Rodney B. Holcomb
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Rodney |
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B. |
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Holcomb |
Oklahoma State University
/ Department of Agricultural Economics
Research profile
author of:
- Increasing U.S. Hard Red Winter Wheat Competitiveness in Latin American Markets (RePEc:ags:aaea06:21187)
by Gallardo, Rosa Karina & Holcomb, Rodney B. - Teaching Innovation as Part of an Agribusiness Curriculum (RePEc:ags:aaea08:6153)
by Tilley, Marcia L. & Tilley, Daniel S. & Yiannaka, Amalia & Holcomb, Rodney B. & Howard, Wayne H. & Weckler, Paul & Cavaletto, Richard & Zohns, Mark & Sitton, Shelly & Blackwell, Cindy & Delahoussaye, - Is the Grass Really Greener across the State Line? A Regional Analysis of State Branding Programs (RePEc:ags:aaea16:235212)
by Neill, Clinton L. & Holcomb, Rodney B. & Lusk, Jayson - Effects of SNAP Policy Changes on Caloric Acquisition and Economic Welfare in the United States (RePEc:ags:aaea19:290907)
by Ates, Aaron M. & Holcomb, Rodney B. - Economic analysis of Oklahoma’s potential as a bioenergy producer based on the optimization of a blended lignocellulosic biomass feedstock supply chain (RePEc:ags:aaea19:291011)
by Calderon Ambelis, Heydi J. & Holcomb, Rodney B. - Geographic Impacts on U.S. Agriculture of the 2010 Dietary Nutrition Guidelines (RePEc:ags:aaeach:122796)
by Ribera, Luis A. & Yue, Chengyan & Holcomb, Rodney B. - Local Food Systems Markets and Supply Chains (RePEc:ags:aaeach:162708)
by Woods, Timothy & Velandia, Margarita & Holcomb, Rodney & Dunning, Rebecca & Bendfeldt, Eric - Food Safety Policies and Implications for Local Food Systems (RePEc:ags:aaeach:162711)
by Holcomb, Rodney B. & Palma, Marco A. & Velandia, Margarita M. - A Local Food System Glossary: A Rose by Any Other Name (RePEc:ags:aaeach:276057)
by Holcomb, Rodney B. & Neill, Clinton L. & Lelekacs, Joanna & Velandia, Margarita & Woods, Timothy A. & Goodwin, H.L., Jr. & Rainey, Ronald L. - Improving the Nutrition Quality at What Cost? The Economics of Reducing Sodium Foods (RePEc:ags:aaeafe:123989)
by Simpson, Amanda N. & Campiche, Jody L. & Holcomb, Rodney B. - Feasibility of on-farm or small scale oilseed processing and biodiesel production (RePEc:ags:fftrin:48710)
by Kenkel, Philip L. & Holcomb, Rodney B. - Enhancing Food Safety, Product Quality, and Value-Added in Food Supply Chains Using Whole-Chain Traceability (RePEc:ags:ifaamr:240706)
by Adam, Brian D. & Holcomb, Rodney & Buser, Michael & Mayfield, Blayne & Thomas, Johnson & O’Bryan, Corliss A. & Crandall, Philip & Knipe, Dar & Knipe, Richard & Ricke, Steven C. - Success Factors for New Generation Cooperatives (RePEc:ags:ifaamr:8208)
by Carlberg, Jared G. & Ward, Clement E. & Holcomb, Rodney B. - Household Expenditure Patterns for Carbohydrate Sources in Russia (RePEc:ags:jlaare:31111)
by Shiptsova, Rimma & Goodwin, Harold L., Jr. & Holcomb, Rodney B. - Producers Cooperative Oil Mill: A Case Study in Strategic Planning for a Cooperative (RePEc:ags:jlcoop:164706)
by Kenkel, Philip L. & Holcomb, Rodney B. - Factors Impacting Participation In and Purchases Made by Members of the Oklahoma Food Cooperative (RePEc:ags:jlcoop:164710)
by Holcomb, Rodney B. & Kenkel, Philip L. & Brown, Lisa N. - Factors Impacting Participation In and Purchases Made by Members of the Oklahoma Food Cooperative (RePEc:ags:jlcoop:244025)
by Holcomb, Rodney B. & Kenkel, Phillip & Brown, Lisa - American Native Beef Cooperative (RePEc:ags:jlcoop:56950)
by Kenkel, Philip L. & Holcomb, Rodney B. - Toward a Scale to Measure How Food Businesses Attain and Maintain Legitimacy (RePEc:ags:jloagb:302415)
by Inman, Ruth & Johnson, Aaron J. & Dibrell, Clay & Holcomb, Rodney B. & Cartmell, D. Dwayne II & Sitton, Shelly R. & Terry, Robert Jr. - The “Liability of Newness” in the Food/Agribusiness Sector (RePEc:ags:jloagb:302481)
by Johnson, Aaron J. & Dibrell, Clay & Inman, Ruth & Holcomb, Rodney B. - My State’s Better: Development of a State Pride Scale for Use in Market Research (RePEc:ags:jloagb:310563)
by Osburn, Meagan & Holcomb, Rodney B & Neill, Clinton L. - Before the Bricks and Mortar: A Case Study of a New Generation Cooperative’s Planning Process (RePEc:ags:jloagb:59607)
by Holcomb, Rodney B. & Kenkel, Philip L. - Feasibility of a Co-operative Winery (RePEc:ags:jloagb:90642)
by Kenkel, Philip L. & Holcomb, Rodney B. & Hill, Amanda - Impacts of School District Characteristics on Farm-to-School Program Participation: The Case for Oklahoma (RePEc:ags:jlofdr:139431)
by Vo, Anh & Holcomb, Rodney B. - Opportunities for Local Food Systems Research and Extension in the South- A Land Grant University System Initiative (RePEc:ags:jlofdr:232307)
by Velandia, Margarita & Woods, Tim & Bendfeldt, Eric & Lelekacs, Joanna & Holcomb, Rodney & Palma, Marco & Lamie, Dave & Dunning, Rebecca & Meyer, Lee & Goodwin, H.L. Jr. & Rainey, Ron & Collart, Alba & - Feasibility Templates for Value-Added Manufacturing Businesses (RePEc:ags:jlofdr:26771)
by Kenkel, Philip L. & Holcomb, Rodney B. - An Evaluation Of East Russian Household Expenditures For Non-Dairy Animal Protein Sources (RePEc:ags:jlofdr:26828)
by Goodwin, Harold L., Jr. & Holcomb, Rodney B. & Shiptsova, Rimma - Using Mixed-Integer Programming To Determine The Potential For Flour-Milling Industry Expansion (RePEc:ags:jlofdr:27217)
by Tembo, Gelson & Holcomb, Rodney B. & Kenkel, Philip L. & Tilley, Daniel S. - Revisiting Engel'S Law: Examining Expenditure Patterns For Food At Home And Away From Home (RePEc:ags:jlofdr:27224)
by Holcomb, Rodney B. & Park, John L. & Capps, Oral, Jr. - Impacts of Food Safety Recalls and Consumer Information on Restaurant Performance (RePEc:ags:jlofdr:274593)
by Pruitt, J. Ross & Holcomb, Rodney B. - Factors Influencing Consumer Decisions Related To "Natural" Beef In The Southern Plains (RePEc:ags:jlofdr:27637)
by Goss, Jody & Holcomb, Rodney B. & Ward, Clement E. - An Assessment of the Economic Impact of Firms Assisted By the Oklahoma Food and Agricultural Products Center (RePEc:ags:jlofdr:27761)
by Ulmer, Ann & Holcomb, Rodney B. & Woods, Michael D. & Willoughby, Charles V. & Tilley, Daniel S. - A Study Of Asian-American Rice Demand In Houston, Texas (RePEc:ags:jlofdr:27896)
by Goodwin, Harold L., Jr. & Holcomb, Rodney B. & Rister, M. Edward - Implicit Price Estimation Of Rice Quality Attributes For Asian Americans (RePEc:ags:joaaec:15111)
by Goodwin, Harold L., Jr. & Holcomb, Rodney B. & Rister, M. Edward - Challenges to Producer Ownership of Ethanol and Biodiesel Production Facilities (RePEc:ags:joaaec:43772)
by Kenkel, Philip L. & Holcomb, Rodney B. - Conditions Necessary for Private Investment in the Ethanol Industry (RePEc:ags:joaaec:53092)
by Kenkel, Philip L. & Holcomb, Rodney B. - Willingness-to-Pay for Attribute Level and Variability: The Case of Mexican Millers’ Demand for Hard Red Winter Wheat (RePEc:ags:joaaec:56646)
by Gallardo, Rosa Karina & Lusk, Jayson L. & Holcomb, Rodney B. & Rayas-Duarte, Patricia - A Review of Value-Added Centers: Objectives, Structures, Staffing, and Funding (RePEc:ags:joaaec:6525)
by Holcomb, Rodney B. & Johnson, Aaron J. - Energizing a Cooperative Class with Cooperative Feasibility Software (RePEc:ags:ncerfi:31824)
by Kenkel, Philip L. & Holcomb, Rodney B. - Producers Cooperative Oil Mill: A Case Study in Strategic Planning for a Cooperative (RePEc:ags:saea11:98813)
by Kenkel, Philip L. & Holcomb, Rodney B. - Factors Impacting Participation In and Purchases Made by Members of the Oklahoma Food Cooperative (RePEc:ags:saea11:98816)
by Holcomb, Rodney B. & Kenkel, Philip L. - The Small Meat Processing Plant Model: A Feasibility Template for Producers and Extension Specialists (RePEc:ags:saea13:142650)
by Holcomb, Rodney B. & Flynn, Kyle & Kenkel, Philip L. - Factors Contributing to Effective U.S. Cooperative Member-owner Communications (RePEc:ags:saea13:143027)
by Brown, Lisa N. & Kenkel, Philip L. & Holcomb, Rodney B. & Naile, Traci J. - Impacts on Food Safety Recalls and Consumer Information on Restaurant Performance (RePEc:ags:saea15:196720)
by Pruitt, J. Ross & Holcomb, Rodney B. - Supply and Cross-sector Effects in the Veterinary Medicine Industry (RePEc:ags:saea16:229767)
by Neill, Clinton L. & Holcomb, Rodney B. - Economic Potential of Unmanned Aircraft in Agricultural and Rural Electric Cooperatives (RePEc:ags:saea16:230047)
by Turner, Justin & Kenkel, Phil & Holcomb, Rodney B. & Arnall, Brian - A Local Foods System Glossary: A Rose by Any Other Name (RePEc:ags:saea16:230079)
by Holcomb, Rodney B. & Bendfeldt, Eric & Lelekacs, Joanna & Velandia, Margarita & Woods, Timothy A. & Goodwin, H.L. & Rainey, Ronald L. - Is the Veterinary Industry Chasing its Tail? An Equilibrium Analysis of Veterinarian Service Hours (RePEc:ags:saea17:252675)
by Neill, Clinton & Holcomb, Rodney - Extension Tools for Local Food Processors: Financial Analysis Spreadsheets for On-Farm and Off-Farm Inspected Kitchens (RePEc:ags:saea18:266458)
by Holcomb, Rodney B. & Bowser, Timothy J. - Nutrients Required and Acquired: An Overview of SNAP Eligible and Ineligible Household Behaviors (RePEc:ags:saea19:284300)
by Ates, Aaron Michael & Holcomb, Rodney B. - Expansion of GLADIS for Modeling Next Generation Bioproduct and Bioenergy Market Logistics (RePEc:ags:saea19:284305)
by Calderon Ambelis, Heydi & Buser, Michael & Holcomb, Rodney & Craige, Collin & Buser, Guy - Effect of Publicly Released Quality Information for US Hard Red Winter Wheat on Mexican Millers' Welfare (RePEc:ags:saeaed:6869)
by Gallardo, Rosa Karina & Lusk, Jayson L. & Holcomb, Rodney B. - Feasibility Of An Oklahoma Fresh Greens And Cowpeas Packing Cooperative (RePEc:ags:saeaft:34752)
by Nkengoum, Germain P. & Holcomb, Rodney B. & Kahn, Brian A. & Tilley, Daniel S. - Economically Feasible Crop Production Alternatives to Peanuts in Southwestern Oklahoma (RePEc:ags:saeaso:35377)
by Devkota, Shankar & Holcomb, Rodney B. & Taylor, Merritt J. & Epplin, Francis M. - Success Factors For Value Added New Generation Cooperatives (RePEc:ags:saeatm:35095)
by Carlberg, Jared G. & Holcomb, Rodney B. & Ward, Clement E. - Economic Impact Of The Firms Assisted By The Oklahoma Food And Agricultural Products Research And Technology Center (RePEc:ags:saeatm:35199)
by Zimmerschied, Ann & Woods, Michael D. & Willoughby, Charles V. & Holcomb, Rodney B. & Tilley, Daniel S. - Correlations Among Grain Characteristics Used To Determine The Effects Of Milled Rice Storage Time And Temperature On Aromatic Rice Quality (RePEc:ags:tamufp:23977)
by Holcomb, Rodney B. & Rister, M. Edward & Faltisek, Lori A. & Webb, Bill & Miller, Rhonda K. & Bett, Karen & Goodwin, Harold L., Jr. - Correlations Among Grain Characteristics Used To Determine The Effects Of Rough Rice Storage Time And Temperature On Aromatic Rice Quality (RePEc:ags:tamufp:23992)
by Holcomb, Rodney B. & Rister, M. Edward & Faltisek, Lori A. & Webb, Bill & Miller, Rhonda K. & Bett, Karen & Goodwin, Harold L., Jr. - Household Expenditure Patterns For Carbohydrate Sources In Russia (RePEc:ags:uarksp:15777)
by Holcomb, Rodney B. & Goodwin, Harold L., Jr. & Shiptsova, Rimma - The Impact of COVID-19 on Meat Processing, and the Renewed Interest in Local Processing Capabilities (RePEc:ags:weecfo:311303)
by Bir, Courtney & Peel, Derrell & Holcomb, Rodney & Raper, Kellie & Jones, J.J. - Implicit Price Estimation of Rice Quality Attributes for Asian Americans (RePEc:cup:jagaec:v:28:y:1996:i:02:p:291-302_00)
by Goodwin, H. L. & Holcomb, Rodney B. & Rister, M. Edward - Challenges to Producer Ownership of Ethanol and Biodiesel Production Facilities (RePEc:cup:jagaec:v:38:y:2006:i:02:p:369-375_02)
by Kenkel, Phil & Holcomb, Rodney B. - A Review of Value-Added Centers: Objectives, Structures, Staffing, and Funding (RePEc:cup:jagaec:v:39:y:2007:i:02:p:401-410_02)
by Holcomb, Rodney B. & Johnson, Aaron - Conditions Necessary for Private Investment in the Ethanol Industry (RePEc:cup:jagaec:v:41:y:2009:i:02:p:455-464_00)
by Kenkel, Philip & Holcomb, Rodney B. - Willingness-to-Pay for Attribute Level and Variability: The Case of Mexican Millers' Demand for Hard Red Winter Wheat (RePEc:cup:jagaec:v:41:y:2009:i:03:p:599-611_00)
by Gallardo, R. Karina & Lusk, Jayson L. & Holcomb, Rodney B. & Rayas-Duarte, Patricia - Starting On The Right Foot: Does School Choice Affect Veterinarian Starting Salaries? (RePEc:cup:jagaec:v:49:y:2017:i:01:p:120-138_00)
by Neill, Clinton L. & Holcomb, Rodney B. & Brorsen, B. Wade - Masked Heterogeneity in Aggregation: Incorporating Beliefs and Geographic Information into Consumer Willingness to Pay for State Brands (RePEc:cup:jagaec:v:52:y:2020:i:4:p:527-544_2)
by Osburn, Meagan & Holcomb, Rodney B. & Neill, Clinton L. - Does a food safety label matter? Consumer heterogeneity and fresh produce risk perceptions under the Food Safety Modernization Act (RePEc:eee:jfpoli:v:85:y:2019:i:c:p:7-14)
by Neill, Clinton L. & Holcomb, Rodney B. - Analyzing the Trade-Offs between Meeting Biorefinery Production Capacity and Feedstock Supply Cost: A Chance Constrained Approach (RePEc:gam:jeners:v:14:y:2021:i:16:p:4763-:d:609163)
by Lixia H. Lambert & Eric A. DeVuyst & Burton C. English & Rodney Holcomb - A Demand Systems Analysis of Food Commodities by U.S. Households Segmented by Income (RePEc:oup:ajagec:v:78:y:1996:i:2:p:290-300)
by John L. Park & Rodney B. Holcomb & Kellie Curry Raper & Oral Capps - Growing Local: Case Studies on Local Food Supply Chains (RePEc:oup:ajagec:v:97:y:2015:i:5:p:1514-1515.)
by Rodney B. Holcomb - Current market conditions for veterinary services in the U.S (RePEc:taf:applec:v:50:y:2018:i:60:p:6501-6511)
by Clinton L. Neill & Rodney B. Holcomb & B. Wade Brorsen - Effects of spatial density on veterinarian income: where are all of the veterinarians? (RePEc:taf:applec:v:51:y:2019:i:14:p:1532-1540)
by Clinton L. Neill & Rodney B. Holcomb & Kellie Curry Raper & Brian E. Whitacre - Household Expenditure Patterns for Carbohydrate Sources in Russia (RePEc:usu:wpaper:2002-09)
by Rimma Shiptsova & Rodney Holcomb & H. Goodwin - Primary agricultural product demand in post-communist Russia (RePEc:wly:agribz:v:20:y:2004:i:2:p:129-141)
by Rimma Shiptsova & H.L. Goodwin & Rodney Holcomb - Estimating potential beggar‐thy‐neighbor effects of state labeling programs (RePEc:wly:agribz:v:36:y:2020:i:1:p:3-19)
by Clinton L. Neill & Rodney B. Holcomb & Jayson L. Lusk