Franziska Holz
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Franziska |
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Holz |
DIW Berlin (Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung) (weight: 90%)
Norges teknisk-naturvitenskaplige universitet (NTNU)
/ Fakultet for Økonomi
/ Institutt for industriell økonomi og teknologidelse (weight: 10%)
Research profile
author of:
- Energy Outlooks Compared: Global and Regional Insights (RePEc:aen:eeepjl:eeep9-1-ansari)
by Dawud Ansari, Franziska Holz, and Hashem Al-Kuhlani - Modeling and Analysis of the International Steam Coal Trade (RePEc:aen:journl:2010v31-04-a10)
by Clemens Haftendorn & Franziska Holz - Crude Oil Market Power—A Shift in Recent Years? (RePEc:aen:journl:ej33-4-01)
by Daniel Huppmann and Franziska Holz - The Role of Natural Gas in a Low-Carbon Europe: Infrastructure and Supply Security (RePEc:aen:journl:ej37-si3-holz)
by Franziska Holz, Philipp M. Richter, and Ruud Egging - Representing GASPEC with the World Gas Model (RePEc:aen:journl:hh-se-a07)
by Ruud Egging, Franziska Holz, Christian von Hirschhausen and Steven A. Gabriel - Perspectives of the European Natural Gas Markets Until 2025 (RePEc:aen:journl:hh-se-a09)
by Franziska Holz, Christian von Hirschhausen and Claudia Kemfert - Combining Energy Networks: The Impact of Europe's Natural Gas Network on Electricity Markets until 2050 (RePEc:bsl:wpaper:2013/10)
by Lorenz, Casimir & Gerbaulet, Clemens & Holz, Franziska & Abrell, Jan & Weigt, Hannes - Neue Gaspipelines und Flüssiggas-Terminals sind in Europa überflüssig (RePEc:diw:diwakt:50de)
by Franziska Holz & Claudia Kemfert - Europa kann die Abhängigkeit von Russlands Gaslieferungen durch Diversifikation und Energiesparen senken (RePEc:diw:diwakt:81de)
by Franziska Holz & Claudia Kemfert & Hella Engerer & Robin Sogalla - Energieversorgung in Deutschland auch ohne Erdgas aus Russland gesichert (RePEc:diw:diwakt:83de)
by Franziska Holz & Robin Sogalla & Christian von Hirschhausen & Claudia Kemfert - Stromversorgung auch ohne russische Energielieferungen und trotz Atomausstiegs sicher – Kohleausstieg 2030 bleibt machbar (RePEc:diw:diwakt:84de)
by Christian Hauenstein & Karlo Hainsch & Philipp Herpich & Christian von Hirschhausen & Franziska Holz & Claudia Kemfert & Mario Kendziorski & Pao-Yu Oei & Catharina Rieve - Deutschlands Gasversorgung ein Jahr nach russischem Angriff auf Ukraine gesichert, kein weiterer Ausbau von LNG-Terminals nötig (RePEc:diw:diwakt:86de)
by Franziska Holz & Christian von Hirschhausen & Robin Sogalla & Lukas Barner & Björn Steigerwald & Claudia Kemfert - Gasversorgung in Deutschland stabil: Ausbau von LNG-Infrastruktur nicht notwendig (RePEc:diw:diwakt:92de)
by Christian von Hirschhausen & Lukas Barner & Franziska Holz & Claudia Kemfert & Niels Kunz & Fabian Präger & Björn Steigerwald - US-Wahlen 2024: Weder Trump noch Harris würden für ausreichend Klimaschutz sorgen (RePEc:diw:diwakt:97de)
by Franziska Holz & Charlotte Baron & Claudia Kemfert - Global Gas Model: Model and Data Documentation v3.0 (2019) (RePEc:diw:diwddc:dd100)
by Ruud Egging & Franziska Holz. With support by Victoria Czempinski & Alexandra Lüth & Sebastian Wegel & Jan Zepter - A Model of the International Steam Coal Market (COALMOD-World) (RePEc:diw:diwddc:dd85)
by Franziska Holz & Clemens Haftendorn & Roman Mendelevitch & Christian von Hirschhausen - Structural Shift in Global Natural Gas Markets: Demand Boom in Asia, Supply Shock in the US (RePEc:diw:diwdeb:2013-11-3)
by Franziska Holz & Philipp M. Richter & Christian von Hirschhausen - European Energy Sector: Large Investments Required for Sustainability and Supply Security (RePEc:diw:diwdeb:2014-7-6)
by Christian von Hirschhausen & Franziska Holz & Clemens Gerbaulet & Casimir Lorenz - European Natural Gas Supply Secure Despite Political Crises (RePEc:diw:diwdeb:2014-8-1)
by Hella Engerer & Franziska Holz & Philipp M. Richter & Christian von Hirschhausen & Claudia Kemfert - Earthquakes in the Netherlands Cannot Shake the European Natural Gas Market (RePEc:diw:diwdeb:2015-48-1)
by Franziska Holz & Hanna Brauers & Thorsten Roobeek - From Historical Responsibility to Carbon Neutrality: A Country Classification (RePEc:diw:diwdwr:dwr12-47-1)
by Dawud Ansari & Wassim Brahim & Franziska Holz & Claudia Kemfert - Heat Transition: Municipalities Need Federal Support in Decommissioning Natural Gas Networks (RePEc:diw:diwdwr:dwr14-13-1)
by Isabell Braunger & Philipp Herpich & Franziska Holz & Julia Rechlitz & Claudia Kemfert - Sanctions against Russian Gas Would Not Endanger EU or German Gas Supply (RePEc:diw:diwdwr:dwr14-21-1)
by Franziska Holz & Lukas Barner & Claudia Kemfert & Christian von Hirschhausen - Natural Gas Supply: No Need for Another Baltic Sea Pipeline (RePEc:diw:diwdwr:dwr8-27-1)
by Anne Neumann & Leonard Göke & Franziska Holz & Claudia Kemfert & Christian von Hirschhausen - A New Climate for Europe: 2030 Climate Targets Must Be More Ambitious (RePEc:diw:diwdwr:dwr9-40-1)
by Pao-Yu Oei & Karlo Hainsch & Konstantin Löffler & Christian von Hirschhausen & Franziska Holz & Claudia Kemfert - No Need for New Natural Gas Pipelines and LNG Terminals in Europe (RePEc:diw:diwfoc:5en)
by Franziska Holz & Claudia Kemfert - Energy Supply Security in Germany Can Be Guaranteed even without Natural Gas from Russia (RePEc:diw:diwfoc:7en)
by Franziska Holz & Robin Sogalla & Christian von Hirschhausen & Claudia Kemfert - Electricity Supply in Germany Can Be Secured without Russian Supplies and Nuclear Energy; The 2030 Coal-Phase out Remains Possible (RePEc:diw:diwfoc:8en)
by Christian Hauenstein & Karlo Hainsch & Philipp Herpich & Christian von Hirschhausen & Franziska Holz & Claudia Kemfert & Mario Kendziorski & Pao-Yu Oei & Catharina Rieve - Energy, Climate, and Policy towards 2055: An Interdisciplinary Energy Outlook (DIW-REM Outlook) (RePEc:diw:diwpok:pbk139)
by Dawud Ansari & Franziska Holz & Hashem al-Kuhlani - Die kurz- und langfristige Bedarfsentwicklung im deutschen und europäischen Erdgasmarkt: Stellungnahme zur Fertigstellung und Inbetriebnahme des Nord Stream 2 Pipeline-Projekts; Gutachten im Auftrag d (RePEc:diw:diwpok:pbk162)
by Franziska Holz & Claudia Kemfert - Am Klimaschutz vorbeigeplant - Klimawirkung, Bedarf und Infrastruktur von Erdgas in Deutschland: Hintergrundpapier (RePEc:diw:diwpok:pbk166)
by Peter Ahmels & Jana Bosse & Hanna Brauers & Isabell Braunger & Andy Gheorghiu & Eric Häublein & Franziska Holz & Claudia Kemfert & Fabian Präger - Decarbonisation of Energy: Determining a Robust Mix of Energy Carriers for a Carbon-Neutral EU (RePEc:diw:diwpok:pbk175)
by Georg Zachmann & Franziska Holz & Alexander Roth & Ben McWilliams & Robin Sogalla & Frank Meissner & Claudia Kemfert - European Natural Gas Infrastructure: The Role of Gazprom in European Natural Gas Supplies; Study Commissioned by The Greens/European Free Alliance in the European Parliament (RePEc:diw:diwpok:pbk81)
by Franziska Holz & Hella Engerer & Claudia Kemfert & Philipp M. Richter & Christian von Hirschhausen - Modelling the Impact of Energy and Climate Policies (RePEc:diw:diwrup:44en)
by Daniel Huppmann & Franziska Holz - Ist die OPEC ein effektives Kartell? (RePEc:diw:diwrup:58de)
by Daniel Huppmann & Franziska Holz - What about the OPEC Cartel? (RePEc:diw:diwrup:58en)
by Daniel Huppmann & Franziska Holz - Russische Energie- und Klimapolitik bleibt widersprüchlich: Herausforderungen für die EU (RePEc:diw:diwwob:72-10-2)
by Christian von Hirschhausen & Claudia Kemfert & Franziska Holz - Deutschlands EU-Ratspräsidentschaft: Chancen zur Gestaltung der Zukunftsfähigkeit Europas nutzen (RePEc:diw:diwwob:73-51-1)
by Christine Binzel & Alexander M. Danzer & Hella Engerer & Franziska Holz & Alexander Muravyev & Aleksey Oshchepkov & Kati Schindler & Mechthild Schrooten & Ulrich Thießen & Nathalia Weißhaar & Georg Za - Höhere Sicherheit der europäischen Erdgasversorgung durch Öffnung und Integration der Märkte (RePEc:diw:diwwob:74-24-2)
by Franziska Holz & Christian von Hirschhausen - Auf dem Weg zu einer "COAL-PEC"? (RePEc:diw:diwwob:75-40-3)
by Clemens Haftendorn & Christian von Hirschhausen & Franziska Holz - Indien: Entwicklung auf Kosten des Klimas (RePEc:diw:diwwob:75-51-3)
by Clemens Haftendorn & Karen Freund & Christian von Hirschhausen & Franziska Holz - Weltölmärkte: Angebotsmacht der OPEC ungebrochen (RePEc:diw:diwwob:76-23-1)
by Christian von Hirschhausen & Franziska Holz & Daniel Huppmann & Claudia Kemfert - "The Greening of America": neue Dynamik zum Amtsantritt von Präsident Obama (RePEc:diw:diwwob:76-3-3)
by Christian von Hirschhausen & Franziska Holz & Claudia Kemfert - Strukturverschiebung in der globalen Erdgaswirtschaft: Nachfrageboom in Asien, Angebotsschock in den USA (RePEc:diw:diwwob:80-31-1)
by Franziska Holz & Philipp M. Richter & Christian von Hirschhausen - Europäische Erdgasversorgung trotz politischer Krisen sicher (RePEc:diw:diwwob:81-22-1)
by Hella Engerer & Franziska Holz & Philipp M. Richter & Christian von Hirschhausen & Claudia Kemfert - Europäische Energiewirtschaft: hoher Investitionsbedarf für Nachhaltigkeit und Versorgungssicherheit (RePEc:diw:diwwob:81-27-6)
by Christian von Hirschhausen & Franziska Holz & Clemens Gerbaulet & Casimir Lorenz - Erdbeben in den Niederlanden können den europäischen Erdgasmarkt nicht erschüttern (RePEc:diw:diwwob:82-48-1)
by Franziska Holz & Hanna Brauers & Thorsten Roobeek - Erdgasversorgung: Weitere Ostsee-Pipeline ist überflüssig (RePEc:diw:diwwob:85-27-1)
by Anne Neumann & Leonard Göke & Franziska Holz & Claudia Kemfert & Christian von Hirschhausen - Neues Klima für Europa: Klimaschutzziele für 2030 sollten angehoben werden (RePEc:diw:diwwob:86-41-1)
by Pao-Yu Oei & Karlo Hainsch & Konstantin Löffler & Christian von Hirschhausen & Franziska Holz & Claudia Kemfert - Zwischen historischer Verantwortung und Ambitionen zur Klimaneutralität: eine Länderklassifizierung (RePEc:diw:diwwob:89-47-3)
by Dawud Ansari & Wassim Brahim & Franziska Holz & Claudia Kemfert - Zukunft des europäischen Energiesystems: Die Zeichen stehen auf Strom (RePEc:diw:diwwob:89-6-1)
by Franziska Holz & Alexander Roth & Robin Sogalla & Frank Meißner & Georg Zachmann & Ben McWilliams & Claudia Kemfert - Das europäische Energiesystem wird in Zukunft hauptsächlich auf Strom beruhen: Interview (RePEc:diw:diwwob:89-6-2)
by Franziska Holz & Erich Wittenberg - Wärmewende in Berlin: Versorgungssicherheit nach dem Erdgas mit erneuerbaren Energien gewährleisten (RePEc:diw:diwwob:90-49-1)
by Philipp Herpich & Franziska Holz & Konstantin Löffler - Den Ausbau der Netze für Strom, Gas und Wärme zusammen planen: Interview (RePEc:diw:diwwob:90-49-2)
by Franziska Holz & Erich Wittenberg - Wärmewende: Bundesregierung sollte Kommunen bei der Stilllegung der Erdgasnetze unterstützen (RePEc:diw:diwwob:91-13-1)
by Isabell Braunger & Philipp Herpich & Franziska Holz & Julia Rechlitz & Claudia Kemfert - Gasnetzbetreiber brauchen Anreize und Hilfen zur Stilllegung der Netze: Interview (RePEc:diw:diwwob:91-13-2)
by Franziska Holz & Erich Wittenberg - Sanktionen gegen russisches Erdgas würden Versorgung in EU und Deutschland nicht gefährden (RePEc:diw:diwwob:91-21-1)
by Franziska Holz & Lukas Barner & Claudia Kemfert & Christian von Hirschhausen - Alle EU-Länder haben verstanden, dass sie die Erdgasquellen deutlich diversifizieren müssen: Interview (RePEc:diw:diwwob:91-21-2)
by Franziska Holz & Erich Wittenberg - Wirtschaft zwischen Klima und Ungleichheit: DIW Berlin treibt Forschung zur sozial-ökologischen Transformation voran: Editorial (RePEc:diw:diwwob:91-27-1)
by Franziska Holz & Alexander Schiersch - COALMOD-World: A Model to Assess International Coal Markets until 2030 (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp1067)
by Clemens Haftendorn & Franziska Holz & Christian von Hirschhausen - What about Coal?: Interactions between Climate Policies and the Global Steam Coal Market until 2030 (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp1146)
by Clemens Haftendorn & Claudia Kemfert & Franziska Holz - The Role of Natural Gas in a Low-Carbon Europe: Infrastructure and Regional Supply Security in the Global Gas Model (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp1273)
by Franziska Holz & Philipp M. Richter & Ruud Egging - Combining Energy Networks: The Impact of Europe's Natural Gas Network on Electricity Markets until 2050 (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp1317)
by Jan Abrell & Clemens Gerbaulet & Franziska Holz & Casimir Lorenz & Hannes Weigt - All Quiet on the Eastern Front?: Disruption Scenarios of Russian Natural Gas Supply to Europe (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp1383)
by Philipp M. Richter & Franziska Holz - Local Consequences of Global Uncertainty: Capacity Development and LNG Trade under Shale Gas and Demand Uncertainty and Disruption Risk (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp1498)
by Ruud Egging & Franziska Holz - Shaking Dutch Grounds Won't Shatter the European Gas Market (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp1516)
by Franziska Holz & Hanna Brauers & Philipp M. Richter & Thorsten Roobeek - Lifting the US Crude Oil Export Ban: A Numerical Partial-Equilibrium Analysis (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp1548)
by Lissy Langer & Daniel Huppmann & Franziska Holz - Global Futures of Energy, Climate, and Policy: Qualitative and Quantitative Foresight towards 2055 (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp1782)
by Dawud Ansari & Franziska Holz & Hasan Basri Tosun - The Death Spiral of Coal in the USA: Will New U.S. Energy Policy Change the Tide? (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp1790)
by Roman Mendelevitch & Christian Hauenstein & Franziska Holz - Energy Outlooks Compared: Global and Regional Insights (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp1837)
by Dawud Ansari & Franziska Holz & Hashem al-Kuhlani - The U.S. Coal Sector between Shale Gas and Renewables: Last Resort Coal Exports? (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp1880)
by Christian Hauenstein & Franziska Holz - Stranded Assets in the Coal Export Industry? The Case of the Australian Galilee Basin (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp2003)
by Christian Hauenstein & Franziska Holz & Lennart Rathje & Thomas Mitterecker - A Strategic Model of European Gas Supply (GASMOD) (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp551)
by Franziska Holz & Christian von Hirschhausen & Claudia Kemfert - A Complementarity Model for the European Natural Gas Market (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp732)
by Ruud Egging & Steven A. Gabriel & Franziska Holz & Jifang Zhuang - Analysis of the World Market for Steam Coal Using a Complementarity Model (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp818)
by Clemens Haftendorn & Franziska Holz - Perspectives of the European Natural Gas Markets until 2025 (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp823)
by Franziska Holz & Christian von Hirschhausen & Claudia Kemfert - Representing GASPEC with the World Gas Model (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp845)
by Ruud Egging & Franziska Holz & Christian von Hirschhausen & Steven A. Gabriel - A Model for the Global Crude Oil Market Using a Multi-Pool MCP Approach (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp869)
by Daniel Huppmann & Franziska Holz - The World Gas Market in 2030: Development Scenarios Using the World Gas Model (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp931)
by Daniel Huppmann & Ruud Egging & Franziska Holz & Sophia Rüster & Christian von Hirschhausen & Steven A. Gabriel - The World Gas Model: A Multi-Period Mixed Complementarity Model for the Global Natural Gas Market (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp959)
by Ruud Egging & Franziska Holz & Steven A. Gabriel - Russian Energy and Climate Policy Remains Inconsistent: Challenges for the EU (RePEc:diw:diwwrp:wr1-11)
by Christian von Hirschhausen & Claudia Kemfert & Franziska Holz - Moving towards a "COAL-PEC"? (RePEc:diw:diwwrp:wr4-10)
by Clemens Haftendorn & Christian von Hirschhausen & Franziska Holz - World Crude Oil Markets: OPEC's Supplier Power Remains Unchallenged (RePEc:diw:diwwrp:wr5-22)
by Christian von Hirschhausen & Franziska Holz & Daniel Huppmann & Claudia Kemfert - Exploring the interdependence of climate, finance, energy, and geopolitics: A conceptual framework for systemic risks amidst multiple crises (RePEc:eee:appene:v:361:y:2024:i:c:s030626192400268x)
by Hoffart, Franziska M. & D'Orazio, Paola & Holz, Franziska & Kemfert, Claudia - A 2050 perspective on the role for carbon capture and storage in the European power system and industry sector (RePEc:eee:eneeco:v:104:y:2021:i:c:s0140988321004941)
by Holz, Franziska & Scherwath, Tim & Crespo del Granado, Pedro & Skar, Christian & Olmos, Luis & Ploussard, Quentin & Ramos, Andrés & Herbst, Andrea - A strategic model of European gas supply (GASMOD) (RePEc:eee:eneeco:v:30:y:2008:i:3:p:766-788)
by Holz, Franziska & von Hirschhausen, Christian & Kemfert, Claudia - Shaking Dutch grounds won’t shatter the European gas market (RePEc:eee:eneeco:v:64:y:2017:i:c:p:520-529)
by Holz, Franziska & Brauers, Hanna & Richter, Philipp M. & Roobeek, Thorsten - The U.S. coal sector between shale gas and renewables: Last resort coal exports? (RePEc:eee:enepol:v:149:y:2021:i:c:s0301421520308089)
by Hauenstein, Christian & Holz, Franziska - A complementarity model for the European natural gas market (RePEc:eee:enepol:v:36:y:2008:i:7:p:2385-2414)
by Egging, Ruud & Gabriel, Steven A. & Holz, Franziska & Zhuang, Jifang - What about coal? Interactions between climate policies and the global steam coal market until 2030 (RePEc:eee:enepol:v:48:y:2012:i:c:p:274-283)
by Haftendorn, C. & Kemfert, C. & Holz, F. - All quiet on the eastern front? Disruption scenarios of Russian natural gas supply to Europe (RePEc:eee:enepol:v:80:y:2015:i:c:p:177-189)
by Richter, Philipp M. & Holz, Franziska - Risks in global natural gas markets: Investment, hedging and trade (RePEc:eee:enepol:v:94:y:2016:i:c:p:468-479)
by Egging, Ruud & Holz, Franziska - Lifting the US crude oil export ban: A numerical partial equilibrium analysis (RePEc:eee:enepol:v:97:y:2016:i:c:p:258-266)
by Langer, Lissy & Huppmann, Daniel & Holz, Franziska - The World Gas Model (RePEc:eee:energy:v:35:y:2010:i:10:p:4016-4029)
by Egging, Ruud & Holz, Franziska & Gabriel, Steven A. - Freedom gas to Europe: Scenarios analyzed using the Global Gas Model (RePEc:eee:riibaf:v:58:y:2021:i:c:s0275531921000817)
by Egging-Bratseth, Ruud & Holz, Franziska & Czempinski, Victoria - Between stranded assets and green transformation: Fossil-fuel-producing developing countries towards 2055 (RePEc:eee:wdevel:v:130:y:2020:i:c:s0305750x20300735)
by Ansari, Dawud & Holz, Franziska - Security of Energy Supply in Europe (RePEc:elg:eebook:13887)
by None - Supply Security and Natural Gas (RePEc:elg:eechap:13887_1)
by Christian von Hirschhausen & Franziska Holz & Anne Neumann & Sophia Rüster - Global steam coal markets until 2030: perspectives on production, trade and consumption under increasing carbon constraints (RePEc:elg:eechap:14429_4)
by Clemens Haftendorn & Franziska Holz & Claudia Kemfert & Christian von Hirschhausen - The world gas market in 2030 – development scenarios using the World Gas Model (RePEc:ids:ijgeni:v:35:y:2011:i:1:p:64-84)
by Daniel Huppmann & Ruud Egging & Franziska Holz & Christian Von Hirschhausen & Sophia Ruster - Knappes Gas – Optionen zur Verringerung der Deckungslücke in Deutschland (RePEc:lus:zwipol:v:71:y:2022:i:2:p:126-137:n:6)
by Holz Franziska & Kemfert Claudia & Sogalla Robin - A Global Perspective on the Future of Natural Gas: Resources, Trade, and Climate Constraints (RePEc:oup:renvpo:v:9:y:2015:i:1:p:85-106.)
by Franziska Holz & Philipp M. Richter & Ruud Egging - Modeling the Geopolitics of Natural Gas: LNG Exports from the US to Eastern Europe (RePEc:ris:fcnwpa:2015_015)
by Stähr, Fabian & Madlener, Reinhard & Hilgers, Christoph & Holz, Franziska - Perspectives of the European Natural Gas Markets Until 2025 (RePEc:sae:enejou:v:30:y:2009:i:1_suppl:p:137-150)
by Franziska Holz & Christian von Hirschhausen & Claudia Kemfert - Modeling and Analysis of the International Steam Coal Trade (RePEc:sae:enejou:v:31:y:2010:i:4:p:205-230)
by Clemens Haftendorn & Franziska Holz - Crude Oil Market Power—A Shift in Recent Years? (RePEc:sae:enejou:v:33:y:2012:i:4:p:1-22)
by Daniel Huppmann & Franziska Holz - The Role of Natural Gas in a Low-Carbon Europe: Infrastructure and Supply Security (RePEc:sae:enejou:v:37:y:2016:i:3_suppl:p:33-60)
by Franziska Holz & Philipp M. Richter & Ruud Egging - The death spiral of coal in the U.S.: will changes in U.S. Policy turn the tide? (RePEc:taf:tcpoxx:v:19:y:2019:i:10:p:1310-1324)
by Roman Mendelevitch & Christian Hauenstein & Franziska Holz - The Infrastructure Implications Of The Energy Transformation In Europe Until 2050 — Lessons From The Emf28 Modeling Exercise (RePEc:wsi:ccexxx:v:04:y:2013:i:supp0:n:s201000781340006x)
by Franziska Holz & Christian Von Hirschhausen - Shaking Dutch grounds won’t shatter the European gas market (RePEc:zbw:espost:202036)
by Holz, Franziska & Brauers, Hanna & Richter, Philipp M. & Roobeek, Thorsten - Anticipating global energy, climate and policy in 2055: Constructing qualitative and quantitative narratives (RePEc:zbw:espost:203116)
by Ansari, Dawud & Holz, Franziska - The Role of Natural Gas in a Low-Carbon Europe: Infrastructure and Supply Security (RePEc:zbw:espost:214193)
by Holz, Franziska & Richter, Philipp M. & Egging, Ruud - Between stranded assets and green transformation: Fossil-fuel-producing developing countries towards 2055 (RePEc:zbw:espost:215787)
by Ansari, Dawud & Holz, Franziska - The U.S. coal sector between shale gas and renewables: Last resort coal exports? (RePEc:zbw:espost:233552)
by Hauenstein, Christian & Holz, Franziska - Freedom gas to Europe: Scenarios analyzed using the Global Gas Model (RePEc:zbw:espost:235717)
by Egging-Bratseth, Ruud & Holz, Franziska & Czempinski, Victoria - A 2050 perspective on the role for carbon capture and storage in the European power system and industry sector (RePEc:zbw:espost:264508)
by Holz, Franziska & Scherwath, Tim & Crespo del Granado, Pedro & Skar, Christian & Olmos, Luis & Ploussard, Quentin & Ramos, Andrés & Herbst, Andrea - Energy Outlooks Compared: Global and Regional Insights (RePEc:zbw:espost:270908)
by Ansari, Dawud & Holz, Franziska & Al-Kuhlani, Hashem