Roland Herrmann
first: |
Roland |
last: |
Herrmann |
postal address: |
Institute of Agricultural Policy and Market Research,
Justus Liebig University Giessen, Germany,
Senckenbergstr. 3
35398 Giessen |
Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
/ Fachbereich Agrarwissenschaften, Ökotrophologie und Umweltmanagement
/ Institut für Agrarpolitik und Marktforschung (weight: 50%)
Justus-Liebig-Universität Gießen
/ Zentrum für internationale Entwicklungs- und Umweltforschung (ZEU) (weight: 50%)
Research profile
author of:
- Psychological Prices and Price Rigidity in Grocery Retailing: Analysis of German Scanner Data (RePEc:ags:aaea05:19471)
by Herrmann, Roland & Moeser, Anke - Some neglected issues in food demand analysis: retail-level demand, health information and product quality (RePEc:ags:aareaj:117282)
by Herrmann, Roland & Roeder, Claudia - Book reviews (RePEc:ags:aareaj:117377)
by Herrmann, Roland & Anderson, Jock R. & Godden, David P. & Davenport, Scott V. & Pannell, David J. & Trapnell, Lindsay N. - Gravity Meets Pricing To Market: What A Combinedmethod Approach Tells Us On German Beer Exports (RePEc:ags:aawewp:234640)
by Dreyer, Heiko & Fedoseeva, Svetlana & Herrmann, Roland - The Regional Incidence of European Agricultural Policy: Measurement Concept and Empirical Evidence (RePEc:ags:eaae02:24900)
by Anders, Sven M. & Harsche, Johannes & Herrmann, Roland - Regional-Origin Labeling with Quality Control: An Economic Analysis (RePEc:ags:eaae05:24656)
by Thompson, Stanley R. & Anders, Sven M. & Herrmann, Roland - Do They Always Say No? German Consumers and Second-Generation GMO Foods (RePEc:ags:eaae08:44164)
by Hartl, Jochen & Herrmann, Roland - Food Expenditure Patterns of the Generation 50+: An Engel-Curve Analysis for Germany (RePEc:ags:eaae11:114543)
by Herrmann, Roland & Burzig, Johanna - Time use for consumption and household production of food: is there a retirement-consumption puzzle in Germany? (RePEc:ags:eaae14:182829)
by Velarde, Melanie & Herrmann, Roland - The Law and Economics of Geographical Indications: Introduction (RePEc:ags:ecjilt:48789)
by Herrmann, Roland & Marauhn, Thilo - 'GMO-Free' labels - enhancing transparency or deceiving consumers? (RePEc:ags:gaae09:53263)
by Henseleit, Meike & Kubitzki, Sabine & Herrmann, Roland - Wie Beeinflussen Salzcharakteristika Die Verbraucherpreise Von Salz? Eine Multivariate Analyse Mit Onlinedaten (RePEc:ags:gewi18:275866)
by BUSL, Laura & JORDAN, Irmgard & HERRMANN, Roland - Jodsalzverwendung In Produkten Des Lebensmitteleinzelhandels: Eine Statistische Markterhebung Für Deutschland (RePEc:ags:gewi18:275910)
by Pfisterer, Anna & Bissinger, Katharina & Jordan, Irmgard & Herrmann, Roland - Internationale Kartelle in der Ernährungswirtschaft und die Möglichkeit der neuen Industrieökonomie zur Festlegung von Kollusion (RePEc:ags:gewipr:208293)
by Böcker, A. & Herrmann, R. - Agrarmarktliberalisierung, Instabilitäten der heimischen Agrarpreise und die Wettbewerbsfähigkeit der Land- und Ernährungswirtschaft (RePEc:ags:gewipr:210006)
by Herrmann, R. & Thompson, S.R. - Die relative Bedeutung von direkten und indirekten Agrarpolitiken in Entwicklungsländern (RePEc:ags:gewipr:210600)
by Herrmann, R. - Diskussionseröffnung zur Arbeitsgruppe „Agrarhandelspolitik und Agrarprotektion“ (RePEc:ags:gewipr:210725)
by Herrmann, R. - Technischer Fortschritt, terms of trade und die Spezialisierung von Entwicklungsländern auf Agrarexportgüter (RePEc:ags:gewipr:210810)
by Herrmann, R. - Modellierung nationaler Interessenlagen an Instrumenten der internationalen Agrarpolitik (RePEc:ags:gewipr:210841)
by Herrmann, R. - Wirkungsanalysen zur Markt- und Einkommenspolitik (RePEc:ags:gewipr:211005)
by Herrmann, R. - Konsequenzen der Süderweiterung für die Mittelmeerpolitik und die AKP-Politik der Gemeinschaft - Korreferat (RePEc:ags:gewipr:211777)
by Herrmann, R. - Ökonomische Implikationen einer stärkeren Förderung der Regionalvermarktung in der Agrarmarktpolitik (RePEc:ags:gewipr:258583)
by Herrmann, R. & Anders, S. - Interregionale Einkommenstransfers in der Gemeinsamen Agrarpolitik (RePEc:ags:gewipr:258996)
by Anders, Sven & Harsche, Johannes & Herrmann, Roland & Salhofer, Klaus - Die Bedeutung psychologischer Preisschwellen in Preisstrategien des Lebensmitteleinzelhandels (RePEc:ags:gewipr:259256)
by Möser, A. & Herrmann, R. - Informationsgewinn und Markttransparenz durch Labeling? – Eine kritische Würdigung der neuen Lebensmittelkennzeichnung „Ohne Gentechnik“ (RePEc:ags:gewipr:260130)
by Kubitzki, S. & Henseleit, M. & Herrmann, R. - Zur Qualität agrarökonomisch relevanter Zeitschriften: Das GEWISOLA/ÖGA Journal-Ranking (RePEc:ags:gewipr:264338)
by Berg, E. & Dabbert, S. & Herrmann, R. & Pöchtäger, S. & Salhofer, K. - Kompass für agrarökonomische Zeitschriften: das GEWISOLA-ÖGA-Publikationsranking (RePEc:ags:gjagec:134174)
by Dabbert, Stephan & Berg, Ernst & Herrmann, Roland & Pochtrager, Siegfried & Salhofer, Klaus - Wie wirken gemeldete SPS-Maßnahmen? Ein Gravitationsmodell des EU-Rindfleischhandels (RePEc:ags:gjagec:134428)
by Kramb, Marc Christopher & Herrmann, Roland - Introduction to the Special Issue (RePEc:ags:gjagec:145275)
by Anania, Giovanni & Herrmann, Roland - Quantifizierung des Einflusses der äußeren Produktgestaltung auf die Geschmacksbewertung und auf die Kaufbereitschaft bei Wein mittels eines Charakteristikamodells (RePEc:ags:gjagec:169830)
by Szolnoki, Gergely & Hoffmann, Dieter & Herrmann, Roland - Determinanten des Innovationserfolgs: eine Analyse mit Scannerdaten für den deutschen Joghurtmarkt (RePEc:ags:gjagec:169848)
by Herrmann, Roland & Schröck, Rebecca - Erzielen Weine mit höherer Qualität höhere Preise? Eine hedonische Preisanalyse zur DLG-Bundesweinprämierung (RePEc:ags:gjagec:284975)
by Schäufele, Isabel & Herrmann, Roland & Szolnoki, Gergely - Reinhard Mantau - Rechts-, Organisations- und Finanzierungsformen für das landwirtschaftliche Grundeigentum (RePEc:ags:gjagec:299585)
by Herrmann, Roland - V. Kölb - Landwirtschaftliche Erbsitten im Kraftfeld industriegesellschaftlichen Strukturwandels (RePEc:ags:gjagec:299627)
by Herrmann, Roland - Zur Umorientierung der Milchmarktpolitik auf Molkereiebene (RePEc:ags:gjagec:299695)
by Herrmann, Roland & Kirschke, Dieter & Schmitz, Peter Michael - Erwiderung - Entgegnung Zur Umorientierung der Milchmarktpolitik auf Molkereiebene (RePEc:ags:gjagec:300105)
by Herrmann, Roland & Kirschke, Dieter & Schmitz, Peter Michael - Wie denken europäische Agrarökonomen über Wirtschafts- und Agrarpolitik, Ergebnisse einer Befragung (RePEc:ags:gjagec:300439)
by Herrmann, Roland & Schäfer, A - Ökonomische Auswirkungen von Nahrungsmittelsanktionen (RePEc:ags:gjagec:300585)
by Herrmann, Roland - Interdependenzen zwischen makroökonomischer Planung und Agrarentwicklungsplanung in Entwicklungsländern (RePEc:ags:gjagec:300761)
by Herrmann, Roland - Werturteile und wissenschaftliche Agrarpolitik (RePEc:ags:gjagec:300864)
by Herrmann, Roland - Neue Aufgaben für Forschung und Politik nach dem erfolgreichen Abschluss der GATT-Verhandlungen (RePEc:ags:gjagec:301461)
by Herrmann, Roland - Wie beeinflusst die Marktstruktur das Marktergebnis, ein empirischer Test am Beispiel von Produktinnovationen in der Ernährungswirtschaft (RePEc:ags:gjagec:301570)
by Herrmann, Roland & Reinhardt, Axel & Zahn, Christel - Ernährungsinformationen und Nahrungsmittelkonsum, theoretische Überlegungen und empirische Analyse am Beispiel des deutschen Buttermarktes (RePEc:ags:gjagec:301643)
by Giere, Anke & Herrmann, Roland & Böcher, Katja - Reagieren die Nachfrager von Nahrungsmitteln in Industrieländern wirklich preisunelastisch (RePEc:ags:gjagec:301656)
by Herrmann, Roland - Implicit Prices of Sustainability on the German Online Market for Honey (RePEc:ags:gjagec:319819)
by Bissinger, Katharina & Herrmann, Roland & Krandick, Lisa - Übermäßige Werbung und Marktsegmentierung durch staatliche Förderung der Regionalvermarktung: Eine theoretische Analyse (RePEc:ags:gjagec:97214)
by Herrmann, Roland & Anders, Sven M. & Thompson, Stanley R. - Gibt es keinen Methodenbeitrag der Agrarökonomie mehr? (RePEc:ags:gjagec:97392)
by Herrmann, Roland - Food quality, imperfect information and the role of markets and the state (RePEc:ags:gjagec:97496)
by Bocker, Andreas & Herrmann, Roland - Der Schutz geographischer Herkunftsangaben: Herausforderungen für agrarökonomische, rechtswissenschaftliche und interdisziplinäre Forschung (RePEc:ags:gjagec:97701)
by Herrmann, Roland & Marauhn, Thilo & Teuber, Ramona - Neue empirische Befunde zur Preissetzung und zum Verbraucherverhalten im Lebensmitteleinzelhandel (RePEc:ags:gjagec:98115)
by Herrmann, Roland & Moser, Anke & Werner, Elke - Landwirtschaft und Agrarpolitik in Deutschland und Frankreich: Auf der Suche nach neuen Wegen (RePEc:ags:gjagec:98760)
by Herrmann, Roland & Kirschke, Dieter & Zeddies, Jurgen - Price Variability Or Rigidity In The Food-Retailing Sector? Theoretical Analysis And Evidence From German Scanner Data (RePEc:ags:iaae03:25867)
by Herrmann, Roland & Moser, Anke - Markets Segmented by Regional - Origin Labeling with Quality Control (RePEc:ags:iaae06:25530)
by Thompson, Stanley R. & Anders, Sven M. & Herrmann, Roland - Would Consumers Value New Functional Properties of GM Food? A Choice-Modeling Approach for Rapeseed Oil (RePEc:ags:iaae09:51728)
by Hartl, Jochen & Herrmann, Roland - Towards a Differentiated Modelling of Origin Effects in Hedonic Analysis:An Application to Auction Prices of Specialty Coffee (RePEc:ags:iaae12:126235)
by Teuber, Ramona & Herrmann, Roland - Implicit Prices of Sustainability Characteristics in Foods: the Case of the German Online Market for Honey (RePEc:ags:iaae18:277079)
by Herrmann, R. & Bissinger, K. & Krandick, L. - National Interests in International Commodity Agreements: A Theoretical Framework and Quantitative Results For the Export Quota Scheme in Coffee (RePEc:ags:iaae88:183163)
by Herrmann, Roland - An Economic Concept for Measuring Price Uncertainty: The Case of the World Coffee Market (RePEc:ags:iaaeo4:197440)
by Herrmann, R. & Kirschke, D. - A Relationship between Food Aid and Food Trade: Theoretical Analysis and Quantitative Results (RePEc:ags:iaaeo6:197872)
by Herrmann, Roland & Prinz, Carlo & Schenck, Patricia - Agricultural Incentives in the Kyrgyz Republic under the Influence of Changing Macroeconomic Conditions (RePEc:ags:iamc14:212562)
by Zhunusova, Eliza & Herrmann, Roland - Issues In Reforming Tariff-Rate Import Quotas In The Agreement On Agriculture In The Wto (RePEc:ags:iatrcp:14617)
by de Gorter, Harry & Abbott, Philip C. & Barichello, Richard R. & Boughner, Devry S. & Bureau, Jean-Christophe & Choi, Jung-Sup & Coleman, Jonathan R. & Herrmann, Roland & Kramb, Marc Christopher & Shel - Price Versus Non-price Incentives for Participation in Quality Labeling: The Case of the German Fruit Juice Industry (RePEc:ags:iefi13:164756)
by Herrmann, Roland & Bleich, Simon - Price Setting in Online Grocery Markets: The Case of Chocolate (RePEc:ags:iefi16:244457)
by Grein, Theresa & Herrmann, Roland - Price Premia for Sustainability Characteristics in Foods: Measurement Matters! (RePEc:ags:iefi18:276855)
by Herrmann, Roland & Bissinger, Katharina & Krandick, Lisa - Price versus Non-price Incentives for Participation in Quality Labeling: The Case of the German Fruit Juice Industry (RePEc:ags:ijofsd:164779)
by Bleich, Simon & Herrmann, Roland - How German Online Retailers Price Foods: An Empirical Analysis for Chocolate Products (RePEc:ags:ijofsd:254120)
by Fedoseeva, Svetlana & Grein, Theresa & Herrmann, Roland - Regional income effects of producer support under the CAP (RePEc:ags:inrace:202430)
by Anders, Sven & Harsche, Johannes & Herrmann, Roland & Salhofer, Klaus - The Role of Business Expectations for New Product Introductions: A Panel Analysis for the German Food Industry (RePEc:ags:jlofdr:9278)
by Hartl, Jochen & Herrmann, Roland - Price Variability Or Rigidity In The Food-Retailing Sector? Theoretical Analysis And Evidence From German Scanner Data (RePEc:ags:ugiedp:26464)
by Herrmann, Roland & Moeser, Anke - Tariff Rate Quotas And The Economic Impacts Of Agricultural Trade Liberalization In The Wto (RePEc:ags:ugiedp:26466)
by Herrmann, Roland & Kramb, Marc Christopher & Moennich, Christina - Chapter 4: The Case of Germany (RePEc:ags:uwfssc:60675)
by Herrmann, Roland & Moser, Anke & Weber, Sascha A. - Chapter 6: The Case of Poland (RePEc:ags:uwfssc:60677)
by Herrmann, Roland & Moser, Anke & Weber, Sascha A. - Do they always say no? German consumers and second‐generation GM foods (RePEc:bla:agecon:v:40:y:2009:i:5:p:551-560)
by Jochen Hartl & Roland Herrmann - The price of sanctions: An empirical analysis of German export losses due to the Russian agricultural ban (RePEc:bla:canjag:v:67:y:2019:i:4:p:417-431)
by Svetlana Fedoseeva & Roland Herrmann - CAP Reforms in the 1990s and their Price and Welfare Implications: The Case of Wheat (RePEc:bla:jageco:v:53:y:2002:i:1:p:1-13)
by Stanley R. Thompson & Wolfgang Gohout & Roland Herrmann - Going Beyond Impact Factors: A Survey‐based Journal Ranking by Agricultural Economists (RePEc:bla:jageco:v:62:y:2011:i:3:p:710-732)
by Roland Herrmann & Ernst Berg & Stephan Dabbert & Siegfried Pöchtrager & Klaus Salhofer - Price Rigidity in the German Grocery-Retailing Sector: Scanner-Data Evidence on Magnitude and Causes (RePEc:bpj:bjafio:v:3:y:2005:i:1:n:4)
by Herrmann Roland & Moeser Anke & Weber Sascha Alexander - Größerer Verbraucherschutz durch mehr Regulierung? (RePEc:ces:ifosdt:v:54:y:2001:i:06:p:3-18)
by Roland Herrmann & Gerhard Scherhorn & Stefan Tangermann & Christoph Weiss & Martin Wille - Unternehmerische Anreize zur Teilnahme an Labelling- und Qualitätssicherungsprogrammen auf heterogenen Lebensmittelmärkten (RePEc:diw:diwvjh:81-4-9)
by Roland Herrmann & Rebecca Schröck - Assessing the expected welfare effects of biotechnological change on perennial crops under varying economic environments: a dynamic model for cocoa in Malaysia (RePEc:eee:agisys:v:63:y:2000:i:3:p:211-228)
by Gotsch, N. & Herrmann, R. - Uncontrolled prices on a market with supply control (RePEc:eee:ecolet:v:23:y:1987:i:2:p:129-133)
by Herrmann, Roland - Was the economics of information approach wrong all the way? Evidence from German grocery r(E)tailing (RePEc:eee:jbrese:v:80:y:2017:i:c:p:63-72)
by Fedoseeva, Svetlana & Herrmann, Roland & Nickolaus, Katharina - The two dimensions of policy impacts on economic cohesion: Concept and illustration for the CAP (RePEc:eee:jfpoli:v:37:y:2012:i:4:p:483-491)
by Hansen, Heiko & Herrmann, Roland - Towards a differentiated modeling of origin effects in hedonic analysis: An application to auction prices of specialty coffee (RePEc:eee:jfpoli:v:37:y:2012:i:6:p:732-740)
by Teuber, Ramona & Herrmann, Roland - How retirement changes consumption and household production of food: Lessons from German time-use data (RePEc:eee:joecag:v:3:y:2014:i:c:p:1-10)
by Velarde, Melanie & Herrmann, Roland - Free riders and the redistributive effects of international commodity agreements: The Case of Coffeee (RePEc:eee:jpolmo:v:8:y:1986:i:4:p:597-621)
by Herrmann, Roland - Better Price Forecasts With International Buffer Stocks? (RePEc:eme:sefpps:eb028662)
by Roland Herrmann - Regional income effects of producer support under the CAP (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01201081)
by Sven Anders & Johannes Harsche & Roland Herrmann & Klaus Salhofer - Economic Impacts of the New European Banana Market Regime: The Case of Germany / Ökonomische Auswirkungen der neuen Bananenmarktordnung: Das Beispiel Deutschland (RePEc:jns:jbstat:v:218:y:1999:i:1-2:p:63-84)
by Herrmann Roland - Gravity Meets Pricing to Market: What a Combined-Method Approach Tells Us on German Beer Exports and Pricing (RePEc:jns:jbstat:v:237:y:2017:i:4:p:295-328:n:3)
by Dreyer Heiko & Fedoseeva Svetlana & Herrmann Roland - Gravity Meets Pricing to Market: What a Combined-Method Approach Tells Us on German Beer Exports and Pricing (RePEc:jns:jbstat:v:237:y:2017:i:4:p:295-328:n:9)
by Dreyer Heiko & Fedoseeva Svetlana & Herrmann Roland - Tariff rate quotas and the economic impact of agricultural trade liberalization in the world trade organization (RePEc:kap:iaecre:v:7:y:2001:i:1:p:1-19:10.1007/bf02296588)
by Roland Herrmann & Marc Kramb & Christina Mönnich - Unknown item RePEc:kie:kieliw:272 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:kie:kieliw:288 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:kie:kieliw:289 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:kie:kieliw:296 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:kie:kieliw:329 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:kie:kieliw:342 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:kie:kieliw:374 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:kie:kieliw:394 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:kie:kieliw:414 (paper)
- Agricultural Market Liberalization and Instability of Domestic Agricultural Markets: The Case of the CAP (RePEc:oup:ajagec:v:82:y:2000:i:3:p:718-726)
by Stanley R. Thompson & Roland Herrmann & Wolfgang Gohout - Stabilizing Producers' Revenue by Fixing Agricultural Prices within the EC? (RePEc:oup:erevae:v:11:y:1984:i:4:p:395-414)
by Herrmann, Roland & Schmitz, Peter Michael - A Survey of Views of Agricultural Economists in Europe (RePEc:oup:erevae:v:12:y:1985:i:3:p:295-311)
by Herrmann, Roland, et al - The Pattern of Protection for Food Crops and Cash Crops in Developing Countries (RePEc:oup:erevae:v:20:y:1993:i:3:p:291-314)
by Gorn, Patricia & Herrmann, Roland & Schalk, Benedikt - Does Food Consumption Converge Internationally? Measurement, Empirical Tests and Determinants (RePEc:oup:erevae:v:22:y:1995:i:3:p:400-414)
by Herrmann, Roland & Roder, Claudia - Development Impacts of International Migration on “Sending” Communities: The Case of Rural Kyrgyzstan (RePEc:pal:eurjdr:v:30:y:2018:i:5:d:10.1057_s41287-018-0136-5)
by Eliza Zhunusova & Roland Herrmann - Regional income effects of producer support under the CAP (RePEc:rae:jouces:v:73:y:2004:p:103-121)
by Sven Anders & Harsche, Johannes & Roland Herrmann & Klaus Salhofer - Regional Origin Outperforms All Other Sustainability Characteristics in Consumer Price Premiums for Honey: Empirical Evidence for Germany (RePEc:ris:integr:0823)
by Bissinger, Katharina & Herrmann, Roland - The Interregional and Intertemporal Allocation of EU Producer Support: Magnitude and Determinants (RePEc:spr:jahrfr:v:27:y:2007:i:2:p:171-193)
by Sven Anders & Johannes Harsche & Roland Herrmann & Klaus Salhofer & Ramona Teuber - Book reviews (RePEc:spr:weltar:v:125:y:1989:i:1:p:183-211)
by Bernhard Fischer & Horst Tomann & Hans-Joachim Huss & Valdas Samonis & Siegfried Franke & Stefan Sinn & H. Gray & H. Atesoglu & Bobby Apostolakis & Roland Herrmann & Suphan Andic & Torsten Tewes & Kla - Rezensionen (RePEc:spr:weltar:v:133:y:1997:i:3:p:566-573)
by Bruno Sergi & Manfred Neldner & Roland Herrmann - Book reviews (RePEc:spr:weltar:v:140:y:2004:i:3:p:534-538)
by Joachim Wagner & Roland Herrmann - Determinants of new product introductions in the US food industry: a panel-model approach (RePEc:taf:apeclt:v:7:y:2000:i:11:p:743-748)
by Claudia Roder & Roland Herrmann & John Connor - Markets segmented by regional-origin labelling with quality control (RePEc:taf:applec:v:41:y:2009:i:3:p:311-321)
by Sven Anders & Stanley Thompson & Roland Herrmann - Determinants of foreign direct investment of OECD countries 1991-2001 (RePEc:taf:intecj:v:22:y:2008:i:4:p:509-524)
by Michael Gast & Roland Herrmann - The distribution of product innovations in the food industry: Economic determinants and empirical tests for Germany (RePEc:wly:agribz:v:13:y:1997:i:3:p:319-334)
by Roland Herrmann - Bovine spongiform encephalopathy and generic promotion of beef: An analysis for “quality from Bavaria” (RePEc:wly:agribz:v:18:y:2002:i:3:p:369-385)
by Roland Herrmann & Stanley R. Thompson & Stephanie Krischik-Bautz - Do psychological prices contribute to price rigidity? Evidence from German scanner data on food brands (RePEc:wly:agribz:v:22:y:2006:i:1:p:51-67)
by Roland Herrmann & Anke Moeser - Unknown item RePEc:zbw:espost:265099 (article)
- Salt iodisation of processed foods in Germany: evidence, processors' perceptions and implications for public health (RePEc:zbw:espost:265110)
by Bissinger, Katharina & Herrmann, Roland & Jordan, Irmgard - Leistungen von Wissenschaftlerinnen und Wissenschaftlern: Art, Umfang und Bewertung – Ergebnisse einer Befragung der Mitglieder von GEWISOLA und ÖGA (RePEc:zbw:espost:296266)
by Balmann, Alfons & Becker, Tilman & Berg, Ernst & Bitsch, Vera & Herrmann, Roland & Jungehülsing, Jobst & Kantelhardt, Jochen & Oedl-Wieser, Theresia & Weingarten, Peter - Discrimination against agriculture in developing countries? (RePEc:zbw:ifwkie:458)
by Wiebelt, Manfred & Herrmann, Roland & Schenck, Patricia & Thiele, Rainer - A welfare analysis of non participation in an export quota scheme: The case of importing countries (RePEc:zbw:ifwkwp:272)
by Herrmann, Roland - Measuring national interests in the international coffee agreement (RePEc:zbw:ifwkwp:288)
by Herrmann, Roland - Agricultural price policy in the Republic of South Africa, the Southern African Customs Union, and food security in Botswana (RePEc:zbw:ifwkwp:289)
by Herrmann, Roland & Cathie, John - Ökonomische Auswirkungen von Nahrungsmittelsanktionen (RePEc:zbw:ifwkwp:296)
by Herrmann, Roland - Ernährungssicherung im südlichen Afrika: Der Einfluß der Südafrikanischen Zollunion (RePEc:zbw:ifwkwp:329)
by Herrmann, Roland - How does economic development and import dependency affect agricultural price protection? A pooled cross-country and time-series analysis for the wheat sector (RePEc:zbw:ifwkwp:342)
by Herrmann, Roland - Wirkungen nationaler Agrarpolitiken auf den Agrarhandel der Entwicklungsländer und Möglichkeiten der Handelsliberalisierung (RePEc:zbw:ifwkwp:374)
by Herrmann, Roland - How non-agricultural import protection taxes agricultural exports: a true protection: analysis for Peru and Malaysia (RePEc:zbw:ifwkwp:394)
by Herrmann, Roland & Sulaiman, Nasarudin & Wiebelt, Manfred - On the measurement of agricultural protection: how price uncertainty and limited substitution matter (RePEc:zbw:ifwkwp:414)
by Herrmann, Roland & Schenck, Patricia & Wiebelt, Manfred - On the economic evaluation of the Stabex system (RePEc:zbw:inteco:139780)
by Herrmann, Roland - Price variability or rigidity in the food-retailing sector? Theoretical analysis and evidence from German scanner data (RePEc:zbw:zeudps:26464)
by Herrmann, Roland & Möser, Anke - Tariff rate quotas and the economic impacts of agricultural trade liberalization in the WTO (RePEc:zbw:zeudps:26466)
by Herrmann, Roland & Kramb, Marc & Mönnich, Christina - Grocery retailing in Poland: Structural changes and foreign direct investment (RePEc:zbw:zeudps:40)
by Herrmann, Roland & Möser, Anke & Weber, Sascha A. - Grocery retailing in Germany: Situation, development and pricing strategies (RePEc:zbw:zeudps:41)
by Herrmann, Roland & Möser, Anke & Weber, Sascha A. - Wie wirken gemeldete SPS-Maßnahmen? Ein Gravitationsmodell des Rindfleischhandels der EU (RePEc:zbw:zeudps:43)
by Kramb, Marc & Herrmann, Roland