Pio Baake
DIW Berlin (Deutsches Institut für Wirtschaftsforschung)
Research profile
author of:
- Market Integration and the Competitive Effects of Mergers (RePEc:aeq:aeqaeq:v59_y2008_is_q5_p27-52)
by Pio Baake & Christian Wey - Vertical Product Differentiation, Network Externalities, and Compatibility Decisions (RePEc:bef:lsbest:010)
by Anette Boom & Pio Baake - On the Economics of Internet Peering (RePEc:ber:bertw1:0004)
by Thorsten Wichmann & Pio Baake - Open Source Software, Competition and Potential Entry (RePEc:ber:bertw1:0005)
by Thorsten Wichmann & Pio Baake - Local Energy Markets (RePEc:bla:jindec:v:71:y:2023:i:3:p:855-882)
by Pio Baake & Sebastian Schwenen & Christian von Hirschhausen - Accidents, Liability Obligations and Monopolized Markets for Spare Parts (RePEc:bpj:bejeap:v:10:y:2010:i:1:n:36)
by Baake Pio - Information Acquisition in Vertical Relations (RePEc:bpj:bejeap:v:17:y:2017:i:1:p:13:n:1)
by Baake Pio & Harasser Andreas & Heiny Friederike - DIW Economic Bulletin (RePEc:diw:diwdeb)
from DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research as editor - Mobile Phone Network Expansion in Sparsely Populated Regions in Germany: Roaming Benefits Consumers (RePEc:diw:diwdwr:dwr11-19-1)
by Pio Baake & Kay Mitusch - Net Neutrality: Prioritization Is Beneficial from an Economic Perspective (RePEc:diw:diwdwr:dwr8-25-2)
by Pio Baake & Slobodan Sudaric - Social Sustainability Labels: Promises and Reality in the Example of Fairtrade-Coffee (RePEc:diw:diwdwr:dwr8-48-1)
by Pio Baake & Jana Friedrichsen & Helene Naegele - EU Roaming Regulation: Theoretical Model Suggests a Positive Assessment (RePEc:diw:diwdwr:dwr8-6-1)
by Pio Baake & Lilo Wagner - Wohnkosten, Lebenszufriedenheit, Sicherheitsempfinden und Narrative: eine Betrachtung der langfristigen Verteilungswirkungen von Wohnungsmarktzyklen (WLSN); Abschlussbericht (RePEc:diw:diwpok:pbk199)
by Felix Aubele & Pio Baake & Tomaso Duso & Konstantin A. Kholodilin & Linus Pfeiffer & Caroline Stiel - Local Loop Unbundling and Bitstream Access: Regulatory Practice in Europe and the U.S (RePEc:diw:diwpok:pbk20)
by Pio Baake & Brigitte Preißl (Eds.). Johannes M. Bauer & Per Björstedt & Elena Gallo & Anders Henten & Sven Lindmark & Martijn Poel & Enzo Pontarollo & Knud Erik Skouby & Jason Whalley - Die Rolle staatlicher Akteure bei der Weiterentwicklung von Technologien in deregulierten TK-Märkten (RePEc:diw:diwpok:pbk27)
by Pio Baake & Georg Erber & Sven Heitzler & Christian Wey & Barbara van Schewick & Adam Wolisz & Harald Hagemann - Die Bedeutung gesamtwirtschaftlicher Produktivitätsfortschritte im Rahmen der Price Cap Regulierung (RePEc:diw:diwpok:pbk28)
by Pio Baake & Christian Wey - Telecommunications Policies in Comparison: Industrial Policy Indicators; Research Project on behalf of Deutsche Telekom AG (RePEc:diw:diwpok:pbk44)
by Pio Baake & Christian Wey. Based on Contributions by Michel Berne & Peter J. Curwen & Fernando Gallardo & Daniel Nepelski & Teodosio Pérez-Amaral & Gérard Pogorel & Enzo Pontarollo & Vanessa von Schli - Neue Märkte unter dem neuen Rechtsrahmen: Endbericht ; Forschungsprojekt im Auftrag der Deutsche Telekom AG (RePEc:diw:diwpok:pbk6)
by Christian Wey & Pio Baake & Ulrich Kamecke - Vierteljahrshefte zur Wirtschaftsforschung / Quarterly Journal of Economic Research (RePEc:diw:diwvjh)
from DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research as editor - Regulierung netzbasierter Sektoren: Editorial (RePEc:diw:diwvjh:81-1-1)
by Pio Baake - Ernährungssicherung und Lebensmittelqualität: Herausforderungen für Agrarmärkte: Editorial (RePEc:diw:diwvjh:81-4-1)
by Vanessa von Schlippenbach & Kornelia Hagen & Pio Baake - DIW Wochenbericht (RePEc:diw:diwwob)
from DIW Berlin, German Institute for Economic Research as editor - Regulierung neuer Netze auf Telekommunikationsmärkten (RePEc:diw:diwwob:72-12-2)
by Pio Baake & Christian Wey - Geplantes Verbot von Untereinstandspreisen im Einzelhandel dient nicht dem Verbraucher (RePEc:diw:diwwob:73-51-2)
by Pio Baake & Vanessa von Schlippenbach & Christian Wey - EU-Verfahren gegen die Novelle des Telekommunikationsgesetzes gefährdet Liberalisierung (RePEc:diw:diwwob:74-12-3)
by Pio Baake & Justus Haucap & Christian Wey - "Next Generation Networks": neue Herausforderung für Regulierung (RePEc:diw:diwwob:74-26-2)
by Pio Baake & Sven Heitzler - EU auf dem richtigen Weg: Designschutz für Auto-Ersatzteile nicht gerechtfertigt (RePEc:diw:diwwob:75-31-3)
by Pio Baake - Privatisierungen in Griechenland sollten in ein längerfristiges wettbewerbspolitisches Konzept eingebunden werden: Kommentar (RePEc:diw:diwwob:78-23-3)
by Pio Baake & Stefan Bach - Preisgarantien im Einzelhandel: nicht verbraucherfreundlich, sondern ein Instrument zur Durchsetzung hoher Preise (RePEc:diw:diwwob:79-16-3)
by Tone Arnold & Pio Baake & Ulrich Schwalbe - Europäischer Eisenbahnsektor: mehr Wettbewerb steigert nicht unbedingt die Effizienz: Kommentar (RePEc:diw:diwwob:80-13-3)
by Pio Baake - Fusion auf dem Mobilfunkmarkt: keine leichte Entscheidung für die EU-Kommission: Kommentar (RePEc:diw:diwwob:81-29-4)
by Pio Baake & Tomaso Duso - Taximarkt: kein Markt für eine vollständige Liberalisierung (RePEc:diw:diwwob:81-31-3)
by Pio Baake & Vanessa von Schlippenbach - Netzneutralität: keine einfache Diskussion: Kommentar (RePEc:diw:diwwob:82-11-3)
by Pio Baake - Deutschland muss seine Digitalstrategie überdenken, um den Anschluss nicht zu verlieren: Editorial (RePEc:diw:diwwob:85-25-1)
by Tomaso Duso & Pio Baake & Yann Girard & Anselm Mattes & Claus Michelsen & Mattia Nardotto & Jo Seldeslachts & Slobodan Sudaric - Netzneutralität: Priorisierungen sind aus ökonomischer Sicht sinnvoll (RePEc:diw:diwwob:85-25-4)
by Pio Baake & Slobodan Sudaric - Soziale Nachhaltigkeitssiegel: Versprechen und Realität am Beispiel von Fairtrade-Kaffee (RePEc:diw:diwwob:85-48-1)
by Pio Baake & Jana Friedrichsen & Helene Naegele - EU-Roaming-Verordnung: Theoretisches Modell deutet auf positive Wirkung hin (RePEc:diw:diwwob:85-5-1)
by Pio Baake & Lilo Wagner - Mobilfunk-Netzausbau in dünn besiedelten Regionen: KonsumentInnen profitieren von Roaming (RePEc:diw:diwwob:88-17-1)
by Pio Baake & Kay Mitusch - Auch die Anbieter profitieren vom Roaming: Interview (RePEc:diw:diwwob:88-17-2)
by Pio Baake & Erich Wittenberg - Price Guarantees, Consumer Search, and Hassle Costs (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp1335)
by Pio Baake & Ulrich Schwalbe - Crop Failures and Export Tariffs (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp1342)
by Pio Baake & Steffen Huck - Information Acquisition in Vertical Relations (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp1543)
by Pio Baake & Andreas Harasser & Friederike Heiny - Interconnection and Prioritization (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp1629)
by Pio Baake & Slobodan Sudaric - Upstream Monopoly and Downstream Information Sharing (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp1635)
by Pio Baake & Andreas Harasser - Competition between For-Profit and Industry Labels: The Case of Social Labels in the Coffee Market (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp1686)
by Pio Baake & Helene Naegele - Local Power Markets (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp1904)
by Pio Baake & Sebastian Schwenen & Christian von Hirschhausen - Vertical Integration and Market Foreclosure with Convex Downstream Costs (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp260)
by Pio Baake & Ulrich Kamecke & Hans-Theo Normann - Competition with Congestible Networks (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp402)
by Pio Baake & Kay Mitusch - Complexity and Progressivity in Income Tax Design: Deductions for Work-Related Expenses (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp409)
by Pio Baake & Rainald Borck & Andreas Löffler - Mobile Phone Termination Charges with Asymmetric Regulation (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp500)
by Pio Baake & Kay Mitusch - New Networks, Competition and Regulation (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp568)
by Pio Baake & Ulrich Kamecke - Accidents, Liability Obligations and Monopolized Markets for Spare Parts: Profits and Social Welfare (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp782)
by Pio Baake - Upfront Payments and Listing Decisions (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp793)
by Pio Baake & Vanessa von Schlippenbach - Mergers in Imperfectly Segmented Markets (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp919)
by Pio Baake & Christian Wey - Quality Distortions in Vertical Relations (RePEc:diw:diwwpp:dp968)
by Pio Baake & Vanessa von Schlippenbach - Net neutrality and CDN intermediation (RePEc:eee:iepoli:v:46:y:2019:i:c:p:55-67)
by Baake, Pio & Sudaric, Slobodan - Vertical product differentiation, network externalities, and compatibility decisions (RePEc:eee:indorg:v:19:y:2001:i:1-2:p:267-284)
by Baake, Pio & Boom, Anette - Vertical foreclosure versus downstream competition with capital precommitment (RePEc:eee:indorg:v:22:y:2004:i:2:p:185-192)
by Baake, Pio & Kamecke, Ulrich & Normann, Hans-Theo - Vertical Integration with Capital Precommitment: Monopolization vs. Long-Run Inefficiency (RePEc:fth:flinde:177)
by Baake, P. & Kamecke, U. & Normann, H.T. - Vertical Integration and Market Foreclosure with Convex Downstream Costs (RePEc:fth:flinde:178)
by Baake, P. & Kamecke, U. & Normann, H.T. - Complexity and Progressivity in Income Tax Design: Deductions for Work-Related Expenses (RePEc:kap:itaxpf:v:11:y:2004:i:3:p:299-312)
by Pio Baake & Rainald Borck & Andreas L–ffler - Quality distortions in vertical relations (RePEc:kap:jeczfn:v:103:y:2011:i:2:p:149-169)
by Pio Baake & Vanessa Schlippenbach - Explaining cross-supplies (RePEc:kap:jeczfn:v:70:y:1999:i:1:p:37-60)
by Pio Baake & Jörg Oechssler & Christoph Schenk - Vertical Integration and Market Foreclosure with Convex Downstream Costs (RePEc:kap:jeczfn:v:75:y:2002:i:2:d:10.1007_s007120200009)
by Pio Baake & Ulrich Kamecke & Hans-Theo Normann - Competition with Congestible Networks (RePEc:kap:jeczfn:v:91:y:2007:i:2:p:151-176)
by Pio Baake & Kay Mitusch - Mobile phone termination charges with asymmetric regulation (RePEc:kap:jeczfn:v:96:y:2009:i:3:p:241-261)
by Pio Baake & Kay Mitusch - On the economics of Internet peering (RePEc:kap:netnom:v:1:y:1999:i:1:p:89-105)
by Pio Baake & Thorsten Wichmann - Pareto Efficiency and Majority Voting: Why High Taxes on the Middle Class May Be Desirable (RePEc:kap:pubcho:v:102:y:2000:i:1-2:p:79-93)
by Baake, Pio & Borck, Rainald - Divide et Impera: Strategic Underpricing in Privatizations (RePEc:kap:pubcho:v:108:y:2001:i:3-4:p:207-22)
by Baake, Pio & Oechssler, Jorg - Price Caps, Rate of Return Constraints and Universal Service Obligations (RePEc:kap:regeco:v:21:y:2002:i:3:p:289-304)
by Baake, Pio - The Impact of Upfront Payments on Assortment Decisions in Retailing (RePEc:kap:revind:v:44:y:2014:i:1:p:95-111)
by Pio Baake & Vanessa Schlippenbach - Book Review (RePEc:mhr:jinste:urn:sici:0932-4569(199806)154:2_455:br_2.0.tx_2-4)
by Pio Baake & Bernhard Wieland - A Regulatory Framework for New and Emerging Markets (RePEc:pra:mprapa:2518)
by Baake, Pio & Kamecke, Ulrich & Wey, Christian - Net Neutrality, Prioritization and the Impact of Content Delivery Networks (RePEc:rco:dpaper:102)
by Baake, Pio & Sudaric, Slobodan - Public Economics and Public Choice (RePEc:spr:sprbok:978-3-540-72782-8)
by None - Political Support for Tax Complexity: A Simple Model (RePEc:spr:sprchp:978-3-540-72782-8_8)
by Pio Baake & Rainald Borck - Collusive intra-industry trade in identical commodities (RePEc:spr:weltar:v:138:y:2002:i:3:p:482-492)
by Pio Baake & Hans-Theo Normann - Does Rationing of Shares Increase Revenues in Initial Public Offerings? (RePEc:wpa:wuwpfi:9803006)
by Pio Baake & Joerg Oechssler - "Explaining Cross-Supplies" (replaces the old version which did not contain the graphs) (RePEc:wpa:wuwpio:9603005)
by Pio Baake & Jorg Oechssler & Christoph Schenk - Quality distortions in vertical relations (RePEc:zbw:dicedp:18)
by Baake, Pio & von Schlippenbach, Vanessa - Wettbewerb und Wettbewerbsvorschriften im Gesundheitswesen (RePEc:zbw:diceop:05)
by Baake, Pio & Kuchinke, Björn A. & Wey, Christian - Accidents, Liability Obligations and Monopolized Markets for Spare Parts (RePEc:zbw:espost:142252)
by Baake, Pio - Interconnection and Prioritization (RePEc:zbw:itse17:169446)
by Baake, Pio & Sudaric, Slobodan - Price Guarantees, Consumer Search, and Hassle Costs (RePEc:zbw:vfsc13:80023)
by Schwalbe, Ulrich & Baake, Pio - Crop Failures and Export Tariffs (RePEc:zbw:vfsc14:100569)
by Baake, Pio & Huck, Steffen - Voting for Inefficiency (RePEc:zbw:vfsc15:113068)
by Nieswand, Maria & Baake, Pio & Wagner, Lilo - Crop failures and export tariffs (RePEc:zbw:wzbeoc:spii2013315)
by Baake, Pio & Huck, Steffen