Alvaro Javier Forteza
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Alvaro |
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Javier |
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Forteza |
Universidad de la República
/ Facultad de Ciencias Sociales
/ Departamento de Economía
Research profile
author of:
- Trade Liberalisation with Costly Adjustment (RePEc:ags:jaecon:44058)
by Forteza, Alvaro & Patron, Rossana - The contribution of government transfer programs to inequality. A net-benefit approach (RePEc:cem:jaecon:v:12:y:2009:n:1:p:55-67)
by Alvaro Forteza & Ianina Rossi - Transaction Costs and Overinsurance in Government Transfer Policy (RePEc:cem:jaecon:v:2:y:1999:n:2:p:311-335)
by Alvaro Forteza - Trade Liberalisation with Costly Adjustment (RePEc:cem:jaecon:v:6:y:2003:n:1:p:95-125)
by Alvaro Forteza & Rossana Patrón - Redistribution, insurance and incentives to work in Latin-American pension programs (RePEc:cup:jpenef:v:11:y:2012:i:03:p:337-364_00)
by Forteza, Alvaro & Ourens, Guzmán - Work histories and the access to contributory pensions: the case of Uruguay (RePEc:cup:jpenef:v:9:y:2010:i:03:p:369-391_00)
by Bucheli, Marisa & Forteza, Alvaro & Rossi, Ianina - The Trade-off between Governance and Checks and Balances (RePEc:eca:wpaper:2013/248066)
by Alvaro Forteza & Juan Sebastian Pereyra Barreiro - El acceso a la jubilación o pensión en Uruguay [recurso electrónico]: ¿cuántos y quiénes lo lograrían? (RePEc:ecr:col022:3679)
by Bucheli, Marisa & Ferreira-Coimbra, Natalia & Forteza, Alvaro J. & Rossi, Ianina - El acceso a la jubilación o pensión en Uruguay: ¿cuántos y quiénes lo lograrían? (RePEc:ecr:col032:5032)
by Bucheli, Marisa & Ferreira-Coimbra, Natalia & Forteza, Alvaro J. & Rossi, Ianina - El acceso a la jubilación o pensiones en Uruguay: ¿cuántos y quiénes lo lograrían? (RePEc:ecr:col035:5157)
by Bucheli, Marisa & Ferreira-Coimbra, Natalia & Forteza, Alvaro J. & Rossi, Ianina - Uruguay: políticas macroeconómicas y lechería (RePEc:ecr:col093:29786)
by Forteza, Alvaro J. & Freiría, Heber - Indización de activos financieros y ahorro privado: la experiencia uruguaya (RePEc:ecr:col093:30221)
by Forteza, Alvaro J. & Rama, Martín - The Wage Bargaining Structure and the Inflationary Bias (RePEc:eee:jmacro:v:20:y:1998:i:3:p:599-614)
by Forteza, Alvaro - Multiple equilibria in government transfer policy (RePEc:eee:poleco:v:17:y:2001:i:3:p:531-555)
by Forteza, Alvaro - Are stabilization programs expansionary? (RePEc:emx:esteco:v:15:y:2000:i:1:p:65-89)
by Federico Echenique & Alvaro Forteza - Incentivos y patrones de retiro en Uruguay (RePEc:emx:esteco:v:27:y:2012:i:2:p:219-271)
by Ignacio à lvarez & Natalia da Silva & à lvaro Forteza & Ianina Rossi - Efectos Distributivos de la Reforma de la Seguridad Social. El Caso Uruguayo (RePEc:ioe:cuadec:v:44:y:2007:i:129:p:31-58)
by Álvaro Forteza - ¿Qué Incentivos al Retiro Genera la Seguridad Social? El Caso Uruguayo (RePEc:ioe:cuadec:v:47:y:2010:i:136:p:217-247)
by Ignacio Álvarez & Natalia da Silva & Álvaro Forteza & Ianina Rossi - Are social security programs progressive? (RePEc:iza:izawol:journl:y:2015:n:172)
by Alvaro Forteza - Assessing Redistribution in the Uruguayan Social Security System (RePEc:jid:journl:y:2012:v:21:i:1:p:65-87)
by Alvaro Forteza & Irene Mussio - Contributions to social security in Argentina, Chile and Uruguay: Densities, transitions and duration (RePEc:lap:journl:577)
by Alvaro Foteza & Ignacio Apella & Eduardo Fajnzylber & Carlos Grushka & Ianina Rossi & Graciela Sanromán - Political Selection with Cynical Voters (RePEc:mhr:jinste:urn:sici:0932-4569(201512)171:4_735:pswcv_2.0.tx_2-8)
by Alvaro Forteza - Winners and losers in the first generations after structural social security reform: the Uruguayan case (RePEc:pai:apunup:en-82-04)
by Álvaro Forteza & Ianina Rossi - Ganadores y perdedores en las primeras generaciones luego de una reforma estructural de la seguridad social: el caso de Uruguay (RePEc:pai:apunup:es-82-04)
by Álvaro Forteza & Ianina Rossi - Understanding Reform in Latin America (RePEc:sad:wpaper:88)
by Mariano Tommasi & Alvaro Forteza & German Herrera - Work Histories and Pension Entitlements in Argentina, Chile and Uruguay (RePEc:sdp:sdpwps:32)
by Alvaro Forteza & Ignacio Apella & Eduardo Fajnzylber & Carlos Grushka & Ianina Rossi & Graciela Sanroman - Social Security and Retirement in Uruguay (RePEc:taf:jdevst:v:51:y:2014:i:4:p:386-406)
by Alvaro Forteza & Graciela Sanroman - Measuring the Redistributive Effect of Pensions (RePEc:tul:ceqwps:83)
by Alvaro Forteza - Government discretionary transfers and overinsurance (RePEc:udc:esteco:v:26:y:1999:i:1:p:27-44)
by Álvaro Forteza - Tolerance of noncompliance: Discretion rather than simple rules? (RePEc:udc:esteco:v:46:y:2019:i:1:p:31-59)
by Álvaro Forteza & Cecilia Noboa - Electoral competition and the unfunding of public pension programs (RePEc:ude:wpaper:0101)
by Alvaro Forteza - Efectos distributivos de la reforma de la Seguridad Social, el caso Uruguayo (RePEc:ude:wpaper:0104)
by Alvaro Forteza - El acceso a la jubilación o pensión en Uruguay: ¿cuántos y quiénes lo lograrían? (RePEc:ude:wpaper:0106)
by Marisa Bucheli & Natalia Ferreira-Coimbra & Alvaro Forteza & Ianina Rossi - Are stabilization programs expansionary? (RePEc:ude:wpaper:0196)
by Federico Echenique & Alvaro Forteza - Uruguay, Pensions and Fiscal Sustainability (RePEc:ude:wpaper:0204)
by Alvaro Forteza - ¿Qué protección social ofrecería un pilar de “cuentas nocionales” en Uruguay? (RePEc:ude:wpaper:0210)
by Alvaro Forteza & Ianina Rossi - Indexación de activos financieros y ahorro privado: la experiencia uruguaya (RePEc:ude:wpaper:0292)
by A. Forteza & M. Rama - Pay-Roll Contribution Financed Social Protection Programs in Uruguay (RePEc:ude:wpaper:0305)
by Alvaro Forteza & Anna Caristo & Natalia Ferreira-Coimbra & Ianina Rossi - La jubilación de los “cincuentones” (RePEc:ude:wpaper:0316)
by Alvaro Forteza & Ianina Rossi - Separation of Powers with Ideological Parties (RePEc:ude:wpaper:0319)
by Álvaro Forteza & Juan S. Pereyra - Multiple Equilibria in the Welfare State (RePEc:ude:wpaper:0395)
by Alvaro Forteza - Seguridad social y competencia política (RePEc:ude:wpaper:0403)
by Alvaro Forteza - Seguridad social y género en Uruguay: un análisis de las diferencias de acceso a la jubilación (RePEc:ude:wpaper:0406)
by Marisa Bucheli & Alvaro Forteza & Ianina Rossi - Are Stabilization Programs Expansionary? (RePEc:ude:wpaper:0497)
by Federico Echenique & Alvaro Forteza - On the Political Economy of the Welfare State (RePEc:ude:wpaper:0594)
by Alvaro Forteza - Un modelo de simulación de la Reforma de la Seguridad Social en Uruguay (RePEc:ude:wpaper:0598)
by Alvaro Forteza - Labor Market "Rigidity" and the Success of Economic Reforms Across more than One Hundred Countries (RePEc:ude:wpaper:0600)
by Alvaro Forteza & Martín Rama - Understanding reform. The Uruguayan case (RePEc:ude:wpaper:0603)
by Alvaro Forteza & Daniel Buquet & Mario Ibarburu & Jorge Lanzaro & Andrés Pereyra & Eduardo Siandra & Marcel Vaillant - The contribution of government transfer programs to inequality.A net-benefit approach (RePEc:ude:wpaper:0606)
by Alvaro Forteza & Ianina Rossi - El déficit del Banco de Previsión Social y su impacto en las finanzas del gobierno uruguayo (RePEc:ude:wpaper:0703)
by Anna Caristo & Alvaro Forteza - Discretion Rather than Simple Rules: the Case of Social Protection (RePEc:ude:wpaper:0814)
by Alvaro Forteza & Cecilia Noboa - Welfare state dynamics (RePEc:ude:wpaper:0896)
by Alvaro Forteza - Los efectos fiscales de la Reforma de la Seguridad Social uruguaya (RePEc:ude:wpaper:0898)
by Alvaro Forteza - Trade liberalisation with costly adjustment (RePEc:ude:wpaper:0901)
by Alvaro Forteza & Rossana Patrón - Tolerance to Tax Evasion (RePEc:ude:wpaper:1015)
by Alvaro Forteza & Cecilia Noboa - The Trade-Off between Reforms and Checks and Balances (RePEc:ude:wpaper:1016)
by Alvaro Forteza & Juan S. Pereyra - Los problemas de credibilidad en la negociación salarial. El caso de Uruguay entre 1985 y 1992 (RePEc:ude:wpaper:1092)
by A. Forteza - Los efectos de la Reforma uruguaya de la Seguridad Social en el ahorro (RePEc:ude:wpaper:1098)
by Alvaro Forteza - La estructura de la negociación salarial y el sesgo inflacionario (RePEc:ude:wpaper:1192)
by A. Forteza - Un modelo macroeconómico de simulación para el Banco de Previsión Social (RePEc:ude:wpaper:1202)
by Alvaro Forteza - Assessing Redistribution in the Uruguayan Social Security System (RePEc:ude:wpaper:1211)
by Alvaro Forteza & Irene Mussio - Assessing Redistribution within Social Insurance Systems.The cases of Argentina, Brazil, Chile, Mexico and Uruguay (RePEc:ude:wpaper:1311)
by Alvaro Forteza - Political Selection with Pessimistic Voters (RePEc:ude:wpaper:1313)
by Alvaro Forteza - Measuring the Redistributive Effect of Pensions (RePEc:ude:wpaper:1317)
by Alvaro Forteza - Clientelism in Social Security (RePEc:ude:wpaper:1500)
by Alvaro Forteza - Work history and the access to contributory pensions. The case of Uruguay (RePEc:ude:wpaper:1607)
by Marisa Bucheli & Alvaro Forteza & Ianina Rossi - Redistribution, Insurance and Incentives to Work in Latin American Pension Programs (RePEc:ude:wpaper:1810)
by Alvaro Forteza & Guzmán Ourens - Política de clientelas y reformas de la Seguridad Social en América Latina (RePEc:ude:wpaper:1899)
by Alvaro Forteza - Macroeconomic impacts of the reform of public services in Uruguay - A CGE analysis (RePEc:ude:wpaper:2105)
by María Inés Terra & Alvaro Forteza & Gabriel Katz & Andrés Pereyra - Evaluación de la Actividad Académica y Ranking de Publicaciones en Economía (RePEc:ude:wpaper:2204)
by Alvaro Forteza & Ianina Rossi - Understanding reform in Latin America (RePEc:ude:wpaper:2205)
by Alvaro Forteza & Mario Tommasi - Incentivos y patrones de retiro en Uruguay (RePEc:ude:wpaper:2211)
by Ignacio Alvarez & Natalia Da Silva & Alvaro Forteza & Ianina Rossi - ¿Qué incentivos al retiro genera la seguridad social? El caso uruguayo (RePEc:ude:wpaper:2309)
by Ignacio Alvarez & Natalia da Silva & Alvaro Forteza & Ianina Rossi - El retiro de los trabajadores uruguayos y la seguridad social (RePEc:ude:wpaper:2409)
by Ignacio Alvarez & Natalia da Silva & Alvaro Forteza & Ianina Rossi - Estimación de un modelo estructural para las decisiones de retiro en Uruguay (RePEc:ude:wpaper:2411)
by Alvaro Forteza & Graciela Sanromán - How much do Latin American pension programs promise to pay back? (RePEc:ude:wpaper:3109)
by Alvaro Forteza & Guzman Ourens - The portability of pension rights : general principals and the Caribbean case (RePEc:wbk:hdnspu:46188)
by Forteza, Alvaro - Work histories and pension entitlements in Argentina, Chile and Uruguay (RePEc:wbk:hdnspu:52446)
by Forteza, Alvaro & Apella, Ignacio & Fajnzylber, Eduardo & Grushka, Carlos & Rossi, Ianina & Sanroman, Graciela - How much do Latin American pension programs promise to pay back? (RePEc:wbk:hdnspu:52447)
by Forteza, Alvaro & Ourens, Guzman - Work history and the access to contributory pensions in Uruguay : some facts and policy options (RePEc:wbk:hdnspu:90345)
by Bucheli, Marisa & Forteza, Alvaro & Rossi, Ianina - Labor market"rigidity"and the success of economic reforms across more than one hundred countries (RePEc:wbk:wbrwps:2521)
by Forteza, Alvaro & Rama, Martin - Contribution Densities, Transitions And Pension Rights: The Case Of Jordan (RePEc:wly:jintdv:v:29:y:2017:i:1:p:67-88)
by Alvaro Forteza & Irene Mussio - Academic Evaluation and Ranking of Economic Journals (RePEc:wpa:wuwpgt:0502070)
by Ianina Rossi & Alvaro Forteza - Uruguay, Options for Pensions Reform (RePEc:wpa:wuwppe:0406002)
by Alvaro Forteza