John Creedy
Victoria University of Wellington
/ Wellington School of Business and Government
Research profile
author of:
- Reflections on 'A Tax System for New Zealand's Future' (RePEc:acb:agenda:v:17:y:2010:i:1:p:63-76)
by John Creedy - The Impact on Research Quality of Performance-Based Funding: The Case of New Zealand’s PBRF Scheme (RePEc:acb:agenda:v:24:y:2018:i:1:p:25-48)
by Robert A. Buckle and John Creedy - Book review: Lucky Boy in the Lucky Country: The Autobiography of Max Corden, Economist (RePEc:ags:aareaj:333762)
by Creedy, John - Lucky Boy in the Lucky Country: The Autobiography of Max Corden, Economist (RePEc:bla:ajarec:v:63:y:2019:i:1:p:200-203)
by John Creedy - Marshall, Monopoly and Rectangular Hyperbolas (RePEc:bla:ausecp:v:29:y:1990:i:55:p:141-53)
by Creedy, John & O'Brien, D P - Lifetime Inequality and Higher Education Grants: A Public Choice Approach (RePEc:bla:ausecp:v:31:y:1992:i:58:p:146-57)
by Creedy, John & Francois, Patrick - Income Tax Changes and Trade Union Wage Demands (RePEc:bla:ausecp:v:31:y:1992:i:58:p:47-57)
by Creedy, John & McDonald, Ian M - Exchange Equilibria: Bargaining, Utilitarian and Competitive Solutions (RePEc:bla:ausecp:v:33:y:1994:i:62:p:34-52)
by Creedy, John - Policy Trade-Offs in Alternative Tax and Pension Systems (RePEc:bla:ausecp:v:34:y:1995:i:65:p:332-44)
by Creedy, John & Morgan, Margaret H - Modelling Optimal Retirement Decisions in Australia (RePEc:bla:ausecp:v:35:y:1996:i:66:p:39-59)
by Atkinson, M E & Creedy, John - Income Mobility, Temporary and Permanent Poverty (RePEc:bla:ausecp:v:37:y:1998:i:1:p:36-44)
by Vani K. Borooah & John Creedy - Measuring the Welfare Effects of Price Changes: A Convenient Parametric Approach (RePEc:bla:ausecp:v:37:y:1998:i:2:p:137-151)
by John Creedy - Social Expenditure Projections: a Stochastic Approach (RePEc:bla:ausecp:v:37:y:1998:i:3:p:203-212)
by John Creedy & Jose Alvarado - The Distributional Effects of Monopoly (RePEc:bla:ausecp:v:38:y:1999:i:3:p:223-237)
by John Creedy & Robert Dixon - Indirect Tax Reform in Australia: The Welfare Effects on Different Demographic Groups (RePEc:bla:ausecp:v:38:y:1999:i:4:p:367-392)
by John Creedy - Decomposing Redistributive Effects of Taxes and Transfers in Australia: Annual and Lifetime Measures (RePEc:bla:ausecp:v:40:y:2001:i:2:p:185-198)
by John Creedy & Justin Van De Ven - Earnings Distributions and Means‐tested Benefits (RePEc:bla:ausecp:v:40:y:2001:i:3:p:373-386)
by John Creedy & Rosanna Scutella - Income Mobility, Inequality and Social Welfare (RePEc:bla:ausecp:v:41:y:2002:i:2:p:140-150)
by John Creedy & Mark Wilhelm - The Atkinson Inequality Measure and its Sampling Properties: Bayesian and Classical Approaches (RePEc:bla:ausecp:v:43:y:2004:i:3:p:302-314)
by Duangkamon Chotikapanich & John Creedy - The Built‐In Flexibility Of Income And Consumption Taxes In New Zealand (RePEc:bla:ausecp:v:43:y:2004:i:4:p:459-474)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - Carbon Dioxide Emissions Reductions In New Zealand: A Minimum Disruption Approach (RePEc:bla:ausecp:v:44:y:2005:i:3:p:199-220)
by John Creedy & Catherine Sleeman - Accounting For Population Ageing In Tax Microsimulation Modelling By Survey Reweighting (RePEc:bla:ausecp:v:45:y:2006:i:1:p:18-37)
by Lixin Cai & John Creedy & Guyonne Kalb - The Labour Supply And Savings Effects Of Superannuation Tax Changes (RePEc:bla:ausecp:v:47:y:2008:i:1:p:1-14)
by John Creedy & Ross Guest - An Approximation For The Optimal Linear Income Tax Rate (RePEc:bla:ausecp:v:48:y:2009:i:3:p:224-236)
by John Creedy - The Optimal Division Of Government Expenditure Between Public Goods And Transfer Payments (RePEc:bla:ausecp:v:49:y:2010:i:2:p:87-100)
by John Creedy & Solmaz Moslehi - Methods to evaluate institutional responses to performance‐based research funding systems (RePEc:bla:ausecp:v:61:y:2022:i:3:p:615-634)
by Robert A. Buckle & John Creedy - Overview: The Need for Dynamic Analyses (RePEc:bla:ausecr:v:21:y:1988:i:3:p:76-76)
by John Creedy - Pension Schemes and Incentives: Case Studies from Australia and the United Kingdom (RePEc:bla:ausecr:v:23:y:1990:i:1:p:23-32)
by John Creedy & Richard Disney - Population Ageing and Social Expenditure in Australia (RePEc:bla:ausecr:v:26:y:1993:i:3:p:56-68)
by John Creedy & Penelope S. Taylor - Surveys of Australian Data Sources (RePEc:bla:ausecr:v:27:y:1994:i:4:p:112-112)
by John Creedy - Statics and Dynamics of Income Distribution: An Introductory Survey (RePEc:bla:ausecr:v:27:y:1994:i:4:p:51-71)
by John Creedy - Means Testing and Social Security Policy in Australia (RePEc:bla:ausecr:v:28:y:1995:i:3:p:87-87)
by John Creedy - Alternative Social Welfare Systems: Means‐Tested versus Universal Benefits (RePEc:bla:ausecr:v:28:y:1995:i:3:p:88-93)
by John Creedy - Planning Retirement Income in Australia: Routes through the Maze (RePEc:bla:ausecr:v:28:y:1995:i:4:p:15-28)
by M. E. Atkinson & John Creedy & D. M. Knox - Measuring Income Inequality (RePEc:bla:ausecr:v:29:y:1996:i:2:p:236-246)
by John Creedy - The Distributional Effects of Inflation in Australia 1980–1995 (RePEc:bla:ausecr:v:30:y:1997:i:2:p:125-143)
by John Creedy & Justin Van De Ven - Editors’ Report 1996 (RePEc:bla:ausecr:v:30:y:1997:i:3:p:241-242)
by David Johnson & Peter Dawkins & John Creedy - Editors’ Report 1997 (RePEc:bla:ausecr:v:31:y:1998:i:1:p:1-2)
by John Creedy & Peter Dawkins & David Johnson - Measuring Poverty: An Introduction (RePEc:bla:ausecr:v:31:y:1998:i:1:p:82-89)
by John Creedy - Are Consumption Taxes Regressive? (RePEc:bla:ausecr:v:31:y:1998:i:2:p:107-116)
by John Creedy - The Demand for Water by Single‐Metered and Group‐Metered Households (RePEc:bla:ausecr:v:31:y:1998:i:3:p:203-210)
by John Creedy & Justin Van De Ven & Kirsty E. McKenzie - Taxation, Redistribution and Progressivity: An Introduction (RePEc:bla:ausecr:v:32:y:1999:i:4:p:410-422)
by John Creedy - Carbon Taxation, Fuel Substitution and Welfare in Australia (RePEc:bla:ausecr:v:33:y:2000:i:1:p:32-48)
by John Creedy & Cameron Martin - Starting Research (RePEc:bla:ausecr:v:34:y:2001:i:1:p:116-124)
by John Creedy - The GST and Vertical, Horizontal and Reranking Effects of Indirect Taxation in Australia (RePEc:bla:ausecr:v:35:y:2002:i:4:p:380-390)
by John Creedy - Flattening the Effective Marginal Tax Rate Structure in Australia: Policy Simulations Using the Melbourne Institute Tax and Transfer Simulator (RePEc:bla:ausecr:v:36:y:2003:i:2:p:156-172)
by John Creedy & Guyonne Kalb & Hsein Kew - Personal Income Taxation: From Theory to Policy (RePEc:bla:ausecr:v:42:y:2009:i:4:p:496-506)
by John Creedy - Income Redistribution and Direct Taxes and Transfers in New Zealand (RePEc:bla:ausecr:v:43:y:2010:i:1:p:39-51)
by John Creedy & Jamas Enright & Norman Gemmell & Nick McNabb - Tax‐and‐Transfer Tensions: Designing Direct Tax Structures (RePEc:bla:ausecr:v:43:y:2010:i:2:p:103-113)
by John Creedy - How Uncertain Are Long-Run Fiscal Projections? Non-Parametric Stochastic Modelling for New Zealand (RePEc:bla:ausecr:v:49:y:2016:i:1:p:59-76)
by Christopher Ball & John Creedy & Grant Scobie - The Optimal Threshold for GST on Imported Goods (RePEc:bla:ausecr:v:50:y:2017:i:2:p:169-180)
by John Creedy - Alternative Distributions for Inequality Comparisons (RePEc:bla:ausecr:v:50:y:2017:i:4:p:484-497)
by John Creedy - Public Sector Discount Rates: A Comparison of Alternative Approaches (RePEc:bla:ausecr:v:51:y:2018:i:1:p:139-157)
by John Creedy & Hemant Passi - Income Inequality in New Zealand, 1935–2014 (RePEc:bla:ausecr:v:51:y:2018:i:1:p:21-40)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell & Loc Nguyen - The Timing of Income Tax Changes in the Face of Projected Debt Increases (RePEc:bla:ausecr:v:51:y:2018:i:2:p:191-210)
by Christopher Ball & John Creedy & Grant Scobie - The Labour Market Effects of ‘Working for Families’ In New Zealand (RePEc:bla:ausecr:v:51:y:2018:i:2:p:211-231)
by John Creedy & Joseph Mercante & Penny Mok - The Redistributive Effects of a Minimum Wage Increase in New Zealand: A Microsimulation Analysis (RePEc:bla:ausecr:v:53:y:2020:i:4:p:517-538)
by Nazila Alinaghi & John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - Fifteen Years of a PBRFS in New Zealand: Incentives and Outcomes (RePEc:bla:ausecr:v:54:y:2021:i:2:p:208-230)
by Robert A. Buckle & John Creedy & Ashley Ball - Designing Personal Income Tax and Transfer Reforms: Alternative Modelling Approaches (RePEc:bla:ausecr:v:54:y:2021:i:4:p:445-461)
by Nazila Alinaghi & John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - Illustrating Income Mobility and Poverty Persistence (RePEc:bla:ausecr:v:55:y:2022:i:2:p:309-323)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - Measuring the Welfare Gain from a New Good: An Introduction (RePEc:bla:ausecr:v:55:y:2022:i:3:p:417-425)
by John Creedy - Comparing Income Distributions Using Atkinson's Measure of Inequality (RePEc:bla:ausecr:v:56:y:2023:i:1:p:141-155)
by John Creedy - Distributional Comparisons Using the Gini Inequality Measure (RePEc:bla:ausecr:v:56:y:2023:i:4:p:538-550)
by John Creedy - The Economic Analysis of Internal Labour Markets (RePEc:bla:buecrs:v:40:y:1988:i:4:p:247-69)
by Creedy, John & Whitfield, Keith - Financing State Pensions in Alternative Pay-as-You-Go Schemes (RePEc:bla:buecrs:v:44:y:1992:i:1:p:39-53)
by Creedy, John & Disney, Richard - Union Wage Responses to a Shift from Direct to Indirect Taxation (RePEc:bla:buecrs:v:44:y:1992:i:3:p:221-32)
by Creedy, John & McDonald, Ian M - Taxes and Transfers with Endogenous Earnings: Some Basic Analytics (RePEc:bla:buecrs:v:46:y:1994:i:2:p:97-130)
by Creedy, John - Taxation in General Equilibrium: An Introduction (RePEc:bla:buecrs:v:49:y:1997:i:3:p:177-203)
by Creedy, John - Nonlinear Modelling Using the Generalized Exponential Family of Distributions (RePEc:bla:buecrs:v:50:y:1998:i:3:p:229-55)
by Creedy, John & Martin, Vance L - Measuring Welfare Changes and the Excess Burden of Taxation (RePEc:bla:buecrs:v:52:y:2000:i:1:p:1-47)
by Creedy, John - Taxation, Reranking and Equivalence Scales (RePEc:bla:buecrs:v:57:y:2005:i:1:p:13-36)
by Justin Van De Ven & John Creedy - Confidence Intervals For Policy Reforms In Behavioural Tax Microsimulation Modelling (RePEc:bla:buecrs:v:59:y:2007:i:1:p:37-65)
by John Creedy & Guyonne Kalb & Hsein Kew - The Composition Of Government Expenditure: Economic Conditions And Preferences (RePEc:bla:ecinqu:v:49:y:2011:i:1:p:94-107)
by John Creedy & Shuyun May Li & Solmaz Moslehi - The Relative Burden of Monopoly on Households with Different Incomes (RePEc:bla:econom:v:65:y:1998:i:258:p:285-293)
by John Creedy & Robert Dixon - Earnings Profiles And Compensation (RePEc:bla:econpa:v:11:y:1992:i:4:p:63-71)
by John Creedy - A Carbon Tax For Australia (RePEc:bla:econpa:v:14:y:1995:i:4:p:16-28)
by Antonie Cornwell & John Creedy - The Cost And Benefit Of International Students (RePEc:bla:econpa:v:16:y:1997:i:3:p:44-54)
by David Johnston & Meredith Baker & John Creedy - How Large Are Australia'S Greenhouse Gas Emissions? (RePEc:bla:econpa:v:18:y:1999:i:1:p:53-62)
by John Creedy & Cameron Martin - The Growth Of Social Expenditure And Population Ageing (RePEc:bla:econpa:v:19:y:2000:i:4:p:15-32)
by John Creedy - The Australian Pension Scheme: Some Basic Analytics (RePEc:bla:ecorec:v:65:y:1989:i:4:p:357-368)
by John Creedy & Richard Disney - A Tax Package to Reduce the Marginal Rate of Income Tax and the Wage Demands of Trade Unions (RePEc:bla:ecorec:v:66:y:1990:i:3:p:195-202)
by John Creedy & Ian M. Mcdonald - Lifetime Earnings and Inequality (RePEc:bla:ecorec:v:67:y:1991:i:1:p:46-58)
by John Creedy - Models of Trade Union Behaviour: A Synthesis (RePEc:bla:ecorec:v:67:y:1991:i:4:p:346-359)
by JOHN CREEDY & IAN M. McDONALD - Financing Higher Education: A General Equilibrium Public Choice Approach (RePEc:bla:ecorec:v:69:y:1993:i:1:p:1-9)
by John Creedy & Patrick Francois - Indirect Tax Exemptions and the Distribution ot Lifetime Income: A Simulation Analysis (RePEc:bla:ecorec:v:71:y:1995:i:1:p:77-87)
by Lisa Cameron & John Creedy - Alternative Retirement Income Strategies: A Cohort Analysis of Lifetime Redistribution (RePEc:bla:ecorec:v:72:y:1996:i:217:p:97-106)
by M.E. Atkinson & John Creedy & D.M. Knox - Labour Supply and Social Welfare when Utility Depends on a Threshold Consumption Level (RePEc:bla:ecorec:v:73:y:1997:i:221:p:159-168)
by John Creedy - The Welfare Effect on Different Income Groups of Indirect Tax Changes and Inflation in New Zealand (RePEc:bla:ecorec:v:74:y:1998:i:227:p:373-383)
by John Creedy - Tax Modelling (RePEc:bla:ecorec:v:77:y:2001:i:237:p:189-202)
by John Creedy - Comparing Tax and Transfer Systems: How Might Incentive Effects Make a Difference? (RePEc:bla:ecorec:v:78:y:2002:i:240:p:97-108)
by John Creedy & Peter Dawkins - The Revenue Responsiveness of Consumption Taxes (RePEc:bla:ecorec:v:78:y:2002:i:241:p:186-194)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - Income and Health Concentration in Australia (RePEc:bla:ecorec:v:79:y:2003:i:246:p:297-305)
by Duangkamon Chotikapanich & John Creedy & Sandra Hopkins - An In‐Work Payment with an Hours Threshold: Labour Supply and Social Welfare (RePEc:bla:ecorec:v:81:y:2005:i:255:p:367-377)
by John Creedy - Discounting and the Time Preference Rate (RePEc:bla:ecorec:v:84:y:2008:i:264:p:109-127)
by John Creedy & Ross Guest - Estimating the Elasticity of Taxable Income in New Zealand (RePEc:bla:ecorec:v:91:y:2015:i:292:p:54-78)
by Simon Carey & John Creedy & Norman Gemmell & Josh Teng - Income Dynamics, Pro‐Poor Mobility and Poverty Persistence Curves (RePEc:bla:ecorec:v:94:y:2018:i:306:p:316-328)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - Behavioural Microsimulation with Labour Supply Responses (RePEc:bla:jecsur:v:16:y:2002:i:1:p:1-39)
by John Creedy & Alan Duncan - The Built‐in Flexibility of Income and Consumption Taxes (RePEc:bla:jecsur:v:16:y:2002:i:4:p:509-532)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - Discrete Hours Labour Supply Modelling: Specification, Estimation and Simulation (RePEc:bla:jecsur:v:19:y:2005:i:5:p:697-734)
by John Creedy & Guyonne Kalb - Taxation And The User Cost Of Capital (RePEc:bla:jecsur:v:31:y:2017:i:1:p:201-225)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - The Indexation of Taxes and Transfers in Britain (RePEc:bla:manch2:v:53:y:1985:i:4:p:364-84)
by Creedy, John & Gemmell, Norman - Earnings Comparisons between Generations: Some Alternative Approaches (RePEc:bla:manch2:v:56:y:1988:i:3:p:268-81)
by Creedy, John - Consumers' Surplus in International Trade: Marshall's Example (RePEc:bla:manch2:v:59:y:1991:i:3:p:295-304)
by Creedy, John - Two-Tier State Pensions: Labour Supply and Income Distribution (RePEc:bla:manch2:v:62:y:1994:i:2:p:167-83)
by Creedy, John - Means-Tested versus Universal Transfers: Alternative Models and Value Judgements (RePEc:bla:manch2:v:66:y:1998:i:1:p:100-117)
by Creedy, John - The Rise and Fall of Walras’s Demand and Supply Curves (RePEc:bla:manchs:v:67:y:1999:i:2:p:192-202)
by John Creedy - Retirement Incomes: Private Savings versus Social Transfers (RePEc:bla:manchs:v:68:y:2000:i:5:p:539-551)
by John Creedy & Justin Van De Ven - The Revenue Responsiveness of Income and Consumption Taxes in the UK (RePEc:bla:manchs:v:71:y:2003:i:6:p:641-658)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - Measuring Welfare Changes In Labour Supply Models (RePEc:bla:manchs:v:73:y:2005:i:6:p:664-685)
by John Creedy & Guyonne Kalb - A Problem in the Estimation of Double-Log Engel Curves (RePEc:bla:obuest:v:35:y:1973:i:3:p:217-22)
by Creedy, John - Aggregation and the Distribution of Income (RePEc:bla:obuest:v:37:y:1975:i:2:p:91-101)
by Creedy, John - The Principle of Transfers and the Variance of Logarithms (RePEc:bla:obuest:v:39:y:1977:i:2:p:153-58)
by Creedy, John - Negative Income Taxes and Income Redistribution (RePEc:bla:obuest:v:40:y:1978:i:4:p:363-69)
by Creedy, John - A Note on the Analysis of Trade Unions and Relative Wages (RePEc:bla:obuest:v:41:y:1979:i:3:p:235-38)
by Creedy, John - The New Government Pension Scheme: A Simulation Analysis (RePEc:bla:obuest:v:42:y:1980:i:1:p:51-64)
by Creedy, John - The British State Pension: Contributions, Benefits and Indexation (RePEc:bla:obuest:v:44:y:1982:i:2:p:97-112)
by Creedy, John - A Model of the Distribution of Prices (RePEc:bla:obuest:v:56:y:1994:i:1:p:67-76)
by Creedy, John & Martin, Vance L - Close Equals and Calculation of the Vertical, Horizontal and Reranking Effects of Taxation (RePEc:bla:obuest:v:63:y:2001:i:3:p:381-394)
by Justin Van De Ven & John Creedy & Peter J. Lambert - Notes And Memoranda Pareto And The Distribution Of Income (RePEc:bla:revinw:v:23:y:1977:i:4:p:405-411)
by John Creedy - The Earnings‐Related State Pension, Indexation And Lifetime Redistribution In The U.K (RePEc:bla:revinw:v:39:y:1993:i:3:p:257-278)
by John Creedy & Richard Disney & Edward Whitehouse - Lifetime Inequality And Tax Progressivity With Alternative Income Concepts (RePEc:bla:revinw:v:43:y:1997:i:3:p:283-295)
by John Creedy - Inequality Comparisons In A Multi-Period Framework: The Role Of Alternative Welfare Metrics (RePEc:bla:revinw:v:59:y:2013:i:2:p:235-249)
by John Creedy & Elin Halvorsen & Thor O. Thoresen - Measuring Attitudes Towards Inequality (RePEc:bla:scandj:v:101:y:1999:i:1:p:83-96)
by Yoram Amiel & John Creedy & Stan Hurn - Inter-Regional Mobility: A Cross-Section Analysis (RePEc:bla:scotjp:v:21:y:1974:i:1:p:41-53)
by Creedy, John - The Inequality of Earnings and the Accounting Period (RePEc:bla:scotjp:v:26:y:1979:i:1:p:89-96)
by Creedy, John - Edgeworth's Contribution to the Theory of Exchange (RePEc:bla:scotjp:v:26:y:1979:i:2:p:163-81)
by Creedy, John - Changes in Labour Market States in Great Britain (RePEc:bla:scotjp:v:28:y:1981:i:1:p:76-85)
by Creedy, John & Disney, Richard - The Changing Burden of National Insurance Contributions and Income Taxation in Britain (RePEc:bla:scotjp:v:29:y:1982:i:2:p:127-38)
by Creedy, John - Income Redistribution through Taxes and Transfers in Britain (RePEc:bla:scotjp:v:31:y:1984:i:1:p:44-59)
by Creedy, John & Gemmell, Norman - On the King-Davenant "Law" of Demand (RePEc:bla:scotjp:v:33:y:1986:i:3:p:193-212)
by Creedy, John - The "Twin-Pillar" Approach to Social Insurance in the UK (RePEc:bla:scotjp:v:36:y:1989:i:2:p:113-24)
by Creedy, John & Disney, Richard - Whewell's "Translation" of J. S. Mill (RePEc:bla:scotjp:v:36:y:1989:i:3:p:266-81)
by Creedy, John - Marshall and Edgeworth (RePEc:bla:scotjp:v:37:y:1990:i:1:p:18-39)
by Creedy, John - Pensions and Compensating Wage Variations (RePEc:bla:scotjp:v:41:y:1994:i:4:p:454-63)
by Creedy, John - The Optimal Linear Income Tax Model: Utility or Equivalent Income? (RePEc:bla:scotjp:v:45:y:1998:i:1:p:99-110)
by John Creedy - Take–up of Means–tested Benefits and Labour Supply (RePEc:bla:scotjp:v:49:y:2002:i:2:p:150-161)
by John Creedy - Income taxation and progressivity: A measure of equitability (RePEc:bla:scotjp:v:71:y:2024:i:1:p:28-40)
by John Creedy & S. Subramanian - Corporation Tax Buoyancy and Revenue Elasticity in the UK (RePEc:btx:wpaper:0712)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - Corporation Tax Revenue Growth in the UK: A Microsimulation Analysis (RePEc:btx:wpaper:0713)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - Measuring welfare changes in behavioural microsimulation modelling: Accounting for the random utility component (RePEc:cem:jaecon:v:14:y:2011:n:1:p:5-34)
by John Creedy & Nicolas Hérault & Guyonne Kalb - Mangoldt and Inter-related Goods (RePEc:cup:jhisec:v:13:y:1991:i:01:p:99-108_00)
by Creedy, John - Jevons's Complex Cases in the Theory of Exchange (RePEc:cup:jhisec:v:14:y:1992:i:01:p:55-69_00)
by Creedy, John - Launhardt's Model of Exchange (RePEc:cup:jhisec:v:16:y:1994:i:01:p:40-60_00)
by Creedy, John - Adam Smith and All That (RePEc:cup:jhisec:v:24:y:2002:i:04:p:479-489_00)
by Creedy, John - Inequality Aversion And The Optimal Composition Of Government Expenditure (RePEc:cup:macdyn:v:14:y:2010:i:s2:p:290-306_00)
by Creedy, John & Li, Shuyun May & Moslehi, Solmaz - The Effects of an Increase in Petrol Excise Tax: the Case of New Zealand Households (RePEc:cup:nierev:v:188:y:2004:i::p:73-82_6)
by Creedy, John - A Note on the Analysis of Changes in Earnings (RePEc:ecj:econjl:v:88:y:1978:i:349:p:126-33)
by Creedy, John - Age and the Distribution of Earnings (RePEc:ecj:econjl:v:89:y:1979:i:354:p:280-93)
by Creedy, J & Hart, P E - The Early Use of Lagrange Multipliers in Economics (RePEc:ecj:econjl:v:90:y:1980:i:358:p:371-76)
by Creedy, John - The Role of Selectivity in Consumption Taxation: Should Consumption Taxes be Uniform? (RePEc:eee:ecanpo:v:23:y:1993:i:1:p:1-13)
by Creedy, J. - Can Tax Cuts Increase Investment in a Unionised Economy? (RePEc:eee:ecanpo:v:23:y:1993:i:2:p:123-137)
by Creedy,J & McDonald, I - The Distributional Impact of Domestic Fuel Taxation (RePEc:eee:ecanpo:v:26:y:1996:i:2:p:129-143)
by Cornwell, Antonia & Creedy, John - Overseas Students in Australia: Costs and Revenues (RePEc:eee:ecanpo:v:28:y:1998:i:2:p:187-197)
by Creedy, John & Johnson, David & Baker, Meredith - Multiple equilibria and hysteresis in simple exchange models (RePEc:eee:ecmode:v:10:y:1993:i:4:p:339-347)
by Creedy, John & Martin, Vance - Wage growth and income tax revenue elasticities with endogenous labour supply (RePEc:eee:ecmode:v:22:y:2005:i:1:p:21-38)
by Creedy, John & Gemmell, Norman - Corporation tax buoyancy and revenue elasticity in the UK (RePEc:eee:ecmode:v:25:y:2008:i:1:p:24-37)
by Creedy, John & Gemmell, Norman - Population ageing and intertemporal consumption: Representative agent versus social planner (RePEc:eee:ecmode:v:25:y:2008:i:3:p:485-498)
by Creedy, John & Guest, Ross - Corporation tax revenue growth in the UK: A microsimulation analysis (RePEc:eee:ecmode:v:26:y:2009:i:3:p:614-625)
by Creedy, John & Gemmell, Norman - Modelling aggregate personal income tax revenue in multi-schedular and multi-regional structures (RePEc:eee:ecmode:v:28:y:2011:i:6:p:2589-2595)
by Creedy, John & Sanz-Sanz, José Félix - Pensions, savings and housing: A life-cycle framework with policy simulations (RePEc:eee:ecmode:v:46:y:2015:i:c:p:346-357)
by Creedy, John & Gemmell, Norman & Scobie, Grant - The economic value of a forested catchment with timber, water and carbon sequestration benefits (RePEc:eee:ecolec:v:38:y:2001:i:1:p:71-83)
by Creedy, John & Wurzbacher, Anke D. - Carbon taxation, prices and welfare in New Zealand (RePEc:eee:ecolec:v:57:y:2006:i:3:p:333-345)
by Creedy, John & Sleeman, Catherine - Optimal land conversion and growth with uncertain biodiversity costs (RePEc:eee:ecolec:v:61:y:2007:i:2-3:p:542-549)
by Leroux, Anke D. & Creedy, John - Effective tax rates and the user cost of capital when interest rates are low (RePEc:eee:ecolet:v:156:y:2017:i:c:p:82-87)
by Creedy, John & Gemmell, Norman - Measuring wealth in a simple two-period model (RePEc:eee:econom:v:43:y:1990:i:1-2:p:167-177)
by Creedy, John - Can we afford to grow older? Population aging and social security (RePEc:eee:eecrev:v:33:y:1989:i:2-3:p:367-376)
by Creedy, John & Disney, Richard - Taxation and compensation to dependents of accident victims (RePEc:eee:irlaec:v:8:y:1988:i:1:p:85-95)
by Creedy, John - Changes in the taxation of private pensions: Macroeconomic and welfare effects (RePEc:eee:jpolmo:v:30:y:2008:i:5:p:693-712)
by Creedy, John & Guest, Ross - Economic Analysis in Historical Perspective (RePEc:eee:monogr:9780408114301)
by None - Modelling the composition of government expenditure in democracies (RePEc:eee:poleco:v:25:y:2009:i:1:p:42-55)
by Creedy, John & Moslehi, Solmaz - Income averaging and progressive taxation (RePEc:eee:pubeco:v:12:y:1979:i:3:p:387-397)
by Creedy, John - Education versus cash redistribution : A comment (RePEc:eee:pubeco:v:15:y:1981:i:2:p:269-272)
by Creedy, John - Taxation and national insurance contributions in Britain (RePEc:eee:pubeco:v:15:y:1981:i:3:p:379-388)
by Creedy, John - Financing higher education and majority voting (RePEc:eee:pubeco:v:43:y:1990:i:2:p:181-200)
by Creedy, John & Francois, Patrick - Voting over income tax progression in a two-period model (RePEc:eee:pubeco:v:50:y:1993:i:2:p:291-298)
by Creedy, John & Francois, Patrick - The Elasticity of Taxable Income in New Zealand (RePEc:een:camaaa:2010-21)
by Iris Claus & John Creedy & Josh Teng - Demand And Exchange In Economic Analysis (RePEc:elg:eebook:110)
by John Creedy - General Equilibrium and Welfare (RePEc:elg:eebook:1103)
by John Creedy - THE EcoNOMICS OF HIGHER EDUCATION (RePEc:elg:eebook:111)
by John Creedy - Mathematical Principles Of Economics (RePEc:elg:eebook:112)
by None - Taxation, Poverty And Income Distribution (RePEc:elg:eebook:113)
by None - Income, Inequality And The Life Cycle (RePEc:elg:eebook:114)
by John Creedy - Recent Developments In Game Theory (RePEc:elg:eebook:115)
by John Creedy & Jeff Borland & Jürgen Eichberger - Chaos and Non-Linear Models in Economics (RePEc:elg:eebook:116)
by None - The Distributional Effects of Indirect Taxes (RePEc:elg:eebook:12558)
by John Creedy & Cath Sleeman - New Developments in the Economics of Population Ageing (RePEc:elg:eebook:12568)
by None - environmental taxes and economic welfare (RePEc:elg:eebook:1304)
by Antonia Cornwell & John Creedy - Research Without Tears (RePEc:elg:eebook:13080)
by John Creedy - Nonlinear Economic Models (RePEc:elg:eebook:1314)
by None - Taxation and the Promotion of Human Happiness (RePEc:elg:eebook:13542)
by G. W. Norman & John Creedy - Population Ageing, Pensions and Growth (RePEc:elg:eebook:13544)
by John Creedy & Ross Guest - Darwin’s Clever Neighbour (RePEc:elg:eebook:13570)
by D. P. O’Brien & John Creedy - Modelling Corporation Tax Revenue (RePEc:elg:eebook:13695)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - Population Ageing, Migration and Social Expenditure (RePEc:elg:eebook:1396)
by José Alvardo & John Creedy - Modelling the Composition of Government Expenditure (RePEc:elg:eebook:14564)
by John Creedy & Solmaz Moslehi - Tax and Transfer Tensions (RePEc:elg:eebook:14603)
by John Creedy - The Dynamics of Inequality and Poverty (RePEc:elg:eebook:1484)
by John Creedy - Pensions and Population Ageing (RePEc:elg:eebook:1490)
by John Creedy - The History of Economic Analysis (RePEc:elg:eebook:1576)
by John Creedy - Measuring Welfare Changes and Tax Burdens (RePEc:elg:eebook:1579)
by John Creedy - Development of the Theory of Exchange (RePEc:elg:eebook:1620)
by John Creedy - Economic Welfare: Concepts and Measurement (RePEc:elg:eebook:1802)
by None - Labour Mobility, Earnings and Unemployment (RePEc:elg:eebook:1806)
by John Creedy - From Classical Economics to the Theory of the Firm (RePEc:elg:eebook:1824)
by None - Modelling Indirect Taxes and Tax Reform (RePEc:elg:eebook:1940)
by John Creedy - Tax Policy and Uncertainty (RePEc:elg:eebook:20207)
by Christopher Ball & John Creedy & Grant Scobie - Tax and Transfer Policy Using Behavioural Microsimulation Modelling (RePEc:elg:eebook:21404)
by John Creedy & Penny Mok - Comparing Income Distributions (RePEc:elg:eebook:22094)
by John Creedy - Taxation and Economic Behaviour (RePEc:elg:eebook:2464)
by John Creedy - Modelling Income Distribution (RePEc:elg:eebook:2740)
by John Creedy - Nonlinear Models, Labour Markets and Exchange (RePEc:elg:eebook:2753)
by John Creedy - Microsimulation Modelling of Taxation and the Labour Market (RePEc:elg:eebook:2796)
by John Creedy & Alan S. Duncan & Mark Harris & Rosanna Scutella - Modelling Tax Revenue Growth (RePEc:elg:eebook:4073)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - Tax Policy Design and Behavioural Microsimulation Modelling (RePEc:elg:eebook:4235)
by Hielke Buddelmeyer & John Creedy & Guyonne Kalb - Labour Supply and Microsimulation (RePEc:elg:eebook:4236)
by John Creedy & Guyonne Kalb - The Economics Of Ageing (RePEc:elg:eebook:540)
by None - Fiscal Policy and Social Welfare (RePEc:elg:eebook:797)
by John Creedy - Industrial Concentration And Economic Inequality (RePEc:elg:eebook:82)
by Mark Casson & John Creedy - The Edgeworth Box (RePEc:elg:eechap:13310_31)
by John Creedy - The Role of Numbers in Competition (RePEc:elg:eechap:13310_32)
by John Creedy - Personal Income Tax Structure: Theory and Policy (RePEc:elg:eechap:13704_7)
by John Creedy - William Stanley Jevons (1835–1882) (RePEc:elg:eechap:13936_39)
by John Creedy - Philip Henry Wicksteed (1844–1927) (RePEc:elg:eechap:13936_45)
by John Creedy - Francis Ysidro Edgeworth (1845–1926) (RePEc:elg:eechap:13936_46)
by John Creedy - British marginalism (RePEc:elg:eechap:13937_18)
by John Creedy - The theory of international trade (RePEc:elg:eechap:2807_59)
by John Creedy - The barter controversy (RePEc:elg:eechap:2807_61)
by John Creedy - Earnings And Job Mobility Over The Life Cycle: Internal And External Processes (RePEc:eme:ijmpps:eb045161)
by John Creedy & Keith Whitfield - Publicly financed education in an endogenous growth model (RePEc:eme:jespps:01443580510600904)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - Higher Education and Progressive Taxation: Equity, Efficiency and Majority Voting (RePEc:eme:jespps:01443589210021406)
by John Creedy & Patrick Francois - Income and commodity taxes in a two‐good, two‐period model with heterogeneous preferences (RePEc:eme:jespps:01443589610106516)
by John Creedy - Income taxation and the accounting period (RePEc:eme:jespps:01443589810233856)
by John Creedy - Some Analytics of Income Tax/Transfer Systems (RePEc:eme:jespps:eb002544)
by John Creedy - Earnings and Job Mobility: Professional Chemists in Britain (RePEc:eme:jespps:eb002621)
by J. Creedy & K. Whitfield - Cohort and Cross‐sectional Earnings Profiles: Scientists in Britain and Australia (RePEc:eme:jespps:eb002664)
by John Creedy - Flattening the Tax Rate Structure, Changing the Tax Mix and Unions′ Wage Demands (RePEc:eme:jespps:eum0000000000140)
by John Creedy - The Choice of Income Tax Progression (RePEc:eme:jespps:eum0000000000145)
by John Creedy - Pension and Tax Structures in an Ageing Population (RePEc:eme:jespps:eum0000000000164)
by John Creedy & Margaret H. Morgan - Non-Uniform Consumption Taxes: A ‘Blunt Redistributive Instrument’? (RePEc:eme:reinzz:s1049-2585(03)10001-4)
by John Creedy - Evaluating The Income Redistribution Effects Of Tax Reforms In Discrete Hours Models (RePEc:eme:reinzz:s1049-2585(04)12008-5)
by John Creedy & Guyonne Kalb & Rosanna Scutella - Survey Reweighting For Tax Microsimulation Modelling (RePEc:eme:reinzz:s1049-2585(04)12009-7)
by John Creedy - Some Recent Interpretations of Mathematical Psychics (RePEc:hop:hopeec:v:12:y:1980:i:2:p:267-276)
by John Creedy - Edgeworth: Utilitarianism and Arbitration (RePEc:hop:hopeec:v:16:y:1984:i:4:p:609-618)
by John Creedy - Behavioural responses to corporate profit taxation (RePEc:hpe:journl:y:2010:v:193:i:2:p:109-130)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - The optimal composition of government expenditure among transfers, education and public goods (RePEc:hpe:journl:y:2010:v:194:i:3:p:41-64)
by John Creedy & Solamz Moslehi - Measuring Welfare Changes With Nonlinear Budget Constraints in Continuous and Discrete Hours Labour Supply Models (RePEc:iae:iaewps:wp2001n09)
by John Creedy & Guyonne Kalb - The Effects of Flattening the Effective Marginal Rate Structure in Australia: Policy Simulations Using the Melbourne Institute Tax and Transfer Simulator (RePEc:iae:iaewps:wp2001n10)
by John Creedy & Guyonne Kalb & Hsein Kew - The Revenue Elasticity of Taxes in the UK (RePEc:iae:iaewps:wp2001n11)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - Aggregating Labour Supply and Feedback Effects in Microsimulation (RePEc:iae:iaewps:wp2001n15)
by John Creedy & Alan Duncan - The Melbourne Institute Tax and Transfer Simulator (MITTS) (RePEc:iae:iaewps:wp2001n16)
by John Creedy & Guyonne Kalb & Hsein Kew - A Cost Function for Higher Education in Australia (RePEc:iae:iaewps:wp2002n11)
by John Creedy & David Johnson & Ma. Rebecca Valenzuela - Discrete Hours Labour Supply Modelling: Specification, Estimation and Simulation (RePEc:iae:iaewps:wp2003n16)
by John Creedy & Guyonne Kalb - Discrete Hours Labour Supply Modelling: Specification, Estimation and Simulation (RePEc:iae:iaewps:wp2003n21)
by John Creedy & Guyonne Kalb & Rosanna Scutella - Income Distribution in Discrete Hours Behavioural Microsimulation Models: An Illustration of the Labour Supply and Distributional Effects of Social Transfers (RePEc:iae:iaewps:wp2003n23)
by John Creedy & Guyonne Kalb & Rosanna Scutella - The Role of the Unit of Analysis in Tax Policy Reform Evaluations (RePEc:iae:iaewps:wp2003n28)
by John Creedy & Rosanna Scutella - Accounting for Population Ageing in Tax Microsimulation Modelling by Survey Reweighting (RePEc:iae:iaewps:wp2004n26)
by Lixin Cai & John Creedy & Guyonne Kalb - Confidence Intervals for Policy Reforms in Behavioural Tax Microsimulation Modelling (RePEc:iae:iaewps:wp2004n32)
by John Creedy & Guyonne Kalb & Hsein Kew - Behavioural Microsimulation Modelling for Tax Policy Analysis in Australia: Experience and Prospects (RePEc:iae:iaewps:wp2005n02)
by John Creedy & Guyonne Kalb - Comparing Welfare Change Measures with Income Change Measures in Behavioural Policy Simulations (RePEc:iae:iaewps:wp2007n21)
by John Creedy & Nicolas Hérault & Guyonne Kalb - Tax Policy Design and the Role of a Tax-Free Threshold (RePEc:iae:iaewps:wp2008n13)
by John Creedy & Nicolas Hérault & Guyonne Kalb - Abolishing the Tax-Free Threshold in Australia: Simulating Alternative Reforms (RePEc:iae:iaewps:wp2008n15)
by John Creedy & Nicolas Hérault & Guyonne Kalb - Optimal Marginal Income Tax Reforms: A Microsimulation Analysis (RePEc:iae:iaewps:wp2009n23)
by John Creedy & Nicolas Hérault - Decomposing Inequality and Social Welfare Changes: The Use of Alternative Welfare Metrics (RePEc:iae:iaewps:wp2011n08)
by John Creedy & Nicolas Hérault - Microsimulation Analysis of Optimal Income Tax Reforms: An Application to New Zealand (RePEc:iae:iaewps:wp2018n07)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell & Nicolas Hérault & Penny Mok - Trade Unions, wages and taxation (RePEc:ifs:fistud:v:10:y:1989:i:3:p:50-59)
by John Creedy & Ian M McDonald - Financing higher education: public choice and social welfare (RePEc:ifs:fistud:v:15:y:1994:i:3:p:87-108)
by John Creedy - Carbon taxation, prices and inequality in Australia (RePEc:ifs:fistud:v:17:y:1996:i:3:p:21-38)
by Antonia Cornwell & John Creedy - Inequality, mobility and income distribution comparisons (RePEc:ifs:fistud:v:18:y:1997:i:3:p:293-302)
by John Creedy - Some implications of changing the tax basis for pension funds (RePEc:ifs:fistud:v:20:y:1999:i:2:p:189-203)
by Margaret E. Atkinson & John Creedy & David M. Knox - Indirect tax reform and the role of exemptions (RePEc:ifs:fistud:v:22:y:2001:i:4:p:457-486.)
by John Creedy - The Income Elasticity of Tax Revenue: Estimates for Income and Consumption Taxes in the United Kingdom (RePEc:ifs:fistud:v:25:y:2004:i:1:p:55-77)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - Abolishing the Tax-Free Threshold in Australia: Simulating Alternative Reforms (RePEc:ifs:fistud:v:30:y:2009:i:2:p:219-246)
by John Creedy & Nicolas Hérault & Guyonne Kalb - Revenue Elasticities in Complex Income Tax Structures: An Application to Spain (RePEc:ifs:fistud:v:31:y:2010:i::p:535-561)
by John Creedy & José Félix Sanz‐Sanz - Reflections on Tax by Design (RePEc:ifs:fistud:v:32:y:2011:i:3:p:361-373)
by John Creedy - The Elasticity of Taxable Income in New Zealand (RePEc:ifs:fistud:v:33:y:2012:i:3:p:287-303)
by Iris Claus & John Creedy & Josh Teng - Decomposing Inequality Changes: Allowing for Leisure in the Evaluation of Tax and Transfer Policy Effects (RePEc:ifs:fistud:v:36:y:2015:i::p:157-180)
by John Creedy & Nicolas Hérault - The new pension scheme in Britain (RePEc:ifs:fistud:v:9:y:1988:i:2:p:57-71)
by John Creedy & Richard Disney - Aggregating labour supply and feedback effects in microsimulation (RePEc:ifs:ifsewp:01/24)
by John Creedy & Alan Duncan - Microsimulation analysis of optimal income tax reforms. An application to New Zealand (RePEc:inq:inqwps:ecineq2018-468)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell & Nicolas Hérault & Penny Mok - A Non-linear Model of the Real US-UK Exchange Rate (RePEc:jae:japmet:v:11:y:1996:i:6:p:669-86)
by Creedy, John & Lye, Jenny & Martin, Vance L - Factors and Personal Income Distributions and Taxation in General Equilibrium (RePEc:jid:journl:y:1995:v:04:i:1:p:4-4)
by J. Creedy & G. C. Lim - A Labor Market Equilibrium Model of the Personal Distribution of Earnings (RePEc:jid:journl:y:1997:v:06:i:1:p:7-7)
by John Creedy & J. N. Lye, V. L. Martin - Macroeconomic Variables and Income Distribution: Conditional Modeling with the generalized Exponential (RePEc:jid:journl:y:2000:v:09:i:2:p:4-4)
by Alex Bakker & John Creedy - Corporation tax asymmetries: effective tax rates and profit shifting (RePEc:kap:itaxpf:v:18:y:2011:i:4:p:422-435)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - Measuring revenue responses to tax rate changes in multi-rate income tax systems: behavioural and structural factors (RePEc:kap:itaxpf:v:20:y:2013:i:6:p:974-991)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - A microsimulation analysis of marginal welfare-improving income tax reforms for New Zealand (RePEc:kap:itaxpf:v:27:y:2020:i:2:d:10.1007_s10797-019-09558-5)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell & Nicolas Hérault & Penny Mok - The elasticity of taxable income of individuals in couples (RePEc:kap:itaxpf:v:27:y:2020:i:4:d:10.1007_s10797-019-09581-6)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - Do couples bunch more? Evidence from partnered and single taxpayers (RePEc:kap:itaxpf:v:30:y:2023:i:4:d:10.1007_s10797-022-09759-5)
by Nazila Alinaghi & John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - Alternative Retirement Income Arrangements and Lifetime Income Inequality: Lessons From Australia (RePEc:kap:itaxpf:v:6:y:1999:i:1:p:103-117)
by M. Atkinson & John Creedy & David Knox - Income distribution in discrete hours behavioural microsimulation models: An illustration (RePEc:kap:jecinq:v:4:y:2006:i:1:p:57-76)
by John Creedy & Guyonne Kalb & Rosanna Scutella - Indirect Taxation and Progressivity: Revenue and Welfare Changes (RePEc:mhr:finarc:urn:sici:0015-2218(200603)62:1_50:itapra_2.0.tx_2-4)
by John Creedy & Catherine Sleeman - Modelling Responses to Profit Taxation over the Economic Cycle: The Case of the UK Corporation Tax (RePEc:mhr:finarc:urn:sici:0015-2218(201009)66:3_207:mrtpto_2.0.tx_2-4)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - Choosing The Tax Rate in a Linear Income Tax Structure: An Introduction (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:1006)
by John Creedy - Modelling the Composition of Government Expenditure in Democracies (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:1007)
by John Creedy & Solmaz Moslehi - The Optimal Composition of Government Expenditure (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:1008)
by John Creedy & Solmaz Moslehi - The Optimal Composition of Government Expenditure withTransfer Payments, Education Expenditure and a Public Good (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:1025)
by John Creedy & Solmaz Moshlehi - Sustainable Preferences and Damage Abatement:Value Judgments and Implications for Consumption Streams (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:1026)
by John Creedy & Ross Guest - J. A. C. Brown (1922-1984): An Appreciation (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:1027)
by John Creedy - Corporation Tax Asymmetries:Effective Tax Rates and Profit Shifting (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:1028)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - Behavioural Responses to Corporate Profit Taxation (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:1029)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - Comparing Welfare Change Measures with Income Change Measures in Behavioural Policy Simulations (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:1030)
by John Creedy & Nicolas Herault & Guyonne Kalb - The Composition of Government Expenditure in an Overlapping Generations Model (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:1043)
by John Creedy & Shuyun May Li & Solmaz Moslehi - Tax Policy Design and The Role of a Tax-Free Threshold (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:1046)
by John Creedy: Nicolas Herault & Guyonne Kalb - Abolishing the Tax-Free Threshold in Australia: Simulating AlternativeReforms (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:1048)
by John Creedy & Nicolas Herault & Guyonne Kalb - Voting over Taxes and Expenditure: The Role of Home Production (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:1052)
by John Creedy & Solmaz Moslehi - The Personal Income Tax Structure: Theory and Policy (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:1063)
by John Creedy - The Composition of Government Expenditure in an Overlapping Generations Model (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:1064)
by John Creedy & Shuyun May Li & Solmaz Moslehi - Preface to: Francis Ysidro Edgeworth: Portrait with Family and Friends by L. Barbe (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:1066)
by John Creedy - Tax and Transfer Tensions: Designing Direct Tax Structures (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:1077)
by John Creedy - Population Ageing and Taxation in New Zealand (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:1078)
by John Creedy, Jamas Enright, Norman Gemmell & Angela Mellish - Optimal Marginal Income Tax Reforms: A Microsimulation Analysis (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:1080)
by John Creedy & Nicolas Herault - The Elasticity of Taxable Income: (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:1085)
by John Creedy - Inequality Aversion and the Optimal Composition of Government Expenditure (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:1086)
by John Creedy & Shuyun May Li & Solmaz Moslehi - Reflections on the Tax Working Group Report (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:1095)
by John Creedy - Modelling Personal Income Taxation in Spain:Revenue Elasticities and Regional Comparisons (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:1097)
by John Creedy & José Félix Sanz?Sanz - Modelling Aggregate Personal Income Tax Revenue in Multi-Schedular and Multi-Regional Structures (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:1099)
by John Creedy & Jose Felix Sanz-Sanz - Income Tax Revenue Elasticities in Spain: Individual and Aggregate Measures (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:1100)
by Johny Creedy & Jose Felix Sanz-Sanz - Income Tax Revenue: Some Simple Analytics (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:1101)
by John Creedy - Changes in the Tax Mix from Income Taxation to GST: Revenue and Redistribution (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:1102)
by John Creedy & Angela Mellish - The Elasticity of Taxable Income in New Zealand (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:1104)
by Iris Claus & John Creedy & Josh Teng - Francis Ysidro Edgeworth and Philip Henry Wicksteed (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:1108)
by John Creedy - English Marginalism (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:1109)
by John Creedy - The Elasticity of Taxable Income and the Tax Revenue Elasticity (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:1110)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - A Loglinear Tax and Transfer Function: (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:1112)
by John Creedy and Solmaz Moslehi - Decomposing Inequality and Social Welfare Changes : The Use of Alternative Welfare Metrics (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:1121)
by John Creedy & Nicolas Hérault† - John and Ursala Hicks (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:1123)
by John Creedy - Ursula Hicks: My Early Life (Up to The Age of 12) (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:1126)
by John Creedy - Inequality Comparisons in a Multi-Period Framework: The Role of Alternative Welfare Metrics (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:1127)
by John Creedy & Elin Halvorsen & Thor O. Thoresen - Means-Tested Versus Universal Transfers (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:455)
by Creedy, J. - Taxes, Transfers and Income Distribution: Some Computer Programs (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:456)
by Creedy, J. - The Distributional Impact of Fuel Taxation (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:462)
by Cornwell, A. & Creedy, J. - Modelling Optimal Retirement Decisions in Australia (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:464)
by Atkinson, M.E. & Creedy, J. - Commodity Taxes, progressivity and Redistribution with Demand Responses (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:474)
by Cornwell, A. & Creedy, J. - The Relative Burden of Monopoly on Households with Different Incomes (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:477)
by Creedy, J. & Dixon, R. - Lifetime Versus Annual Income Distribution (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:478)
by Creedy, J. - Income Mobility, Ineqality and Social Welfare (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:479)
by Creedy, J. - Poverty, Social Welfare and Labour Supply (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:480)
by Creedy, J. - CArbon Taxation, Prices and Inequality in Australia (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:481)
by Cornwell, A. & Creedy, J. - The Optimal Linear Income Tax: Utility and Equivalent Income (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:485)
by Creedy, J. - Measuring the Welfare Effects of Tax Changes Using the Les: An Application to the Carbon Tax (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:492)
by Cornwell, A. & Creedy, J. - The choice of Early Retirement Age and the Australian Superannuation System (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:503)
by Atkinson & Creedy, J. - Social Expenditure Projections for Australia: Supplementary Data (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:509)
by Alvarado, J. & Creedy, J. - Income Dynamics Over the Life Cycle: New Evidence for New Zealand (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:511)
by Creedy, J - Poverty and Inequality Comparisons of Alternative Tax Structures (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:520)
by Creedy, J. - Poverty, Labour Supply and Welfare when Utility Depends on a Poverty Level (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:535)
by Creedy, J. - Measuring the Welfare Effects of Price Changes: A Convenient Parametric Approach (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:536)
by Creedy, J. - The Distributional Efefcts of Inflation in Australia, 1980-1995 (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:537)
by Creedy, J. & Van de Ven,J. - The Costs of Overseas Students in Australia (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:540)
by Baker, M. & Creedy, J. & Johnson, D. - The Demand for Water by Single and Group-Metered Households (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:545)
by Creedy, J. & McKenzie, K.E. & Van de Ven, J. - Social Expenditure Projections: A Stochastic Approach (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:546)
by Alvarado, J. & Creedy, J. - Inequality, Mobility and Income Distribution Comparisons (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:555)
by Creedy, J - Income Taxation and the Accounting Period : A Simulation Analysis (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:556)
by Creedy, J - The Distributional Effects of Indirect Tax Reform and Inflation in New Zealand (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:557)
by Creedy, J - Marginal Indirect Tax Reform in Australia (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:568)
by Creedy, J - Retirement Incomes : Private Savings versus Social Transfers (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:569)
by Creedy, J & Van de Ven, J - The Distribution Effects of Monopoly (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:576)
by Creedy, J & Dixon, R - Evaluating Income Tax Changes and the Choice of Income Measures (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:577)
by Creedy, J. - Measuring Welfare Changes and the Excess Burden of Taxation (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:587)
by Creedy, J. - The Welfare Effects of Indirect Taxes in Australia: Some Alternative Reforms (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:601)
by Creedy, J. - Income Distribution Modelling Using Conditional Mixture Distributions: New Zealand Incomes 1985-1994 (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:602)
by Bakker, A. & Creedy, J. - Time-Varying Inequality Measurement with the Generalised Exponential Distribution (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:603)
by Bakker, A. & Creedy, J. - Carbon Taxation, Fuel Substitution and Welfare in Australia (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:604)
by Creedy, J. & Martin, C. - The Development of the Theory of Exchange (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:605)
by Creedy, J. - How Large are Australia's Greenhouse Gas Emissions? (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:611)
by Creedy, J. & Martin, C. - Distributional Preferences and the Extended Gini Measures of Inequality (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:619)
by Creedy, J. & Hurn, S. - The Built-In Flexibility of Taxation: Some Basic Analytics (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:628)
by Creedy, J. & Gemmell, N. - The Equity Implications of Changing the Tax Basis for Pension Funds (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:629)
by Atkinson, M.E. & Creedy, J. & Know, D.M. - Indirect Tax Reform in AUstralia: The Welfare Effects on Different Demographic Groups (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:633)
by CReedy, J. - Non-Uniform Indirect Taxation, Horizontal in Equity and Re-Ranking (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:647)
by Creedy, J. - Differential Consumption Taxes and Equity: The Limits to Redistribution (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:648)
by Creedy, J. - The Distributional Effects of Monpoly in New Zealand (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:651)
by Creedy, J. & Dixon, R. - The Redistributive Effect of Taxation Revisited (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:657)
by Creedy, J. & Lambert, P.J. & Van de Ven, J. - The Redistributive Effect of Selected Australian Taxes and Transfers on Annual and Lifetime Inequality (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:658)
by Creedy, J. & Van de Ven, J. - Comparing Tax and Transfer Systems: Can Incentive Effects Make a Difference? (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:672)
by Creedy, J. & Dawkins, P. - D.P. O'Brien's Contribution to the History of Economic Analysis (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:674)
by Creedy, J. - Modelling Indirect Tax Reform in Australia: Should Tax Rates Be Uniform? (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:686)
by Creedy, J. - Welfare, Non-Linear Busget Constraints and Behavioural Microsimulation (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:688)
by Creedy, J. & Duncan, A. - Take-Up of Means-Tested Benefits with Labour Supply Variations (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:695)
by Creedy, J. - Decomposing Redistributive Effects of Taxes and Transfers in Annual and Lifetime Contexts (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:703)
by Creedy, J. & van de Ven, J. - The Built-Flexibility of Consumption Taxes (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:704)
by Creedy, J. & Gemmell, N. - Tax Models and their Uses (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:747)
by Creedy, J. - Bayesian Estimation of Social Welfare and Tax Progressivity Measures (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:751)
by Chotikapanich, D. & Creedy, J. - Means-Tested Benefits, Incentives and Earnings Distributions (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:752)
by Creedy, J. & Scutella, R. - The Economic Value of a Forested Catchment with Timber, Water and Carbon Sequestration Benefits (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:753)
by Creedy, J. & Wurzbacher, A.D. - Labour Supply and Welfare with Piecewise Linear Budget Constraints: an Introduction (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:755)
by Creedy, J. - Exact Welfare Measurement using Marshallian Demand Functions (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:756)
by Creedy, J. - Starting Research (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:757)
by Creedy, J. - Wage Function: Australian Estimates Using the Income Distribution Survey (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:761)
by Creedy, J. & Duncan, A.S. & Harris, M.N. & Scutella, R. - TaxTrans: Computer Assisted Learning Software for the Analysis of Taxes and Transfers in General and Partial Equilibrium (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:762)
by Creedy, J. - Bayesian Estimation of Atkinson Inequality Measures (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:766)
by Chotikapanich, D. & Creedy, J. - Quadratic Utility, Labour Supply and The Welfare Effects of Tax Changes (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:774)
by Creedy, J. - Public Finance and Public Education in a General Equilibrium Endogenous Growth Model (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:775)
by Creedy, J. & Gemmell, N. - Close Equals and Calculation of the Vertical, Horizontal and Reranking Effects of Taxation (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:781)
by Creedy, J. & Lambert, P.J. & van de Ven, J. - Taxation, Reranking and Equivalence Scales (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:782)
by Creedy, J. & van de Ven, J. - The GST and Vertical, Horizontal and Reranking Effects of Indirect Taxation in Australia (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:784)
by Creedy, J. - Non-Uniform Consumption Taxes: A 'Blunt Redistributive Instrument'? (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:785)
by Creedy, J. - Measuring Welfare Changes With Nonlinear Budget Constraints in Continuous and Discrete Hours Labour Supply Models (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:799)
by Creedy, J. & Kalb, G. - Adam Smith and All That (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:803)
by Creedy, J. - The Revenue Responsiveness of Income and Consumption Taxes in the UK (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:814)
by Creedy, J. & Gemmell, N. - Aggregating Labour Supply And Feedback Effects In Microsimulation (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:823)
by John Creedy & Alan Duncan - Excise Taxation in New Zealand (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:929)
by John Creedy & Catherine Sleeman - Behavioural Microsimulation Modelling With the Melbourne Institute Tax and Transfer Simulator(MITTS) : Uses and Extensions (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:932)
by John Creedy & Guyonne Kalb - Carbon Dioxide Emissions Reductions in New Zealand : A Minimum Disruption Approach (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:933)
by John Creedy & Catherine Sleeman - From Manuscript to Publication : A Brief Guide for Economists (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:934)
by John Creedy - Accounting for Population Ageing in Tax Microsimulation Modelling by Survey Reweighting (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:935)
by Lixin Cai & John Creedy & Guyonne Kalb - Confidence Intervals for Policy Reforms in Behavioural Tax Microsimulation Modelling (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:936)
by John Creedy & Guyonne Kalb & Hsein Kew - Carbon Taxation, Prices and Welfare in New Zealand (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:937)
by John Creedy & Catherine Sleeman - Adult Equivalence Scales, Inequality and Poverty (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:938)
by John Creedy & Catherine Sleeman - Optimal Land Conversion And Growth With Uncertain Biodiversity Costs (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:957)
by Anke Leroux & John Creedy - Evaluating Policy: Welfare Weights And Value Judgements (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:971)
by John Creedy - Population Ageing And Intertemporal Consumption: Representative Agent Versus Social Planner (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:972)
by John Creedy & Ross Guest - Francis Ysidro Edgeworth 1845-1926 (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:973)
by John Creedy - Education Vouchers: Means Testing Versus Uniformity (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:978)
by John Creedy - Corporation Tax Revenue Growth in the UK:A Microsimulation Analysis (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:984)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - Corporation Tax Buoyancy and Revenue Elasticity in the UK (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:985)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - Changes in the Taxation of Superannuation - Macroeconomic and Welfare Effects (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:986)
by John Creedy & Ross Guest - A PhD Thesis Without Tears (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:987)
by John Creedy - The Labour Supply and Savings Effects of Superannuation Tax Changes (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:988)
by John Creedy & Ross Guest - Discounting and the Social Time Preference Rate (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:989)
by John Creedy - Discounting and the Time Preference Rate: An Introduction (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:993)
by John Creedy & Ross Guest - Modelling Behavioural Responses to Profit Taxation: The Case of the UK Corporation Tax (RePEc:mlb:wpaper:998)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - Taxation, Reranking and Equivalence Scales (RePEc:nsr:niesrd:227)
by Dr Justin van de Ven - Income Tax Revenue Elasticities with Endogenous Labour Supply (RePEc:nzt:nztwps:02/22)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - Publicly Financed Education in an Endogenous Growth Model (RePEc:nzt:nztwps:02/24)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - Population Ageing and Social Expenditure in New Zealand: Stochastic Projections (RePEc:nzt:nztwps:02/28)
by John Creedy & Grant M Scobie - The Built-in Flexibility of Income and Consumption Taxes in New Zealand (RePEc:nzt:nztwps:03/05)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - Labour Supply Incentives in Alternative Tax and Transfer Schemes: A Diagrammatic Introduction (RePEc:nzt:nztwps:03/08)
by John Creedy - Taxation, Reranking and Equivalence Scales (RePEc:nzt:nztwps:03/11)
by Justin van de Ven & John Creedy - Survey Reweighting for Tax Microsimulation Modelling (RePEc:nzt:nztwps:03/17)
by John Creedy - Discrete Hours Labour Supply Modelling: Specification, Estimation and Simulation (RePEc:nzt:nztwps:03/20)
by John Creedy & Guyonne Kalb - The Excess Burden of Taxation and Why it (Approximately) Quadruples When the Tax Rate Doubles (RePEc:nzt:nztwps:03/29)
by John Creedy - Reweighting the New Zealand Household Economic Survey for Tax Microsimuilation Modelling (RePEc:nzt:nztwps:03/33)
by John Creedy & Ivan Tuckwell - The Effects on New Zealand Households of an Increase in The Petrol Excise Tax (RePEc:nzt:nztwps:04/01)
by John Creedy - Adult Equivalence Scales, Inequality and Poverty in New Zealand (RePEc:nzt:nztwps:04/21)
by John Creedy & Catherine Sleeman - Carbon Taxation, Prices and Welfare in New Zealand (RePEc:nzt:nztwps:04/23)
by John Creedy & Catherine Sleeman - Carbon Dioxide Emissions Reductions in New Zealand: A Minimum Disruption Approach (RePEc:nzt:nztwps:04/25)
by John Creedy & Catherine Sleeman - Equity and Efficiency Measures of Tax-Transfer Systems: Some Evidence for New Zealand (RePEc:nzt:nztwps:08/04)
by John Creedy & Jamas Enright & Norman Gemmell & Nick McNabb - Tax Rates and Revenue Changes: Behavioural and Structural Factors (RePEc:nzt:nztwps:11/05)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - The Elasticity of Taxable Income in New Zealand (RePEc:nzt:nztwps:12/03)
by Iris Claus & John Creedy & Josh Teng - An Analysis of Benefit Flows in New Zealand Using a Social Accounting Framework (RePEc:nzt:nztwps:13/01)
by Omar Aziz & Nick Carroll & John Creedy - Social Expenditure in New Zealand: Stochastic Projections (RePEc:nzt:nztwps:13/06)
by John Creedy & Kathleen Makale - Tax Policy with Uncertain Future Costs: Some Simple Models (RePEc:nzt:nztwps:13/07)
by Christopher Ball & John Creedy - Regression Estimates of the Elasticity of Taxable Income and the Choice of Instrument (RePEc:nzt:nztwps:13/08)
by Simon Carey & John Creedy & Norman Gemmell & Josh Teng - Population Ageing and the Growth of Income and Consumption Tax Revenue (RePEc:nzt:nztwps:13/09)
by Christopher Ball & John Creedy - Alternative Distributions for Inequality and Poverty Comparisons (RePEc:nzt:nztwps:13/11)
by John Creedy - The Distributional Impact of Population Ageing (RePEc:nzt:nztwps:13/13)
by Omar A Aziz & Christopher Ball & John Creedy & Jesse Eedrah - Can Automatic Tax Increases Pay for the Public Spending Effects of Population Ageing in New Zealand? (RePEc:nzt:nztwps:13/22)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - Revenue-Maximising Elasticities of Taxable Income in Multi-Rate Income Tax Structures (RePEc:nzt:nztwps:13/24)
by John Creedy - Revenue-Maximising Elasticities of Taxable Income in Multi-Rate Income Tax Structures (RePEc:nzt:nztwps:13/27)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - Food Expenditure and GST in New Zealand (RePEc:nzt:nztwps:14/07)
by Christopher Ball & John Creedy & Michael Ryan - The Role of Value Judgements in Measuring Inequality (RePEc:nzt:nztwps:14/13)
by John Creedy & Jesse Eedrah - Pensions, Savings and Housing: A Life-cycle Framework with Policy Simulations (RePEc:nzt:nztwps:14/14)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell & Grant Scobie - Interpreting Inequality Measures and Changes in Inequality (RePEc:nzt:nztwps:14/20)
by John Creedy - Taxation and the User Cost of Capital: An Introduction (RePEc:nzt:nztwps:15/02)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - Inequality in New Zealand 1983/84 to 2013/14 (RePEc:nzt:nztwps:15/06)
by Christopher Ball & John Creedy - Long-run Fiscal Projections under Uncertainty: The Case of New Zealand (RePEc:nzt:nztwps:15/10)
by Christopher Ball & John Creedy & Grant Scobie - Debt Projections and Fiscal Sustainability with Feedback Effects (RePEc:nzt:nztwps:15/11)
by John Creedy & Grant Scobie - Labour Supply in New Zealand and the 2010 Tax and Transfer Changes (RePEc:nzt:nztwps:15/13)
by John Creedy & Penny Mok - The Optimal Threshold for GST on Imported Goods (RePEc:nzt:nztwps:16/01)
by John Creedy - Optimal Timing of Tax Policy in the Face of Projected Debt Increases (RePEc:nzt:nztwps:16/02)
by Chris Ball & John Creedy & Grant Scobie - Sugar Taxes and Changes in Total Calorie Consumption: A Simple Framework (RePEc:nzt:nztwps:16/06)
by John Creedy - The Marginal Welfare Cost of Personal Income Taxation in New Zealand (RePEc:nzt:nztwps:17/01)
by John Creedy & Penny Mok - Public Sector Discount Rates: A Comparison of Alternative Approaches (RePEc:nzt:nztwps:17/02)
by John Creedy & Hemant Passi - Income Changes Over the Life Cycle (RePEc:oup:oxecpp:v:26:y:1974:i:3:p:405-23)
by Creedy, John - The Distribution of Lifetime Earnings (RePEc:oup:oxecpp:v:29:y:1977:i:3:p:412-29)
by Creedy, John - Eligibility for Unemployment Benefits in Great Britain (RePEc:oup:oxecpp:v:33:y:1981:i:2:p:256-73)
by Creedy, John & Disney, Richard - The Role of Stocks in Supply and Demand: Wicksteed's Problem (RePEc:oup:oxecpp:v:43:y:1991:i:4:p:689-701)
by Creedy, John - Evaluating Alternative Tax and Transfer Schemes with Endogenous Earnings (RePEc:oup:oxecpp:v:49:y:1997:i:1:p:43-56)
by Creedy, John - Welfare-improving income tax reforms: a microsimulation analysis (RePEc:oup:oxecpp:v:64:y:2012:i:1:p:128-150)
by John Creedy & Nicolas Hérault - Illustrating income mobility: new measures (RePEc:oup:oxecpp:v:71:y:2019:i:3:p:733-755.)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - Elasticities of taxable income and adjustment costs: bunching evidence from New Zealand (RePEc:oup:oxecpp:v:73:y:2021:i:3:p:1244-1269.)
by Nazila Alinaghi & John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - Policy Evaluation, welfare weights and value judgements: a Reminder (RePEc:ozl:journl:v:10:y:2007:i:1:p:1-15)
by John Creedy - A note on discounting and the social time preference rate (RePEc:ozl:journl:v:11:y:2008:i:3:p:249-255)
by John Creedy - Choosing the tax rate in a linear income tax structure (RePEc:ozl:journl:v:11:y:2008:i:3:p:257-276)
by John Creedy - The Role of Home Production in Voting Over Taxes and Expenditure (RePEc:ozl:journl:v:13:y:2010:i:1:p:81-97)
by John Creedy & Solmaz Moslehi - Education Vouchers and Labour Supply (RePEc:ozl:journl:v:13:y:2010:i:2:p:155-173)
by John Creedy - A loglinear tax and transfer function: majority voting and optimal rates (RePEc:ozl:journl:v:14:y:2011:i:1:p:1-14)
by John Creedy & Solmaz Moslehi - Labour supply, welfare and the earnings distribution (RePEc:ozl:journl:v:4:y:2001:i:3:p:134-151)
by John Creedy - Quadratic utility, labour supply and the welfare effects of tax changes (RePEc:ozl:journl:v:4:y:2001:i:4:p:270-278)
by John Creedy - Wage Functions for Demographic Groups in Australia (RePEc:ozl:journl:v:4:y:2001:i:4:p:296-316)
by John Creedy & Alan S. Duncan - A Cost Function for Higher Education in Australia (RePEc:ozl:journl:v:6:y:2003:i:1:p:117-134)
by Rebecca.Valenzuela & John Creedy - Reweighting Household Surveys for Tax Microsimulation Modelling: An Application to the New Zealand Household Economic Survey (RePEc:ozl:journl:v:7:y:2004:i:1:p:71-88)
by John Creedy & Ivan Tuckwell - The Role of the Unit of Analysis in Tax Policy Return Evaluations of Inequality and Social Welfare (RePEc:ozl:journl:v:7:y:2004:i:1:p:89-108)
by John Creedy & Rosanna Scutella - Behavioural Microsimulation Modelling for Tax Policy Analysis in Australia: Experience and Prospects (RePEc:ozl:journl:v:8:y:2005:i:1:p:73-110)
by John Creedy & Guyonne Kalb - Aggregating Labour Supply and Feedback Effects in Microsimulation (RePEc:ozl:journl:v:8:y:2005:i:3:p:277-290)
by John Creedy & Alan Duncan - F. Y. Edgeworth, 1845–1926 (RePEc:pal:palchp:978-1-349-06912-5_3)
by John Creedy - The Built-In Flexibility of Progressive Income Taxes: A Simple Model (RePEc:pfi:pubfin:v:37:y:1982:i:3:p:361-71)
by Creedy, John & Gemmell, Norman - The Effects of an Increase in Petrol Excise Tax: the Case of New Zealand Households (RePEc:sae:niesru:v:188:y:2004:i:1:p:73-82)
by John Creedy - Measuring Revenue-maximizing Elasticities of Taxable Income (RePEc:sae:pubfin:v:45:y:2017:i:2:p:174-204)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - Measuring the Welfare Effects of Tax Changes Using the LES: An Application to a Carbon Tax (RePEc:spr:empeco:v:22:y:1997:i:4:p:589-613)
by Cornwell, Antonia & Creedy, John - Bayesian estimation of social welfare and tax progressivity measures (RePEc:spr:empeco:v:28:y:2003:i:1:p:45-59)
by Duangkamon Chotikapanich & John Creedy - Mortality Comparisons ‘At a Glance’: A Mortality Concentration Curve and Decomposition Analysis for India (RePEc:spr:sankhb:v:84:y:2022:i:2:d:10.1007_s13571-022-00293-2)
by John Creedy & S. Subramanian - Exploring A New Class of Inequality Measures and Associated Value Judgements: Gini and Fibonacci-Type Sequences (RePEc:spr:sankhb:v:85:y:2023:i:1:d:10.1007_s13571-023-00302-y)
by John Creedy & S. Subramanian - Sources of convergence and divergence in university research quality: evidence from the performance-based research funding system in New Zealand (RePEc:spr:scient:v:127:y:2022:i:6:d:10.1007_s11192-022-04376-9)
by Robert A. Buckle & John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - Francis Ysidro Edgeworth (1845–1926) (RePEc:spr:sprchp:978-3-030-58471-9_11)
by John Creedy - Is external research assessment associated with convergence or divergence of research quality across universities and disciplines? Evidence from the PBRF process in New Zealand (RePEc:taf:applec:v:52:y:2020:i:36:p:3919-3932)
by Robert A. Buckle & John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - Estimating the exponential family using grouped data: An application to the New Zealand income distribution (RePEc:taf:nzecpp:v:32:y:1998:i:1:p:19-39)
by Alexander Bakker & John Creedy - Macroeconomic variables and income inequality in New Zealand: An exploration using conditional mixture distributions (RePEc:taf:nzecpp:v:33:y:1999:i:2:p:59-79)
by Alex Bakker & John Creedy - Relative welfare losses and imperfect competition in New Zealand (RePEc:taf:nzecpp:v:34:y:2000:i:2:p:269-286)
by John Creedy & Robert Dixon - Excise taxation in New Zealand (RePEc:taf:nzecpp:v:39:y:2005:i:1:p:1-35)
by John Creedy & Cath Sleeman - Adult equivalence scales, inequality and poverty (RePEc:taf:nzecpp:v:39:y:2005:i:1:p:51-81)
by John Creedy & Cath Sleeman - Population ageing and taxation in New Zealand (RePEc:taf:nzecpp:v:44:y:2010:i:2:p:137-158)
by John Creedy & Jamas Enright & Norman Gemmell & Angela Mellish - Changes in the tax mix from income taxation to GST: Revenue and redistribution (RePEc:taf:nzecpp:v:45:y:2011:i:3:p:299-309)
by John Creedy & Angela Mellish - The composition of government expenditure with alternative choicemechanisms (RePEc:taf:nzecpp:v:48:y:2014:i:1:p:53-71)
by John Creedy & Solmaz Moslehi - Population ageing and long-run fiscal sustainability in New Zealand (RePEc:taf:nzecpp:v:48:y:2014:i:2:p:105-110)
by Robert A. Buckle & John Creedy - Population ageing and the growth of income and consumption tax revenue (RePEc:taf:nzecpp:v:48:y:2014:i:2:p:169-182)
by Christopher Ball & John Creedy - Can fiscal drag pay for the public spending effects of population ageing in New Zealand? (RePEc:taf:nzecpp:v:48:y:2014:i:2:p:183-195)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - Social expenditure in New Zealand: Stochastic projections (RePEc:taf:nzecpp:v:48:y:2014:i:2:p:196-208)
by John Creedy & Kathleen Makale - Tax policy with uncertain future costs: Some simple models (RePEc:taf:nzecpp:v:48:y:2014:i:2:p:240-253)
by Christopher Ball & John Creedy - An analysis of benefit flows in New Zealand using a social accounting framework (RePEc:taf:nzecpp:v:49:y:2015:i:1:p:1-21)
by Omar Aziz & Nick Carroll & John Creedy - Revenue-maximising tax rates and elasticities of taxable income inNew Zealand (RePEc:taf:nzecpp:v:49:y:2015:i:2:p:189-206)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - The distributional impact of population ageing in New Zealand (RePEc:taf:nzecpp:v:49:y:2015:i:3:p:207-226)
by Omar A. Aziz & Christopher Ball & John Creedy & Jesse Eedrah - The elasticity of taxable income, welfare changes and optimal tax rates (RePEc:taf:nzecpp:v:49:y:2015:i:3:p:227-248)
by John Creedy - Food expenditure and GST in New Zealand (RePEc:taf:nzecpp:v:50:y:2016:i:2:p:115-128)
by Christopher Ball & John Creedy & Michael Ryan - Income redistribution and changes in inequality in New Zealand from 2007 to 2011: Alternative distributions and value judgements (RePEc:taf:nzecpp:v:50:y:2016:i:2:p:129-152)
by John Creedy & Jesse Eedrah - Interpreting inequality measures and changes in inequality (RePEc:taf:nzecpp:v:50:y:2016:i:2:p:177-192)
by John Creedy - Fifty years of : 1966 to 2015 (RePEc:taf:nzecpp:v:50:y:2016:i:3:p:234-260)
by Robert A. Buckle & John Creedy - Inequality in New Zealand 1983/84 to 2012/13 (RePEc:taf:nzecpp:v:50:y:2016:i:3:p:323-342)
by Christopher Ball & John Creedy - Labour supply in New Zealand and the 2010 tax and transfer changes (RePEc:taf:nzecpp:v:51:y:2017:i:1:p:60-78)
by John Creedy & Penny Mok - A note on inequality-preserving distributional changes (RePEc:taf:nzecpp:v:51:y:2017:i:1:p:86-95)
by John Creedy - Debt projections and fiscal sustainability with feedback effects (RePEc:taf:nzecpp:v:51:y:2017:i:3:p:237-261)
by John Creedy & Grant Scobie - Income effects and the elasticity of taxable income (RePEc:taf:nzecpp:v:52:y:2018:i:2:p:185-203)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell & Josh Teng - The marginal welfare cost of personal income taxation in New Zealand (RePEc:taf:nzecpp:v:52:y:2018:i:3:p:323-338)
by John Creedy & Penny Mok - Optimal tax enforcement and the income tax rate: the role of taxable income inequality (RePEc:taf:nzecpp:v:53:y:2019:i:1:p:77-88)
by John Creedy - Labour supply elasticities in New Zealand (RePEc:taf:nzecpp:v:53:y:2019:i:2:p:125-143)
by John Creedy & Penny Mok - The evolution of research quality in New Zealand universities as measured by the performance-based research fund process (RePEc:taf:nzecpp:v:53:y:2019:i:2:p:144-165)
by Robert A. Buckle & John Creedy - An evaluation of metrics used by the Performance-based Research Fund process in New Zealand (RePEc:taf:nzecpp:v:53:y:2019:i:3:p:270-287)
by Robert A. Buckle & John Creedy - A note on sugar taxes and changes in total calorie consumption (RePEc:taf:nzecpp:v:53:y:2019:i:3:p:307-314)
by John Creedy - The ‘disciplinary effect’ of the performance-based research fund process in New Zealand (RePEc:taf:nzecpp:v:54:y:2020:i:2:p:107-126)
by Robert A. Buckle & John Creedy - Relative income dynamics of individuals in New Zealand (RePEc:taf:nzecpp:v:55:y:2021:i:2:p:203-220)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell & Athene Laws - Distinguished fellow lecture: a journey with the catallactists (RePEc:taf:nzecpp:v:55:y:2021:i:3:p:319-331)
by John Creedy - Mortality comparisons and age: a new mortality curve (RePEc:taf:nzecpp:v:57:y:2023:i:1:p:18-30)
by John Creedy & S. Subramanian - The performance based research fund in New Zealand: taking stock and looking forward (RePEc:taf:nzecpp:v:58:y:2024:i:2:p:107-125)
by Robert A. Buckle & John Creedy - Measuring Welfare Changes in Behavioural Microsimulation Modelling: Accounting for the Random Utility Component (RePEc:taf:recsxx:v:14:y:2011:i:1:p:5-34)
by John Creedy & Nicolas Hérault & Guyonne Kalb - The Development of the Theory of Exchange (RePEc:taf:rherxx:v:28:y:1998:i:1:p:1-45)
by John Creedy - DP. O’Brien and the History of Economic Analysis (RePEc:taf:rherxx:v:30:y:1999:i:1:p:1-24)
by John Creedy - J. A. C. Brown: Early Economic Modelling and Applied Econometrics in the UK (RePEc:taf:rherxx:v:84:y:2023:i:1:p:31-53)
by John Creedy - The Elasticity of Taxable Income in New Zealand (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:18709)
by Claus, Iris & Creedy, John & Teng, Josh - Regression Estimates of the Elasticity of Taxable Income and the Choice of Instrument (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:18710)
by Carey, Simon & Creedy, John & Gemmell, Norman & Teng, Josh - Measuring Revenue Responses to Tax Rate Changes in Multi-Rate Income Tax Systems: Behavioural and Structural Factors (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:18712)
by Creedy, John & Gemmell, Norman - Revenue-Maximising Elasticities of Taxable Income in Multi-Rate Income Tax Structures (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:18713)
by Creedy, John & Gemmell, Norman - Decomposing Inequality and Social Welfare Changes: The Use of Alternative Welfare Metrics (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:18714)
by Creedy, John & Hérault, Nicolas - The Composition of Government Expenditure with Alternative Choice Mechanisms (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:18715)
by Creedy, John & Moslehi, Solmaz - Inequality Comparisons in a Multi-Period Framework: The Role of Alternative Welfare Metrics (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:18716)
by Creedy, John & Halvorsen, Elin & Thoresen, Thor - Can Automatic Tax Increases Pay for the Public Spending Effects of Population Ageing in New Zealand? (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:18777)
by Creedy, John & Gemmell, Norman - Population Ageing and the Growth of Income and Consumption Tax Revenue (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:18778)
by Ball, Christopher & Creedy, John - Social Expenditure in New Zealand: Stochastic Projections (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:18780)
by Creedy, John & Makale, Kathleen - Tax Policy with Uncertain Future Costs: Some Simple Models (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:18781)
by Ball, Christopher & Creedy, John - An Analysis of Benefit Flows in New Zealand using a Social Accounting Framework (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:18782)
by Aziz, Omar & Carroll, Nick & Creedy, John - Alternative Distributions for Inequality and Poverty Comparisons (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:18784)
by Creedy, John - The Elasticity of Taxable Income, Welfare Changes and Optimal Tax Rates (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:18789)
by Creedy, John - Measuring Revenue-Maximising Elasticities of Taxable Income: Evidence for the US Income Tax (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:18803)
by Creedy, John & Gemmell, Norman - Interpreting Inequality Measures and Changes in Inequality (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:18846)
by Creedy, John - A note on Inequality-Preserving Distributional Changes (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:18856)
by Creedy, John - Income redistribution and changes in inequality in New Zealand from 2007 to 2011: Alternative distributions and value judgements (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:18859)
by Creedy, John & Eedrah, Jesse - Pensions, Savings and Housing: A Life-cycle Framework with Policy Simulations (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:18868)
by Creedy, John & Gemmell, Norman & Scobie, Grant - The Welfare Gain from a New Good: An Introduction (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:18869)
by Creedy, John - A Note on Computing the Gini Inequality Measure with Weighted Data (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:19268)
by Creedy, John - Taxation and the User Cost of Capital : An Introduction (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:19269)
by Creedy, John & Gemmell, Norman - Inequality in New Zealand 1983/84 to 2013/14 (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:19330)
by Ball, Christopher & Creedy, John - Debt Projections and Fiscal Sustainability with Feedback Effects (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:19354)
by Creedy, John & Scobie, Grant - Labour Supply in New Zealand and the 2010 Tax and Transfer Changes (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:19355)
by Creedy, John & Mok, Penny - Long-run Fiscal Projections under Uncertainty: The Case of New Zealand (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:19356)
by Ball, Christopher & Creedy, John & Scobie, Grant - Income inequality in New Zealand, 1935 – 2014 (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:20253)
by Creedy, John & Gemmell, Norman & Nguyen, Loc - The Marginal welfare cost of personal income taxation in New Zealand (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:20255)
by Creedy, John & Mok, Penny - Labour Supply Elasticities in New Zealand (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:20256)
by Creedy, John & Mok, Penny - The Evolution of Research Quality in New Zealand Universities as Measured by the Performance-Based Research Fund Process (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:20257)
by Buckle, Robert A & Creedy, John - Illustrating Income Mobility: Two New Measures (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:20282)
by Creedy, John & Gemmell, Norman - Income Dynamics, Pro-Poor Mobility And Poverty Persistence Curves (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:20283)
by Creedy, John & Gemmell, Norman - Effective Tax Rates and the User Cost of Capital when Interest Rates are Low (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:20292)
by Creedy, John & Gemmell, Norman - The Impact on Research Quality of Performance-Based Funding: The Case of New Zealand's PBRF Scheme (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:20830)
by Buckle, Robert A & Creedy, John - The Elasticity of Taxable Income of Individuals in Couples (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:20831)
by Creedy, John & Gemmell, Norman - Relative Income Dynamics of Individuals in New Zealand: New Regression Estimates (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:20832)
by Creedy, John & Gemmell, Norman & Laws, Athene - Microsimulation Analysis of Optimal Income Tax Reforms. An Application to New Zealand (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:20834)
by Creedy, John & Gemmell, Norman & Hérault, Nicolas & Mok, Penny - Income Inequality in New Zealand: Why Conventional Estimates are Misleading (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:20836)
by Creedy, John & Gemmell, Norman - The Atkinson Inequality Measure and Inequality Aversion (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:20918)
by Creedy, John - The Redistributive Effects of a Minimum Wage Increase in New Zealand. A Microsimulation Analysis (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:20923)
by Alinaghi, Nazila & Creedy, John & Gemmell, Norman - The 'Disciplinary Effect' of the Performance-based Research Fund Process in New Zealand (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:20924)
by Buckle, Robert A & Creedy, John - An Evaluation of Metrics Used by the Performance-Based Research Fund Process in New Zealand (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:20928)
by Buckle, Robert A & Creedy, John - Is External Research Assessment Associated with Convergence or Divergence of Research Quality Across Universities and Disciplines? Evidence from the PBRF Process in New Zealand (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:20931)
by Buckle, Robert A. & Creedy, John & Gemmell, Norman - Designing Direct Tax Reforms: Alternative Approaches (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:21093)
by Alinaghi, Nazila & Creedy, John & Gemmell, Norman - Do Couples Bunch More? Evidence from Partnered and Single Taxpayers in New Zealand (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:21094)
by Alinaghi, Nazila & Creedy, John & Gemmell, Norman - Constructing a Longitudinal Database for the Analysis of Individual Incomes in New Zealand (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:21097)
by Alinaghi, Nazila & Creedy, John & Gemmell, Norman - A Longitudinal Database for the Analysis of Family Incomes in New Zealand (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:21098)
by Alinaghi, Nazila & Creedy, John & Gemmell, Norman - A Schumpeterian Gale: Using Longitudinal Data to Evaluate Responses to Performance-Based Research Funding Systems (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:21104)
by Buckle, Robert A. & Creedy, John & Ball, Ashley - Fifteen Years of a PBRFS in New Zealand: Incentives and Outcomes (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:21105)
by Buckle, Robert A. & Creedy, John & Ball, Ashley - Illustrating Income Mobility and Poverty Persistence (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:21111)
by Creedy, John & Gemmell, Norman - Sources of Convergence and Divergence in University Research Quality: Evidence from the Performance-Based Research Funding System in New Zealand (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:21113)
by Buckle, Robert A & Creedy, John & Gemmell, Norman - Comparing Income Distributions Using Atkinson’s Measure of Inequality (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:21114)
by Creedy, John - Distributional Comparisons Using the Gini Inequality Measure (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:21116)
by Creedy, John - The Performance Based Research Fund in NZ: Taking Stock and Looking Forward (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:21354)
by Buckle, Robert A & Creedy, John - Mortality Comparisons and Age: a New Mortality Curve (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:21355)
by Creedy, John & Subramanian, S. - Inter-Decile Income Movements of Individuals in New Zealand: Evidence from Administrative Data (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:21357)
by Alinaghi, Nazila & Creedy, John & Gemmell, Norman - Income Inequality and the Accounting Period in New Zealand: Evidence from Administrative Data (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:21899)
by Alinaghi, Nazila & Creedy, John & Gemmell, Norman - Mortality Comparisons 'At a Glance': A Mortality Concentration Curve and Decomposition Analysis for India (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:22007)
by Creedy, John & Subramanian, S. - Summary Measures of Equalising Income Mobility Based on ‘Three Is of Mobility’ Curves (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:22008)
by Creedy, John & Gemmell, Norman - Age-Income Profiles in New Zealand: New Estimates Based on Administrative Data (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:22550)
by Alinaghi, Nazila & Creedy, John & Gemmell, Norman - Differential Income Growth of Individuals in New Zealand: Evidence from Administrative Data (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:23646)
by Alinaghi, Nazila & Creedy, John & Gemmell, Norman - Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:2427 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:2429 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:2430 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:2431 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:2432 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:2433 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:2434 (paper)
- Measuring Positional Changes within the New Zealand Income Distribution: Evidence from Administrative Data (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:24879)
by Alinaghi, Nazila & Creedy, John & Gemmell, Norman - Exploring A New Class of Inequality Measures and Associated Value Judgements: Gini and Fibonacci-Type Sequences (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:25477)
by Creedy, John & Subramanian, S. - Income Mobility in New Zealand 2007–2020: Combining Household Survey and Census Data (RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:25797)
by Creedy, John & Quy, Ta - Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:2820 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:2827 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:2838 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:2839 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:2840 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:2851 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:2875 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:3137 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:3528 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:3666 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:3719 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:3763 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:3764 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:4235 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:4236 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:4665 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:4751 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:4752 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:4756 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:6490 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:6557 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:6570 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:6574 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:6693 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:6694 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:6768 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:7613 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:7615 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:7624 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:7626 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:7629 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:8015 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:8023 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:8024 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:8087 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:8122 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:9338 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:9366 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:9369 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:9370 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:9447 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:9448 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:9465 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:9468 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:9469 (paper)
- Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcpf:9471 (paper)
- Why is corporation tax revenue so hard to forecast? (RePEc:vuw:vuwcrt:372702)
by John Creedy & Norman Gemmell - Taxation in the Balance (RePEc:vuw:vuwcrt:372900)
by John Creedy - Reflections on the Report by the Tax Working Group presented by Professor John Creedy (RePEc:vuw:vuwcsr:19145)
by Creedy, John - Unknown item RePEc:vuw:vuwcsr:4043 (paper)
- Microsimulation Analysis of Optimal Income Tax Reforms. An Application to New Zealand (RePEc:zbw:glodps:213)
by Creedy, John & Gemmell, Norman & Hérault, Nicolas & Mok, Penny