Marcel Boyer
first: |
Marcel |
last: |
Boyer |
homepage: | |
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(514) 985-4000 #4002 |
postal address: |
CIRANO, Universite de Montreal
1130 Sherbrooke West, #1400
Montreal (QC)
Canada H3A 2M8 |
Université de Montréal
/ Département de Sciences Économiques
Research profile
author of:
- Rationnement, anticipations rationnelles et équilibres de Stackelberg (RePEc:adr:anecst:y:1986:i:1:p:55-73)
by Marcel Boyer & Michel Moreaux - Uncertainty, Capacity and Flexibility: the Monopoly Case (RePEc:adr:anecst:y:1989:i:15-16:p:291-313)
by Marcel Boyer & Michel Moreaux - Observation, Flexibility and Industry Technological Structure (RePEc:adr:anecst:y:2002:i:65:p:173-194)
by Marcel Boyer & Armel Jacques & Michel Moreaux - Régulation et mode de gestion : une étude econométrique sur les prix et la performance dans le secteur de l'eau potable (RePEc:adr:anecst:y:2008:i:90:p:35-74)
by Serge Garcia & Marcel Boyer - Capacity Commitment versus Flexibility (RePEc:bla:jemstr:v:6:y:1997:i:1:p:347-376)
by Marcel Boyer & Michel Moreaux - Equilibrium in Linear Capital Market Networks (RePEc:bla:jfinan:v:30:y:1975:i:5:p:1197-1211)
by Storoy, Sverre & Thore, Sten & Boyer, Marcel - Consistent versus Non-Consistent Conjectures in Doupoly Theory: Some Examples (RePEc:bla:jindec:v:32:y:1983:i:1:p:97-110)
by Boyer, Marcel & Moreaux, Michel - On Stackelberg Equilibria with Differentiated Products: The Critical Role of the Strategy Space (RePEc:bla:jindec:v:36:y:1987:i:2:p:217-30)
by Boyer, Marcel & Moreaux, Michel - Responsabilité, délégation, concurrence l'efficacité des organisations et des institutions (RePEc:cai:repdal:redp_153_0285)
by Marcel Boyer - The twelve principles of incentive pay (RePEc:cai:repdal:redp_213_0285)
by Marcel Boyer - Erreurs méthodologiques dans l’évaluation des projets d’investissement (RePEc:cai:rferfe:rfe_184_0049)
by Marcel Boyer - The Valuation of Public Projects: Risks, Cost of Financing and Cost of Capital Current (RePEc:cdh:commen:388)
by Marcel Boyer & Éric Gravel & Sandy Mokbel - The Value of Copyrights in Recorded Music: Terrestrial Radio and Beyond (RePEc:cdh:commen:419)
by Marcel Boyer - The Main Challenge of Our Times: A Population Growing Younger (RePEc:cdh:ebrief:161)
by Marcel Boyer & Sebastien Boyer - Optimal Liability Sharing and Court Errors: An Exploratory Analysis (RePEc:ces:ceswps:_3073)
by Marcel Boyer & Donatella Porrini - La performance économique du Québec : constats et défis (RePEc:cir:cirbur:2001rb-01)
by Marcel Boyer - Partage des coûts et tarification des infrastructures : Enjeux, problématique et pertinence (RePEc:cir:cirbur:2002rb-03)
by Marcel Boyer & Michel Moreaux & Michel Truchon - Création de valeur, gestion de risque et options réelles (RePEc:cir:cirbur:2003rb-01)
by Marcel Boyer & Peter Christoffersen & Pierre Lasserre & Andrey Pavlov - Value creation, risk management, and real options (RePEc:cir:cirbur:2003rb-02)
by Marcel Boyer & Peter Christoffersen & Pierre Lasserre & Andrey Pavlov - For A Competitive Social Democracy (RePEc:cir:circah:2009n-05a)
by Marcel Boyer - Pour Une Social-Démocratie Concurrentielle (RePEc:cir:circah:2009n-05f)
by Marcel Boyer - Growing Out Of The Crisis Through Prudential Regulation Of Large Financial Institutions And Redefined Government Responsibilities (RePEc:cir:circah:2011n-12a)
by Marcel Boyer - Sortir De La Crise Grâce À Une Réglementation Prudentielle Des Grandes Institutions Financières Et Une Redéfinition Des Responsabilités Gouvernementales (RePEc:cir:circah:2011n-12f)
by Marcel Boyer - Competition, Open Social Democracy, and the COVID-19 Pandemic (RePEc:cir:circah:2020pe-15)
by Marcel Boyer - Looking at the Management of the COVID-19 Lockdown Through the Lens of Real Options Analysis (RePEc:cir:circah:2020pe-17)
by Marcel Boyer & Éric Gravel - La réglementation incitative (RePEc:cir:circah:95c-01)
by Marcel Boyer - Les Expos, l'OSM, les universités, les hôpitaux : Le coût d'un déficit de 400 000 emplois au Québec = Expos, Montreal Symphony Orchestra, Universities, Hospitals: The Cost of a 400,000-Job Shortfall i (RePEc:cir:circah:99c-01)
by Marcel Boyer - Impartition : Fondements et analyses (RePEc:cir:cirmon:1999mo-01)
by Gamal Atallah & Benoit Aubert & Mario Bourgault & Marcel Boyer & Marie-Hélène Constantin & Patrick González & Pierre Lasserre & Michel Moreaux & Michel Patry & Michel Poitevin & Suzanne Rivard & Berna - Partage des coûts et tarification des infrastructures (RePEc:cir:cirmon:2006mo-01)
by Marcel Boyer & Michel Moreaux & Michel Truchon - Manifeste pour une social-démocratie concurrentielle (RePEc:cir:cirmon:2009mo-01)
by Marcel Boyer - Manifesto for a Competitive Social Democracy (RePEc:cir:cirmon:2009mo-02)
by Marcel Boyer - Méthodes avancées d’évaluation d’investissements / Advanced Methods of Investment Evaluation - Tome 1 (RePEc:cir:cirmon:2017mo-03)
by Marcel Boyer - Méthodes avancées d’évaluation d’investissements / Advanced Methods of Investment Evaluation - Tome 2 (RePEc:cir:cirmon:2017mo-04)
by Marcel Boyer - L'impartition municipale : l'argumentaire (RePEc:cir:cirpro:1996rp-01)
by Marcel Boyer & Pierre Lasserre & Michel Patry & Michel Poitevin & Bernard Sinclair-Desgagné - L'impartition du traitement de l'eau (RePEc:cir:cirpro:1996rp-02)
by Marcel Boyer & Jocelyn Martel & Michel Patry - La gestion déléguée de l'eau : Les enjeux (RePEc:cir:cirpro:1999rp-11)
by Marcel Boyer & Michel Patry & Pierre J. Tremblay - Analyse critique des méthodes et instruments actuels de mesure de la prévision de l'offre et de la demande de main-d'oeuvre hautement qualifiée (RePEc:cir:cirpro:1999rp-13)
by Marcel Boyer & Véronique Le Gallo & Claude Montmarquette - Combler le Déficit de Compétences : Un Guide d'Interaction Université-Industrie (RePEc:cir:cirpro:2001rp-03)
by Gamal Atallah & Marcel Boyer - Value Creation through Real Options Management (RePEc:cir:cirpro:2001rp-04)
by Marcel Boyer & Peter Christoffersen & Pierre Lasserre & Andrey Pavlov - La gestion déléguée de l'eau : Les options (RePEc:cir:cirpro:2001rp-10)
by Marcel Boyer & Michel Patry & Pierre J. Tremblay - La gestion déléguée de l'eau : Gouvernance et rôle des différents intervenants (RePEc:cir:cirpro:2001rp-11)
by Marcel Boyer & Michel Patry & Pierre J. Tremblay - Organisation et réglementation des services publics d'eau potable et d'assainissement en France (RePEc:cir:cirpro:2002rp-13)
by Marcel Boyer & Serge Garcia - Le financement et l'évaluation de la performance des universités: l'expérience anglaise (RePEc:cir:cirpro:2002rp-14)
by Gamal Atallah & Marcel Boyer - Partage des coûts et tarification des infrastructures - Enjeux, problématique et pertinence du partage efficace des coûts (RePEc:cir:cirpro:2002rp-17)
by Marcel Boyer & Michel Moreaux & Michel Truchon - Partage des coûts et tarification des infrastructures - Les méthodes de partage de coûts - Un survol (RePEc:cir:cirpro:2002rp-18)
by Marcel Boyer & Michel Moreaux & Michel Truchon - Partage des coûts et tarification des infrastructures - Les méthodes de partage de coûts - Propriétés (RePEc:cir:cirpro:2002rp-19)
by Marcel Boyer & Michel Moreaux & Michel Truchon - Partage des coûts et tarification des infrastructures - Les jeux de coûts : Définitions et propriétés souhaitables des solutions (RePEc:cir:cirpro:2002rp-20)
by Marcel Boyer & Michel Moreaux & Michel Truchon - Partage des coûts et tarification des infrastructures - Les jeux de coûts - Principaux concepts de solution (RePEc:cir:cirpro:2002rp-21)
by Marcel Boyer & Michel Moreaux & Michel Truchon - Real Options at Bell Canada (RePEc:cir:cirpro:2003rp-01)
by Marcel Boyer & Éric Gravel - Partage des coûts et tarification des infrastructures - Le cas des réseaux municipaux souterrains (RePEc:cir:cirpro:2003rp-04)
by Marcel Boyer & Michel Moreaux & Michel Truchon - Partage des coûts et tarification des infrastructures - Partage des coûts dans l'entreprise et incitations (RePEc:cir:cirpro:2003rp-05)
by Marcel Boyer & Michel Moreaux & Michel Truchon - Partage des coûts et tarification des infrastructures - Tarification optimale des infrastructures communes (RePEc:cir:cirpro:2003rp-06)
by Marcel Boyer & Michel Moreaux & Michel Truchon - Assessing the Economic Impact of Copyright Reform (RePEc:cir:cirpro:2004rp-01)
by Marcel Boyer - L'économie du logiciel libre et ouvert Recommandations en vue d'une politique gouvernementale à l'égard du logiciel libre (open source software) (RePEc:cir:cirpro:2005rp-05)
by Marcel Boyer & Jacques Robert - The Economics of Free and Open Source Software: Contributions to a Government Policy on Open Source Software (RePEc:cir:cirpro:2006rp-03)
by Marcel Boyer & Jacques Robert - The Design of an Efficient Offshoring Strategy: Some Reflections and Links to SNC-Lavalin (RePEc:cir:cirpro:2007rp-01)
by Marcel Boyer - Prix de transfert Pourquoi et comment fixer les prix des transactions interdivisionnelles (RePEc:cir:cirpro:2007rp-05)
by Marcel Boyer - Évaluation des investissements, allocation des coûts communs et tarification (RePEc:cir:cirpro:2007rp-06)
by Marcel Boyer - Principes de choix d'une méthode économique d'allocation Partage des coûts et tarification à Gaz de France (RePEc:cir:cirpro:2007rp-07)
by Marcel Boyer & Nicolas Marchetti - Prix de transfert Efficacité fiscale et organisationnelles dans les firmes multidivisionnelles (RePEc:cir:cirpro:2007rp-08)
by Marcel Boyer - Prise en compte de la volatilité dans les questions de valorisation à long terme des actifs physiques (RePEc:cir:cirpro:2007rp-09)
by Marcel Boyer - Prix de transfert : Efficacité organisationnelle et prise en compte des risques dans les firmes multidivisionnelles (RePEc:cir:cirpro:2007rp-11)
by Marcel Boyer & David Jarry - Preemption and Rent Dissipation with Multiple Investments (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2000s-06)
by Marcel Boyer & Pierre Lasserre & Thomas Mariotti & Michel Moreaux - Law versus Regulation: A Political Economy Model of Instrument Choice in Environmental Policy (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2000s-57)
by Marcel Boyer & Donatella Porrini - Competition and the Reform of Incentive Schemes in the Regulated Sector (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2000s-58)
by Marcel Boyer & Jean-Jacques Laffont - Bankruptcy Cost, Financial Structure and Technological Flexibility Choices (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2001s-27)
by Marcel Boyer & Armel Jacques & Michel Moreaux - Real Options, Preemption, and the Dynamics of Industry Investments (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2001s-64)
by Marcel Boyer & Pierre Lasserre & Thomas Mariotti & Michel Moreaux - Observation, Flexibilité et Structures Technologiques des Industries (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2002s-12)
by Marcel Boyer & Armel Jacques & Michel Moreaux - Modeling the Choice Between Regulation and Liability in Terms of Social Welfare (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2002s-13)
by Marcel Boyer & Donatella Porrini - On the Relationship Between Financial Status and Investment in Technological Flexibility (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2002s-14)
by Marcel Boyer & Armel Jacques & Michel Moreaux - Entry Preventing Locations Under Incomplete Information (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2002s-15)
by Marcel Boyer & Philippe Mahenc & Michel Moreaux - Asymmetric Information And Product Differentiation (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2002s-16)
by Marcel Boyer & Philippe Mahenc & Michel Moreaux - The Choice of Instruments for Environmental Policy: Liability or Regulation? (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2002s-17)
by Marcel Boyer & Donatella Porrini - Régulation et mode de gestion : une étude économétrique sur les prix et la performance (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2004s-60)
by Marcel Boyer & Serge Garcia - The Measure and Regulation of Competition in Telecommunications Markets (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2005s-35)
by Marcel Boyer - VoIP Regulation in Canada (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2005s-36)
by Marcel Boyer & Catherine Mercier - Évaluation de projets : la valeur actualisée nette optimisée (VAN-O) (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2005s-37)
by Marcel Boyer & Éric Gravel - The Value of Real and Financial Risk Management (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2005s-38)
by Marcel Boyer & M. Martin Boyer & René Garcia - La performance économique du Québec : constats et défis (II) (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2006s-01)
by Marcel Boyer - Sharing Liability Between Banks and Firms: The Case of Industrial Safety Risk (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2007s-04)
by Marcel Boyer & Donatella Porrini - Environmental Protection, Consumer Awareness, Product Characteristics, and Market Power (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2007s-05)
by Marcel Boyer & Philippe Mahenc & Michel Moreaux - The Dynamics of Industry Investments (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2007s-09)
by Marcel Boyer & Pierre Lasserre & Michel Moreaux - La performance économique du Québec : constats et défis (III) (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2007s-12)
by Marcel Boyer - The “Competitive” Value of Music to Commercial Radio Stations (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2007s-30)
by Paul Audley & Marcel Boyer - L'économie du droit d'auteur et de l'utilisation équitable (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2007s-31)
by Marcel Boyer - The Economics of Copyright and Fair Dealing (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2007s-32)
by Marcel Boyer - The Efficient Liability Sharing Factor For Environmental Disasters: Lessons For Optimal Insurance Regulation (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2008s-03)
by Marcel Boyer & Donatella Porrini - Le secteur privé dans un système de santé public : France et Pays Nordiques (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2008s-06)
by Marcel Boyer - Régulation et mode de gestion : une étude économétrique sur les prix et la performance dans le secteur de l'eau potable (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2008s-25)
by Marcel Boyer & Serge Garcia - La performance économique du Québec : constats et défis (IV) (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2008s-29)
by Marcel Boyer - La performance et le développement économiques du Québec : Les douze travaux d'Hercule (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2009s-48)
by Marcel Boyer - The Impact of Court Errors on Liability Sharing and Safety Regulation for Environmental/Industrial Accidents (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2010s-48)
by Marcel Boyer & Donatella Porrini - Assessment of International Economic Policy Models and Measures: Lessons for Canada (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2011s-19)
by Marcel Boyer & Anne Catherine Faye - The Determination of Optimal Fines in Cartel Cases - The Myth of Underdeterrence (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2011s-34)
by Marie-Laure Allain & Marcel Boyer & Jean-Pierre Ponssard & Rachidi Kotchoni - The Econometrics of Cartel Overcharges (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2011s-35)
by Marcel Boyer & Rachidi Kotchoni - The Twelve Principles of Incentive Pay (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2011s-42)
by Marcel Boyer - Alleviating Coordination Problems and Regulatory Constraints through Financial Risk Management (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2011s-48)
by Marcel Boyer & M. Martin Boyer & René Garcia - A Dynamic Duopoly Investment Game without Commitment under Uncertain Market Expansion (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2011s-65)
by Marcel Boyer & Pierre Lasserre & Michel Moreaux - Growing out of the Crisis through Prudential Regulation of Large Financial Institutions and Redefined Government Responsibilities (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2011s-66)
by Marcel Boyer - La performance et le développement économiques à long terme du Québec : Les douze travaux d'hercule-Québec (mis à jour, revus et corrigés – 6e édition) (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2012s-03)
by Marcel Boyer - How Much Do Cartels Typically Overcharge? (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2012s-15)
by Marcel Boyer - A Real Options Analysis of TransEuropean Telecommunications Wireline Video Deployment (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2012s-25)
by Marcel Boyer & Éric Gravel - Évaluation options réelles du projet VEGA de Northern Canada Gas (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2012s-26)
by Marcel Boyer & Éric Gravel - Are Cartel Fines Optimal? Theory and Evidence from the European Union (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2013s-24)
by Marie-Laure Allain & Marcel Boyer & Jean-Pierre Ponssard & Rachidi Kotchoni - Economic analysis of the European cement industry (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2013s-47)
by Marcel Boyer & Jean-Pierre Ponssard - Growing out of Crises and Recessions: Regulating Systemic Financial Institutions and Redefining Government Responsibilities (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2015s-01)
by Marcel Boyer - How Much Do Cartel Overcharge? (The "Working Paper" Version) (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2015s-37)
by Marcel Boyer & Rachidi Kotchoni - Cinq méprises omniprésentes en évaluation d’investissements publics et privés (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2017s-02)
by Marcel Boyer - The Competitive Market Value of Copyright in Music: A Digital Gordian Knot (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2017s-14)
by Marcel Boyer - The Economics of Private Copying (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2017s-15)
by Marcel Boyer - The Three-Legged Stool of Music Value: Hertzian Radio, SiriusXM, Spotify (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2017s-16)
by Marcel Boyer - Challenges and Pitfalls in Cartel Policy and Fining (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2017s-20)
by Marcel Boyer & Anne Catherine Faye & Rachidi Kotchoni - The Rise of Economics in Competition Policy: A Canadian Perspective (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2017s-26)
by Marcel Boyer & Thomas W. Ross & Ralph A. Winter - The Competitive Market Value of Copyright in Music: A Digital Gordian Knot (The Working Paper Version – v2) (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2018s-30)
by Marcel Boyer - The Three-Legged Stool of Value of Copyrighted Music: Hertzian Radio, SiriusXM, and Spotify (The Working Paper Version – v2) (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2018s-32)
by Marcel Boyer - La performance et le développement économiques à long terme du Québec : Les douze travaux d’Hercule-Québec (Mis à jour, revus et corrigés – 7e édition) (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2019s-02)
by Marcel Boyer - Guiding Principles in Setting Cartel Sanctions (The Working Paper Version) (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2019s-18)
by Marcel Boyer & Anne Catherine Faye & Éric Gravel & Rachidi Kotchoni - Fonds de la Francophonie pour les Infrastructures en Afrique (FFIA) (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2019s-25)
by Marcel Boyer & Ping Huang - CEO Pay in Perspective (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2019s-33)
by Marcel Boyer - Défis et embûches dans l’évaluation des PPP : Pour un secteur public efficace et efficient (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2020s-25)
by Marcel Boyer - Inequalities: Income, Wealth and Consumption (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2020s-26)
by Marcel Boyer - Free Trade and Economic Policies: A Critique of Empirical Reason (The Working Paper Version) (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2020s-56)
by Marcel Boyer - Libre-échange et politiques économiques : Une critique de la raison empirique (La version cahier de recherche) (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2020s-57)
by Marcel Boyer - OBAMACARE : Enjeux économiques et constitutionnels (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2020s-60)
by Marcel Boyer & Molivann Panot - A Pervasive Economic Fallacy in Assessing the Cost of Public Funds (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2020s-63)
by Marcel Boyer - Northeast America (NEA) Electricity Profile: Proposal of a Free Trade Area (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2020s-65)
by Marcel Boyer - The Revision of the Canadian Copyright Act: An Economic Analysis (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2020s-68)
by Marcel Boyer - Au-delà de l’ESG : Réformer le capitalisme et la social-démocratie (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2021s-02)
by Marcel Boyer - Beyond ESG: Reforming Capitalism and Social-Democracy (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2021s-03)
by Marcel Boyer - The Retail Gasoline Price-Fixing Cartel in Québec (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2021s-06)
by Marcel Boyer - Commentaires sur la politique de la concurrence et les marchés du travail (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2022s-20)
by Marcel Boyer - Comments on competition policy and labour markets (RePEc:cir:cirwor:2022s-21)
by Marcel Boyer - Sequential Location Equilibria Under Incomplete Information (RePEc:cir:cirwor:94s-20)
by Marcel Boyer & Jean-Jacques Laffont & Philippe Mahenc & Michel Moreaux - Environmental Risks and Bank Liability (RePEc:cir:cirwor:94s-22)
by Marcel Boyer & Jean-Jacques Laffont - Capacity Commitment Versus Flexibility: The Technological Choice Nexus in a Strategic Context (RePEc:cir:cirwor:95s-35)
by Marcel Boyer & Michel Moreaux - Environmental Protection, Producer Insolvency and Lender Liability (RePEc:cir:cirwor:95s-50)
by Marcel Boyer & Jean-Jacques Laffont - Entry Blockading Locations (RePEc:cir:cirwor:95s-51)
by Marcel Boyer & Philippe Mahenc & Michel Moreaux - Toward a Political Theory of Environmental Policy (RePEc:cir:cirwor:96s-07)
by Marcel Boyer & Jean-Jacques Laffont - Ex Ante Incentives and Ex Post Flexibility (RePEc:cir:cirwor:96s-14)
by Marcel Boyer & Jacques Robert - Setting Standards for Credible Compliance and Law Enforcement (RePEc:cir:cirwor:96s-27)
by Marcel Boyer & Tracy R. Lewis & Wei Lin Liu - L'économie des organisations : Mythes et réalités (RePEc:cir:cirwor:97s-02)
by Marcel Boyer - Competition and Access in Telecoms: ECPR, Global Price Cap, and Auctions (RePEc:cir:cirwor:97s-03)
by Marcel Boyer - Emerging Environmental Problems, Irreversible Remedies, and Myopia in a Two Country Setup (RePEc:cir:cirwor:97s-32)
by Marcel Boyer & Pierre Lasserre & Michel Moreaux - Strategic Adoption of a New Technology under Uncertain Implementation (RePEc:cir:cirwor:97s-40)
by Marcel Boyer & Séverine Clamens - Competition and Access in Electricity Markets: ECPR, Global Price Cap, and Auctions (RePEc:cir:cirwor:97s-41)
by Marcel Boyer & Jacques Robert - Observability, Commitment and Flexibility (RePEc:cir:cirwor:98s-36)
by Marcel Boyer & Armel Jacques & Michel Moreaux - Better Observability Promotes the Adoption of More Flexible Technologies (RePEc:cir:cirwor:98s-38)
by Marcel Boyer & Armel Jacques & Michel Moreaux - Variations in the Probability and Magnitude of Loss: Their Impact on Risk (RePEc:cje:issued:v:16:y:1983:i:3:p:411-19)
by Marcel Boyer & Georges Dionne - Equilibres de duopole et variations conjecturales rationnelles. (Duopoly Equilibria and Rational Conjectural Variations. With English summary.) (RePEc:cje:issued:v:17:y:1984:i:1:p:111-25)
by Marcel Boyer & Michel Moreaux - Securite routiere: responsabilite pour negligence et tarification. Road Safety: Liability for Negligence and Pricing. With English summary.) (RePEc:cje:issued:v:18:y:1985:i:4:p:814-30)
by Marcel Boyer & Georges Dionne - Intertemporal Non-linear Pricing (RePEc:cje:issued:v:19:y:1986:i:3:p:539-55)
by Marcel Boyer - More on Insurance, Protection, and Risk (RePEc:cje:issued:v:22:y:1989:i:1:p:202-04)
by Marcel Boyer & Georges Dionne - Expanding the Informativeness of the Price System with Law (RePEc:cje:issued:v:22:y:1989:i:2:p:217-27)
by Marcel Boyer & Jean-Jacques Laffont - Leadership, Flexibility, and Growth (RePEc:cje:issued:v:24:y:1991:i:4:p:751-73)
by Marcel Boyer - Strategic Underinvestment in Informative Advertising: The Cases of Substitutes and Complements (RePEc:cje:issued:v:32:y:1999:i:3:p:654-672)
by Marcel Boyer & Michel Moreaux - Setting standards for credible compliance and law enforcement (RePEc:cje:issued:v:33:y:2000:i:2:p:319-340)
by Marcel Boyer & Tracy R. Lewis & Wei Lin Liu - Modelling the choice between regulation and liability in terms of social welfare (RePEc:cje:issued:v:37:y:2004:i:3:p:590-612)
by Marcel Boyer & Donatella Porrini - The rise of economics in competition policy: A Canadian perspective (RePEc:cje:issued:v:50:y:2017:i:5:p:1489-1524)
by Marcel Boyer & Thomas W. Ross & Ralph A. Winter - An Optimal Growth Model with Stationary Non-Additive Utilities (RePEc:cje:issued:v:8:y:1975:i:2:p:216-37)
by Marcel Boyer - Conjectures, rationality and duopoly theory (RePEc:cor:louvrp:517)
by BOYER, Marcel & MOREAUX, Michel - Consistent versus non-consistent conjectures in duopoly theory: some examples (RePEc:cor:louvrp:544)
by BOYER, Marcel & MOREAUX, Michel - Description and Analysis of the Quebec Automobile Insurance Plan (RePEc:cpp:issued:v:13:y:1987:i:2:p:181-195)
by Marcel Boyer & Georges Dionne - L'effet redistributif de l'inflation de 1969 a 1975 sur les menages canadiens. (With English summary.) (RePEc:cpp:issued:v:4:y:1978:i:2:p:193-212)
by Marcel Boyer & Rene Garcia - Competitive Market Value of Copyright in Music: A Digital Gordian Knot (RePEc:cpp:issued:v:44:y:2018:i:4:p:411-422)
by Marcel Boyer - A Pervasive Economic Fallacy in Assessing the Cost of Public Funds (RePEc:cpp:issued:v:48:y:2022:i:1:p:1-10)
by Marcel Boyer - Comment [Les Effets de la Reglementation: Table Ronde] (RePEc:cpp:issued:v:5:y:1979:i:4:p:469-474)
by Marcel Boyer - Preemption and Rent Dissipation under Bertrand Competition (RePEc:cre:uqamwp:20-04)
by Marcel Boyer & Pierre Lasserre & Thomas Mariotti & Michel Moreaux - Real Options, Preemption, and the Dynamics of Industry Investments (RePEc:cre:uqamwp:20-10)
by Marcel Boyer & Pierre Lasserre & Thomas Mariotti & Michel Moreaux - Organizational choices for efficiency and market power (RePEc:eee:ecolet:v:18:y:1985:i:1:p:79-82)
by Boyer, Marcel & Jacquemin, Alexis - Perfect competition as the limit of a hierarchical market game (RePEc:eee:ecolet:v:22:y:1986:i:2-3:p:115-118)
by Boyer, Marcel & Moreaux, Michel - Environmental risks and bank liability (RePEc:eee:eecrev:v:41:y:1997:i:8:p:1427-1459)
by Boyer, Marcel & Laffont, Jean-Jacques - Conjectures, rationality and duopoly theory (RePEc:eee:indorg:v:1:y:1983:i:1:p:23-41)
by Boyer, Marcel & Moreaux, Michel - Strategic market coverage in spatial competition (RePEc:eee:indorg:v:11:y:1993:i:3:p:299-326)
by Boyer, Marcel & Moreaux, Michel - Entry preventing locations under incomplete information (RePEc:eee:indorg:v:21:y:2003:i:6:p:809-829)
by Boyer, Marcel & Mahenc, Philippe & Moreaux, Michel - Preemption and rent dissipation under price competition (RePEc:eee:indorg:v:22:y:2004:i:3:p:309-328)
by Boyer, Marcel & Lasserre, Pierre & Mariotti, Thomas & Moreaux, Michel - A dynamic duopoly investment game without commitment under uncertain market expansion (RePEc:eee:indorg:v:30:y:2012:i:6:p:663-681)
by Boyer, Marcel & Lasserre, Pierre & Moreaux, Michel - Being a leader or a follower: Reflections on the distribution of roles in duopoly (RePEc:eee:indorg:v:5:y:1987:i:2:p:175-192)
by Boyer, Marcel & Moreaux, Michel - The impact of court errors on liability sharing and safety regulation for environmental/industrial accidents (RePEc:eee:irlaec:v:31:y:2011:i:1:p:21-29)
by Boyer, Marcel & Porrini, Donatella - Are cartel fines optimal? Theory and evidence from the European Union (RePEc:eee:irlaec:v:42:y:2015:i:c:p:38-47)
by Allain, Marie-Laure & Boyer, Marcel & Kotchoni, Rachidi & Ponssard, Jean-Pierre - Organizational inertia and dynamic incentives (RePEc:eee:jeborg:v:59:y:2006:i:3:p:324-348)
by Boyer, Marcel & Robert, Jacques - Rational demand and expenditures patterns under habit formation (RePEc:eee:jetheo:v:31:y:1983:i:1:p:27-53)
by Boyer, Marcel - Competition and the reform of incentive schemes in the regulated sector (RePEc:eee:pubeco:v:87:y:2003:i:7-8:p:1353-1381)
by Boyer, Marcel - Competition and the reform of incentive schemes in the regulated sector (RePEc:eee:pubeco:v:87:y:2003:i:9-10:p:2369-2396)
by Boyer, Marcel & Laffont, Jean-Jacques - Location distortions under incomplete information (RePEc:eee:regeco:v:24:y:1994:i:4:p:409-440)
by Boyer, Marcel & Laffont, Jean-Jacques & Mahenc, Philippe & Moreaux, Michel - Asymmetric information and product differentiation (RePEc:eee:regeco:v:33:y:2003:i:1:p:93-113)
by Boyer, Marcel & Mahenc, Phillippe & Moreaux, Michel - The economics of road safety (RePEc:eee:transb:v:21:y:1987:i:5:p:413-431)
by Boyer, Marcel & Dionne, Georges - Environmental protection, producer insolvency and lender liability (RePEc:elg:eechap:1012_1)
by Marcel Boyer & Jean-Jacques Laffont - The Measure and Regulation of Competition in Telecommunications Markets (RePEc:elg:eechap:13592_5)
by Marcel Boyer - Corporate governance in the presence of major technological risks (RePEc:elg:eechap:1929_11)
by Marcel Boyer & Bernard Sinclair-Desgagné - Media Attention, Insurance Regulation and Liability Insurance (RePEc:fth:etcori:99-05)
by Boyer, M. - Strategic Considerations in the Choice of Technological Flexibility (RePEc:fth:gremaq:93.291)
by Boyer, M. & Moreaux, M. - Strategic Pricing and Informative Advertising (RePEc:fth:gremaq:93.a)
by Boyer, M. & Moreaux, M. - Toward a Political Theory of Environmental Policy (RePEc:fth:gremaq:96.405)
by Boyer, M. & Laffont, J.J. - Industry Development under Alternative Market Structures (RePEc:fth:gremaq:98.497)
by Boyer, M. & Lasserre, P. & Mariotti, T. & Moreaux, M. - Strategic Underinvestment in Informative Advertising: the Cases of Subsitutes and Complements (RePEc:fth:gremaq:98.502)
by Boyer, M. & Moreaux, M. - Observability, Commitment and Flexibility (RePEc:fth:gremaq:98.504)
by Boyer, M. & Jacques, A. & Moreaux, M. - Better Observability Promotes the Adoption of more Flexible Technologies (RePEc:fth:gremaq:98.505)
by Boyer, M. & Jacques, A. & Moreaux, M. - The Regulation of Business Activity (RePEc:fth:qkinpo:93-23)
by Boyer, M. - The determination of optimal fines in cartel cases: Theory and practice (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-00643945)
by Marie-Laure Allain & Marcel Boyer & Jean-Pierre Ponssard - How Much Do Cartels Overcharge (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01386061)
by Marcel Boyer & Rachidi Kotchoni - Are Cartel Fines Optimal? Theory and Evidence From the European Union (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01386062)
by Marie-Laure Allain & Marcel Boyer & Rachidi Kotchoni & Jean-Pierre Ponssard - Challenges and Pitfalls in Cartel Fining (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-01825584)
by Marcel Boyer & Anne-Cathérine Faye & Eric Gravel & Rachidi Kotchoni - Environmental Protection, Consumers Awareness, Product Characteristics and Market Power (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-02081036)
by Marcel Boyer & Philippe Mahenc & Michel Moreaux - Guiding Principles in Setting Cartel Sanctions (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-02573132)
by Marcel Boyer & Anne Catherine Faye & Eric Gravel & Rachidi Kotchoni - Competition, Open Social Democracy, and the COVID-19 Pandemic (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-02929019)
by Marcel Boyer - Beyond ESG : reforming capitalism and social democracy (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-03468903)
by Marcel Boyer - Challenges and Pitfalls in Revising of the Canadian Copyright Act (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-03543633)
by Marcel Boyer - CEO pay in perspective (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-03543670)
by Marcel Boyer - The Retail Gasoline Price-Fixing Cartel in Quebec (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-03789032)
by Marcel Boyer - Unknown item RePEc:hal:journl:hal-03858097 (paper)
- Manifeste pour une social-démocratie concurrentielle (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-03975388)
by Marcel Boyer - A pervasive economic fallacy in assessing the cost of public funds
[Une erreur économique omniprésente dans l'évaluation du coût des fonds publics] (RePEc:hal:journl:hal-04039054)
by Marcel Boyer - Observation, Flexibilité et Structures Technologiques des Industries (RePEc:hal:journl:halshs-01697613)
by Armel Jacques & Marcel Boyer & Michel Moreaux - Optimal liability sharing and court errors: an exploratory analysis (RePEc:hal:wpaper:hal-00463913)
by Marcel Boyer & Donatella Porrini - The Econometrics of Cartel Overcharges (RePEc:hal:wpaper:hal-00631429)
by Marcel Boyer & Rachidi Kotchoni - The Determination of Optimal Fines in Cartel Cases The Myth of Underdeterrence (RePEc:hal:wpaper:hal-00631432)
by Marie-Laure Allain & Marcel Boyer & Rachidi Kotchoni & Jean-Pierre Ponssard - Economic analysis of the European cement industry (RePEc:hal:wpaper:hal-00915646)
by Marcel Boyer & Jean-Pierre Ponssard - A Dynamic Duopoly Investment Game under Uncertain Market Growth (RePEc:ide:wpaper:22823)
by Boyer, Marcel & Lasserre, Pierre & Moreaux, Michel - Environmental Risks and Bank Liability (RePEc:ide:wpaper:4566)
by Boyer, Marcel & Laffont, Jean-Jacques - Capacity Commitment versus Flexibility (RePEc:ide:wpaper:723)
by Boyer, Marcel & Moreaux, Michel - Entry Blockading Locations (RePEc:ide:wpaper:731)
by Boyer, Marcel & Mahenc, Philippe & Moreaux, Michel - Sequential Location Equilibria under Incomplete Information (RePEc:ide:wpaper:778)
by Boyer, Marcel & Laffont, Jean-Jacques & Mahenc, Philippe & Moreaux, Michel - A Habit Forming Optimal Growth Model (RePEc:ier:iecrev:v:19:y:1978:i:3:p:585-609)
by Boyer, Marcel - Endogenous Rationing in a Differentiated Product Duopoly (RePEc:ier:iecrev:v:30:y:1989:i:4:p:877-88)
by Boyer, Marcel & Moreaux, Michel - How Much Do Cartel Overcharge? (RePEc:kap:revind:v:47:y:2015:i:2:p:119-153)
by Marcel Boyer & Rachidi Kotchoni - Régulation et mode de gestion : une étude économétrique sur les prix et la performance dans le secteur de l'eau potable (RePEc:lef:wpaper:2008-03)
by Serge Garcia & Marcel Boyer - A Dynamic Duopoly Investment Game under Uncertain Market Growth (RePEc:ler:wpaper:10.12.318)
by Boyer, Marcel & Lasserre, Pierre & Moreaux, Michel - Equilibrium in Linear Capital Markets Networks (RePEc:mtl:montde:7417)
by Boyer, M. & Story, S. & Thore, S. - An Algorithm to Find Out If the Intersection of M Convex Polyhedral Cones Has a Non Empty Interior (RePEc:mtl:montde:7606)
by Boyer, M. & Paquette, L. - A Mathematical Programming Approach to General Equilibrium (RePEc:mtl:montde:7607)
by Boyer, M. - Expectations, Markets and Growth (RePEc:mtl:montde:7608)
by Boyer, M. - A Habit Forming Optimal Grouwth Model (RePEc:mtl:montde:7612)
by Boyer, M. - Le Calcul Economique de la Publicite Frauduleuse (RePEc:mtl:montde:7707)
by Boyer, M. & Kihlstrom, R. & Laffont, J.J. - Multiperiod Nonuniform Pricing with Interdependent Demand and Separate Markets (RePEc:mtl:montde:7819)
by Boyer, M. - Decentralized Planning in Unintegrated Systems (RePEc:mtl:montde:7827)
by Boyer, M. - Constraints on Portfolios and the Structure of Yields and Interest Rates (RePEc:mtl:montde:7829)
by Boyer, M. - Le Cout de L'electricite au Quebec: 1976-1990 (RePEc:mtl:montde:7910)
by Boyer, M. & Martin, F. - Le Calcul Economique des Choix Discrets: le Cas de la Publicite Trompeuse (RePEc:mtl:montde:7914)
by Boyer, M. & Kihlstrom, R. & Laffont, J.J. - Le Cout D'opportunite Economique du Capital Dans les Entreprises Publiques: le Cas de Hydro-Quebec (RePEc:mtl:montde:7928)
by Boyer, M. & Martin, F. - Identification de Grappes Industrielles Pour la Generation de Projets D'investissement (RePEc:mtl:montde:8034)
by Boyer, M. & Dagenais, M.G. & Martin, F. - Market Determinants of Misleading Advertising (RePEc:mtl:montde:8036)
by Boyer, M. & Kihlstrom, R.E. & Laffont, J.J. - La Mise a Jour de la Matrice des Coefficients de Capital Pour L'economie Quebecoise (RePEc:mtl:montde:8042)
by Boyer, M. & Dagenais, M.G. & Downs, A. - The Concept of Adequate Information: Market Failures and Their Corrections (RePEc:mtl:montde:8126)
by Boyer, M. & Mackay, E. - Rational Demand and Expenditures Patterns Under Habit Formation (RePEc:mtl:montde:8133)
by Boyer, M. - Strategic Equilibrium with Reaction Threats (RePEc:mtl:montde:8137)
by Boyer, M. - On "Rational Duopoly Equilibria" (RePEc:mtl:montde:8147)
by Boyer, M. & Moreaux, M. - Equilibres de Duopole et Variations Conjecturales Rationnelles (RePEc:mtl:montde:8148)
by Boyer, M. & Moreaux, M. - Nonlinear Pricing with Growing Demand over Time (RePEc:mtl:montde:8201)
by Boyer, M. - Conjectures, Rationality and Duopoly Theory (RePEc:mtl:montde:8205)
by Boyer, M. & Moreaux, M. - Consistent Versus Non-Consistent Conjectures in Duopoly Theory: Some Examples (RePEc:mtl:montde:8206)
by Boyer, M. & Moreaux, M. - Riscophobie et Etalement a Moyenne Constante: Analyse et Applications (RePEc:mtl:montde:8229)
by Boyer, M. & Dionne, G. - The Choice Between Equivalent Variations in the Probability and Magnitude of Loss (RePEc:mtl:montde:8230)
by Boyer, M. & Dionne, G. - Organizational and Industrial Actions for Efficiency and Market Power : an Integrated Approach (RePEc:mtl:montde:8234)
by Boyer, M. & Jacquemin, A. - Theorie de L'oligopole, Conjectures Autorealisantes et Contraintes de Rationalite (RePEc:mtl:montde:8236)
by Boyer, M. & Moreaux, M. - Securite Routiere: Efficacite, Subvention et Reglementation (RePEc:mtl:montde:8317)
by Boyer, M. & Dionne, G. - The Riskiness of Equivalent Governmental Policies (RePEc:mtl:montde:8319)
by Boyer, M. & Dionne, G. - Distribution des Roles et Espaces des Strategies Dans la Theorie du Duopole de Stackelberg (RePEc:mtl:montde:8333)
by Boyer, M. & Moreaux, M. - Rational Rationing with Differentiated Products (RePEc:mtl:montde:8523)
by Boyer, M. & Moreaux, M. - On Stackelberg Equilibria with Differentiated Products: the Critical Role of the Strategy Space (RePEc:mtl:montde:8524)
by Boyer, M. & Moreaux, M. - L'equilibre Concurrentiel Comme Limite de Suites D'equilibres Strategiques de Stackelberg (RePEc:mtl:montde:8527)
by Boyer, M. & Moreaux, M. - An Economic Analysis of the Use of False Regular Prices in Advertising (RePEc:mtl:montde:8537)
by Boyer, M. & Laffont, J.J. - An Analysis of the Quebec Automobile Insurance Regime (RePEc:mtl:montde:8548)
by Boyer, M. & Dionne, G. - Moral Hazard and Experience Rating: an Empirical Analysis (RePEc:mtl:montde:8549)
by Boyer, M. & Dionne, G. - La Tarification de L'assurance Automobile et les Incitations a la Securite Routiere: une Etude Empirique (RePEc:mtl:montde:8553)
by Boyer, M. & Dionne, G. - The Economics of Road Safety (RePEc:mtl:montde:8554)
by Boyer, M. & Dionne, G. - Rationnement, Anticipations Rationnelles et Equilibres de Stackelberg (RePEc:mtl:montde:8555)
by Boyer, M. & Moreaux, M. - Expanding the Informativeness of the Price System with Law (RePEc:mtl:montde:8560)
by Boyer, M. & Laffont, J.J. - Public Information and Experience Rating (RePEc:mtl:montde:8627)
by Boyer, M. & Dionne, G. & Kihlstrom, R. - Rational Rationing in Stackelerbg Equilibria (RePEc:mtl:montde:8631)
by Boyer, M. & Moreaux, M. - More on Insurance, Protection and Risk (RePEc:mtl:montde:8806)
by Boyer, M. & Dionne, G. - Endogenous Rationing in a Differentiated Product Duopoly (RePEc:mtl:montde:8830)
by Boyer, M. & Moreaux, M. - Rationnement Endogene et Structure de Marche (RePEc:mtl:montde:8907)
by Boyer, M. & Moreaux, M. - L'empreinte de Malinvaud (RePEc:mtl:montde:8909)
by Boyer, M. & Dagenais, M.G. & Salvas-Bronsard, L. - Uncertainty, Capacity and Flexibility: the Monopoly Case (RePEc:mtl:montde:8911)
by Boyer, M. & Moreaux, A. - Les Equilibres de Marches Avec Meneur En Information Complete (RePEc:mtl:montde:8940)
by Boyer, M. & Moreaux, M. - Econometric Models of Accident Distributions (RePEc:mtl:montde:9001)
by Boyer, M. & Dionee, G. & Vanasse, C. - Strategic Pricing and Informative Advertising (RePEc:mtl:montde:9010)
by Boyer, M. & Moreaux, M. - Sequential Spetial Equilibria Under Incomplete Information (RePEc:mtl:montde:9011)
by Boyer, M. & Laffont, J.J. & Mahenc, P. - Endogenous Overlapping Market Areas in a Special Duopoly (RePEc:mtl:montde:9014)
by Boyer, M. & Moreaux, M. - Infractions au Code de la Securite Routiere, Infractions au Code Criminel, et Gestion Optimale de la Securite Routiere (RePEc:mtl:montde:9024)
by Boyer, M. & Dionne, G. & Vanasse, C. - Le role du collateral dans le report des investissements en presence d'asymetries d'information (RePEc:mtl:montde:9205)
by Beaudry, P. & Boyer, M. & Poitevin, M. - Sequential Location Equilibria Under Incomplete Information (RePEc:mtl:montde:9426)
by Boyer, M. & Laffont, J.J. & Mahenc, P. - Environmental Risks and Bank Liability (RePEc:mtl:montde:9501)
by Boyer, M. & Laffont, J.J. - Entry Blockading Locations (RePEc:mtl:montde:9555)
by BOYER, Marcel & MOREAUX, Michel & MAHENC, Philippe - Capacity Commitment Versus Flexibility: The Technological Choice Nexus in a Strategic Context (RePEc:mtl:montde:9556)
by BOYER, Marcel & MOREAUX, Michel - Environmental Protection Producer Insolvency and Lender Liability (RePEc:mtl:montde:9557)
by BOYER, Marcel - Toward a Political Theory of Environmental Policy (RePEc:mtl:montde:9604)
by Boyer, M. & Laffont, J.J. - Optimal Liability Sharing and Court Errors : An Exploratory Analysis (RePEc:mtl:montec:05-2010)
by BOYER, Marcel & PORRINI, Donatella - The Alleviation of Coordination Problems through Financial Risk Management (RePEc:mtl:montec:06-2010)
by BOYER, Marcel & BOYER, Martin M. & GARCIA, René - More On Insurance, Protection And Risk (RePEc:mtl:montec:8806)
by Boyer, M. & Dionne, G. - Endogenous Rationing In A Differentiated Product Duopoly (RePEc:mtl:montec:8830)
by Boyer, M. & Moreaux, M. - Rationnement Endogene Et Structure De Marche (RePEc:mtl:montec:8907)
by Boyer, M. & Moreaux, M. - L'Empreinte De Malinvaud (RePEc:mtl:montec:8909)
by Boyer, M. & Dagenais, M.G. & Salvas-Bronsard, L. - Uncertainty, Capacity And Flexibility: The Monopoly Case (RePEc:mtl:montec:8911)
by Boyer, M. & Moreaux, A. - Les Equilibres De Marches Avec Meneur En Information Complete (RePEc:mtl:montec:8940)
by Boyer,M. & Moreaux, M. - Econometric Models Of Accident Distributions (RePEc:mtl:montec:9001)
by Boyer, M. & Dionee, G. & Vanasse, C. - Strategic Pricing And Informative Advertising (RePEc:mtl:montec:9010)
by Boyer, M. & Moreaux, M. - Sequential Spetial Equilibria Under Incomplete Information (RePEc:mtl:montec:9011)
by Boyer, M. & Laffont, J.J. & Mahenc, P. & Moreaux, M. - Endogenous Overlapping Market Areas In A Special Duopoly (RePEc:mtl:montec:9014)
by Boyer, M. & Moreaux, M. - Infractions Au Code De La Securite Routiere, Infractions Au Code Criminel, Et Gestion Optimale De La Securite Routiere (RePEc:mtl:montec:9024)
by Boyer, M. & Dionne, G. & Vanasse, C. - Le role du collateral dans le report des investissements en presence d'asymetries d'information (RePEc:mtl:montec:9205)
by Beaudry, P. & Boyer, M. & Poitevin, M. - Sequential Location Equilibria Under Incomplete Information (RePEc:mtl:montec:9426)
by Boyer, M. & Laffont, J.J. & Mahenc, P. & Moreau, M. - Environmental Risks and Bank Liability (RePEc:mtl:montec:9501)
by Boyer, M. & Laffont, J.J. - Toward a Political Theory of Environmental Policy (RePEc:mtl:montec:9604)
by Boyer, M. & Laffont, J.J. - Beyond ESG: Reforming Capitalism and Social Democracy (RePEc:now:jnlacg:109.00000033)
by Marcel Boyer - Le financement et l'évaluation de la performance des universités: l'expérience anglaise (RePEc:ott:wpaper:0401e)
by Gamal Atallah & Marcel Boyer - Rational Rationing in Stackelberg Equilibria (RePEc:oup:qjecon:v:103:y:1988:i:2:p:409-414.)
by Marcel Boyer & Michel Moreaux - The Efficient Liability Sharing Factor for Environmental Disasters: Lessons for Optimal Insurance Regulation* (RePEc:pal:gpprii:v:33:y:2008:i:2:p:337-362)
by Marcel Boyer & Donatella Porrini - Emerging environmental problems, irreversible remedies, and myopia in a two country setup (RePEc:prs:recind:rei_0154-3229_1998_num_83_1_1698)
by Marcel Boyer & Pierre Lasserre & Michel Moreaux - Concurrence spatiale et distorsions de localisation en information incomplète (RePEc:prs:reveco:reco_0035-2764_1991_num_42_6_409329)
by Jean-Jacques Laffont & Michel Moreaux & Marcel Boyer & Philippe Mahenc - L’économie des organisations : Mythes et réalités (RePEc:ris:actuec:0227)
by Boyer, Marcel - Efficiency Criteria for Nationalized Industries: A Study of the Misapplication of Micro-Economic Theory, par ALEC NOVE. — UNIVERSITY OF TORONTO PRESS, 1973, 147 p (RePEc:ris:actuec:v:52:y:1976:i:3:p:408-412)
by Boyer, Marcel - Le coût de l’électricité au Québec : 1976-1990 (RePEc:ris:actuec:v:54:y:1978:i:4:p:431-462)
by Boyer, Marcel & Martin, Fernand - Le calcul économique de la publicité frauduleuse (RePEc:ris:actuec:v:55:y:1979:i:1:p:46-67)
by Boyer, Marcel & Kihlstrom, Richard & Laffont, Jean-Jacques - Mise à jour de la matrice des coefficients de capital pour l’économie québécoise (RePEc:ris:actuec:v:57:y:1981:i:1:p:5-32)
by Boyer, Marcel & Dagenais, Marcel G. & Downs, André & Sauriol, Gilles - Riscophobie et étalement à moyenne constante : analyse et applications (RePEc:ris:actuec:v:59:y:1983:i:2:p:208-229)
by Boyer, Marcel & Dionne, Georges - Sécurité routière : efficacité, subvention et réglementation (RePEc:ris:actuec:v:60:y:1984:i:2:p:200-222)
by Boyer, Marcel & Dionne, Georges - L’équilibre concurrentiel comme limite de suites d’équilibres stratégiques de Stackelberg (RePEc:ris:actuec:v:61:y:1985:i:3:p:299-315)
by Boyer, Marcel & Moreaux, Michel - La convergence d’équilibres stratégiques en prix-quantités vers l’équilibre concurrentiel (RePEc:ris:actuec:v:61:y:1985:i:4:p:411-427)
by Boyer, Marcel & Moreaux, Michel - Une analyse économique de l’usage de faux prix réguliers en publicité (RePEc:ris:actuec:v:63:y:1987:i:2:p:153-168)
by Boyer, Marcel & Laffont, Jean-Jacques - Rationnement endogène et structure de marché (RePEc:ris:actuec:v:65:y:1989:i:1:p:119-145)
by Boyer, Marcel & Moreaux, Michel - L’empreinte de MalinvaudMélanges économiques. Essais en l’honneur de Edmond Malinvaud, Economica, Paris, 1988 (1092 pages) (RePEc:ris:actuec:v:65:y:1989:i:2:p:263-296)
by Boyer, Marcel & Dagenais, Marcel G. & Salvas-Bronsard, Lise - Commentaire sur le texte de Stylianos Perrakis (RePEc:ris:actuec:v:65:y:1989:i:4:p:547-554)
by Boyer, Marcel & Poitevin, Michel - Infractions au Code de la sécurité routière, infractions au Code criminel et gestion optimale de la sécurité routière (RePEc:ris:actuec:v:67:y:1991:i:3:p:279-305)
by Boyer, Marcel & Dionne, Georges & Vanasse, Charles - Le rôle du collatéral dans le report des investissements en présence d’asymétries d’information (RePEc:ris:actuec:v:69:y:1993:i:1:p:71-90)
by Beaudry, Paul & Boyer, Marcel & Poitevin, Michel - L’économie des organisations (RePEc:ris:actuec:v:72:y:1996:i:3:p:247-274)
by Boyer, Marcel - L’intégration des marchés émergents et la modélisation des rendements des actifs risqués (RePEc:ris:actuec:v:73:y:1997:i:1:p:311-330)
by Boyer, Marcel & Cherkaoui, Mouna & Ghysels, Eric - Flexibilité et stratégies d’impartition (RePEc:ris:actuec:v:76:y:2000:i:2:p:199-224)
by Boyer, Marcel & Moreaux, Michel - Jean-Jacques Laffont 1947-2004 (RePEc:ris:actuec:v:79:y:2003:i:4:p:397-398)
by Boyer, Marcel - Toward a Political Theory of the Emergence of Environmental Incentive Regulation (RePEc:rje:randje:v:30:y:1999:i:spring:p:137-157)
by Marcel Boyer & Jean-Jacques Laffont - La tarification de l'assurance automobile et les incitations à la sécurité routière: Une étude empirique (RePEc:ses:arsjes:1986-iii-4)
by Marcel Boyer & Georges Dionne - Sequential Location Equilibria under Incomplete Information (RePEc:spr:joecth:v:6:y:1995:i:2:p:323-50)
by Boyer, Marcel & Laffont, Jean-Jacques & Mahenc, Philippe & Moreaux, Michel - Contracting under ex post moral hazard and non-commitment (RePEc:spr:reecde:v:8:y:2003:i:1:p:1-38)
by M. Boyer - An Empirical Analysis of Moral Hazard and Experience Rating (RePEc:tpr:restat:v:71:y:1989:i:1:p:128-34)
by Boyer, Marcel & Dionne, Georges - Ceo pay in perspective (RePEc:tse:iastwp:123840)
by Boyer, Marcel - Obamacare: Enjeux économiques et constitutionnels (RePEc:tse:iastwp:124938)
by Boyer, Marcel & Panot, Molivann - Libre-échange et Politiques Economiques: Une critique de la raison empirique (RePEc:tse:iastwp:124942)
by Boyer, Marcel - Free Trade and Economic Policies: A Critique of Empirical Reason (RePEc:tse:iastwp:124945)
by Boyer, Marcel - A Pervasive Economic Fallacy In Assessing the Cost of Public Funds (RePEc:tse:iastwp:125006)
by Boyer, Marcel - Au-Delà de l’ESG : Réformer le Capitalisme et la Social-démocratie (RePEc:tse:iastwp:125312)
by Boyer, Marcel - Beyond ESG: Reforming Capitalim and Social-democracy (RePEc:tse:iastwp:125313)
by Boyer, Marcel - à reprendre (RePEc:tse:iastwp:127082)
by Boyer, Marcel - Ceo pay in perspective (RePEc:tse:wpaper:123821)
by Boyer, Marcel - Défis et embûches dans l’évaluation des PPP : Pour un secteur public efficace et efficient (RePEc:tse:wpaper:124283)
by Boyer, Marcel - Inequalities: Income, Wealth and consumption (RePEc:tse:wpaper:124286)
by Boyer, Marcel - Obamacare: Enjeux économiques et constitutionnels (RePEc:tse:wpaper:124937)
by Boyer, Marcel & Panot, Molivann - Libre-échange et Politiques Economiques: Une critique de la raison empirique (RePEc:tse:wpaper:124939)
by Boyer, Marcel - Free Trade and Economic Policies: A Critique of Empirical Reason (RePEc:tse:wpaper:124944)
by Boyer, Marcel - A Pervasive Economic Fallacy In Assessing the Cost of Public Funds (RePEc:tse:wpaper:124955)
by Boyer, Marcel - Au-Delà de l’ESG : Réformer le Capitalisme et la Social-démocratie (RePEc:tse:wpaper:125310)
by Boyer, Marcel - Beyond ESG: Reforming Capitalim and Social-democracy (RePEc:tse:wpaper:125311)
by Boyer, Marcel - Anticompetitive bundling when buyers compete (RePEc:tse:wpaper:127083)
by de Cornière, Alexandre & Taylor, Greg - Unknown item RePEc:tse:wpaper:127084 (paper)
- A Dynamic Duopoly Investment Game under Uncertain Market Growth (RePEc:tse:wpaper:22855)
by Boyer, Marcel & Lasserre, Pierre & Moreaux, Michel - Growing out of Crises and Recessions: From Regulating Large Financial Institutions To Redefining Government Responsibilities (RePEc:tse:wpaper:27178)
by Boyer, Marcel - How Much Do Cartels Overcharge? (RePEc:tse:wpaper:27872)
by Boyer, Marcel & Kotchoni, Rachidi - The competitive market value of copyright in music: a digital gordian knot (RePEc:tse:wpaper:32065)
by Boyer, Marcel - The economics of private copying (RePEc:tse:wpaper:32066)
by Boyer, Marcel - The three legged stool of music value : hertzian siriusxm spotify (RePEc:tse:wpaper:32067)
by Boyer, Marcel - Cinq méprises omniprésentes en évaluation d’investissements publics et privés (RePEc:tse:wpaper:32106)
by Boyer, Marcel - Challenges and Pitfalls in Cartel Policy and Fining (RePEc:tse:wpaper:32121)
by Boyer, Marcel & Faye, Anne Catherine & Kotchoni, Rachidi - The Rise of Economics in Competition Policy:: A Canadian Perspective (RePEc:tse:wpaper:32260)
by Boyer, Marcel & Ross, Thomas W. & Winter, Ralph - Setting standards for credible compliance and law enforcement (RePEc:wly:canjec:v:33:y:2000:i:2:p:319-340)
by Marcel Boyer & Tracy R. Lewis & Wei Lin Liu - Modelling the choice between regulation and liability in terms of social welfare (RePEc:wly:canjec:v:37:y:2004:i:3:p:590-612)
by Marcel Boyer & Donatella Porrini - The rise of economics in competition policy: A Canadian perspective (RePEc:wly:canjec:v:50:y:2017:i:5:p:1489-1524)
by Marcel Boyer & Thomas W. Ross & Ralph A. Winter - Alleviating Coordination Problems and Regulatory Constraints Through Financial Risk Management (RePEc:wsi:qjfxxx:v:03:y:2013:i:02:n:s2010139213500092)
by Marcel Boyer & M. Martin Boyer & René Garcia