725)
by Maarten L. Buis & Nicholas J. Cox & Stephen P. Jenkins - INVGAUSSFIT: Stata module to fit a two-parameter inverse Gaussian distribution (RePEc:boc:bocode:s456799)
by Nicholas J. Cox & Stephen P. Jenkins - GB2FIT: Stata module to fit Generalized Beta of the Second Kind distribution by maximum likelihood (RePEc:boc:bocode:s456823)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - LOGNFIT: Stata module to fit lognormal distribution by maximum likelihood (RePEc:boc:bocode:s456824)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - PARETOFIT: Stata module to fit a Type 1 Pareto distribution (RePEc:boc:bocode:s456832)
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Philippe Van Kerm - INVGAMMAFIT: Stata module to fit a two-parameter inverse gamma distribution (RePEc:boc:bocode:s456889)
by Nicholas J. Cox & Stephen P. Jenkins - WEIBULLFIT: Stata module to fit a two-parameter Weibull distribution (RePEc:boc:bocode:s456891)
by Nicholas J. Cox & Stephen P. Jenkins - FISKFIT: Stata module to fit a Fisk distribution by ML to unit record data (RePEc:boc:bocode:s456900)
by Maarten L. Buis & Stephen P. Jenkins - INEQRBD: Stata module to calculate regression-based inequality decomposition (RePEc:boc:bocode:s456960)
by Carlo V. Fiorio & Stephen P. Jenkins - DSGINIDECO: Stata module to compute decomposition of inequality change into pro-poor growth and mobility components (RePEc:boc:bocode:s457009)
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Philippe Van Kerm - GB2LFIT: Stata module to fit Generalized Beta of the Second Kind distribution by maximum likelihood (log parameter metric) (RePEc:boc:bocode:s457897)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - INEQDECGINI: Stata module to estimate Gini coefficient with optional decomposition by subgroups (RePEc:boc:bocode:s458679)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - INEQORD: Stata module to calculate indices of inequality and polarization for ordinal data (RePEc:boc:bocode:s458723)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - KY_FIT: Stata module to fit mixture models of the Kapteyn-Ypma type to linked survey and administrative data (RePEc:boc:bocode:s458959)
by Fernando Rios-Avila & Stephen P. Jenkins - Fitting functional forms to distributions, using -ml- (RePEc:boc:dsug04:2)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - Finite mixture models for linked survey and administrative data (RePEc:boc:dsug22:01)
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Fernando Rios-Avila - Measurement error and misclassification in linked earnings data: Estimation of the Kapteyn and Ypma model (RePEc:boc:scon21:33)
by Stephen Jenkins & Fernando Rios-Avila - Report to Users / Wishes and Grumbles (RePEc:boc:usug01:00)
by Stephen Jenkins - A discrete time split population survival (cure) model (RePEc:boc:usug01:10)
by Stephen Jenkins - Wishes and Grumbles (RePEc:boc:usug03:00)
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Sophia Rabe-Hesketh - Multivariate probit regression using simulated maximum likelihood (RePEc:boc:usug03:10)
by Lorenzo Cappellari & Stephen P. Jenkins - Estimation of inequality indices from survey data, allowing for design effects (RePEc:boc:usug05:07)
by Stephen Jenkins - Variance estimation for quantile group shares, cumulative shares, and Gini coefficient (RePEc:boc:usug06:07)
by Stephen Jenkins - Regression-based inequality decomposition (RePEc:boc:usug07:03)
by Carlo Fiorio & Stephen Jenkins - Decomposition of inequality change into pro-poor growth and mobility components: -dsginideco- (RePEc:boc:usug09:11)
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Philippe Van Kerm - A Monte Carlo analysis of multilevel binary logit model estimator performance (RePEc:boc:usug13:04)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - Using the P90/P10 Index to Measure U.S. Inequality Trends with Current Population Survey Data: A View From Inside the Census Bureau Vaults (RePEc:cen:wpaper:07-17)
by Richard Burkhauser & Shuaizhang Feng & Stephen Jenkins - Estimating Trends in U.S. Income Inequality Using the Current Population Survey: The Importance of Controlling for Censoring (RePEc:cen:wpaper:08-25)
by Richard Burkhauser & Shuaizhang Feng & Stephen Jenkins & Jeff Larrimore - Measuring Inequality Using Censored Data: A Multiple Imputation Approach (RePEc:cen:wpaper:09-05)
by Stephen Jenkins & Richard Burkhauser & Shuaizhang Feng & Jeff Larrimore - Recent Trends in Top Income Shares in the USA: Reconciling Estimates from March CPS and IRS Tax Return Data (RePEc:cen:wpaper:09-26)
by Richard Burkhauser & Shuaizhang Feng & Stephen Jenkins & Jeff Larrimore - The income distribution in the UK: A picture of advantage and disadvantage (RePEc:cep:sticas:/186)
by Stephen P Jenkins - Disability and Disadvantage: Selection, onset and duration effects (RePEc:cep:sticas:074)
by Stephen P Jenkins & John A. Rigg - The relationship between EU indicators of persistent and current poverty (RePEc:cep:sticas:case169)
by Stephen P Jenkins & Philippe Van Kerm - Measuring Income Risk (RePEc:cep:sticas:case40)
by Simon Burgess & Karen Gardiner & Stephen P Jenkins & Carol Propper - How much inequality can we explain? A methodology and an application to the USA (Now published in The Economic Journal, vol.105, no.429 (March 1995), pp. 421-430) (RePEc:cep:stidar:07)
by Frank A Cowell & Stephen P Jenkins - Estimating Welfare Indices: Household Weights and Sample Design (RePEc:cep:stidar:48)
by Frank A Cowell & Stephen P Jenkins - Pareto models, top incomes, and recent trends in UK income inequality (RePEc:cep:stippp:30)
by Stephen P Jenkins - Tony Atkinson and his Legacy (RePEc:cep:stippp:32)
by A Brandolini & Stephen P Jenkins & John Micklewright - Modelling Low Pay Transition Probabilities, Accounting for Panel Attrition, Non-Response, and Initial Conditions (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_1232)
by Lorenzo Cappellari & Stephen P. Jenkins - New Men and New Women? A Comparison of Paid Work Propensities from a Panel Data Perspective (RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:1775)
by Booth, Alison L & Jenkins, Stephen P & Serrano, Carlos - Measuring Income Risk (RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:2512)
by Burgess, Simon & Jenkins, Stephen P & Propper, Carol & Gardiner, Karin - Childhood Family Structure and Schooling Outcomes: Evidence for Germany (RePEc:cpr:ceprdp:5362)
by Jenkins, Stephen P & Francesconi, Marco & Siedler, Thomas - The Dynamics of Child Poverty in Industrialised Countries (RePEc:cup:cbooks:9780521004923)
by None - The Distribution of Welfare and Household Production (RePEc:cup:cbooks:9780521168427)
by None - The Distribution of Welfare and Household Production (RePEc:cup:cbooks:9780521623025)
by None - The Dynamics of Child Poverty in Industrialised Countries (RePEc:cup:cbooks:9780521803106)
by None - Has the Instability of Personal Incomes been Increasing? (RePEc:cup:nierev:v:218:y:2011:i::p:r33-r43_13)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. - The Effect of Lone Motherhood on the Smoking Behaviour of Young Adults (RePEc:diw:diwsop:diw_sp217)
by Marco Francesconi & Stephen P. Jenkins & Thomas Siedler - Income Mobility (RePEc:diw:diwsop:diw_sp607)
by Markus Jäntti & Stephen P. Jenkins - Die internationale Einbettung des Sozio-oekonomischen Panels (SOEP) im Rahmen des Cross-National Equivalent File (CNEF) (RePEc:diw:diwvjh:77-3-8)
by Joachim R. Frick & Stephen P. Jenkins & Dean R. Lillard & Oliver Lipps & Mark Wooden - Einkommensarmut von Kindern: ein deutsch-britischer Vergleich für die 90er Jahre (RePEc:diw:diwwob:69-50-10)
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Chris Schluter & Gert G. Wagner - Einfluss der Familienform auf den Schulerfolg von Kindern nicht nachweisbar (RePEc:diw:diwwob:73-13-1)
by Marco Francesconi & Stephen P. Jenkins & Thomas Siedler & Gert G. Wagner - Scheidungskinder rauchen mehr (RePEc:diw:diwwob:77-34-1)
by Marco Francesconi & Stephen P. Jenkins & Quirin Schimeta & Thomas Siedler - Measuring Income Risk (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp213)
by Simon Burgess & Karen Gardiner & Stephen P. Jenkins & Carol Propper - Do Current Income and Annual Income Measures Provide Different Pictures of Britain's Income Distribution? (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp214)
by René Böheim & Stephen P. Jenkins - Re-employment Probabilities for Spanish Men: What Role Does the Unemployment Benefit System Play? (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp216)
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Carlos García-Serrano - The Distribution of Income by Sectors of the Population (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp217)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - Estimating Welfare Indices: Household Weights and Sample Design (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp219)
by Frank A. Cowell & Stephen P. Jenkins - To What Extent do Fiscal Regimes Equalize Opportunities for Income Acquisition Among Citizens? (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp222)
by John E. Roemer & Rolf Aaberge & Ugo Colombino & Johan Fritzell & Stephen P. Jenkins & Ive Marx & Marianne Page & Evert Pommer & Javier Ruiz-Castillo & Maria Jesus San Segundo & Torben Tranaes & Gert G - The Dynamics of Child Poverty: Britain and Germany Compared (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp233)
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Christian Schluter & Gert G. Wagner - Child Poverty Dynamics in Seven Nations (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp235)
by Bruce Bradbury & Stephen P. Jenkins & John Micklewright - Modelling Low Income Transitions (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp288)
by Lorenzo Cappellari & Stephen P. Jenkins - Accounting for Poverty Differences between the United States, Great Britain, and Germany (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp311)
by Martin Biewen & Stephen P. Jenkins - The Effect of Family Income during Childhood on Later-life Attainment: Evidence from Germany (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp317)
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Christian Schluter - Estimation of Generalized Entropy and Atkinson Inequality Indices from Complex Survey Data (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp345)
by Martin Biewen & Stephen P. Jenkins - Nobody to Play with?: The Implications of Leisure Coordination (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp368)
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Lars Osberg - Trends in Income Inequality, Pro-Poor Income Growth and Income Mobility (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp377)
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Philippe VanKerm - The Effects of Dependent Interviewing on Responses to Questions on Income Sources (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp487)
by Peter Lynn & Annette Jäckle & Stephen P. Jenkins & Emanuela Sala - Validation of Survey Data on Income and Employment: The ISMIE Experience (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp488)
by Annette Jäckle & Emanuela Sala & Stephen P. Jenkins & Peter Lynn - Linking Household Survey and Administrative Record Data: What Should the Matching Variables Be? (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp489)
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Peter Lynn & Annette Jäckle & Emanuela Sala - Patterns of Consent: Evidence from a General Household Survey (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp490)
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Lorenzo Cappellari & Peter Lynn & Annette Jäckle & Emanuela Sala - Social Segregation in Secondary Schools: How Does England Compare with Other Countries? (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp550)
by Stephen P. Jenkins & John Micklewright & Sylke V. Schnepf - Calculation of Multivariate Normal Probabilities by Simulation, with Applications to Maximum Simulated Likelihood Estimation (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp584)
by Lorenzo Cappellari & Stephen P. Jenkins - Childhood Family Structure and Schooling Outcomes: Evidence for Germany (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp610)
by Marco Francesconi & Stephen P. Jenkins & Thomas Siedler - The Intergeneratinal Transmission of Poverty in Industrialized Countries (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp693)
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Thomas Siedler - Using Household Panel Data to Understand the Intergenerational Transmission of Poverty (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp694)
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Thomas Siedler - Using the P90/P10 Index to Measure US Inequality Trends with Current Population Survey Data: A View from Inside the Census Bureau Vaults (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp699)
by Richard V. Burkhauser & Shuaizhang Feng & Stephen P. Jenkins - New Directions in the Analysis of Inequality and Poverty (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp700)
by Stephen P. Jenkins & John Micklewright - The Dynamics of Social Assistance Receipt: Measurement and Modelling Issues, with an Application to Britain (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp828)
by Lorenzo Cappellari & Stephen P. Jenkins - Measuring Inequality Using Censored Data: A Multiple Imputation Approach (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp866)
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Richard V. Burkhauser & Shuaizhang Feng & Jeff Larrimore - Gender differences in individual income in old age (RePEc:ecj:ac2003:15)
by Bardasi, Elena & Stephen P Jenkins - Lone Mothers' Employment and Full-Time Work Probabilities (RePEc:ecj:econjl:v:102:y:1992:i:411:p:310-20)
by Jenkins, Stephen P - Equivalence Scale Relativities and the Extent of Inequality and Poverty (RePEc:ecj:econjl:v:102:y:1992:i:414:p:1067-82)
by Coulter, Fiona A E & Cowell, Frank A & Jenkins, Stephen P - Parametric Equivalence Scales and Scale Relativities (RePEc:ecj:econjl:v:104:y:1994:i:425:p:891-900)
by Jenkins, Stephen P & Cowell, Frank A - How Much Inequality Can We Explain? A Methodology and an Application to the United States (RePEc:ecj:econjl:v:105:y:1995:i:429:p:421-30)
by Cowell, Frank A & Jenkins, Stephen P - How Much Income Mobility Is There in Britain? (RePEc:ecj:econjl:v:108:y:1998:i:447:p:428-43)
by Jarvis, Sarah & Jenkins, Stephen P - Who Stays Poor? Who Becomes Poor? Evidence from the British Household Panel Survey (RePEc:ecj:econjl:v:112:y:2002:i:478:p:c60-c67)
by Lorenzo Cappellari & Stephen P. Jemkins - Modelling errors in survey and administrative data on employment earnings: Sensitivity to the fraction assumed to have error-free earnings (RePEc:eee:ecolet:v:192:y:2020:i:c:s0165176520301749)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. & Rios-Avila, Fernando - Was the mid-2000s drop in the British job change rate genuine or a survey design effect? (RePEc:eee:ecolet:v:194:y:2020:i:c:s016517652030241x)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. - Did the middle class shrink during the 1980s? UK evidence from kernel density estimates (RePEc:eee:ecolet:v:49:y:1995:i:4:p:407-413)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. - Earnings discrimination measurement : A distributional approach (RePEc:eee:econom:v:61:y:1994:i:1:p:81-102)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. - Interdependent decision-making in non-profit industries: A simultaneous equation analysis of English provincial theatre (RePEc:eee:indorg:v:5:y:1987:i:2:p:149-174)
by Jenkins, Stephen & Austen-Smith, David - Financial capability and psychological health (RePEc:eee:joepsy:v:32:y:2011:i:5:p:710-723)
by Taylor, Mark P. & Jenkins, Stephen P. & Sacker, Amanda - Earnings and labour market volatility in Britain, with a transatlantic comparison (RePEc:eee:labeco:v:30:y:2014:i:c:p:201-211)
by Cappellari, Lorenzo & Jenkins, Stephen P. - Retirement and housing adjustment in later life: evidence from the British Household Panel Survey (RePEc:eee:labeco:v:6:y:1999:i:2:p:311-333)
by Ermisch, John F. & Jenkins, Stephen P. - Empirical measurement of horizontal inequity (RePEc:eee:pubeco:v:37:y:1988:i:3:p:305-329)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. - To what extent do fiscal regimes equalize opportunities for income acquisition among citizens? (RePEc:eee:pubeco:v:87:y:2003:i:3-4:p:539-565)
by Roemer, John E. & Aaberge, Rolf & Colombino, Ugo & Fritzell, Johan & Jenkins, Stephen P. & Lefranc, Arnaud & Marx, Ive & Page, Marianne & Pommer, Evert & Ruiz-Castillo, Javier - A different perspective on the evolution of UK income inequality (RePEc:ehl:lserod:100037)
by Atkinson, A. B. & Jenkins, Stephen P. - How valid are synthetic panel estimates of poverty dynamics? (RePEc:ehl:lserod:100043)
by Hérault, Nicolas & Jenkins, Stephen P. - A different perspective on the evolution of UK income inequality (RePEc:ehl:lserod:100114)
by Atkinson, Anthony B. & Jenkins, Stephen P. - Perspectives on poverty in Europe (RePEc:ehl:lserod:100115)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. - Perspectives on poverty in Europe. Following in Tony Atkinson’s footsteps (RePEc:ehl:lserod:101653)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. - Better off? Distributional comparisons for ordinal data about personal well-being (RePEc:ehl:lserod:102585)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. - The income distribution in the UK: a picture of advantage and disadvantage (RePEc:ehl:lserod:103980)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. - Modelling errors in survey and administrative data on employment earnings: sensitivity to the fraction assumed to have error-free earnings (RePEc:ehl:lserod:104560)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. & Rios-Avila, Fernando - Comparing distributions of ordinal data (RePEc:ehl:lserod:104564)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. - Was the mid-2000s drop in the British job change rate genuine or a survey design effect? (RePEc:ehl:lserod:105270)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. - Inequality comparisons with ordinal data (RePEc:ehl:lserod:106529)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. - Measurement error in earnings data: replication of Meijer, Rohwedder, and Wansbeek’s mixture model approach to combining survey and register data (RePEc:ehl:lserod:108951)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. & Rios-Avila, Fernando - What accounts for the rising share of women in the top 1 percent? (RePEc:ehl:lserod:111872)
by Burkhauser, Richard V. & Hérault, Nicolas & Jenkins, Stephen P. & Wilkins, Roger - Rising top-income persistence in Australia: evidence from income tax data (RePEc:ehl:lserod:112125)
by Hérault, Nicolas & Hyslop, Dean & Jenkins, Stephen P. & Wilkins, Roger - Redistributive effect and the progressivity of taxes and benefits: evidence for the UK, 1977–2018 (RePEc:ehl:lserod:112679)
by Hérault, Nicolas & Jenkins, Stephen P. - Top-income adjustments and official statistics on income distribution: the case of the UK (RePEc:ehl:lserod:113790)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. - Reconciling reports: modelling employment earnings and measurement errors using linked survey and administrative data (RePEc:ehl:lserod:117213)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. & Rios-Avila, Fernando - Rising top-income persistence in Australia: evidence from income tax data (RePEc:ehl:lserod:117265)
by Hérault, Nicolas & Hyslop, Dean & Jenkins, Stephen P. & Wilkins, Roger - Getting the measure of inequality (RePEc:ehl:lserod:120211)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. - Redistribution, horizontal inequity, and reranking: direct taxation in the UK, 1977–2020 (RePEc:ehl:lserod:120996)
by Herault, Nicolas & Jenkins, Stephen P. - Estimating welfare indices : household weights and sample design (RePEc:ehl:lserod:2160)
by Cowell, Frank & Jenkins, Stephen P - An anatomy of economic inequality in the UK: report of the National Equality Panel (RePEc:ehl:lserod:28344)
by Hills, John & Brewer, Mike & Jenkins, Stephen P & Lister, Ruth & Lupton, Ruth & Machin, Stephen & Mills, Colin & Modood, Tariq & Rees, Teresa & Riddell, Sheila - Estimating trends in US income inequality using the Current Population Survey: the importance of controlling for censoring (RePEc:ehl:lserod:31998)
by Burkhauser, Richard V. & Feng, Shuaizhang & Jenkins, Stephen P. & Larrimore, Jeff - Measuring inequality using censored data: a multiple-imputation approach to estimation and inference (RePEc:ehl:lserod:32013)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. & Burkhauser, Richard V. & Feng, Shuaizhang & Larrimore, Jeff - The impact of questioning method on measurement error in panel survey measures of benefit receipt: evidence from a validation study (RePEc:ehl:lserod:38080)
by Lynn, Peter & Jäckle, Annette & Jenkins, Stephen P. & Sala, Emanuela - Has the instability of personal incomes been increasing? (RePEc:ehl:lserod:39727)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. - Recent trends in top income shares in the USA: reconciling estimates from March CPS and IRS tax return data (RePEc:ehl:lserod:41587)
by Burkhauser, Richard V. & Feng, Shuaizhang & Jenkins, Stephen P. & Larrimore, Jeff - The relationship between EU indicators of persistent and current poverty (RePEc:ehl:lserod:49511)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. & van Kerm, Philippe - Measuring income risk (RePEc:ehl:lserod:51327)
by Burgess, Simon & Gardiner, Karen & Jenkins, Stephen & Propper, Carol - Earnings and labour market volatility in Britain, with a transatlantic comparison (RePEc:ehl:lserod:57302)
by Cappellari, Lorenzo & Jenkins, Stephen P. - Non-employment, age, and the economic cycle (RePEc:ehl:lserod:57589)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. & Taylor, Mark P. - The relationship between EU indicators of persistent and current poverty (RePEc:ehl:lserod:58080)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. & van Kerm, Philippe - Trends in individual income growth: measurement Methods and British evidence (RePEc:ehl:lserod:58209)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. & van Kerm, Philippe - Poverty trends in Turkey (RePEc:ehl:lserod:61012)
by Demir Şeker, Sırma & Jenkins, Stephen P. - World income inequality databases: an assessment of WIID and SWIID (RePEc:ehl:lserod:62173)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. - Disability and disadvantage: selection, onset and duration effects (RePEc:ehl:lserod:6323)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. & Rigg, John A. - Measuring income risk (RePEc:ehl:lserod:6450)
by Burgess, Simon & Gardiner, Karen & Jenkins, Stephen P. & Propper, Carol - Assessing individual income growth (RePEc:ehl:lserod:66995)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. & van Kerm, Philippe - Pareto models, top incomes, and recent trends in UK income inequality (RePEc:ehl:lserod:67667)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. - Survey under-coverage of top incomes and estimation of inequality: what is the role of the UK’s SPI adjustment? (RePEc:ehl:lserod:84038)
by Burkhauser, Richard V. & Hérault, Nicolas & Jenkins, Stephen P. & Wilkins, Roger - Nobody to Play with? (RePEc:eme:ceazzz:s0573-8555(04)71005-6)
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Lars Osberg - Unknown item RePEc:eme:rlecpp:rlec.2014.39 (book)
- Transitions between unemployment and low pay (RePEc:eme:rleczz:s0147-9121(08)28003-9)
by Lorenzo Cappellari & Stephen P. Jenkins - The Dynamics of Social Assistance Benefit Receipt in Britain (RePEc:eme:rleczz:s0147-912120140000039000)
by Lorenzo Cappellari & Stephen P. Jenkins - Measuring income risk (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2000-15)
by P. Jenkins, Stephen & Gardiner, Karen & Burgess, Simon & Propper, Carol - Do current income and annual income measures provide different pictures of Britain’s income distribution? (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2000-16)
by P. Jenkins, Stephen & Böheim, René - Re-employment probabilities for Spanish men: what role does the unemployment benefit system play? (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2000-17)
by P. Jenkins, Stephen & Garcia-Serrano, Carlos - The distribution of income by sectors of the population (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2000-18)
by P. Jenkins, Stephen - To what extent do fiscal regimes equalize opportunities for income acquisition among citizens? (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2000-19)
by Colombino, Ugo & Marx, Ive & P. Jenkins, Stephen & G. Wagner, Gert & E. Roemer, John & Aaberge, Rolf & Fritzell, Johan & Page, Marianne & Pommer, Evert & Ruiz-Castillo, Javier & Jesus San Segundo, Mar - Estimating welfare indices: household weights and sample design (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2000-23)
by P. Jenkins, Stephen & A. Cowell, Frank - Retirement and the economic well-being of the elderly: a British perspective (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2000-33)
by P. Jenkins, Stephen & Bardasi, Elena & A. Rigg, John - Disability, work and income: a British perspective (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2000-36)
by P. Jenkins, Stephen & Bardasi, Elena & A. Rigg, John - Child poverty dynamics in seven nations (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2000-39)
by P. Jenkins, Stephen & Micklewright, John & Bradbury, Bruce - Why are child poverty rates higher in Britain than in Germany? a longitudinal perspective -working paper- (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2001-16)
by P. Jenkins, Stephen & Schluter, Christian - Examining the impact of macro-economic conditions on income inequality (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2001-17)
by P. Jenkins, Stephen & Jäntti, Markus - Modelling low income transitions (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2002-08)
by P. Jenkins, Stephen & Cappellari, Lorenzo - Accounting for poverty differences between the United States, Great Britain and Germany (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2002-14)
by P. Jenkins, Stephen & Biewen, Martin - The effect of family income during childhood on later-life attainment: evidence from Germany (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2002-20)
by P. Jenkins, Stephen & Schluter, Christian - Estimation of Generalized Entropy and Atkinson inequality indices from survey data (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2003-11)
by P. Jenkins, Stephen & Biewen, Martin - Disability and disadvantage: selection, onset, and duration effects (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2003-18)
by P. Jenkins, Stephen & A. Rigg, John - Nobody to play with? The implications of leisure coordination (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2003-19)
by P. Jenkins, Stephen & Osberg, Lars - Trends in income inequality, pro-poor income growth and income mobility (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2003-27)
by Van Kerm, Philippe & P. Jenkins, Stephen - Accounting for income distribution trends: a density function decomposition approach (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2004-05)
by Van Kerm, Philippe & P. Jenkins, Stephen - Modelling low pay transition probabilities, accounting for panel attrition, non-response, and initial conditions (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2004-08)
by P. Jenkins, Stephen & Cappellari, Lorenzo - Validation of survey data on income and employment: the ISMIE experience (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2004-14)
by Lynn, Peter & Jäckle, Annette & Sala, Emanuela & P. Jenkins, Stephen - The effects of dependent interviewing on responses to questions on income sources (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2004-16)
by Lynn, Peter & Jäckle, Annette & Sala, Emanuela & P. Jenkins, Stephen - Linking household survey and administrative record data: what should the matching variables be? (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2004-23)
by Lynn, Peter & Jäckle, Annette & Sala, Emanuela & P. Jenkins, Stephen - Patterns of consent: evidence from a general household survey (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2004-27)
by Lynn, Peter & Jäckle, Annette & Sala, Emanuela & P. Jenkins, Stephen & Cappellari, Lorenzo - The impact of interviewing method on measurement error in panel survey measures of benefit receipt: evidence from a validation study (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2004-28)
by Lynn, Peter & Jäckle, Annette & Sala, Emanuela & P. Jenkins, Stephen - The gender gap in private pensions (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2004-29)
by P. Jenkins, Stephen & Bardasi, Elena - Methods for summarizing and comparing wealth distributions (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2005-05)
by P. Jenkins, Stephen & Jäntti, Markus - Childhood family structure and schooling outcomes: evidence for Germany (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2005-22)
by Francesconi, Marco & P. Jenkins, Stephen & Siedler, Thomas - Social segregation in Secondary Schools: how does England compare with other countries? (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2006-02)
by P. Jenkins, Stephen & Micklewright, John & Viola Schnepf, Sylke - Calculation of multivariate normal probabilities by simulation, with applications to maximum simulated likelihood estimation (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2006-16)
by P. Jenkins, Stephen & Cappellari, Lorenzo - Summarizing multiple deprivation indicators (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2006-40)
by P. Jenkins, Stephen & Cappellari, Lorenzo - New directions in the analysis of inequality and poverty (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2007-11)
by P. Jenkins, Stephen & Micklewright, John - Inequality and the GB2 income distribution (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2007-12)
by P. Jenkins, Stephen - Using the P90/P10 index to measure US inquality trends with current population survey data: a view from inside the Census Bureau vaults (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2007-14)
by P. Jenkins, Stephen & V. Burkhauser, Richard & Feng, Shuaizhang - Marital splits and income changes over the longer term (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2008-07)
by P. Jenkins, Stephen - Estimating trends in US income inequality using the Current Population Survey: the importance of controlling for censoring (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2008-25)
by P. Jenkins, Stephen & V. Burkhauser, Richard & Feng, Shuaizhang & Larrimore, Jeff - The dynamics of social assistance receipt: measurement and modelling issues, with an application to Britain (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2008-34)
by P. Jenkins, Stephen & Cappellari, Lorenzo - Measuring inequality using censored data: a multiple imputation approach (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2009-04)
by P. Jenkins, Stephen & V. Burkhauser, Richard & Feng, Shuaizhang & Larrimore, Jeff - The effect of lone motherhood on the smoking behaviour of young adults (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2009-25)
by Francesconi, Marco & P. Jenkins, Stephen & Siedler, Thomas - Recent trends in top income shares in the USA: reconciling estimates from March CPS and IRS tax return data (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2009-27)
by P. Jenkins, Stephen & V. Burkhauser, Richard & Feng, Shuaizhang & Larrimore, Jeff - The dynamics of social assistance benefit receipt in Britain (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2009-29)
by P. Jenkins, Stephen & Cappellari, Lorenzo - Spaghetti unravelled: a model-based description of differences in income-age trajectories (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2009-30)
by P. Jenkins, Stephen - The British Household Panel Survey and its income data (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2010-33)
by P. Jenkins, Stephen - Trends in individual income growth: measurement methods and British evidence (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2011-06)
by Van Kerm, Philippe & P. Jenkins, Stephen - Financial capability, income and psychological wellbeing (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2011-18)
by P. Jenkins, Stephen & Sacker, Amanda & P. Taylor, Mark - Patterns of persistent poverty: evidence from EU-SILC (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2011-30)
by Van Kerm, Philippe & P. Jenkins, Stephen - Earnings and labour market volatility in Britain (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2013-10)
by P. Jenkins, Stephen & Cappellari, Lorenzo - Regression analysis of country effects using multilevel data: a cautionary tale (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2013-14)
by L. Bryan, Mark & P. Jenkins, Stephen - Income mobility (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2013-23)
by P. Jenkins, Stephen & Jäntti, Markus - Poverty trends in Turkey (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2013-29)
by P. Jenkins, Stephen & Demir Seker, Sirma - World Income Inequality Databases: an assessment of WIID and SWIID (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2014-31)
by P. Jenkins, Stephen - The income distribution in the UK: a picture of advantage and disadvantage (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2015-01)
by P. Jenkins, Stephen - What has been happening to UK income inequality since the mid-1990s? Answers from reconciled and combined household survey and tax return data (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2016-03)
by P. Jenkins, Stephen & Hérault, Nicolas & V. Burkhauser, Richard & Wilkins, Roger - Pareto models, top incomes, and recent trends in UK income inequality (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2016-07)
by P. Jenkins, Stephen - Survey under-coverage of top incomes and estimation of inequality: what is the role of the UK’s SPI adjustment? (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2017-08)
by P. Jenkins, Stephen & Hérault, Nicolas & V. Burkhauser, Richard & Wilkins, Roger - How valid are synthetic panel estimates of poverty dynamics? (RePEc:ese:iserwp:2018-05)
by P. Jenkins, Stephen & Hérault, Nicolas - Empirical Measurement Of Horizontal Inequity (RePEc:fth:aunaec:169)
by Jenkins, S. - The Measurement Of Economic Inequality (RePEc:fth:aunaec:170)
by Jenkins, S. - Inequality Measurement Using 'Norm Incomes': Were Garvey And Paglin Onto Something After All? (RePEc:fth:aunaec:174)
by Jenkins, S. & O'Higgins, M. - Redistribution, horizontal inequity, and reranking: Direct taxation in the UK, 1977–2020 (RePEc:grt:bdxewp:2023-11)
by Nicolas HÉRAULT & Stephen P. JENKINS - Tony Atkinson and his Legacy (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01629339)
by Rolf Aaberge & François Bourguignon & Andrea Brandolini & Francisco H. G. Ferreira & Janet C. Gornick & John Hills & Markus Jäntti & Stephen P. Jenkins & Eric Marlier & John Micklewright & Brian Nolan - To what extent do fiscal regimes equalize opportunities for income acquisition among citizens? (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01651129)
by John Roemer & Rolf Aaberge & Ugo Colombino & Johan Fritzell & Stephen P Jenkins & Arnaud Lefranc & Ive Marx & Marianne Page & Evert Pommer & Javier Ruiz-Castillo & Maria Jesus San Segundo & Torben Tra - Tony Atkinson and his Legacy (RePEc:hal:pseptp:hal-01629339)
by Rolf Aaberge & François Bourguignon & Andrea Brandolini & Francisco H. G. Ferreira & Janet C. Gornick & John Hills & Markus Jäntti & Stephen P. Jenkins & Eric Marlier & John Micklewright & Brian Nolan - What Has Been Happening to UK Income Inequality Since the Mid-1990s? Answers from Reconciled and Combined Household Survey and Tax Return Data (RePEc:iae:iaewps:wp2016n05)
by Richard V. Burkhauser & Nicolas Hérault & Stephen P. Jenkins & Roger Wilkins - Survey Under-Coverage of Top Incomes and Estimation of Inequality: What Is the Role of the UK’s SPI Adjustment? (RePEc:iae:iaewps:wp2017n16)
by Richard V. Burkhauser & Nicolas Hérault & Stephen P. Jenkins & Roger Wilkins - How Valid are Synthetic Panel Estimates of Poverty Dynamics? (RePEc:iae:iaewps:wp2018n05)
by Nicolas Herault & Stephen P. Jenkins - What accounts for the rising share of women in the top 1%? (RePEc:iae:iaewps:wp2020n09)
by Richard V. Burkhauser & Nicolas Hérault & Stephen P. Jenkins & Roger Wilkins - Rising top-income persistence in Australia: Evidence from income tax data (RePEc:iae:iaewps:wp2021n20)
by Nicolas Hérault & Dean Hyslop & Stephen P. Jenkins & Roger Wilkins - Redistributive effect and the progressivity of taxes and benefits: evidence for the UK, 1977–2018 (RePEc:iae:iaewps:wp2021n23)
by Nicolas Hérault & Stephen P. Jenkins - 'Adverse selection' features of poverty amongst lone mothers (RePEc:ifs:fistud:v:11:y:1990:i:2:p:76-89)
by Stephen Jenkins & John Ermisch & Robert Wright - Income Inequality and Living standards: Changes in the 1970s and 1980s (RePEc:ifs:fistud:v:12:y:1991:i:1:p:1-28)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - Dwarfs and giants in the 1980s: trends in the UK income distribution (RePEc:ifs:fistud:v:15:y:1994:i:1:p:99-118)
by Stephen P Jenkins & Frank A Cowell - Low income dynamics in 1990s Britain (RePEc:ifs:fistud:v:18:y:1997:i:2:p:123-142)
by Sarah Jarvis & Stephen P. Jenkins - Social segregation in secondary schools: How does England compare with other countries? (RePEc:inq:inqwps:ecineq2006-27)
by Stephen P. Jenkins & John Micklewright & Sylke V. Schnepf - New Directions in the Analysis of Inequality and Poverty (RePEc:inq:inqwps:ecineq2007-71)
by Stephen P. Jenkins & John Micklewright - Using the P90/P10 Index to Measure US Inequality Trends with Current Population Survey Data: A View from Inside the Census Bureau Vaults (RePEc:inq:inqwps:ecineq2007-72)
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Shuaizhang Feng & Richard V. Burkhauser - Inequality and the GB2 income distribution (RePEc:inq:inqwps:ecineq2007-73)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - The dynamics of social assistance receipt: measurement and modelling issues, with an application to Britain (RePEc:inq:inqwps:ecineq2008-101)
by Lorenzo Cappellari & Stephen P. Jenkins - Measuring inequality using Censored data: A multiple imputation approach (RePEc:inq:inqwps:ecineq2009-108)
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Richard V. Burkhauser & Shuaizhang Feng & Jeff Larrimore - Recent trends in top income shares in the USA: Reconciling estimates from March CPS and IRS tax return data (RePEc:inq:inqwps:ecineq2009-139)
by Richard V. Burkhauser & Shuaizhang Feng & Stephen P. Jenkins & Jeff Larrimore - Income Mobility (RePEc:inq:inqwps:ecineq2014-319)
by Markus Jantti & Stephen P. Jenkins - How valid are synthetic panel estimates of poverty dynamics? (RePEc:inq:inqwps:ecineq2018-465)
by Nicolas Hérault & Stephen P. Jenkins - What accounts for the rising share of women in the top 1\%? (RePEc:inq:inqwps:ecineq2020-544)
by Richard V. Burkhauser & Nicolas Herault & Stephen P. Jenkins & Roger Wilkins - Redistributive effect and the progressivity of taxes and benefits: evidence for the UK, 1977–2018 (RePEc:inq:inqwps:ecineq2021-592)
by Nicolas Herault & Stephen P. Jenkins - Redistribution, horizontal inequity, and reranking: Direct taxation in the UK, 1977–2020 (RePEc:inq:inqwps:ecineq2023-660)
by Nicolas Hérault & Stephen P. Jenkins - Trends in individual income growth: measurement methods and British evidence (RePEc:irs:cepswp:2011-21)
by JENKINS Stephen P. & VAN KERM Philippe - The relationship between EU indicators of persistent and current poverty (RePEc:irs:cepswp:2012-43)
by JENKINS Stephen P. & VAN KERM Philippe - Trends in income inequality, pro-poor income growth and income mobility (RePEc:irs:iriswp:2003-11)
by VAN KERM Philippe & JENKINS Stephen P. - Accounting for income distribution trends: A density function decomposition approach (RePEc:irs:iriswp:2004-07)
by JENKINS Stephen P. & VAN KERM Philippe - Pareto Models, Top Incomes, and Recent Trends in UK Income Inequality (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp10124)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. - Survey Under-Coverage of Top Incomes and Estimation of Inequality: What Is the Role of the UK's SPI Adjustment? (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp10868)
by Burkhauser, Richard V. & Herault, Nicolas & Jenkins, Stephen P. & Wilkins, Roger - Tony Atkinson and His Legacy (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp10869)
by Brandolini, Andrea & Jenkins, Stephen P. & Micklewright, John - Accounting for Income Distribution Trends: A Density Function Decomposition Approach (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp1141)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. & Van Kerm, Philippe - How Valid Are Synthetic Panel Estimates of Poverty Dynamics? (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp11484)
by Herault, Nicolas & Jenkins, Stephen P. - A Different Perspective on the Evolution of UK Income Inequality (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp11884)
by Atkinson, Anthony B. & Jenkins, Stephen P. - Perspectives on Poverty in Europe (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp12014)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. - Better Off? Distributional Comparisons for Ordinal Data about Personal Well-Being (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp12810)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. - Inequality Comparisons with Ordinal Data (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp12811)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. - Comparing Distributions of Ordinal Data (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp13057)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. - Modelling Errors in Survey and Administrative Data on Employment Earnings: Sensitivity to the Fraction Assumed to Have Error-Free Earnings (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp13196)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. & Rios-Avila, Fernando - Was the Mid-2000s Drop in the British Job Change Rate Genuine or a Survey Design Effect? (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp13272)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. - What Accounts for the Rising Share of Women in the Top 1%? (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp13359)
by Burkhauser, Richard V. & Herault, Nicolas & Jenkins, Stephen P. & Wilkins, Roger - The Relationship between Subjective Wellbeing and Subjective Wellbeing Inequality: Taking Ordinality and Skewness Seriously (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp13692)
by Grimes, Arthur & Jenkins, Stephen P. & Tranquilli, Florencia - Measurement Error in Earnings Data: Replication of Meijer, Rohwedder, and Wansbeek's Mixture Model Approach to Combining Survey and Register Data (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp14172)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. & Rios-Avila, Fernando - Finite Mixture Models for Linked Survey and Administrative Data: Estimation and Post-estimation (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp14404)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. & Rios-Avila, Fernando - Reconciling Reports: Modelling Employment Earnings and Measurement Errors Using Linked Survey and Administrative Data (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp14405)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. & Rios-Avila, Fernando - Rising Top-Income Persistence in Australia: Evidence from Income Tax Data (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp14737)
by Herault, Nicolas & Hyslop, Dean R. & Jenkins, Stephen P. & Wilkins, Roger - Redistributive Effect and the Progressivity of Taxes and Benefits: Evidence for the UK, 1977-2018 (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp14819)
by Herault, Nicolas & Jenkins, Stephen P. - Top-Income Adjustments and Official Statistics on Income Distribution: The Case of the UK (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp14951)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. - Getting the Measure of Inequality (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp14996)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. - Redistribution, Horizontal Inequity, and Reranking: Direct Taxation in the UK, 1977–2020 (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp16587)
by Herault, Nicolas & Jenkins, Stephen P. - Evidence on the Robustness of the Links between Social Relationships and Mortality (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp17274)
by Freak-Poli, Rosanne & Jenkins, Stephen P. & Shields, Michael A. & Trinh, Trong-Anh - Childhood Family Structure and Schooling Outcomes: Evidence for Germany (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp1837)
by Francesconi, Marco & Jenkins, Stephen P. & Siedler, Thomas - Social Segregation in Secondary Schools: How Does England Compare with Other Countries? (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp1959)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. & Micklewright, John & Schnepf, Sylke V. - Calculation of Multivariate Normal Probabilities by Simulation, with Applications to Maximum Simulated Likelihood Estimation (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp2112)
by Cappellari, Lorenzo & Jenkins, Stephen P. - New Directions in the Analysis of Inequality and Poverty (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp2814)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. & Micklewright, John - Inequality and the GB2 Income Distribution (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp2831)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. - Using the P90/P10 Index to Measure US Inequality Trends with Current Population Survey Data: A View from Inside the Census Bureau Vaults (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp2839)
by Burkhauser, Richard V. & Feng, Shuaizhang & Jenkins, Stephen P. - Examining the Impact of Macro-Economic Conditions on Income Inequality (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp364)
by Jäntti, Markus & Jenkins, Stephen P. - Estimating Trends in US Income Inequality Using the Current Population Survey: The Importance of Controlling for Censoring (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp3690)
by Burkhauser, Richard V. & Feng, Shuaizhang & Jenkins, Stephen P. & Larrimore, Jeff - The Dynamics of Social Assistance Receipt: Measurement and Modelling Issues, with an Application to Britain (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp3765)
by Cappellari, Lorenzo & Jenkins, Stephen P. - Measuring Inequality Using Censored Data: A Multiple Imputation Approach (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp4011)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. & Burkhauser, Richard V. & Feng, Shuaizhang & Larrimore, Jeff - The Effect of Lone Motherhood on the Smoking Behaviour of Young Adults (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp4392)
by Francesconi, Marco & Jenkins, Stephen P. & Siedler, Thomas - Recent Trends in Top Income Shares in the USA: Reconciling Estimates from March CPS and IRS Tax Return Data (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp4426)
by Burkhauser, Richard V. & Feng, Shuaizhang & Jenkins, Stephen P. & Larrimore, Jeff - The Dynamics of Social Assistance Benefit Receipt in Britain (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp4457)
by Cappellari, Lorenzo & Jenkins, Stephen P. - Modelling Low Income Transitions (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp504)
by Cappellari, Lorenzo & Jenkins, Stephen P. - The British Household Panel Survey and its Income Data (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp5242)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. - Trends in Individual Income Growth: Measurement Methods and British Evidence (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp5510)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. & Van Kerm, Philippe - The Effect of Family Income During Childhood on Later-Life Attainment: Evidence from Germany (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp604)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. & Schluter, Christian - The Relationship between EU Indicators of Persistent and Current Poverty (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp7071)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. & Van Kerm, Philippe - Earnings and Labour Market Volatility in Britain (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp7491)
by Cappellari, Lorenzo & Jenkins, Stephen P. - Regression Analysis of Country Effects Using Multilevel Data: A Cautionary Tale (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp7583)
by Bryan, Mark L. & Jenkins, Stephen P. - Estimation of Generalized Entropy and Atkinson Inequality Indices from Complex Survey Data (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp763)
by Biewen, Martin & Jenkins, Stephen P. - Income Mobility (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp7730)
by Jäntti, Markus & Jenkins, Stephen P. - Poverty Trends in Turkey (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp7823)
by ?eker, Sirma Demir & Jenkins, Stephen P. - Nobody to Play With? The Implications of Leisure Coordination (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp850)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. & Osberg, Lars - World Income Inequality Databases: An Assessment of WIID and SWIID (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp8501)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. - Are Recipients of Social Assistance 'Benefit Dependent'? Concepts, Measurement and Results for Selected Countries (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp8786)
by Immervoll, Herwig & Jenkins, Stephen P. & Königs, Sebastian - The Income Distribution in the UK: A Picture of Advantage and Disadvantage (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp8835)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. - Trends in Income Inequality, Pro-Poor Income Growth and Income Mobility (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp904)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. & Van Kerm, Philippe - What Has Been Happening to UK Income Inequality since the Mid-1990s? Answers from Reconciled and Combined Household Survey and Tax Return Data (RePEc:iza:izadps:dp9718)
by Burkhauser, Richard V. & Herault, Nicolas & Jenkins, Stephen P. & Wilkins, Roger - Testing the Significance of Income Distribution Changes over the 1980s Business Cycle: A Cross-National Comparison (RePEc:jae:japmet:v:14:y:1999:i:3:p:253-72)
by Burkhauser, Richard V. & Amy Crews Cutts & Mary C. Daly & Stephen P. Jenkins - Modelling low income transitions (RePEc:jae:japmet:v:19:y:2004:i:5:p:593-610)
by Lorenzo Cappellari & Stephen P. Jenkins - A note from Stephen P. Jenkins, incoming editor-in-chief (RePEc:kap:jecinq:v:12:y:2014:i:1:p:3-3)
by Stephen Jenkins - Poverty trends in Turkey (RePEc:kap:jecinq:v:13:y:2015:i:3:p:401-424)
by Sırma Şeker & Stephen Jenkins - Editorial 2015 (RePEc:kap:jecinq:v:13:y:2015:i:4:p:487-496)
by Stephen Jenkins - World income inequality databases: an assessment of WIID and SWIID (RePEc:kap:jecinq:v:13:y:2015:i:4:p:629-671)
by Stephen Jenkins - Editorial 2016 (RePEc:kap:jecinq:v:14:y:2016:i:4:d:10.1007_s10888-016-9339-1)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - How valid are synthetic panel estimates of poverty dynamics? (RePEc:kap:jecinq:v:17:y:2019:i:1:d:10.1007_s10888-019-09408-8)
by Nicolas Hérault & Stephen P. Jenkins - Accounting for income distribution trends: A density function decomposition approach (RePEc:kap:jecinq:v:3:y:2005:i:1:p:43-61)
by Stephen Jenkins & Philippe Kerm - The impact of macroeconomic conditions on income inequality (RePEc:kap:jecinq:v:8:y:2010:i:2:p:221-240)
by Markus Jäntti & Stephen Jenkins - Estimating trends in US income inequality using the Current Population Survey: the importance of controlling for censoring (RePEc:kap:jecinq:v:9:y:2011:i:3:p:393-415)
by Richard Burkhauser & Shuaizhang Feng & Stephen Jenkins & Jeff Larrimore - Robert Moffitt and Peter Gottschalk’s 1995 paper ‘Trends in the covariance structure of earnings in the US: 1969–1987’ (RePEc:kap:jecinq:v:9:y:2011:i:3:p:433-437)
by Stephen Jenkins & Peter Lambert - To What Extent Do Fiscal Regimes Equalize Opportunities for Income Acquisition among Citizens? (RePEc:kud:epruwp:00-10)
by John E. Roemer & Rolf Aaberge & Ugo Colombino & Johan Fritzell & Stephen P. Jenkins & Ive Marx & Marianne Page & Evert Pommer & Javier Ruiz-Castillo & Maria Jesus San Segundo & Torben Tranæs & Gert G. - Noncash Income, Living Standards, and Inequality: Evidence from the Luxembourg Income Study (RePEc:lis:liswps:79)
by Michael Wolfson & Peter Saunders & Stephen Jenkins & Aldi Hagenaars & Richard Hauser & John Coder & Johan Fritzell & Timothy Smeeding - Evidence on the Robustness of the Links between Social Relationships and Mortality (RePEc:mhe:chemon:2024-15)
by Rosanne Freak-Poli & Stephen P. Jenkins & Michael A. Shields & Trong-Anh Trinh - The Relationship between Subjective Wellbeing and Subjective Wellbeing Inequality: Taking Ordinality and Skewness Seriously (RePEc:mtu:wpaper:20_09)
by Arthur Grimes & Stephen P. Jenkins & Florencia Tranquilli - Estimating Trends in US Income Inequality Using the Current Population Survey: The Importance of Controlling for Censoring (RePEc:nbr:nberwo:14247)
by Richard V. Burkhauser & Shuaizhang Feng & Stephen P. Jenkins & Jeff Larrimore - Recent Trends in Top Income Shares in the USA: Reconciling Estimates from March CPS and IRS Tax Return Data (RePEc:nbr:nberwo:15320)
by Richard V. Burkhauser & Shuaizhang Feng & Stephen P. Jenkins & Jeff Larrimore - What has Been Happening to UK Income Inequality Since the Mid-1990s? Answers from Reconciled and Combined Household Survey and Tax Return Data (RePEc:nbr:nberwo:21991)
by Richard V. Burkhauser & Nicolas Hérault & Stephen P. Jenkins & Roger Wilkins - Survey Under-Coverage of Top Incomes and Estimation of Inequality: What is the Role of the UK’s SPI Adjustment? (RePEc:nbr:nberwo:23539)
by Richard V. Burkhauser & Nicolas Hérault & Stephen P. Jenkins & Roger Wilkins - What Accounts for the Rising Share of Women in the Top 1%? (RePEc:nbr:nberwo:27397)
by Richard V. Burkhauser & Nicolas Hérault & Stephen P. Jenkins & Roger Wilkins - Calculating Income Distribution Indices From Micro-Data (RePEc:ntj:journl:v:41:y:1988:i:1:p:139-42)
by Jenkins, Stephen - Are Recipients of Social Assistance 'Benefit Dependent'?: Concepts, Measurement and Results for Selected Countries (RePEc:oec:elsaab:162-en)
by Herwig Immervoll & Stephen P. Jenkins & Sebastian Königs - The Dynamics of Social Assistance Receipt: Measurement and Modelling Issues, with an Application to Britain (RePEc:oec:elsaab:67-en)
by Lorenzo Cappellari & Stephen P. Jenkins - Inequality Comparisons with Ordinal Data (RePEc:osf:socarx:56rmz)
by , Stone Center & Jenkins, Stephen P. - Inequality Comparisons with Ordinal Data (RePEc:osf:socarx:56rmz_v1)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. - Rising Top-Income Persistence in Australia: Evidence from Income Tax Data (RePEc:osf:socarx:az7tf)
by Herault, Nicolas & Hyslop, Dean & Jenkins, Stephen P. & Wilkins, Roger - Rising Top-Income Persistence in Australia: Evidence from Income Tax Data (RePEc:osf:socarx:az7tf_v1)
by Herault, Nicolas & Hyslop, Dean & Jenkins, Stephen P. & Wilkins, Roger - What Accounts for the Rising Share of Women in the Top 1%? (RePEc:osf:socarx:wdt2r)
by , Stone Center & Burkhauser, Richard V. & Herault, Nicolas & Jenkins, Stephen P. & Wilkins, Roger - What Accounts for the Rising Share of Women in the Top 1%? (RePEc:osf:socarx:wdt2r_v1)
by Burkhauser, Richard V. & Herault, Nicolas & Jenkins, Stephen P. & Wilkins, Roger - Redistributive Effect and the Progressivity of Taxes and Benefits: Evidence for the UK, 1977–2018 (RePEc:osf:socarx:x6z7b)
by Herault, Nicolas & Jenkins, Stephen P. - Redistributive Effect and the Progressivity of Taxes and Benefits: Evidence for the UK, 1977–2018 (RePEc:osf:socarx:x6z7b_v1)
by Herault, Nicolas & Jenkins, Stephen P. - Three 'I's of Poverty Curves, with an Analysis of UK Poverty Trends (RePEc:oup:oxecpp:v:49:y:1997:i:3:p:317-27)
by Jenkins, Stephen P & Lambert, Peter J - Trends in income inequality, pro-poor income growth, and income mobility (RePEc:oup:oxecpp:v:58:y:2006:i:3:p:531-548)
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Philippe Van Kerm - Top incomes and inequality in the UK: reconciling estimates from household survey and tax return data (RePEc:oup:oxecpp:v:70:y:2018:i:2:p:301-326.)
by Richard V Burkhauser & Nicolas Hérault & Stephen P Jenkins & Roger Wilkins - Recent Trends in the UK Income Distribution: What Happened and Why? (RePEc:oup:oxford:v:12:y:1996:i:1:p:29-46)
by Jenkins, Stephen P - Inequality and Poverty Re-Examined (RePEc:oxp:obooks:9780199218127)
by None - Changing Fortunes: Income Mobility and Poverty Dynamics in Britain (RePEc:oxp:obooks:9780199226436)
by Jenkins, Stephen P. - The Great Recession and the Distribution of Household Income (RePEc:oxp:obooks:9780199671021)
by None - Non-cash Income, Living Standards and Inequality: Evidence from the Luxembourg Income Study (RePEc:pal:intecp:978-1-349-22988-8_11)
by Peter Saunders & Timothy M. Smeeding & John Coder & Stephen Jenkins & Johan Fritzell & Aldi J. M. Hagenaars & Richard Hauser & Michael Wolfson - Tony Atkinson, my hero (RePEc:sae:ecolab:v:29:y:2018:i:1:p:50-51)
by Stephen P Jenkins - Has the Instability of Personal Incomes been Increasing? (RePEc:sae:niesru:v:218:y:2011:i:1:p:r33-r43)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - Intergenerational Continuities in Housing (RePEc:sae:urbstu:v:20:y:1983:i:4:p:431-438)
by S.P. Jenkins & A.K. Maynard - Trends in Real Income in Britain: A Microeconomic Analysis (RePEc:spr:empeco:v:22:y:1997:i:4:p:483-500)
by Jenkins, Stephen P - A framework for the decomposition of poverty differences with an application to poverty differences between countries (RePEc:spr:empeco:v:30:y:2005:i:2:p:331-358)
by Martin Biewen & Stephen Jenkins - Perspectives on Poverty in Europe. Following in Tony Atkinson’s Footsteps (RePEc:spr:italej:v:6:y:2020:i:1:d:10.1007_s40797-019-00112-0)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - The Relationship Between Subjective Wellbeing and Subjective Wellbeing Inequality: An Important Role for Skewness (RePEc:spr:jhappi:v:24:y:2023:i:1:d:10.1007_s10902-022-00591-6)
by Arthur Grimes & Stephen P. Jenkins & Florencia Tranquilli - Editorial 2016 (RePEc:spr:joecin:v:14:y:2016:i:4:d:10.1007_s10888-016-9339-1)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - How valid are synthetic panel estimates of poverty dynamics? (RePEc:spr:joecin:v:17:y:2019:i:1:d:10.1007_s10888-019-09408-8)
by Nicolas Hérault & Stephen P. Jenkins - Top-income adjustments and official statistics on income distribution: the case of the UK (RePEc:spr:joecin:v:20:y:2022:i:1:d:10.1007_s10888-022-09532-y)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - Modelling household income dynamics (RePEc:spr:jopoec:v:13:y:2000:i:4:p:529-567)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - Childhood family structure and schooling outcomes: evidence for Germany (RePEc:spr:jopoec:v:23:y:2010:i:3:p:1073-1103)
by Marco Francesconi & Stephen Jenkins & Thomas Siedler - Modelling Domestic Work Time (RePEc:spr:jopoec:v:8:y:1995:i:3:p:265-79)
by Jenkins, Stephen P & O'Leary, Nigel C - The Relationship Between EU Indicators of Persistent and Current Poverty (RePEc:spr:soinre:v:116:y:2014:i:2:p:611-638)
by Stephen Jenkins & Philippe Van Kerm - To what Extent do Fiscal Regimes Equalize Opportunities for Income Acquisition Among citizens? (RePEc:ssb:dispap:272)
by John E. Roemer & Rolf Aaberge & Ugo Colombino & Johan Fritzell & Stephen P. Jenkins & Ive Marx & Marianne Page & Evert Pommer & Javier Ruiz-Castillo & Maria Jesus SanSegundo & Torben Tranaes & Gert G. - Tony Atkinson and his legacy (RePEc:ssb:dispap:863)
by Rolf Aaberge & François Bourguignon & Andrea Brandolini & Francisco H. G. Ferreira & Janet C. Gornick & John Hills & Markus Jäntti & Stephen P. Jenkins & Eric Marlier & John Micklewright & Brian Nolan - Better off? Distributional comparisons for ordinal data about personal well-being (RePEc:taf:nzecpp:v:54:y:2020:i:3:p:211-238)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - Recent Trends in Top Income Shares in the United States: Reconciling Estimates from March CPS and IRS Tax Return Data (RePEc:tpr:restat:v:94:y:2012:i:2:p:371-388)
by Richard V. Burkhauser & Shuaizhang Feng & Stephen P. Jenkins & Jeff Larrimore - Stata Journal (RePEc:tsj:stataj)
from StataCorp LLC as editor - Generalized Lorenz curves and related graphs: an update for Stata 7 (RePEc:tsj:stataj:v:1:y:2001:i:1:p:107-112)
by Philippe Van Kerm & Stephen P. Jenkins - Comparing distributions of ordinal data (RePEc:tsj:stataj:v:20:y:2020:i:3:p:505-531)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - The Stata Journal Editors’ Prize 2022: Christopher F. Baum (RePEc:tsj:stataj:v:22:y:2022:i:4:p:727-733)
by Nicholas J. Cox & Stephen P. Jenkins - Finite mixture models for linked survey and administrative data: Estimation and postestimation (RePEc:tsj:stataj:v:23:y:2023:i:1:p:53-85)
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Fernando Rios-Avila - The Stata Journal Editors’ Prize 2023: Fernando Rios-Avila (RePEc:tsj:stataj:v:23:y:2023:i:4:p:905-908)
by Nicholas J. Cox & Stephen P. Jenkins - The Stata Journal Editors’ Prize 2024: Ian R. White (RePEc:tsj:stataj:v:24:y:2024:i:4:p:553-556)
by Nicholas J. Cox & Stephen P. Jenkins - Multivariate probit regression using simulated maximum likelihood (RePEc:tsj:stataj:v:3:y:2003:i:3:p:278-294)
by Lorenzo Cappellari & Stephen P. Jenkins - Review of Maximum Likelihood Estimation with Stata by Gould, Pitblado, and Sribney (RePEc:tsj:stataj:v:3:y:2003:i:4:p:440-444)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - Calculation of multivariate normal probabilities by simulation, with applications to maximum simulated likelihood estimation (RePEc:tsj:stataj:v:6:y:2006:i:2:p:156-189)
by Lorenzo Cappellari & Stephen P. Jenkins - Stata tip 32: Do not stop (RePEc:tsj:stataj:v:6:y:2006:i:2:p:281)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - Review of Applied Health Economics by Jones, Rice, Bago d’Uva, and Balia (RePEc:tsj:stataj:v:8:y:2008:i:1:p:122-128)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - Discrete time proportional hazards regression (RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1998:v:7:i:39:sbe17)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - Analysis of income distributions (RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1999:v:8:i:48:sg104)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - Creation of bivariate random lognormal variables (RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1999:v:8:i:48:sg105)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - Fitting Singh-Maddala and Dagum distributions by maximum likelihood (RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1999:v:8:i:48:sg106)
by Stephen P. Jenkins - Generalized Lorenz curves and related graphs (RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:1999:v:8:i:48:sg107)
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Philippe Van Kerm - Generalized Lorenz curves and related graphs (RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:2000:v:9:i:49:sg107.1)
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Philippe Van Kerm - Renaming variables: changing suffixes (RePEc:tsj:stbull:y:2001:v:10:i:59:dm83)
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Nicholas J. Cox - Child Poverty Dynamics in Seven Nations (RePEc:ucf:inwopa:inwopa00/8)
by Bruce Bradbury & Stephen P. Jenkins & John Micklewright - Marital Splits and Income Changes: Evidence for Britain (RePEc:ucf:iopeps:iopeps97/26)
by Sarah Jarvis & Stephen P. Jenkins - The Steady-State Assumption and the Estimation of Distributional and Related Models (RePEc:uwp:jhriss:v:19:y:1984:i:3:p:358-376)
by A. B. Atkinson & S. P. Jenkins - Why Are Child Poverty Rates Higher in Britain than in Germany?: A Longitudinal Perspective (RePEc:uwp:jhriss:v:38:y:2003:i:2:p441-465)
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Christian Schluter - Survey Under‐Coverage of Top Incomes and Estimation of Inequality: What is the Role of the UK's SPI Adjustment? (RePEc:wly:fistud:v:39:y:2018:i:2:p:213-240)
by Richard V. Burkhauser & Nicolas Hérault & Stephen P. Jenkins & Roger Wilkins - The effect of lone motherhood on the smoking behavior of young adults (RePEc:wly:hlthec:v:19:y:2010:i:11:p:1377-1384)
by Marco Francesconi & Stephen P. Jenkins & Thomas Siedler - Testing the significance of income distribution changes over the 1980s business cycle: a cross‐national comparison (RePEc:wly:japmet:v:14:y:1999:i:3:p:253-272)
by Richard V. Burkhauser & Amy Crews Cutts & Mary C. Daly & Stephen P. Jenkins - Measurement error in earnings data: Replication of Meijer, Rohwedder, and Wansbeek's mixture model approach to combining survey and register data (RePEc:wly:japmet:v:36:y:2021:i:4:p:474-483)
by Stephen P. Jenkins & Fernando Rios‐Avila - Noncash Income, Living Standards, Inequality and Poverty: Evidence from the Luxembourg Income Study (RePEc:wop:sprcdp:0035)
by Peter Saunders & Timothy M. Smeeding & John Coder & Stephen Jenkins & Johan Fritzell & Aldi M. Hagenaars & Richard Hauser & Michael Wolfson - Horizontal Inequity Measurement: A Basic Reassessment (RePEc:yor:yorken:96/21)
by Stephen Jenkins & Peter Lambert - "Three 'I's of Poverty" Curves: TIPs for Poverty Analysis (RePEc:yor:yorken:97/1)
by Stephen Jenkins & Peter Lambert - How valid are synthetic panel estimates of poverty dynamics? (RePEc:zbw:glodps:207)
by Hérault, Nicolas & Jenkins, Stephen P. - What accounts for the rising share of women in the top 1%? (RePEc:zbw:glodps:575)
by Burkhauser, Richard V. & Hérault, Nicolas & Jenkins, Stephen P. & Wilkins, Roger - Redistributive effect and the progressivity of taxes and benefits: evidence for the UK, 1977-2018 (RePEc:zbw:glodps:967)
by Hérault, Nicolas & Jenkins, Stephen P. - COVID-19 and inequality (RePEc:zbw:zewpbs:52020)
by Ben Yahmed, Sarra & Cappellari, Lorenzo & Checchi, Daniele & Corak, Miles & Jenkins, Stephen P. & Neidhöfer, Guido & Tertilt, Michele & Tommasi, Mariano