George Georgescu
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George |
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Georgescu |
Academia Romana
/ Institutul National de Cercetari Economice (INCE)
Research profile
author of:
- Determinants Of Increasing Eu Funds Absorption Capacity In Romania (RePEc:alu:journl:v:2:y:2008:i:10:p:16)
by George Georgescu - The Impact Of Global Crisis On Romania'S Economic Development (RePEc:alu:journl:v:2:y:2009:i:11:p:1)
by Zaman Gheorghe & Georgescu George - Fiscal councils in European Union. A short retrospective review and current challenges in terms of functionality and effectiveness (RePEc:ane:wpcfro:200801)
by Capraru, Bogdan & Georgescu, George - An evaluation of IFIs impact on EU countries budget deficits (RePEc:ane:wpcfro:201101)
by Capraru, Bogdan & Georgescu, George & Sprincean, Nicu - Fiscal Rules, Independent Fiscal Institutions, and Sovereign Risk (RePEc:ane:wpcfro:230201)
by Capraru, Bogdan & Georgescu, George & Sprincean, Nicu - The foundation of real-world economics: what every student needs to know (RePEc:bas:econth:y:2023:i:3:p:343-350)
by Luminița Chivu & George Georgescu - Do independent fiscal institutions cause better fiscal outcomes in the European Union? (RePEc:eee:ecosys:v:46:y:2022:i:2:s0939362522000358)
by Căpraru, Bogdan & Georgescu, George & Sprincean, Nicu - Can India And China Change The World Polarity? (RePEc:ine:journl:tome:21:y:2005(xv):i:2(30):p:22-28)
by George GEORGESCU - Romania’s External Debt Sustainability Under Crisis Circumstances (RePEc:ine:journl:v:1:y:2010:i:39:p:5-38)
by Gheorghe Zaman & George Georgescu - Structural And Cohesion Funds Absorption In Romania. Balance Of The 2007-2013 Financial Exercise And Lessons For The Current Period (RePEc:ine:journl:v:1:y:2014:i:47:p:49-88)
by Gheorghe ZAMAN & George GEORGESCU - Fenomenul perfectionarii active: un “rau necesar” sau o sansa pentru Romania? (RePEc:ine:journl:v:18:y:2004:i:18:p:43-53)
by George GEORGESCU - Aspects Of Local Government Efficiency In Romania. Exports Increase And Development Of Business Environment At Local And Regional Level (RePEc:ine:journl:v:2:y:2008:i:36:p:104-128)
by George GEORGESCU - Changes In The Pattern Of Romania’S Foreign Trade Under The Global Crisis Impact (RePEc:ine:journl:v:2:y:2012:i:44:p:139-159)
by George GEORGESCU - Volatility Of International Financial Markets And Public Debt Sustainability (RePEc:ine:journl:v:2:y:2013:i:44:p:135-152)
by George GEORGESCU - Aspecte macroeconomice ale tranzitiei de piata in Romania (RePEc:ine:journl:v:3:y:1993:i:3:p:27-36)
by Constantin GRIGORESCU & George GEORGESCU & Grigore VALCEANU - Regional aspects of economic resilience in Romania, during the post-accession period (RePEc:ine:journl:v:40:y:2015:i:49:p:5-32)
by Gheorghe ZAMAN & George GEORGESCU - The Absorption Rate Of Eu Structural And Cohesion Funds In 2007-2013 And The Impact On Macroeconomic Indicators Of Romania (RePEc:ora:journl:v:1:y:2014:i:1:p:206-216)
by Zaman Gheorghe & Georgescu George - Regional Economic Resilience In Romania. The Duration And Speed Of Gdp Decline Recovery At County Level (RePEc:ora:journl:v:1:y:2015:i:2:p:92-101)
by Gheoghe Zaman & George Georgescu - Vulnerabilități ale pieței muncii din România sub impactul COVID-19
[Labor market vulnerabilities under the COVID-19 impact in Romania] (RePEc:pra:mprapa:101676)
by Chivu, Luminița & Georgescu, George - Romania’s development level comparing with EU countries: The RGS (Relative Gap Scoring) Ranking Index (RePEc:pra:mprapa:10170)
by Albu, Lucian-Liviu & Georgescu, George & Ghizdeanu, Ion - The strange case of Romania’s Nicolae Ceaușescu: when the liquidation of sovereign debt results in country total damaging (RePEc:pra:mprapa:117196)
by Georgescu, George - L’amortissement et l’autofinancement du processus d’investissement
[The amortization and self-financing of the investment process] (RePEc:pra:mprapa:13499)
by Albu, Lucian-Liviu & Georgescu, George - An attempt to quantify the economic system motion under the investment process incidence (RePEc:pra:mprapa:14234)
by Albu, Lucian-Liviu & Georgescu, George - A quantifying method of microinvestment optimum (RePEc:pra:mprapa:14928)
by Albu, Lucian-Liviu & Camasoiu, Ion & Georgescu, George - Marele pericol care planează asupra economiei
[The Danger which Hangs Over the Romanian Economy] (RePEc:pra:mprapa:23795)
by Georgescu, George - Comerţul exterior scufundă barca economiei româneşti
[Foreign Trade is Sinking the Romanian Economy Boat] (RePEc:pra:mprapa:24012)
by Georgescu, George - Deficitul de cont curent: Maladie cronică a economiei româneşti ?
[Current Account Deficits: A Chronic Disease of the Romanian Economy?] (RePEc:pra:mprapa:24851)
by Georgescu, George - Banii şi creşterea economică mondială. Sistemul monetar internaţional este extrem de fragil
[Money and the World Economic Growth. Extremely Fragile International Monetary System] (RePEc:pra:mprapa:25012)
by Georgescu, George - Criza organizaţiilor internaţionale
[The Crisis of International Organizations] (RePEc:pra:mprapa:25766)
by Georgescu, George - Criza comerţului mondial
[The World Trade Crisis] (RePEc:pra:mprapa:25767)
by Georgescu, George - Parametrii macroeconomici în derivă
[Economic Parameters Turn Adrift] (RePEc:pra:mprapa:26319)
by Georgescu, George - Evaluarea României: adevăr sau ficţiune?
[Romania’s Rating: Truth or Fiction?] (RePEc:pra:mprapa:26364)
by Georgescu, George - Problems in the structure of Romania’s economy (RePEc:pra:mprapa:29880)
by Albu, Lucian-Liviu & Georgescu, George - Sovereign risk and debt sustainability: warning levels for Romania (RePEc:pra:mprapa:32924)
by Zaman, Gheorghe & Georgescu, George - Impactul crizei globale asupra structurii comerţului exterior al României
[The Global Crisis Impact on Romanian Trade Structure] (RePEc:pra:mprapa:36339)
by Georgescu, George - Fluxurile ISD in contextul crizei globale
[The FDI flows under the global crisis effects] (RePEc:pra:mprapa:40842)
by Georgescu, George - Inward Processing Trade and the Romanian foreign trade (RePEc:pra:mprapa:42063)
by Georgescu, George - Pot schimba India şi China polaritatea lumii ?
[Can India and China change the world polarity?] (RePEc:pra:mprapa:42135)
by Georgescu, George - România în perioada post-criză: investiţiile străine directe şi efecte asupra echilibrului financiar extern
[Romania in post-crisis period: foreign direct investments and effects on external financ (RePEc:pra:mprapa:46531)
by Georgescu, George - Echilibrul financiar global şi riscul suveran în perioada post-criză
[The Global Financial Balance and Post-Crisis Sovereign Risk] (RePEc:pra:mprapa:50772)
by Georgescu, George - Relaţia cercetare-dezvoltare-inovare şi impactul asupra competitivităţii economice în România în contextul globalizării şi integrării europene
[Research-development-innovation relationship and its (RePEc:pra:mprapa:52944)
by Zaman, Gheorghe & Georgescu, George - Factori de creştere a sustenabilităţii datoriei publice
[Drivers of increasing the public debt sustainability] (RePEc:pra:mprapa:52957)
by Georgescu, George - Effets globaux de la crise financière. Nouveaux défis pour le développement durable en Roumanie
[Global effects of the financial crisis. New challenges for the sustainable development in Romania] (RePEc:pra:mprapa:53181)
by Zaman, Gheorghe & Georgescu, George - Absorbţia fondurilor structurale şi de coeziune în Romania: bilanţul perioadei 2007-2013 şi lecţii pentru exerciţiul financiar curent
[The absorption of structural and cohesion funds in Romania: ba (RePEc:pra:mprapa:56144)
by Zaman, Gheorghe & Georgescu, George - International fragmentation of production. Local vulnerabilities and capitalization of heritage values in Romania (RePEc:pra:mprapa:57255)
by Georgescu, George - Public debt, sovereign risk and sustainable development of Romania (RePEc:pra:mprapa:57256)
by Georgescu, George - The absorption of EU Structural and Cohesion Funds in Romania: international comparisons and macroeconomic impact (RePEc:pra:mprapa:57450)
by Zaman, Gheorghe & Georgescu, George - Fragmentarea internaţională a producţiei. Fenomenul perfecţionării active: un "rău necesar" sau o şansă pentru România?
[International fragmentation of production. The inward processing t (RePEc:pra:mprapa:58406)
by Georgescu, George - Challenges of bank lending in Romania on short, medium and long-term (RePEc:pra:mprapa:60271)
by Zaman, Gheorghe & Georgescu, George - Financing the endogenous development at regional and county levels. Particularities, trends and challenges (RePEc:pra:mprapa:62270)
by Zaman, Gheorghe & Georgescu, George - Argentina’s sovereign debt default: a critical view (RePEc:pra:mprapa:62800)
by Georgescu, George - Resilience to crisis and GDP recovery at county level in Romania (RePEc:pra:mprapa:63246)
by Zaman, Gheorghe & Georgescu, George - The world trade data distortion and its contagious impact. A brief comment on the WTO “Made in the World” initiative (RePEc:pra:mprapa:69483)
by Georgescu, George - Prospects of Romania’s international investment position and financial stability risks (RePEc:pra:mprapa:69501)
by Georgescu, George - Dezvoltarea economica endogena la nivel regional. Cazul Romaniei
[Endogenous economic development at regional level. The case of Romania] (RePEc:pra:mprapa:70646)
by Zaman, Gheorghe & Georgescu, George & Goschin, Zizi & Antonescu, Daniela & Popa, Florina - Provocări în perioada tranziției la economia de piață în România. Creșterea gradului de îndatorare externă și internă
[Challenges facing Romania during the period of transition to a market-based ec (RePEc:pra:mprapa:70740)
by Zaman, Gheorghe & Georgescu, George - Convergența instituțională a României cu Uniunea Europeană
[Institutional convergence of Romania with the European Union] (RePEc:pra:mprapa:70741)
by Georgescu, George - Produsul intern brut. Istorie, relevanţă şi limitări în interpretare
[The Gross Domestic Product. History, relevance and limitations in its interpretation] (RePEc:pra:mprapa:72491)
by Georgescu, George - The Gross Domestic Product. History, relevance and limitations in its interpretation (RePEc:pra:mprapa:73644)
by Georgescu, George - Bank de-risking impacts on finance and development. The case of Romania (RePEc:pra:mprapa:78247)
by Georgescu, George - Romania's association with European Union. Integration perspectives (RePEc:pra:mprapa:79840)
by Zaman, Gheorghe & Georgescu, George - Paradigmele istoriei. Datoria publică a României în ultimii 100 de ani
[History paradigms: the public debt of Romania in the last 100 years] (RePEc:pra:mprapa:82219)
by Georgescu, George - Gross Domestic Product – National Income of Romania 1862 – 2010. Secular statistical series and methodological foundations (RePEc:pra:mprapa:84614)
by Axenciuc, Victor & Georgescu, George - O retrospectivă analitică a contextului crizei datoriei externe a României din anii 1980
[A deeper insight into the background of 1980s external debt crisis in Romania] (RePEc:pra:mprapa:86790)
by Georgescu, George - Studiu retrospectiv privind comerțul exterior al României în ultimii 100 de ani
[A retrospective study on Romania’s external trade in the past 100 years] (RePEc:pra:mprapa:89707)
by Zaman, Gheorghe & Georgescu, George - Evoluția capitalului în România în secolul 1918-2018 de la Marea Unire la tranziția la economia de piață
[Romania’s capital developments during 1918-2018 century from the Great Union to the market (RePEc:pra:mprapa:92316)
by Zaman, Gheorghe & Georgescu, George - Stabilitatea financiară a României. Determinanți și proiecții pentru următoarele două decenii
[Financial stability in Romania. Determinants and projections for the two next decades] (RePEc:pra:mprapa:96078)
by Zaman, Gheorghe & Georgescu, George - Inward Processing Trade And The Romanian Foreign Trade (RePEc:rjr:romjef:v::y:2003:i:4:p:112-122)
by Georgescu, George - EU’s CAM and Potential GDP Estimates. Some Inconsistent Results in the Case of Romania (RePEc:rjr:romjef:v::y:2021:i:1:p:5-16)
by Bianca PĂUNA & George GEORGESCU - Inward Processing Trade and Implications for the Balance of Payments Current Account (The Case of Romania) (RePEc:rjr:romjef:v:3:y:2006:i:1:p:24-31)
by Georgescu, George - Current Account Deficits and Implications on Country Risk of Romania (RePEc:rjr:romjef:v:4:y:2007:i:4:p:88-96)
by Georgescu, George - Structural Fund Absorption: A New Challenge For Romania? (RePEc:rjr:romjef:v:6:y:2009:i:1:p:136-154)
by Zaman, Gheorghe & Georgescu, George - Romania’s external debt threats (RePEc:rjr:wpiecf:141215)
by Zaman, Gheorghe & Georgescu, George - Piata muncii din România sub presiune. Cererea si oferta de forta de munca (RePEc:ror:seince:200313)
by Chivu, Luminita & Georgescu, George - Piata muncii din România sub presiune. Repere privind deficitul de forta de munca (RePEc:ror:seince:200325)
by Chivu, Luminita & Georgescu , George & Bratiloveanu, Alina & Bancescu, Irina - Romania's foreign debt crisis in the 1980s. Determinants and consequences (RePEc:ror:wpince:181010)
by Georgescu, George - Under Pressure: Romania`s Labour Market Review. The Labour Supply and Demand (RePEc:ror:wpince:200313)
by Chivu, Luminita & Georgescu, George - Under Pressure: Romania`s Labour Market Review. Landmarks of Labour Shortages (RePEc:ror:wpince:200325)
by Chivu, Luminita & Georgescu, George & Bratiloveanu, Alina & Bancescu, Irina - Employment and Labour Market Vulnerabilities during COVID-19. The Case of Romania (RePEc:ror:wpince:210325)
by Chivu, Luminita & Georgescu, George - BOOK REVIEW -Gheorghe Zaman, George Georgescu, Zizi Goschin, Daniela Antonescu, Florina Popa, Regional Endogenous Economic Development. The Romanian Case, Expert Publishing House, 2015 (in Romanian) (RePEc:rrs:journl:v:9:y:2015:i:2:p:84-87)
by Daniela-Luminita Constantin - Synthetic Composite Indicators for Monitoring Changes in Countries’ Development Rankings – A Bibliometric Analysis (RePEc:spr:prbchp:978-3-031-30996-0_1)
by Luminița Chivu & George Georgescu & Alina Zaharia - Conclusions and Follow-Ups (RePEc:spr:prbchp:978-3-031-47925-0_43)
by Luminița Chivu & George Georgescu & Jean Vasile Andrei - 100 Years of Academic Economic and Social Research in Romania (RePEc:spr:prbchp:978-3-031-71329-3_1)
by Luminița Chivu & Valeriu Ioan-Franc & George Georgescu - Conclusions and Follow-Ups (RePEc:spr:prbchp:978-3-031-71329-3_55)
by Luminița Chivu & George Georgescu & Valeriu Ioan-Franc - Constraints and Opportunities in Shaping the Future: New Approaches to Economics and Policy Making (RePEc:spr:prbuec:978-3-031-47925-0)
by None - Europe in the New World Economy: Opportunities and Challenges (RePEc:spr:prbuec:978-3-031-71329-3)
by None - Deindustrialization and Reindustrialization in Romania (RePEc:spr:sprbok:978-3-319-65753-0)
by Luminița Chivu & Constantin Ciutacu & George Georgescu