Adina Criste
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Adina |
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Criste |
Academia Romana
/ Institutul National de Cercetari Economice (INCE)
/ Centrul de Cercetari Financiare si Monetare "Victor Slavescu" (CCFM)
Research profile
author of:
- Climate Change In The Discourse Of Central Banks. Influence On Financial Stability At The European Level (RePEc:blg:journl:v:18:y:2023:i:2:p:235-246)
by LUPU Iulia & CRISTE Adina - The Continuity Of The European Project And The New Governance (RePEc:cbu:jrnlec:y:2013:v:2:p:181-185)
by Lupu Iulia & Criste Adina - An Assessment Of The Effects Of The Currency Regime Change Shock On The External Equilibrium Of Some New European Union Member States (RePEc:cbu:jrnlec:y:2014:v:1:p:103-107)
by Camelia Milea & Adina Criste - Motivations And Determinants Of Innovation In Financial Markets (RePEc:cbu:jrnlec:y:2021:v:1:p:32-38)
by Iulia Lupu & Adina Criste - Tendencies In Green Finance (RePEc:cbu:jrnlec:y:2022:v:3:p:57-63)
by Iulia Lupu & Adina Criste - Development of Nominal Convergence Indicators in New Member States of European Union under the Challenges of Economic and Financial Crisis (RePEc:dug:actaec:y:2009:i:1:p:40-49)
by Iulia Lupu & Camelia Milea & Alina Georgeta Glod & Adina Criste - Aspects of the Current Fiscal - Budgetary Situation in Some Euro Area Countries. Implications for Romania (RePEc:dug:actaec:y:2010:i:2:p:5-17)
by Camelia Milea & Floarea Iordache & Alina Georgeta Glod & Adina Criste & Iulia Lupu - The Reflection of the Current Crisis on the Economic Growth in the European Union New Member States (RePEc:dug:actaec:y:2011:i:2:p:64-64)
by Adina Criste & Iulia Lupu & Camelia Milea & Alina Georgeta Ailinca - Issues Regarding the Conducting of the Euro Area Monetary Policy during the European Debt Crisis (RePEc:dug:actaec:y:2013:i:1:p:96-106)
by Adina Criste - Issues Regarding the Conducting of the Euro Area Monetary Policy during the European Debt Crisis (RePEc:dug:actaec:y:2013:i:2:p:96-106)
by Adina Criste - A Descriptive Assessment of the Effects of Lehman Brothers’ Shock on the External Equilibrium in Some Euro Area Countries (RePEc:dug:actaec:y:2013:i:6:p:95-105)
by Adina Criste & Camelia Milea & Alina Georgeta Ailinca - Adopting the Euro: A Long Path towards National Consensus within the Euro Area Candidate Countries (RePEc:dug:actaec:y:2015:i:3:p:160-171)
by Adina Criste - The Nexus between Green Bonds and European Banks: A Cross-Quantilogram Approach (RePEc:gam:jeners:v:16:y:2023:i:24:p:7974-:d:1296790)
by Iulia Lupu & Radu Lupu & Adina Criste - Addressing the Renewable Energy Challenges through the Lens of Monetary Policy—Insights from the Literature (RePEc:gam:jeners:v:17:y:2024:i:19:p:4820-:d:1486261)
by Iulia Lupu & Adina Criste & Tudor Ciumara & Camelia Milea & Radu Lupu - Monetary Policy Adjustment at the Global Financial Crisis Constraints (RePEc:hyp:journl:v:2:y:2014:i:4:p:3-11)
by Adina Criste - The European Project beyond the Financial Crisis (RePEc:ovi:oviste:v:xii:y:2012:i:1:p:179-183)
by Criste Adina & Lupu Iulia - In the Spotlight of the Financial Globalization (RePEc:ovi:oviste:v:xii:y:2012:i:1:p:59-62)
by Lupu Iulia & Criste Adina - A Critical Analysis Regarding the Euro Area Governance (RePEc:ovi:oviste:v:xii:y:2012:i:12:p:170-174)
by Criste Adina & Lupu Iulia - The Financial Sight of the Post-crisis Economic Growth (RePEc:ovi:oviste:v:xix:y:2019:i:2:p:99-105)
by Adina Criste - Communication Tool in Central Banking. Increasing its Role for the New Reality (RePEc:ovi:oviste:v:xvii:y:2017:i:2:p:537-541)
by Criste Adina & Lupu Iulia - Aspects of Technological Innovation in Financial Markets (RePEc:ovi:oviste:v:xx:y:2020:i:1:p:983-990)
by Iulia Lupu & Adina Criste - Issues Regarding Innovative Companies and Their Financing (RePEc:ovi:oviste:v:xx:y:2020:i:1:p:991-996)
by Iulia Lupu & Adina Criste - An Overview of Macroprudential Policy in the European Union Countries in the Last Decade (RePEc:ovi:oviste:v:xxi:y:2021:i:1:p:76-81)
by Adina Criste & Iulia Lupu - Features of the COVID-19 Crisis – Reflections of Economic and Financial Indicators (RePEc:ovi:oviste:v:xxii:y:2022:i:1:p:215-223)
by Adina Criste & Iulia Lupu - Challenges and Opportunities for Green Finance (RePEc:ovi:oviste:v:xxii:y:2022:i:1:p:895-901)
by Iulia Lupu & Adina Criste - Reflections on Croatia's Accession to the Euro Area (RePEc:ovi:oviste:v:xxiii:y:2023:i:1:p:70-76)
by Adina Criste & Iulia Lupu - A Comparative Analysis of Macroprudential Policy across Euro Area Candidate Countries (RePEc:rfa:afajnl:v:7:y:2021:i:1:p:10-21)
by Adina CRISTE & Iulia LUPU - Volatility Transitions in European Stock Markets: A Clustering-Based Approach (RePEc:rjr:romjef:v::y:2024:i:3:p:65-80)
by Iulia LUPU & Adina CRISTE & Anca Dana DRAGU & Teodora Daniela ALBU - Stock Market Reactions to ESG Dynamics: A European Banking Perspective (RePEc:spr:prbchp:978-3-031-47925-0_21)
by Iulia Lupu & Adina Criste - Exploring the Recent Inflationary Pressure: Features and Challenges for Central Banks (RePEc:spr:prbchp:978-3-031-71329-3_3)
by Adina Criste & Iulia Lupu - The Conflict Relation Between the Sovereign Debt of the Euro Area Countries and the Common Monetary Policy As a Potential Source For Geopolitical Changes (RePEc:tdt:annals:v:xix:y:2013:p:167-173)
by CRISTE Adina & LUPU Iulia - O Abordare A Conceptului De Competitivitate Naţională (RePEc:vls:finstu:v:12:y:2008:i:4:p:51-59)
by Criste, Adina & Mosneanu, Elena Ana & Glod, Alina Georgeta - Coordonate Ale Şocurilor Asimetrice În Zona Monetară (RePEc:vls:finstu:v:13:y:2009:i:3:p:55-66)
by Criste, Adina - Effects Induced By The Global Economic And Financial Crisis In The New Eu Member States (RePEc:vls:finstu:v:13:y:2009:i:4:p:154-161)
by Criste, Adina & Mosneanu, Elena Ana - Effects induced by the Global Economic and Financial Crisis in the New EU Member States (in romanian Efecte induse de Criza Financiara si Economica Globala in noile State Membre ale Uniunii Europene) (RePEc:vls:finstu:v:13:y:2009:i:4:p:29-36)
by Criste, Adina & Mosneanu, Elena Ana - Trends In The New Eu Member States Macroeconomic Policies To Adopt The Euro. Performance Of The Romanian Macroeconomic Policies To Adopt The Euro (RePEc:vls:finstu:v:14:y:2010:i:1:p:123-140)
by Pop, Napoleon & Lupu, Iulia & Milea, Camelia & Iordache, Floarea & Mosneanu, Elena Ana & Ionascu, Silviu & Criste, Adina & Glod, Alina Georgeta - Risks and Potential Benefits of Enlarging the Euro Zone (RePEc:vls:finstu:v:14:y:2010:i:2:p:142-164)
by Criste, Adina - Brief Evaluation On The Process Of Accomplishing The Inflation Criterion In The Eu New Member States (RePEc:vls:finstu:v:14:y:2010:i:4:p:150-159)
by Criste, Adina - Measures To Recalibrate The Macroeconomic Policies In The New Eu Member States That Are To Adopt The Single Currency (RePEc:vls:finstu:v:15:y:2011:i:1:p:171-189)
by Pop, Napoleon & Milea, Camelia & Lupu, Iulia & Criste, Adina & Ailinca, Alina Georgeta & Iordache, Floarea & Rotaru, Alina - The Euro Crisis Or The Crisis Of The Euro Zone (RePEc:vls:finstu:v:15:y:2011:i:2:p:148-169)
by Pop, Napoleon & Lupu, Iulia & Milea, Camelia & Criste, Adina & Iordache, Floarea & Alinca, Alina Georgeta - Relevance Of The Optimum Currency Areas Model For The Process Of European Monetary Integration Within The New Context Of Crisis (RePEc:vls:finstu:v:15:y:2011:i:4:p:94-107)
by Criste, Adina - The Governance Of Euro Adoption In The New Member States Of The European Union (RePEc:vls:finstu:v:16:y:2012:i:1:p:117-131)
by Lupu, Iulia & Pop, Napoleon & Criste, Adina & Milea, Camelia & Seitan, Silviu Marius & Ivan, Mihai Vincentiu & Iordache, Floarea & Ailinca, Alina Georgeta & Chirila, Viorica & Chirila, Ciprian & Iarca - Monetary Policy In The Context Of The European Sovereign Debts (RePEc:vls:finstu:v:16:y:2012:i:4:p:23-34)
by CRISTE, Adina - A General Assessment Of The Monetary Integration Process In Europe After Euro Adoption (RePEc:vls:finstu:v:17:y:2013:i:4:p:35-47)
by CRISTE, Adina - Reference Points For Financial Instability In The Euro Zone Candidates Countries (RePEc:vls:finstu:v:18:y:2014:i:3:p:58-75)
by CRISTE, Adina - Central Bank Policy During Times Of Financial Instability - Experiences Of Some Eurosystem’S Candidates (RePEc:vls:finstu:v:19:y:2015:i:2:p:17-29)
by CRISTE, Adina - The Monetary Authorithy And Electoral Cycle In Romania, At A Glance (RePEc:vls:finstu:v:20:y:2016:i:2:p:70-78)
by CRISTE, Adina - Rethinking A Global Sustainable Monetary Policy In A Post-Crisis Era (RePEc:vls:finstu:v:21:y:2017:i:2:p:56-69)
by CRISTE, Adina - Monetary Integration Beyond Theory-Euro Area Practical Achievements (RePEc:vls:finstu:v:22:y:2018:i:4:p:6-24)
by CRISTE, Adina - Ways Of Involving Central Bank In Supporting Economic Growth (RePEc:vls:finstu:v:23:y:2019:i:4:p:86-99)
by CRISTE, Adina - Overview Of The National Bank Of Romania’S Role In The Last Century (RePEc:vls:finstu:v:24:y:2020:i:2:p:6-18)
by CRISTE, Adina & LUPU,Iulia - The Activity Of Victor Slavescu - Echoes From His Epoch (RePEc:vls:finstu:v:25:y:2021:i:4:p:6-16)
by LUPU, Iulia & CRISTE, Adina & CIUMARA, Tudor - Central Banks Contributions In Managing The Pandemic Crisis. A Summary At The Eu Countries Level (RePEc:vls:finstu:v:26:y:2022:i:3:p:76-93)
by CRISTE, Adina - Recent Developments In The Strategies Of The European Monetary Authorities (RePEc:vls:rojfme:v:2:y:2015:i:1:p:111-115)
by CRISTE, Adina & LUPU, Iulia - Some Thoughts On The Divergent Conduct In Central Banking (RePEc:vls:rojfme:v:3:y:2016:i:1:p:77-81)
by CRISTE, Adina & LUPU, Iulia - Cross-Border Connections In Central Banking (RePEc:vls:rojfme:v:4:y:2017:i:1:p:191-195)
by CRISTE, Adina - The Impact of the International Economic and Financial Crisis on the Current Accounts’ and Foreign Direct Investments’ Trends in the New Member States of the European Union (RePEc:wun:journl:tje:v05:y2012:i17:a09)
by Camelia MILEA & Alina Georgeta AILINCĂ & Iulia LUPU & Adina CRISTE & Floarea IORDACHE